Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 110

Chapter 106: 10 True King

Although this mountain is forbidden to fly, it does not imprison their spirituality, so they can easily find Qin Feng, so that Qin Feng has no chance to escape from them and hide.

Qin Feng went around all the way and found that these dilapidated buildings are still relatively intact and are protected by prohibitions, and he can’t get in at all.

and can enter, there is no valuable thing left in it, obviously they have been taken by the monks who have been here before.

For a moment, the green fox and the ghost face spider ran to meet him, and he let these two spirit beasts run in front to find the way for him, so as not to accidentally touch any dangerous restriction and kill him.

ran all the way, and quickly escaped from this construction area, and up there was a bare hill.

There used to be glorious palaces here, but most of them have been beaten into powder, unlike some left over half a mountainside.

The more he walked up, Qin Feng felt that this place was a little weird.

This bald hill is full of depressive breath, making him have the urge to turn around and leave here.

It’s a pity that Zhuo Feifan and others are chasing after him. No matter how unwilling to go forward in his heart, he can only choose to run up the mountain.

can run at least here. If he leaves this mountain without the forbidden air circle, he will definitely not be able to run far and be overtaken.

Behind, several Jian Xiu also noticed the depressive atmosphere here, they looked at each other with fear.

I don’t know if there is the remnant of the ancient powerhouse here, or it is because of the forbidden formation that makes them feel this way.

Zhuo Feihua saw the hesitation in their hearts and gritted his teeth and said, “He can’t run far, so we will chase. If it is really dangerous, it will fall on the kid first, and it will not be too late for us to withdraw.

If there is no danger, let this kid explore the way for us, maybe we can still gain something from this ancient sect site. ”

Everyone thought it was right, so they chased it down again.

Qin Feng glanced back, cursing in his heart, and continued to let the green fox and the ghost face spider run ahead to find his way.

For a moment, a small lake appeared in front of him.

The surface of the lake is not big, only one hundred meters in radius, and there is a broken pavilion in the middle of the lake.

There is a small white jade bridge on the shore leading to the lake pavilion, but the small bridge has also broken, and a section in the middle has collapsed.

In the lake next to the pavilion, a lotus grows.

This lotus is demon and beautiful. The only three or five lotus leaves are verdant and green, full of vitality, and the blood-red lotus buds are waiting to be released, which seems to contain endless Taoism.

Qin Feng was tempted to see it, but unfortunately the crisis behind him left him with no intention of taking any treasure.

And since this Baolian plant can grow and hasn’t been picked up yet, it’s definitely not easy to get, so it’s better not to rush.

Even if you have an idea, there is no need to take the risk yourself, you can let the spirit beast do it for you.

Qin Feng didn’t get too close to the small lake, and ran straight away along the road by the lake.

“Pick Tianlian?”

Zhuo Feifan and others quickly chased near the small lake. One of them couldn’t help exclaiming when he saw the lotus flower filled with Taoism in the lake.

“Why, Brother Liu knows this lotus, I don’t know what’s so good about this lotus?”

Senior Brother Liu suppressed his heart and was surprised, and said: “I have seen this kind of strange thing in an ancient book. Strictly speaking, Tianlian is not a panacea born from heaven and earth, but an ancient power cultivated by some means. from.

For every celestial lotus to grow into, it has to absorb all the power of a monk who understands the laws of heaven.

takes the sky and takes the sky, and it is the law of heaven.

Because it is a miracle medicine that draws the power of the law, it is born with the power of the law, whether it is used to refine the pill or directly swallowed and refined, as long as the rhyme of the Tao is obtained, you can cultivate into the Tao in the shortest time. ”

As soon as he said this, the faces of the others changed immediately.

Entering the Tao, that is something that the monks above the Zifu realm can do.

Once in the Purple Mansion, even in Taiyi Mountain, he is eligible to become an Inner Sect elder.

I heard Senior Brother Liu continue to say: “The so-called celestial lotus leaf infinite green is that the leaves of the celestial lotus possess infinite vitality.

In ancient times, there was a monk who was known as the True Lord of Ten Lives, who was made into nine death charms with nine celestial lotus leaves, replaced his own death aura with infinite vitality, and was killed ten times in a row.

