Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1396

Chapter 1349: Qin Feng Won The First Place

The Nightmare World could not escape the destruction!

This time, Qin Feng and other powerhouses from the Biluo Alliance didn’t have to leave in a hurry, just stay and take care of it.

After all, they have attacked two worlds one after another. Such a high-intensity war is a huge consumption even for them, the great powers of good fortune. The most important thing is that the star field where the nightmare world is located is too far away from where other Chaos Demon Gods opened up the world. It is impossible for Taixuan ancestors to use the supreme method of Douzhuanxingxingyi to bring them there.

So they finally have free time to collect more treasures, and they are not in a hurry like when they were in the great world of Yin and Yang.

The Nightmare World is too unique. Looking at the endless starry sky in the vast universe, the Nightmare World is a unique existence. Everything in the world is not available in the outside world. It is naturally worthy of these great talents to study.

Not only the Biluo Alliance, but also a large number of powerhouses who followed Kunpeng ancestors and the others would naturally not miss this opportunity. Many powerhouses even directly used their great magical powers to gather a mountain and river, refining it into a nightmare cave, and still gathering it. After seeing a lot of nightmare creatures, I intend to slowly explore the mystery of the Nightmare Avenue.

Qin Feng, as the first powerhouse to attack, naturally reaps a lot of benefits. Not only does he collect a lot of nightmare resources, but also refines millions of miles of mountains and rivers, and gathers a lot of nightmare spiritual vein resources to condense into a nightmare cave.

Perhaps, in the future, this Nightmare Cave can be used as a trial ground for sect disciples.

Because the power of nightmares can generate infinite illusions, and it can generate different illusions for monks of different realms, which is enough to make people feel like they are in the real world, and it can also prevent casualties. The disciples experience in advance the experience of fighting against different races in different worlds.

Of course, the biggest benefits are not these, this is just a little benefit that he obtained for the disciples of the sect as the most powerful person in the sect. This thing is not of much use to him personally. What really benefits him the most is the Nightmare source power.

Every Chaos Demon God is a strong man who survived from the Hongmeng era, and has unique means. The purpose of imitating Pangu to open up the avenue of deduction in the world is to prove their own path, so when they open up the world, they will undoubtedly stay in the world. There are many traces left, which is very different from the world naturally derived from the universe.

At this point, he has noticed from the great world of yin and yang, especially in the great world of nightmares at this moment, so Qin Feng pulled Li Miaozhen into the depths of the ground and followed the sword cut out by the ancestor Minghe to find the source of the nightmare , Although it is not easy to swallow alone, it also accounts for a lot of cheap.

Especially the three-legged death crow, this guy opened his mouth full of joy and devoured the source of the innate nightmare of the big group, the black feathers actually revealed a strange breath, and these breaths carried a curse. Power, twisting like a snake, weird and terrifying.

The ghost-faced spider absorbed a source of innate nightmares, and its body was transformed into its original shape in a flash. The original terrifying grimace behind it began to change under the influence of the power of nightmares. Face!

It’s just that those eyes are like vortexes, unfathomable, and there is a cluster of dark flame marks in the depths of the eyebrows, which can make people’s soul feel the burning breath at a glance.

Even the tree of life on the seventh floor took a vine-like nightmare creature back, wanting to explore the characteristics of such strange creatures.

The few outsiders who were rescued by Qin Feng watched the great powers of the original star field methodically use various magical powers to scrape the resources of the nightmare world. They were envious, but they were not Dare to have the slightest greed.

It is true that there are too many great powers in these primitive star fields, and their strength is too strong. At first glance, all of them are fortune-telling powerhouses. Even the strongest powerhouses have so many, not to mention that their strength has reached half a step. Primordial Styx’s ancestor, he immediately deterred these powerhouses.

Although a lot of resources will definitely be missed in such a short period of time, many great powers did not waste too much time, directly seized them with the most violent means, and then broke the world and prepared to leave.

In the process of the world being shattered, most of the powerhouses who were imprisoned by the nightmare world, except for a few unlucky ones, broke free at the moment when the power of the restriction was greatly reduced.

There are quite a lot of these powerhouses, and some of them are not even living beings in this star field, but they came to travel and were captured from other regions.

The main reason is that the Nightmare Clan has released many temptations to the outside world, describing the Nightmare World as a treasure land with endless opportunities. It is inevitable that there will be many strong people who cannot make the Dao Xing go further. Hope.

Then, few can escape from the nightmare world!

“Now that the nightmare has been broken, we should quickly return to the original star field, in order to defeat the Chaos Demon God as soon as possible and win the war!”

