Reign of the Phoenix

Chapter 94 - The Mystery Case Even the Imperial Security Office Couldn't Solve

Chapter 94 – The Mystery Case Even the Imperial Security Office Couldn’t Solve
Murong Zhining nodded. “General and I also noticed the tunnel not only leads to the openings on the city wall, but also has an end that’s deliberately blocked. Oh, there are several corpses in the basement. Do you know who they are? Do you remember a maid named Cai Shao in the Zhuang Estate?”

Feng Yingfan lowered her head in ponder, her brows wrinkled tightly.

“I remember her, she was the daughter of Shen Tianshun, the boss of Shen Memory Silk Villa. Shen Tianshun monopolized the silk business in the Imperial Capital for many years and earned a lot of money, making himself a target of Zhuang Cheng’s behind-the-scenes master. I remembered one time Zhuang Cheng was furious when Shen Tianshun refused to pay him a sum of one million taels extortion.”

She replied after some time. This seemed to have opened the door to some terrible memories.

“A few days later, a sensational case occurred in the capital. Miss Shenyang simply disappeared from her own room. Soon, the Shen family received a blackmail letter demanding three million silver taels. They didn’t want to lose money just like that and put up a huge reward to find Miss Shen. At that time, the case even alerted the Imperial Security Office, the intelligence agency in the palace that has eyes and hands everywhere. They also vied for this reward.”

Feng Yingfan trembled in fear and continued.

“No one knew that Miss Shen was kidnapped on Zhuang Cheng’s orders. In retaliation for Shen Tianshun, he had Miss Shen taken to the Zhuang Estate, cut out her tongue, and made her a low-ranked maid called Cai Shao in the Zhuang Estate. Although Zhuang Cheng never intended to release her, he still demanded a ransom of three million taels from the Shen family.”

Cai Sang handed a cup to Feng Yingfan. “No hurry, drink and tell it slowly. Now that Zhuang Cheng has paid for his crimes, there is nothing to be afraid of.”

Feng Yingfan gratefully accepted the cup. After drinking the water, her mood calmed a little.

“Zhuang Cheng was as anxious as a cat on hot bricks when he learned that the Imperial Security Office took on the case. A few days later, Cai Shao disappeared from the Zhuang Estate. I only thought that old fox ordered her sold off. One time, I passed by the study and heard him arguing loudly with someone inside and listened in out of curiosity. It turned out that a guard named Guo Yun who took part in the kidnapping and killing of Miss Shen was threatening Zhuang Cheng, saying he was being targeted by the Imperial Guards, and that if Zhuang Cheng didn’t give him a large sum of money, he would disclose everything.”

Feng Yingfan took a deep breath at this.

“Zhuang Cheng promised to give Guo Yun money, and then there was a loud noise from the study. That was how I knew there was really a secret room. I looked through the window and saw the two of them enter the basement. I didn’t dare to follow in. Afraid of being discovered if I kept lingering outside, I left. Since then, I never saw that guard named Guo Yun again. I only thought he moved somewhere else with the money to enjoy a new life. It wasn’t until yesterday when Mister He and I entered the basement that we found him among the corpses inside.”

Chiyun Yuexuan punched the desk. “Heinous thing! I thought he was only a corrupt official, but he was that vile and cruel. The thought of my Ning’er staying in that hellish house for so long scares me.”

Murong Zhining wept. “In fact, I had a vague guess about Miss Shen’s identity at the beginning. I could have helped her find a way to escape, but she was killed by Zhuang Cheng so soon.”

Chiyun Yuexuan grasped Murong Zhining’s hand in a mix of joy and sorrow. “Ning’er, you’ve remembered the past? Don’t blame yourself. You couldn’t have known that Zhuang Cheng was so vicious.”

Murong Zhining gave him a bitter look. “Ning’er feels bad at the thought that I could have saved her life but didn’t do it. General, send people to inform her family to collect her remains, so that Miss Shen’s soul can rest in peace.”

Chiyun Yuexuan affectionately caressed Murong Zhining’s hair. “Don’t worry, I’ll send someone on it. Goodness! If the Shen family knows nothing about Miss Shen’s death, they’d still have a hope to linger on. This piece of bad news would definitely broke their hearts.”


In the Imperial Study, Chiyun Yuexuan handed a book to Yan Feng.

Yan Feng frowned as he turned the pages. “I thought this Zhuang Cheng case had been done and over with, but there’s still another stone to stir up the calm pond. Give me some time to think it over. If this old case is brought up again, it will touch the roots of the problem. We must handle with caution. How is Princess doing, by the by?”

Chiyun Yuexuan cupped his hands. “I understand your concern, behind the Zhuang Cheng case is a huge malignant tumor. Cut, there will be a big impact. I believe in your decision-making ability. Aside from this, there is still a large amount of wealth in the basement of the Zhuang Estate as well as several lives that Zhuang Cheng was responsible for in addition to his corruption.” Chiyun Yuexuan added, “Princess is all well, thank you for your concern. She has only forgotten the past due to Wuli’s Exquisite Heartwash Pill, she’s rapidly recovering.”

Yan Feng scorned, “So you’re taking advantage of her temporary lack of memory to control her freedom? You don’t think such behavior is very despicable?”

Chiyun Yuexuan laughed. “Are you jealous of me, Your Majesty? Regardless of what happens, I got her betrothed to me when she was five years old. Fate also pays attention to the order of arrival, no? Besides, I’ll never do indecent things to her during her amnesia and patiently wait for her to recover her memory and make her own choice. So, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with my behavior.”

Yan Feng said contemptuously, “I hope General Chiyun can do as you’ve said. When Princess recovers her memory, I hope you will not threaten her.”