It’s a pity that Tianlian was planted too viciously. It was strictly forbidden by the cultivation world before the ancient catastrophe. I didn’t expect to see one plant here. Haha, if you go back and report to the sect, we will definitely be indispensable. Rewards. ”

“Why report to the sect, like this kind of spiritual objects discovered outside, the sect will not forcefully obtain it from the disciples. In my opinion, wouldn’t it be better for us to divide this lotus?”

The eyes of another young monk revealed unconcealed greed.

In fact, it is not just him, including Zhuo Feihua, who are all greedy, but these guys are still a bit sane, so they didn’t come forward to pick them.

“How to divide?”

Then Senior Brother Liu sneered: “Of course I want such a heavy treasure, but the ghost in this lake knows the danger. Who is going to pick it, do you go?”

“I will go if I go!”

The young monk raised his head: “How can you go back empty-handed when you enter Baoshan? It’s rare to see this kind of ancient treasure. If you dare not even try it, you would be too timid.”

‘S words were impassioned, but he didn’t go straight there. Instead, he picked up a few rocks from the lake and threw them all into the water to test if any monsters appeared in the water.

This reckless move immediately shocked the rest of the people.

I didn’t expect him to be so bold. If there is any dangerous existence hidden in the lake, if he is awakened by him, they will almost never escape death.

Fortunately, they waited for a moment in fear, only to see that the lake was calm again, and there was no sign of any signs, and they were relieved.

“Don’t be so reckless in the future, even if you want to test, you have to tell us first!”

Brother Liu complained.

The young monk smiled.

I told you in advance that you still have to hide far away. Then I will be the only one left here?

He took a greedy look at Tianlian, and said, “I can take the risk to pick this Tianlian, but if you let me do it, things will be divided into half of me when I get it back.”

“it is good.”

Zhuo Feifan and others are also unwilling to give up these precious treasures, but they themselves dare not take the risk.

Since this person has the guts to pick it, let him try it. If there is really no danger, of course it is best. If there is danger, it will not fall on them.

The young monk took a deep breath, calmed his emotions, and cautiously tentatively placed one foot on the white jade bridge, waited for a while, and saw nothing strange coming from him, and he suddenly felt relieved.

He walked a few steps to the break of the Baiyu Bridge, looked at another broken bridge a few feet away, lifted the light body technique, jumped, and instantly jumped to the opposite side, and no monster in the lake threw out from the bottom of the lake. There was no sign of anomaly.

The monk was overjoyed, came to the small broken pavilion in the middle of the lake a few steps, and turned his head to show a triumphant smile to several fellow students.

Hmph, these cowards, how do they know the truth about wealth and danger? Seeing that the baby doesn’t even have the courage to try it, and still want to build a great road and dream?

He secretly slandered himself, and then stared at the sky lotus with burning eyes.

This is a treasure that can enlighten people, and the lotus leaf that is full of endless vitality can actually refine the death talisman. There are five lotus leaves, and at least I can divide two of them.

Once you refine that lotus flower, you will surely have your own name among the disciples of Taiyi Mountain’s true inheritance, so where is it necessary to hold the extraordinary smelly feet?

With excitement, he walked to the edge of the pavilion and stretched out his hand to grab the celestial lotus.

Beside the lake, Zhuo Feifan and others’ faces changed and looked nervously at the figure of the young monk.

Once the guy really brought back Tianlian, they would have done nothing and would be able to get some treasures.

Just when the palm of the young monk touched Tianlian, his heart suddenly jumped, and he felt like something was floating underwater.

He looked down, and his heart was shocked.

I saw a pale face quietly appearing in the depths of the lake next to the pavilion.

There is nothing else but this face.

There is no hair, no eyes, no ears, and the eyes and mouth are all hollow, like a pale mask.

But behind the hollow eyes and mouth, it is not the clear lake, but the incomparably deep darkness, which makes people sink into it at a glance.

The young monk felt that his mind fell into it with this look.

He wanted to remove his eyes, he wanted to take a step back, exit the Huxin Pavilion, and leave that pale face.

But he can’t do it, he just feels that he is sinking deeper and deeper, as if he has fallen into a bottomless abyss, sinking continuously, sinking into the endless dark depths.

