Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1375

Chapter 1329: War Will Divide The Benefits

The original star field is vast and vast!

In such a vast star field, there are not only countless stars, but also countless large and small worlds. Usually, a few powerful people escape into the void and find a place to hide, which is basically impossible to trace.

Even some great powers who are good at tracing the origin and deducing fate, unless they are looking for a particularly important existence, they will not consume a lot of energy to do such laborious things.

After all, the power of destiny can only guide a general direction, and will not give a precise location, and many great powers have a super sense of their own good and bad, it is easy to detect that someone is calculating themselves, if they use special means, not only can If you interrupt the opponent’s deduction, you might be able to follow the trail and devour the opponent!

Therefore, those monsters who escaped, as long as they could escape the pursuit of the Biluo Alliance, they could basically guarantee their own lives!

However, under the rampant pursuit of the Biluo Alliance, less than 30% of the demon clan powerhouses who can truly escape their lives, it can be said that after this battle, the demon clan’s strength has dropped dramatically.

What’s more critical is that even if the Biluo Alliance can no longer target and suppress them in the future, there will be other worlds and races taking advantage of the decline of the demon clan’s strength to take advantage of the robbery and seize territory and cultivation resources with the demon clan.

In addition to those powerful monsters who escaped with their lives, in order to avoid touching the nerves of the Biluo Alliance for a long time, they did not dare to show their faces and act, and they could not make corresponding countermeasures when the monsters were oppressed by other races.

It can be imagined that for many years to come, it will be difficult for the demon clan to grow and develop under the suppression of all walks of life.

Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen flew through the depths of the void and flew towards the demon world.

Their escape light is bright, and from a distance, it looks like a meteor piercing the sky, making those powerhouses who are hidden around the Heavenly Demon Realm look sideways.

After besieging and killing Bi Fang Yaosheng with Canglong Patriarch and Kong Xuan, Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen wandered in the surrounding void along the Heavenly Demon Realm. Strong demons would sometimes suppress them directly, and earn money into the refining demon pot to expand the strength of his subordinates.

Of course, many of the demons with strong temperaments are unwilling to submit to the discipline. Even if they cannot resist the ban on refining the demon pot, they would rather fight to the death and struggle to resist!

For these powerful monsters, Qin Feng does not have any admiration for them.

The so-called hero of the other side is my enemy, the ancient catastrophe and the entire Biluo human race were almost completely wiped out by the demon clan. He was born in the beast sect, and was educated since childhood to drive the spirit beasts against the demon clan, so even if the demon clan is strong. The man showed strong racial integrity, and would only be killed by Qin Feng coldly, and even the corpse capital was thrown into the refining demon pot as the ration of the spirit beast.

It was not until later that the two circled around the starry sky around the Heavenly Demon Realm, and they never found the figure of the powerful demon clan. Instead, they met a lot of great powers from all walks of life in the alliance. So far, they stopped wandering around and returned directly. to the Heavenly Demon Realm.

At this time, the war in the Heavenly Demon Realm is still not completely over. Although the winners and losers have been divided among the upper-level powers, there are still scattered resistances from the demon clans in various domains.

For this, the top leaders of the alliance did not pay much attention to this, and they did not send their great powers to suppress them. They were dignified and mighty, and they disdain to shoot at those little monsters. Even some monsters who escaped were hidden among the remaining monsters. By this time, it was already Nothing to worry about, just taking advantage of the last opportunity to train troops.

After Qin Feng and the two returned, immediately the elders of the Royal Beast Sect and the spirit beasts under Qin Feng came to report their achievements.

As the sect that is most hostile to the Heavenly Demon Realm, the Imperial Beast Sect naturally spared no effort to attack the Heavenly Demon Realm. When attacking the Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array in the early stage, the sect only transferred half of the cultivators due to time problems. A large number of disciples have been dispatched to assist in the battle, and now 70 to 80% of the disciples and elders of the sect are participating in the wars in the major demon realms in the demon realm.

After many battles before and after, the sect really lost a lot of disciples, especially when it attacked the Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array, but the losses were not light, but compared to this great victory and the upcoming gains, these losses damage is also within the scope of the license.

What’s more, there are no dead people in war. Under the protection of Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen, the loss rate of sect disciples is actually lower than the average number of all walks of life in the alliance. Especially after the invasion of the demon world, all the demon tribes are dispatched to fight for their own world. The extra effort and madness.

It’s a pity that in battles with similar levels, the victory rate of the Imperial Beast Sect against the demon clan will definitely increase greatly. Even if there is no Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen who did not stay in the realm to guard, the sect disciples are under the leadership of the elders of various veins. , smashed multiple demon tribes one after another, occupied a large area of demons, and captured a large number of demons.

In particular, the elders of all veins had captured some demon clans born and bred in the Heavenly Demon Realm alive as early as in the Starry Sky Battlefield. After conquering them by various means, they would naturally have great influence on the major demon clan branches in the Heavenly Demon Realm. learn.

Therefore, after the army of the cultivators of the Imperial Beast Sect invaded the Heavenly Demon Realm, not only did they purposefully disperse to different target locations, but the Supreme Elders above the Immortal Realm even launched attacks directly on the mythical beast tribes.

Such as the divine bird Bi Fang, Chongming, Miemeng, yellow bird, ghost car, Gu eagle, such as the divine beast Kui Niu, Golden Retriever Roar, Tengu, Roe Owl, Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox, Hua Snake, etc., are all attacked by the Imperial Beast Sect. within the range.

