Reign of the Phoenix

Chapter 97 - Built a Temporary Palace to Settle You Down

Chapter 97 – Built a Temporary Palace to Settle You Down
Yan Feng tightened his grasp on Murong Zhining’s hands. “Since you have forgotten the past, I’ll remind you of everything one by one, we have all night. You belonged to me, I had already taken you into my imperial harem but Chiyun Yuexuan took you away from me, not because he loved you, but to clear the way for his sister, Chiyun Ping.”

Murong Zhining shook her head. “No, it’s not what you said. Ning’er and General Chiyun have been engaged since childhood. Before I knew what marriage was, I already agreed to his proposal.”

Enraged, Yan Feng shook her. “Then he explained the wrongs he had done to you? Why do you turn a blind eye to my sincerity, while being unable to forget him who tortured you in every way? I know you’ve remembered what happened, stop trying to fool yourself, okay? I can make you the most honorable empress of Huayan, and I can promise you a love that will never change for the rest of our life.”

Murong Zhining pleaded, “Since Your Majesty knows that Ning’er has lost her memory, please don’t force me to make a decision at this time.”

Yan Feng restrained his anger. He leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “I won’t force you, I’ll give you time. Do you still remember playing the qin with me? Since you were taken away by General Chiyun, I’ve only had Sonorous in my company every day. You don’t understand the bitterness of my longing. In the past, you refused to accept me because you were obsessed with finding your ‘little big brother.’ Now that he had wronged you, it’s time you let go of your obsession. My arms are forever open for you, Ning’er, I’m the one who loves you and also the one who is most suitable for you.”

Murong Zhining shook her head in conflicted feelings. “General Chiyun hurt me, but he also saved my life many times. Besides, he is willing to give up his own life for me in a crisis. Even if he has made mistakes before, this is enough to offset everything. Ning’er can’t be ruthless to him.”

Angrily pushing her down on the bed, Yan Feng stood up and paced the tent with his hands behind his back. “This is outrageous! Is Elder Moon blind? He’s messing up all the love in this world. It’s clear that I’m attached to you, but you turn a blind eye. Why is it you can’t be ruthless to Chiyun Yuexuan but so ruthless to me?”

Murong Zhining looked at the restless Yan Feng walking back and forth in front of her. She could feel his intense anger, like a volcano that would erupt at any moment with the power to destroy everything.

Supporting her weak body with her arms, she sat up. “Your Majesty, Ning’er is not a heartless person, but I’m definitely not a sentimental person either. I implore you, please give me some time so I can recover my memory before making a decision.”

Yan Feng’s seething rage was doused by her soft words. He stopped and looked at her in a daze. “I’m sorry I lost my composure, did I scare you? I’ll wait for you to recover your memory, no matter how long, I’m happy to wait. I have built a secret palace in the suburbs of the capital, you will settle down there for the time being.

Murong Zhining panicked. “You’re going to imprison Ning’er? Your Majesty, you can’t restrict my freedom. That’s just too unfair.”

Yan Feng’s eyes were soft as water. “How can I hold Ning’er prisoner? The temporary palace will have everything. I’ll come to see you frequently. I believe that when you recover your memory, you’ll definitely choose to be my empress.”

Murong Zhining shook her head. “No, you took me from my foster mother’s house, she’ll worry about my safety. General Chiyun will also come to her to look for trouble. Your Majesty, you can’t do this.”

Yan Feng tried to restrain his anger. “Is it not the same as when Chiyun Yuexuan forcefully took you away from me? You don’t hate him but blame me now? I don’t find anything wrong with taking you back. I’ll send you to the temporary palace tomorrow, you can stay there at ease. I’ll let your foster mother know that you are safe.”

In the General Estate.

Chiyun Yuexuan leafed through a military book in the study, but he was distracted to even see a word in.

Luo Siyao handed him a cup of tea. “Is General worried about Princess again? Princess will never be angry at you for more than a day. Since you’re too uneasy to do anything, might as well go to Lotus Pond Hollow and see Princess. Perhaps her anger has subsided and she is looking forward to see you.”

“You don’t understand. I could soon coax her out of anger in the past, but this time it’s different. You also know what I did to her before. Now that she’s remembered, she won’t easily forgive me. As much as I’m uneasy without seeing her, I have to endure it and give her some time to think it over.”

Luo Siyao persuaded, “General is very decisive in your job but act completely the other way around when it comes to Princess. You love her deeply, and you’re afraid to hurt her again, I know. However, it’s useless to blame yourself all the time. You can’t change what happened in the past, but you can treat her with several folds the affection and melt her heart. You can do it. I could see that Princess has feelings for you.”

Chiyun Yuexuan’s eyes flashed with a light of joy. “You really think Princess has feelings for me? Sooner or later, she will open up and accept me, right?”

Luo Siyao nodded with a smile.

Chiyun Yuexuan jumped to his feet. “Siyao, prepare the horse and pack some clean clothes for me. I’ll go to Lotus Pond Hollow to find Princess and accompany her there for a few days.”

