Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1389

Chapter 1143: Seize Resources, Chaotic Gods And Demons Change

The latest website: The fall of the ancestors of Yin and Yang indicates that the destruction of this great world is coming.

Old Ancestor Taixuan and several other Xeons didn’t care how many powerhouses in this world were killed, even if all those powerhouses escaped, they didn’t care.

Because the fundamental purpose of this battle is to destroy the great world of yin and yang!

Chaos Demon God lives in boundless chaos, and originally had no fixed foundation, but now in the universe, they have to change their cultivation methods in order to improve their strength. When there is no other way and no other cultivation direction, they can only follow Pangu went on the way of opening the sky.

Then open up the world, create creatures, add some vitality and splendor to the universe, and at the same time get the approval of this universe, so that they can understand the Dao and improve the Dao.

It’s just that although the development of the world and the evolution of the creatures allowed them to fit into this universe and improve their Taoism, it also gave them a fixed foundation and a foothold to follow.

This invisible concern has become their only weakness!

Although this weakness is not fatal, even if the world is really destroyed, they can reshape the new big world with their strength, but as a place of preaching, it is best to preserve it if it can be preserved.

In fact, in their plan, even if they really smashed the prehistoric world and brought the universe back to chaos, they also hoped to protect the world they opened up and resettle them in chaos.

Those chaotic demon nerves have lived in the Daqian universe for so many years, and their thinking has changed. Although the idea of returning to chaos has not changed, they are no longer as stubborn as before. They also found that the chaotic creatures in the past were rare, far less than Daqian’s. The universe is so lively.

Therefore, their so-called return to chaos in the universe is not to destroy everything, but to re-fill the void with the chaotic air after breaking the starry sky, so that they can survive in this kind of unrestricted and bound by the universe, and can live in more Unlimited lifting power in an environment that makes them feel comfortable.

At the same time, it will learn from the methods of the Great Thousand Worlds, so that there are many more worlds in the chaos, so that all living beings from all walks of life can be converted to the way of chaos, adding a bit of vitality to the endless chaos.

As for the countless stars and worlds that will be destroyed in the process, there are only a handful of powerhouses who have survived the catastrophic destruction of the universe. They may protect their worlds and survive, and they don’t mind.

Although chaos does not naturally evolve into a new world like the Great Thousand Universes, they have learned from Pangu that they can condense the power of chaos and convert material energy to open up a new world, but the new world is only suitable for chaotic creatures to survive. , there is only chaotic energy between heaven and earth, and everything will become extraordinarily monotonous.

That is to say, the start of this war was relatively sudden, otherwise if the Primordial Star Territory was given enough time to prepare, they could definitely call on the great worlds and many worlds in the Great Thousand Universe to besiege these Chaos Demon Gods together.

After all, apart from these old stubborn, no creature in that world is willing to return the universe to chaos!

Even the creatures in the great world of yin and yang are full of endless confidence in the yin and yang ancestors who created them. After years of brainwashing, they feel that chaos is the best cultivation environment. Life may not necessarily agree with this kind of thing.

However, there is no time for Honghuang to slowly rebel against all living beings, and there is no time to call the powerhouses of the major worlds to discuss matters. Coupled with their confidence in their own strength, they agree with the concept of Pangu, so the Hunyuan sect masters chose to confront them.

At the same time, it is also in this way to declare the correctness of Pangu’s creation of the world and the tyranny of today’s Daqian Universe!

They want to use their strength to defeat these chaotic demon gods who have survived from the Hongmeng era, but also to deter those chaotic creatures who have also survived from the Hongmeng era. If they don’t want to adapt to the era, they can only be destroyed!

As a result, Qin Feng and the others came to attack the war of Yin-Yang Great World.

At this moment, a few Xianqiang shouted and continued to greet many great powers without chasing and killing those yin and yang demon gods who escaped, and without paying attention to the resistance of ordinary yin and yang spiritual clan, and directly destroying this big world.

As long as this big world is broken, it is equivalent to shaking the foundation of the ancestor of Yin and Yang, and making his Taoism show signs of instability.