Then, his body sank and sank to the bottom of the lake, silently, not even a splash of water was stirred up, and there were no ripples on the lake surface, as if the entire lake surface had become an illusory shadow. , Let him go directly through the lake and sink into the bottom of the lake that is not so deep.

By the shore, Zhuo Feifan and others looked terrified.

When the monk sank into the lake, they only felt that the whole world had become silent. They could only stand in a daze, with no thoughts in their minds, until the monk’s body disappeared. The silence disappeared, allowing them to recover.

The complexion of a few people changed drastically, and they ran away without saying anything.

Until they bypassed the lake and left here far away, they breathed a long sigh of relief, and looked back at the still calm lake and the tempting Tianlian lotus with lingering fear.

The ancient battlefield is really weird and dangerous, and the seemingly peaceful lake can even kill people invisible.

Forget it, let’s report the matter to the sect after returning to the sect. As for whether the elders in the sect dare to come here to capture the Tianlian, it is not something they can consider.

Hundreds of feet away, Qin Feng of course also saw their actions, and at the same time secretly rejoicing. Fortunately, he was not greedy, otherwise he would be sinking into the lake now.

But the foundation-building monk is the foundation-building monk after all, and Zhuo Feifan’s humanity skills are much higher than him. Even if he can’t fly with the sword, he can perform the magical skills faster than him.

Although they delayed a little time at the small lake, they still followed him closely.

Unless he can run out of the sensory range of a few people, it is impossible to hide.

Soon, he was almost forced to the top of the mountain.

There is a broken entrance to the cave. Deep in the dark cave, you can see dozens of dense and white bones scattered throughout the cave.

The bones vary in size, shape, and human form, but they are several feet tall, animalistic, and as big as a hill.

Some bones are also densely covered with strange lines, giving people a mysterious feeling, but those bones are also exuding a weird aura, which gives Qin Feng an extremely terrifying feeling, and makes him dare not even look past. .

This cave can kill so many tyrannical existences here. Obviously, the cave has more powerful formation restrictions.

From the rear, Zhuo Feifan and the others sneered and forced them to come up: “Boy, you run again? You have the ability to run from the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, out of this mountain, without the forbidden space, maybe you can get rid of us. ?”

Qin Feng glanced at them, gritted his teeth, turned and walked into the cave.

Since you can’t escape, try to introduce them into the cave, and try if you can touch the prohibition in the cave and kill them here together.

Although once the prohibition is activated, he himself will certainly not escape death, but in his opinion, he can’t escape anyway, it is better to pull a few backs when he is dying!

entered the cave, he bypassed the tall bones and ran toward the depths of the cave.

Outside A few sword repairmen hesitated.

After having the previous experience in the lake, they were a little afraid of this cave that was obviously dangerous.

“Brother Zhuo, or… let’s go back first and report this matter to the sect, so that the sect will send someone to chase down this kid. The same is true. Why should we risk it ourselves?”

Zhuo Feihua hesitated for a while, and finally gritted his teeth and said: “A few seniors don’t know, the younger sister and I have already settled for life. Only when I become a true disciple, we will marry her.

I and the younger sister are more in love than Jin Jian, and now the younger sister is attacked and killed by the imperial beast sect thieves. If I don’t avenge the younger sister, how can I live in the world? ”


When several monks heard the words, they were surprised and helpless, and at the same time they all understood why this guy had to kill the kid from the Royal Beast Sect.

It was them who had killed their beloved woman. Maybe they would kill the enemy desperately.

But, it’s your business that you want revenge. Is it appropriate to bring us all to such a dangerous place?

A few cultivators complained a few words in their hearts, but they are not good to persuade them. Anyway, they are attached to Zhuo Feihua. Now Zhuo Feihua insists on killing the enemy, they can only follow.

“Go, let’s go in too.”

Zhuo Feifan gave a cold snort and took the lead to enter the cave.

Of course he knows the hesitation of a few seniors, but things have already reached this point. Could it be that he was left halfway through?

If he goes back like this, the boy of the Royal Beast Sect will definitely spread his story. Once it reaches the ears of the younger sister’s father, the elder of the sect with a strong and domineering personality will definitely find him, and he will definitely not escape. To die.

Therefore, he would rather take some risks now to kill Qin Feng.

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