Chiyun Yuexuan galloped alone down the main road. Soon, he ran into Du Youtian who was riding back to the capital with something to report.

Du Youtian reined in his horse, dismounted and knelt down. “Reporting to General Chiyun, Princess was kidnapped from her home last night. I’ve failed to protect my sister, I deserve death!”

Chiyun Yuexuan nearly fell off his horse in shock. “Who kidnapped Princess? I sent six guards to protect her!”

Du Youtian didn’t dare to look up. “I’m also wondering about this. We couldn’t find any clues or trails. I didn’t dare to delay and had to go report to General at once.”

Chiyun Yuexuan immediately began to search for clues outside Mrs. Yin’s courtyard. Next to him, Cai Sang said, “Our family had a good meal last night. My father came to stir trouble and we took pains to chase him away. There was nothing unusual up until Princess went to bed. In the middle of the night, I was woken up by a slight movement and saw a flashing figure outside the window. I was about to call someone, but my mind grew giddy and I lost consciousness. When I woke up, Princess was gone. Everyone in this house inside out, including your guards, a total of 23 people all passed out.”

Mrs. Yin wiped her tears. “Princess was kidnapped right in my house. Our family is ashamed. Wait, could it be my unreliable brother? He was the one who abducted Princess years ago and sold her to a brothel in the capital.”

Chiyun Yuexuan clenched his fists. “Du Youtian, take me to see him.”

Yin Hua was lying on a bamboo reclining chair in the courtyard and contemplating how to extort more money from Mrs. Yin’s house. Although he had been threatened by the officer last night not to harass Mrs. Yin’s family again, Yin Hua was a despicable thug who didn’t know what true fear was.

Chiyun Yuexuan rushed into Yin Hua’s courtyard and lifted him up from the reclining chair. Yin Hua muttered, “Goodness, how is it the imperial people again? My daughter is the princess’s maid. You can’t afford to offend me. Stop bothering me.”

Chiyun Yuexuan’s voice was terrifyingly vicious, “Where did you take Princess? Hand her over at once, and I may leave you with a full body.”

Yin Hua finally realized that the situation was off. Grabbed by the lapel, he began to shiver from the suffocating hostility emanating out of Chiyun Yuexuan. “You must be General Chiyun. Can we just have a proper talk? How would I dare to kidnap Princess? Even if you lend me another gut, I still won’t have such courage. Besides, I’m still her uncle, if anything.”

Chiyun Yuexuan let go, and Yin Hua dropped on the ground. Chiyun Yuexuan stepped on him. “Peh, you have the nerve to claim to be her relative? Someone like you? Seven years ago, didn’t you take her to the capital and sell her to the Myriad Blooms House? Still dare to say you don’t have the guts? Where did you take her this time? If you don’t want to die too miserably, confess at once!”

Yin Hua shrilly wailed, “General, since your people warned me yesterday not to disturb Princess anymore, I’ve never once approach my sister’s house again. How do I, a crippled, have the ability to snatch Princess from a heavily guarded compound?”

Chiyun Yuexuan shouted, “I will slowly settle the account a few years ago with you later. Now, tell me what happened when you left Mrs. Yin’s house yesterday in detail. You dare to say a lie, you limbs will be chopped off.”

Sobbing, Yin Hua stretched out his swollen hand. “What an unlucky man I am, not getting anything yet even got involved in some other trouble. Last night, my daughter Cai Sang chased me away with a mere 50-tael note. When I went to pick it up, a big man in an imperial suit stepped on my hand, threatened me and beat me up. None of you is anything I can provoke, where would I get the guts to touch Princess? Am I tired of living? Oh, when I was trampled on the ground, I vaguely saw a very luxurious carriage behind the roadside trees.”

The information gave Chiyun Yuexuan a sense of foreboding. He hung his head, deep in thought. “Except for the carriage I sent, who else would come to this deserted place? What did the man who hit you look like? If there’s just half a lie, you know the consequences.”

Yin Hua crawled up from the ground and sat down on the broken stone table, rubbing his swollen hand. “That officer is tall, only half a head shorter than General. He wore a black brocade robe and a black cape. Isn’t it your man? Why do you still ask?”

Chiyun Yuexuan bellowed, “My men all wear light armor. Describe the details of that man.”

Yin Hua’s beady eyes swirled around, he began his shameless scoundrel act. “It was dark last night and this little me was too frightened. I’m still having a headache now, I really can’t remember the details. If you give me some silver, I might remember something.”

Chiyun Yuexuan took out a 500-tael note and threw it on the ground. With gleaming eyes, Yin Hua immediately knelt to pick it up and thrust it straight into his lapel. “General Chiyun is indeed General Chiyun. I’ll explain everything clearly. The officer was dressed in light clothes and covered his face with black cloth. I even suspected he’d come to kidnap Princess but didn’t dare to stick my nose in others’ business, so I could only observe him secretly. The man had a token hanging on his waist, which was oblong with a tiger head on it. If General wants to know the words on it, you’ll need to reward this little me some more silver.”

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