Although such a tyrannical existence can take some time to re-stabilize his cultivation, but on the battlefield, in the face of several Hunyuan sect masters who set up this game, where will he be given this time?

boom boom boom…

One after another powerful Taoist method blasted out, and one after another of amazingly powerful spiritual treasures bombarded the ground, and many good fortune masters shot without any scruples, and the world was immediately chaotic.

The earth is shaking, the sea is pouring back, and the volcanic lava can be seen everywhere. It is like being in an endless **** when you are in it.

Countless creatures panicked and fled everywhere.

But where can they escape?

Those powerhouses who had fled and hid in the first place were instantly stunned when they saw this scene.

But what can they do?

Come out to stop it, you are powerless, you can only die in vain!

Can’t you just watch these powerful foreign enemies destroy their world?

“You are so cruel!”

A strong man of the Yin-Yang Spirit Race was full of grief and indignation: “There are hundreds of millions of creatures in the Yin-Yang Great World, do you have to destroy this world in one fell swoop?

Look at those crying creatures, don’t you have the slightest pity? ”

Not far away, Li Miaozhen glanced at him inexplicably: “You all have to destroy the entire Daqian, and let the universe return to chaos, then the fallen creatures will be billions of times more than the Yin-Yang Great World, why didn’t I see you? Discourage those Chaos Demon Gods and instead accuse us here?”

“What are you talking about with him!”

Ancestor Zhantian stabbed his axe in the past: “I am afraid that the creatures of these yin and yang worlds have been given the will to break the flood and destroy the universe at the beginning of their creation, otherwise they can gather such a huge army so easily to attack the flood?

If you look at the demons under the command of the demon ancestor Rahu, you will know what kind of temperament these things are. One by one is either slaughtering, or they take pleasure in provoking wars and destroying all walks of life, and why would they care about the survival of creatures in other worlds? ”

“That’s what the ancestor said!”

Li Miaozhen raised her eyebrows slightly, and her brows flickered: “If that’s the case, kill him!”

As she spoke, the white tiger sword in her hand stretched for 30,000 miles, opened and closed in this world, and shot with all her strength without any scruples. Bombarded the mountains and rivers of the earth, creating a crack that I don’t know how deep!

Ancestor Lin stretched out his hand and pointed at the unicorn seal, turning the innate seal into a big mountain, crashing down from the sky, blasting the ground into a bottomless abyss, and the powerful force caused the millions of miles around it to be covered with spider web-like cracks.

Ancestral Dragon’s figure flashed, and he brought the strong dragon family to join hands to cast the magical power of imperial water, and summoned the water flow in the endless ocean, submerging the earth.

Yuan Feng snorted softly, and the volcano that had been spewing magma cracked, and the entire area of tens of thousands of miles was shrouded in magma.

The Queen Mother of the West waved her sleeves, and the endless divine wind blew the mountains into pieces, and even the earth was blown into layers of land!

The phantom of Pangu under the control of the great witch Jiufeng has not been disbanded, and it can no longer be described as a landslide, but it has real power to destroy the world.

It is true that God Pangu once created the world from chaos, but creation can never be easy to destroy, so even if it is just a phantom at this moment, the power revealed when destroying this world still makes countless strong people feel shocked.

The destructive power of the great power of good fortune is too strong, and nearly 200 ancestors of good fortune have no scruples, and there are so many Xeons who will do anything. After they were all knocked out, they couldn’t stand their frenzied destruction and bombardment!

So in the end, this big world has become dilapidated under many powerful attacks.

Even, they did not deliberately search for the origin of this world. Compared with destroying the foundation of the ancestors of Yin and Yang, other benefits must be ranked behind. In order to avoid accidents, of course, they must be the first to break the world, otherwise, if the ancestors of Yin and Yang can transmit spiritual thoughts Come back to inspire other arrangements, I don’t know how much trouble it will cause!


The endless thunder spreads in the sky, this is the last moan from the will of the world.

In the end, the world couldn’t take it anymore, and it began to collapse completely along the huge cracks.