Chiyun Yuexuan fumed, “How are you taking charge of your official’s family affairs now? I truly admire your dedication. I think you should cherish the people around you first. Imperial Noble Consort’s love for you deserves something.”

Yan Feng punched his desk. “It was you who forced me to marry her. You only asked me to give her the title, but now that you ask me to give her my heart, and I just can’t. Besides, I never go harsh on her during these so many years she’s been acting willful in the palace. If you complain that I’m prying too much into the family affairs of my officials, why are you doing the same thing to mine?”

Unable to agree with each other, and the smell of explosive powder between the two men grew stronger and stronger.

Chiyun Yuexuan suddenly chuckled. “We can only discuss state affairs, not family affairs. Speaking of which, have you heard about the kidnapping of the daughter of Merchant Shen Tianshun a few years ago?”

Yan Feng nodded. “I still have some impression of the matter, I heard that the girl was eventually sold to another place. Even our remarkable Imperial Guards couldn’t solve the case. It was really an extraordinary one.”

Chiyun Yuexuan frowned. “I found the remains of Miss Shen in the basement of the Zhuang Estate. The Imperial Security Office couldn’t solve it because all the people involved were killed by Zhuang Cheng. Now that you know who is behind Zhuang Cheng, why are you still trying to protect him? Isn’t that helping a villain do evil?”

Yan Feng was angry. “General Chiyun, I know you are always bold, but your guts just keep getting bigger and bigger. Aren’t you letting yourself loose a little too much? Although we haven’t officially recognized each other, you are still a prince, Fifth Sage Prince is still your brother… Forget it, I know you can’t tolerate people of great evil. I still remember when we were small, I and you two siblings once beat Yan Jing black and blue. However, running the country is not the same as quickly resolving hatred with a fight. Give me some time, okay? I will find a breakthrough point and investigate Fifth Sage Prince Yan Jing.”

Chiyun Yuexuan cupped his fists. “I’m from a military family and not some prince, so please don’t mention anything about recognizing my family. Now that the basement of Zhuang Estate has emerged from the water, you’re telling me to put a blackout on it? Who will resolve Miss Shen’s grievance then?”

Yan Feng sighed. “Old Mister Shen Tianshun is a merchant of conscience. He donates a large sum of money to the court every year to support the country. I even personally bestowed upon him a plaque to as a reward for his contribution to Huayan… Anyway, what do you base on to conclude that the remains belong to Miss Shen? You had better not act rashly, there’s no testimony of any witness.”

Chiyun Yuexuan angrily said, “There are Zhuang Cheng’s books and Miss Shen’s remains. What other evidence do you want? I still have a much more substantial evidence here. If you’re determined to protect that Yan Jing, I’ll have no choice but to present the evidence directly to the retired emperor.”

Yan Feng shouted, “Chiyun Yuexuan, that’s enough out of you! I’ve known since childhood that Yan Jing is nothing good, I never wanted to protect him, but I have to take into account the dignity and face of the imperial family. You think I don’t want to punish him? Fifth Sage King has been recruiting numerous henchmen over the years. If the evidence is insufficient, it will be even more difficult to bring him to justice in the future and not only so will impose the crime harming my own family on me. I won’t allow you to be impulsive. This matter must be discussed from a long-term perspective.”

Chiyun Yuexuan seemed to ponder. “I’ve been too impatient in the end. Ning’er wanted Miss Shen’s family to collect her remains and bury her, and I wanted to help Ning’er fulfill this wish. If you can trust me, let me handle this case, I ensure to turn it into an ironclad case.”

Yan Feng sighed helplessly. “I’ll still repeat this, the imperial face and dignity are more important than anything. You can secretly investigate the case, but every step, every detail found must be reported to me. Also, you must discuss the results and handling with me and not make decisions on your own.”

Chiyun Yuexuan said, “Since Your Majesty puts your trust in me, your general won’t dare to act arbitrarily. Old Mister Shen is a man of conscience, so I’ll let him secretly bury Miss Shen. As for the mastermind behind Zhuang Cheng, I won’t expose him until everything is cleared. Please rest assured.”


Combing Murong Zhining’s hair, Cai Sang looked at her in the mirror. “Princess looks really healthy recently, you’re getting more and more beautiful by days. Are you following General to the Zhuang Estate today as well? I also want to watch the bustle.”

Murong Zhining nodded. “Let’s go together. Old Mister Shen is going to receive his daughter today. It’s too bad. The Shen family will be so sad.”

Cai Sang inserted a butterfly dangling ornament into Murong Zhining’s hair. “Do you still dream a lot recently? Since General isn’t in a hurry to return to Fuling, Brother A’Niu and I would like to go back to Lotus Pond Hollow to see auntie. It’s a pity Princess doesn’t remember her.”

Murong Zhining touched her hair. “Even though I don’t remember the past, General told me that your aunt is also my foster mother who lives in Lotus Pond Hollow. I also want to see her, but I’m afraid she will be sad to see me like this. You just go with Brother A’Niu.”

Chiyun Yuexuan strode into the room. “I heard you wanted to visit your foster mother? Ning’er’s family is my family too. From tomorrow, I’ll have two days to accompany Ning’er.” He went behind Murong Zhining and adjusted her hairpin. “Ning’er is so beautiful. I need to please your foster mother so she can entrust you to me without worry.”

Murong Zhining smiled at him in the mirror. “General, are you putting down your ego to please Ning’er? It’s getting late, time to set out for the Zhuang Estate.”

Chiyun Yuexuan leaned over to carefully observe her in the mirror. “Ning’er is really beautiful. It’s my blessing to be able to marry you. Let’s go, I’ll take my little lady to see the excitement.”

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