Fortunately, the number of these mythical beast races is not too large, and coupled with the expansion of the demon race, many mythical beast races have opened up a world that belongs to their own ethnic group outside the demon world for development, so they stay in the world. The Heavenly Demon Realm is just one of them, so the number of strong people is not too large, and these elders of the Familiar Beast Sect will definitely suffer heavy losses.

But now the small number has allowed the Imperial Beast Sect to seize the opportunity to call the door. There are still many elders sneaking into the tribe while the powerhouses of the mythical beast race are being held back by the alliance powers, to capture the mythical beast cubs.

Although the number of mythical beasts caught is not large, with the means of cultivating spirit beasts in the Imperial Beast Sect, these mythical beasts will definitely be able to gradually multiply in the Imperial Beast Sect in the future.

The only thing to worry about is that the stronger the bloodline of the demon clan, the earlier the spiritual wisdom will appear, and the easier it is to obtain the corresponding inheritance from the bloodline inheritance, so it is impossible to maintain the greatest respect for the sect like ordinary spiritual beasts. .

Fortunately, it is difficult to multiply the bloodlines of divine beasts, but I am not afraid that the number of these divine beasts is too large to control!

Gu Xian

“I’ve seen Senior Brother Qin, I’ve met Senior Sister Li!”

Xue Baozhu bowed to the two with a smile on her face, and said, “Patriarch Juetian and the others are still supervising the battle ahead, and by the way they will suppress the captured demon clan, so I can’t find the time to come, let me come to you. Report the situation!”

“Well, there is Junior Sister Lao Baozhu!”

Qin Feng nodded slightly: “You take a rest first, then go back and tell the ancestors to do whatever they want. Miaozhen and I have spent a lot of time in the battle in the void, and we have also suffered some injuries. Although it is not serious, it needs to be cultivated. After a while, I won’t be involved in these things, just let Jue Tian Shizu and the others look at them!”


Xue Baozhu nodded. As a former sect genius, he also participated in the five-domain trial with Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen in the early years. After so many years of battle and tempering, he has been promoted to immortality with the rise of sect. Achievement Jinxian Avenue!

It’s just that although she has become a golden immortal, her round figure has not changed in the slightest. As an elder of the White Elephant branch, both in terms of body shape and fighting style, to a large extent, it is quite similar to her natal beast in her early years. place.


Swallowing Toad jumped over.

“Well, where’s the old turtle? It didn’t come?”

Qin Feng was a little surprised. Usually, the old turtle always rushes to do things like showing his face to show his skills.

“The old turtle is still collecting treasures!”

The swallowing toad turned into a human figure and turned into a boy in a green robe, and reported to Qin Feng: “That old tortoise is the most cunning, let me come here because there are greater benefits there, so I am willing to let it go. I’m running this way!”

“I see!”

Qin Feng was a little funny when he heard that, no wonder, with the character of the old turtle, if it weren’t for this, he would not have given the opportunity to Tuntian.

That is to say, the amount of swallowing the toad’s belly is too large, and he doesn’t care about the benefits. In addition, he is the most loyal to Qin Feng, so he volunteered to report the victory when the old turtle didn’t come.

“Looking at it like this, you have gained a lot, right?”

Qin Feng smiled and looked at Swallowing Toad.

As early as when he attacked the Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array, he summoned his Spirit Beast Legion to fight with the Zongmen cultivator army.

It’s just that now the nine major spirit beasts under his command have been promoted to eternity, and the army of spirit beasts in the refining demon pot is extremely terrifying in both strength and quantity. The ancestors of the turtle spirit discussed it, and both sides fought separately.

The main reason is that a large number of powerful people from the demon clan fled, especially after the fall of the demon emperor, there are only a few who are willing to stay and coexist with the demon world.

In this case, it is meaningless for the army of Biluo monks and Qin Feng’s spirit beast army to continue to gather together, because after several times, this demon world could not find a demon tribe that can compete with more than a dozen eternal and tens of billions of troops at the same time. .

As a result, not only were the Nine Vessels of the Imperial Beast Sect scattered, but the nine main spirit beasts of the Demon Teapot also each led an army of spirit beasts, marching forward in a fan shape, taking over a huge area of the Demon Realm.

After occupying so many monster tribes and capturing a lot of territory, the harvest is naturally indispensable.

In particular, the old turtle is also proficient in divination and deduction. Under the innate gossip and divine calculation, no matter where there are more benefits, he cannot escape his divination Now that old turtle is collecting in a large demon tribe. A certain divine artifact containing the Law of the Great Dao is still planning to capture a monster treasure that contains the origin of fortune. In the face of such huge interests, it is normal to come back later to show loyalty to his master.

Not only the Imperial Beast Sect, the Biluo factions, but even the four worlds of the alliance and all the vassals, all those who have the power to lead their subordinates to participate in this battle are now entering the world to madly ask for the treasures originally belonging to the monsters, in order to make up for their own world, not only It has made up for the losses in the past, and I am afraid that there will be a lot of improvement in the future.

Especially in those small and medium worlds, it is a great opportunity for them to attack a tribe in the Heavenly Demon Realm to gain some benefits.

Because it is easy to find treasures with extremely high levels in the demon world, many of which are not things that can be nurtured in small and medium-sized worlds, so after taking them back, they can improve the background of small and medium-sized worlds.

What’s more, there are also many monsters’ secret magic powers, magic weapons and magic weapons, which can be seen and touched, and can directly enhance the benefits of combat power!

So at this time, in the entire Heavenly Demon World, all the creatures from all walks of life in the Alliance were beaming with joy, just like those worlds that followed the Demon Alliance and invaded Biluo in the early years.

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