Along with it, there is the heart of the world that was originally hidden in the deepest part!


Several Xeons with quick eyes and quick hands took the lead and grabbed the broken heart of the world.

Although the Pangu phantom movement controlled by Jiufeng Great Witch is not the fastest, but relying on the advantage of Pangu phantom’s largest size, he directly threw the divine axe in his hand to Xingtian, and opened his two big hands to grab the most origin fragments!

Zhenyuan Daxian flicked his sleeve robe, and he also gained a lot of benefits by using the technique of the universe in his sleeves.

Qin Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he walked along the crack and came to the place where the heart of the world collapsed. He opened his mouth and used the divine power of swallowing the sky, and abruptly sucked a lot of original fragments into his mouth.

At this moment, many great powers shot at the same time, so he had no choice but to use the magical power that swallowed everything to collect treasures.

However, these things did not enter his stomach, and were transferred to the refining demon pot at the moment of entry.

All the great powers shot one after another, and even the Kongkong elder who was hiding on Qin Feng couldn’t help but show his figure, and saw a rainbow long bridge rising directly from the space magic weapon on Qin Feng’s waist, On a relatively large source fragment, he stretched out his hand and took it away.

The other great powers saw Elder Kong Kong take action, and the great powers who originally wanted to **** the original fragment shifted their targets and did not compete with him.

As soon as he has already built the Rainbow Bridge, it is not easy to grab it again. Besides, Elder Kongkong has made great contributions to this battle. Besides, Elder Kongkong has special abilities. Almighty didn’t want to upset him.

While taking the benefits, everyone sighed in their hearts that the Chaos Demon God is the Chaos Demon God. This big world is not only incomparably huge, but also has a very rich background. When it comes to the ranking of the three thousand worlds, it can definitely be ranked in the top 20!

Otherwise, it is impossible for this world to have such a huge defense force when the ancestors of Yin and Yang have taken away so many strong people.

It can be seen that the strength of the Chaos Demon God is strong. Although the world they created is far less than that of Honghuang, they can also have a certain scale of Honghuang to a certain extent.

This is normal, after all, Pangu Kaitian not only has to break the law of chaos, but also deal with three thousand chaos demons!

The Yin-Yang Patriarch only needed to follow the path of Pangu, and he didn’t encounter any obstacles at all, so it was relatively easy to start a world, and naturally he could maximize the upper limit of this world.

Even the innate source power of this world is different from those big worlds that were born naturally in the universe.

For example, the big worlds such as the Tianlong Realm, the Kylin Realm, the Light Realm, etc., although the origin of the world will have some characteristics to a certain extent, or it has its own dragon energy, or contains the heavy meaning of the unicorn, or is full of the power of light, But more of it is based on pure innate source energy, and even the slightly weaker Great World does not even have the slightest attribute, leaving only pure innate source.

But the yin and yang world is different.

This world was created after the ancestors of Yin and Yang conformed to the laws of the universe and transformed the Dao of Chaos that they had cultivated into the Dao of Yin and Yang.

If you take away the origin of the entire Yin-Yang world, you might even be able to create an innate treasure yin-yang bead that contains endless energy, and become an orb even more powerful than Taixuan’s ancestor’s yin-yang map!

It is a pity that it has been shattered now, and it has been competed by so many strong people, so there is no possibility of recovery in the future.

Qin Feng looked at the original fragments that he had put away, and couldn’t help but move in his heart.

Perhaps he can rely on these innate yin and yang qi to enhance his most powerful yin and yang grinding plate, the supreme method, to the extreme!

If you can incorporate the Innate Spiritual Treasure Yin-Yang Plate that was collected earlier, you will definitely be able to cultivate into a tyrannical method.

I think that after successful cultivation in these methods, he will definitely be able to become the top Xeon in one fell swoop, and he will not be weaker than Taixuan ancestors and Zulong. In the face of the ancestor of Ming He, he also has enough confidence to contend with it.

