Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1342

Chapter 1296: Cooking Heritage Has Another Plan

“The Sword Immortal of Fortune from the Taiyi lineage?”

Hearing this, Qin Feng finally understood why the other party looked at him so sharply!

Don’t ask, the other party must know the grievances between his sect and the Jinguangdong line of Taiyi Mountain, otherwise he will show dissatisfaction with himself for no reason!

But no matter how dissatisfied you are, what can you do? Although the Taiyi Mountain Golden Light Cave is the inheritance of the kendo line of the Taiyi Taiyi, but after so many years of migration, the other party can still kill the mountain gate of the Imperial Beast Sect because of the grievances of the two sects. Can’t do it?

After all, this is the internal contradiction of Biluo. Even if Jinguangdong and Honghuang Taiyi Sword Immortal are in the same line, this Jinxia Taoist can’t take action against him, otherwise it will break the rules, and Taiyi Mountain Jinguangdong will be marked with a collusion with outsiders. Bullying the reputation of his own sect, I am afraid that from now on, he will be completely isolated by the Biluo cultivation world.

Unless the ancestor of Qianyuan can ruthlessly abandon the Taiyi Mountain Dojo and move the mountain gate back to Honghuang, it is impossible to rely on the ancestors of Honghuang to bully the Royal Beast Sect.

After thinking about this, Qin Feng was relieved.

Otherwise, even if he definitely beats Daoist Jinxia with his Taoism, considering the division behind the opponent, it would be troublesome if he really wanted to get into a deadlock.

Qin Feng’s eyes skipped Daoist Jinxia, and set his eyes on Daoist Medicinal Food and Daoist Miaoshan.

Because the two great masters always looked like they were smiling, and they didn’t care about Daoist Jinxia’s targeting of him at all, and their tone also showed the meaning of wanting to make friends with him, which made Qin Feng’s heart move slightly.

Although he is not afraid that Daoist Jinxia will make him a stumbling block, even if Daoist Jinxia settles in the Golden Light Cave of Taiyi Mountain, he will not be able to overwhelm the beast-fighting sect, but he cannot stay in Biluo all the time. It is also good to have a few fellow Daoists who get along with him to help each other.

So he also wanted to get in touch with these two cooks.

But what makes him strange is that his own sect has absolutely nothing to do with any inheritance in Honghuang, and the founder of the patriarch can never be a human race that originally migrated from Honghuang. If this is the case, why do these two still look at him like this.

In addition, there was another point that puzzled him. In his memory, the kitchen master should not be a high god, right? How could a little **** in charge of the kitchen room be able to teach two great powers in the realm of creation?

With the support of such a strong and tyrannical disciple, would he still be willing to be a little fairy?

Could it be that the Great Desolate Heavenly Court has become so powerful that just a few people have the strength of the Creation Realm?

But it shouldn’t be, there is no doubt about the power of Honghuang, but if it is so strong that good fortune travels all over the world, I am afraid that it has already ruled the heavens and the world, where will the demon ancestor Luohu be allowed to be arrogant and domineering? Reckless?

Zhantian ancestor smiled and introduced two great powers to Qin Feng. He didn’t know the rest, but Taixuan ancestor came forward and introduced them to them. strong.

After several great masters in Biluo’s left-behind world have arrived, the two parties will be seated separately, and through conversation, Qin Feng understands the other party’s intention.

The powerhouses of these prehistoric ancestral realms were not ordered to come to Biluo to help them deal with the demon alliance. In the war against the demon alliance, the prehistoric ancestral realm was not easy to help.

At least it’s not good to take action on the bright side, otherwise, with the special status of the ancestral world, it is easy to arouse the fear and suspicion of other worlds, and it is not good to make people panic!

But it’s not that it’s not helpful at all, it’s just that it shouldn’t be too obvious. .

Therefore, these powerhouses came here basically to find the branch of the same family that migrated from the flood and famine in the past, and to see how the branch of the same family developed in that year,

For example, Taoist Jinxia, who taught Taiyi’s lineage, aimed directly at the Golden Light Cave of Taiyi Mountain. The other forces behind the great powers of the Great Desolation also had branches and migrated to Biluo, and even the two descendants of Zaojun did the same.

The only difference is that the inheritance of Zaojun was cut off as early as when Biluo broke out in the last catastrophe. After all, the lineage of Zaojun who migrated to Biluo was not carried forward in Biluo, and its strength was average, and it was finally destroyed in the evil calamity.

The two Zaojun descendants obviously already knew the news, so they did not show other emotions.

Qin Feng probably understood the meaning of these great powers from the conversation. Although it is not easy for them to help directly, they obviously have the intention of leaving treasures for their respective branches to enhance the strength of these branches.

Even, if possible, make these branches stronger and become a huge force in the world of Biluo’s practice, which is obviously better!

In the conversation of many great experts, a sword light flew from a distance, circled the Taixuan Daochang for half a circle, and fell towards this side!


Daoist Jinxia looked at the sword light, and his eyes could not help but light up. From the sword energy, he recognized that it was the inheritance of the Taiyi sword immortal lineage that the other party was cultivating.

“You are Qianyuan?”

Daoist Jinxia looked at Patriarch Qianyuan and asked!

Since he already knows the contradiction between the Royal Beast Sect and the Golden Light Cave of Taiyi Mountain, how can he not know the name of the ancestor of the Golden Light Cave Qianyuan, and see the pure and sharp sword intent on this eternal sword fairy , Even if you guess, you can guess the identity of Qianyuan Patriarch.

“Yes, it is the junior!”

Gu Qian

Ancestor Qianyuan carefully glanced at Daoist Jinxia, and bowed to Daoist Jinxia with excitement: “Unworthy disciple Qianyuan, pay tribute to Master Jinxia!”

When he received the summons from Taixuan Taoist Temple, he was still a little skeptical. Now that he saw Taoist Jinxia’s unfathomable cultivation base, and it was so similar to one of the portraits enshrined in the deepest part of the Zushi Hall, how could he not know the truth of the other party? It is the predecessor of the ancestors of the ancestors of the prehistoric world.

“Uncle Shi, you can be expected to come, you don’t know that the Taiyi Mountain lineage has been in the southern region over the years…”

The ancestor Qianyuan looked like he saw his relatives, and he was about to complain when he opened his mouth, asking the elders of the division to support him.

As a result, Daoist Jinxia glared at him angrily, and the sharp eyes suddenly awakened the ancestors of Qianyuan. Now is not the time to talk about this, otherwise, wouldn’t it be a joke for the rest of the great masters!


Daoist Jinxia coughed lightly, relieved the embarrassment in his heart, got up and said: “Since I have seen the younger generation of Taiyi Sword Immortal, Pindao will not stay much, and I plan to go to Jinguangdong to see, fellow Daoists, Pindao farewell! ”

“Fellow Daoist please!”

The great powers present bowed their heads and did not leave him.

After Daoist Jinxia and Patriarch Qianyuan used their sword light to escape towards the southern region, the rest of the great masters continued to talk.

With the passage of time, one after another escaped light from far to near, and several sects that still retain the ancient inheritance have great powers. There are only two True Monarchs left: Medicated Diet and Miao Shan.

The true monarch is their **** position in the heavenly court, and their status is under the emperor and the Taoist. The Taoist represents that they are the inheritance of the Taoist lineage. The two are also immortals who are also priests of the heavenly court.

However, Qin Feng feels that those who can be called true monarchs in heaven should have corresponding strengths, such as Qingyuan Dao Miao Zhenjun, Yousheng Zhenjun, Qingxu Daode Zhenjun and so on. Which one is not strength? A tyrannical and famous existence.

Since the Medicinal Diet and Miaoshan Zhenjun can get the position of the True Monarch, it is obvious that the status is extraordinary and the status is not low, and there may be other powerful people behind them!

“I didn’t expect that my lineage of the Kitchen God had already broken its inheritance in Biluo. It’s really a pity!”

True Monarch Medicinal Food swept away from Biluo’s several fortune-telling ancestors, then turned his gaze to Taixuan’s ancestor, and said, “But since my junior sister and I are here, it’s not good to just leave like this, Bai Bai. It’s nothing to run for a while, the key is not to be laughed at by those guys!

Therefore, Pindao has a ruthless request, and I hope that Daoist friends will be fulfilled! ”


Ancestor Taixuan asked, “What do you want to say, fellow Daoist?”

“I want to return to the lineage of the kitchen master in Biluo, and leave behind the culinary tradition. I hope you will allow me!”

Speaking of which, Zhenjun Medicinal Food bowed solemnly, but he was sitting on the futon in a round ball, and this bow suddenly squeezed his stomach out, and even his robe creaked. , which appears to have expanded.

Ancestor Taixuan and Ancestor Zhantian looked at each other, and they exchanged a lot of information in an instant.

“It’s a good thing!”

Soon, Taixuan Patriarch nodded in agreement with a smile: “The inheritance of the Zaojun lineage is quite strange. I also dealt with Zaojun when I was in the prehistoric times, and I still have a lot of respect for the Lingshan in the Tianting Royal Kitchen. Unforgettable.

Daoist friends want to leave the inheritance of the kitchen master in Biluo, and I will naturally welcome them.

It’s just that Biluo has developed after conquering all worlds. It is a little different from before. There are too many cultivators, but every place where spiritual veins gather are occupied by cultivators. If you want to find a foothold in Lingshan, I’m afraid it’s not easy! ”

“This is fine!”

Daojun Yaoshan smiled and said: “Taixuan Daoyou should know that the inheritance of UU reading is different from that of ordinary sects, and I have never thought of competing for interests with other sects, so I don’t need to open a sect to pass down my teachers for the time being. Another inheritance of Zun, you only need to pass down the skill of Lingshan!”

The ancestor Taixuan sighed in his heart when he heard the words.

Today’s Biluo does not have a free spirit mountain and a blessed land, but as long as these two true monarchs speak, which of these fortune-telling ancestors present can’t make a treasure for them?

Therefore, his remarks were just an excuse, and he planned to ask the two true monarchs, Medicated Diet and Miao Shan, to ask each other, so that the other party owed them a favor.

In the end, I didn’t expect that the other party didn’t want to leave the other inheritance, but simply taught Lingshan cooking skills, which made Taixuan ancestors feel sorry.

He is not afraid that there will be strong people in the ancestral world of the prehistoric world to come here to preach and compete with the old-fashioned forces of Biluo. In fact, this is only good for Biluo’s general situation, and only those sects whose interests are damaged will disagree. Niu’er’s Taixuan ancestor naturally wouldn’t be so stingy.

But the other party is unwilling to leave the way of killing, and just wants to inherit the cooking skills. Obviously, he has other ideas!

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