But now is not the time to think about this, Qin Feng’s figure flashes continuously, relying on the speed of Chi Chi Tianya’s supreme supernatural power, his footsteps are non-stop, and he quickly circles the yin and yang world that is collapsing. Raise sacred mountains, rivers, and precious trees that contain strange energy or Dao Rhythm, grab mineral veins, and sometimes even directly send mountains and rivers tens of thousands of miles into the refining demon pot.

This is a very high-ranking world among the three thousand worlds, with countless treasures and resources, and it is many times richer than the Heavenly Demon Realm and the Qilin Realm.

If it weren’t for the urgency of time, coupled with the needs of the war situation, these great powers would actually be reluctant to destroy this big world, but now, of course, to grab as many beneficial resources as possible.

Seeing this, Li Miaozhen also followed suit and helped to collect resources together.

She knew that her husband’s path of proving the Way required countless resources. Since she had encountered such a world with countless treasures, of course she had to charge as much as possible.

There are many great powers who share the same thoughts as them.

Not to mention that many of the great powers of good fortune present are the masters of the higher world, even if the dozen great powers of good fortune from the Great Desolate saw so many precious resources, they couldn’t help but be moved. After it was empty, it was a matter of course to join the scraping team.

It is a pity that there is not much time left for them, and soon the greeting of Taixuan ancestors came from a distance!


Ancestor Taixuan said: “Our battle has been very smooth, and it will take a lot of time faster than expected.

However, although the world of yin and yang has been broken, this still does not allow Honghuang to establish a victory. Fellow Daoists, don’t forget that the real purpose of our attack is not to gain benefits, but to destroy the foundation of these Chaos Demon Gods. Help several ancient ancestors to win the war completely! ”

“Daoist Taixuan, what do you mean by that, are you thinking…”

“That’s right, Pindao just wants to go to other star fields with you fellow daoists and help fellow daoists attacking other worlds to win the war!”

“This… I also know that we should focus on the overall situation, but they belong to different star regions and are so far apart. It is not easy to want to pass!”

“It’s okay!”

Taixuan’s ancestor said: “Pin Dao can use the supreme Dao method of Douzhuanxingxingyi, directly travel through the sea of stars, and move it!”

The Queen Mother of the West frowned: “Even the nearest world is separated by several star fields, such a long distance, I am afraid that the consumption of fellow Daoists will not be light!”

Taixuan ancestor smiled and said: “As long as we can help Honghuang win, no matter how much consumption is worth it, otherwise we will be succeeded by those chaotic demon gods. life?”

As soon as these words came out, many great masters nodded again and again: “Fellow Daoist’s words are true, the universe will be destroyed, not only will we fall, but countless disciples and grandchildren in the world will also disappear and cease to exist!

In this case, please ask fellow Daoists to cast spells, and we will support you in the past! ”

In an instant, the great powers who were fishing for treasures in the distance flew back one after another, UU reading www.uukanshu. com gathered around Taixuan Patriarch, waiting for him to use the Douzhuanxingxingzhuo method to move the stars across the sky!

The original star field!

Countless armies are scattered all over the void, and the fighting is extremely fierce. There are still many worlds that have been reduced to battlefields, besieged and attacked by demons and many strange creatures, trying to compete for the resources of those worlds to fight for war!

All the worlds that have been informed by the floods for a long time will naturally hit these invaders head-on, knowing that these invaders want to completely destroy the universe, destroy the Daqian and return to chaos, and will naturally not hold the slightest in the face of the great enemy waiting to destroy the world. It was a fluke, so the battle between the two camps was particularly fierce.

Those who used to be Chaos Demon Gods, and today’s Primordial Realm powerful powerhouses, naturally would not personally participate in these wars, and they did not even sit in their respective armies, but came to the frontiers early to intimidate them. Makes the prehistoric not dare to separate out the strong to rescue everywhere!

It’s just that the chaotic gods and demons who were originally confronting the ancestors of Honghuang, the face of the yin and yang ancestors suddenly changed: “No, the ancestors and other worlds were invaded by the strong, the clones were destroyed, the world was destroyed!”

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