Ancestor Ming He, who had achieved half-step Primordial Primordial Energy, was full of high spirits, sweeping away the fierce and gloomy aura he had accumulated over the years.

However, he was a little worried that if he went back late, if those Chaos Gods and Demons were defeated and repulsed, he would have nothing to do with him.

He is still thinking of using this catastrophe to see if he can take advantage of it and kill a certain chaotic **** and demon when he was hit hard by the sage of primordial primordial, so as to complete his killing, advance to primal primordial, and achieve Immortal body!

Now he is full of confidence. He feels that he is on the right path and has achieved such success. Naturally, he does not want to stay for a long time.

“Ancestor, why don’t you go first!”

Qin Feng said to the ancestor Taixuan: “I think this catastrophe may not be over in a short time, so I plan not to go back first, but to attack the big worlds that assist the Nightmare Clan in this star field, and wait for success. After that, I will return to the original star field with Miaozhen!”


Ancestor Taixuan frowned slightly, but he didn’t expect Qin Feng to make this request.

But he soon understood Qin Feng’s plan: “Do you want to try it? Is it too hasty?”

“It’s a bit rushed, but at the moment of the catastrophe, it happens to be the best time for me!”

Qin Feng said: “In the catastrophe, everything is possible. If I miss this catastrophe, even if the refining of the demon pot is successful in the future, I may not be able to succeed!”

“In that case, you should give it a try.”

Ancestor Taixuan nodded slightly.

Qin Feng turned his head and glanced at the powerhouses who were previously imprisoned in the nightmare world, and said, “I told those powerhouses that they would help to attack several worlds together. Those worlds dispatched most of the powerhouses to capture the original star field. The fighters and legions, now the strength of the world has been greatly reduced, it is a good time to seize the opportunity.

With the strength of me and Miaozhen, coupled with the strength of these powerhouses, and the help of Elder Kong Kong, it should not be difficult to attack a few big worlds whose strength is less than 30% of the heyday! ”

Taixuan ancestor pondered for a moment, then nodded: “Whether the big world of this star field is forced by the nightmare ancestor or actively following, since he chooses to invade my original star field with the nightmare world, it is an enemy, since it is an enemy , then you should be beaten!

If you want to try preaching, I naturally support it.

It’s just that the war in the original star field is fierce now, and it is really inconvenient for me to wait for a long time, and it would not be beautiful if the powerhouses of the entire alliance were left behind to help you, and it would make you owe so many favors. Letting them not take it at all will make them resentful, so it is a good idea for you to let these powerhouses suppressed by the nightmare world help you fight!

However, just relying on the strength of your husband and wife will end up being a little lonely. If those outsiders have other thoughts, I’m afraid you won’t have much binding force.

Well, I’ll let Guizu stay behind to help you, and two of my disciples, plus Zhantian, Shenshui Palace Master, Five Elements Patriarch, Gongsun Cuo, and Nan Batian are with you. Qiang and eight good fortune teamed up, I think they can suppress those strong people! ”


Qin Feng hesitated for a while, then nodded: “Thank you so much for the ancestors. If Qin Feng achieves something in the future, he will not forget the kindness of the ancestors!”

“You don’t need to tell me this. If you can achieve the Great Dao, I’ll be too happy. I’ll only help you with my heart, and it won’t block your path!”

Ancestor Taixuan chuckled lightly: “Guizu, they are all my Biluo powerhouses, they should help each other, and they also save the debt of other worlds!

Don’t worry, I will go back with everyone, so many strong people can’t leave for too long, otherwise no one will know if their world will be captured by the Chaos Demon Army, so it’s better to go back early to help! ”

“Old Ancestor, don’t worry, I won’t delay for too long here!”

Ancestor Taixuan nodded slightly, and secretly transmitted Guizu and others to leave behind, and then summoned the great powers of the Biluo Alliance, together with the Queen Mother of the West and Daxian Zhenyuan, to go to the ancestor of Minghe.

Soon, the two sides were joined together, and the ancestors of Minghe took the initiative to use the sword light, breaking through the void with the powerful strength of the half-step Hunyuan and rushing towards the original star field.

Although many powerhouses were a little surprised at why Bi Luo left more than ten powerhouses, except for Zulong and other allies, no one took the initiative to ask, after all, this is Bi Luo’s private matter.

“Excuse me, everyone!”

Qin Feng bowed his hands and bowed to Guizu and the others: “Because of Qin’s affairs, everyone can’t go back as soon as possible, and I have to ask everyone to continue to help me fight, it’s really…”

“Where is the Daoist saying!”

The Palace Master Shenshui smiled lightly: “I’ll generally know about your affairs. If it really can be done, Man said that we just leave us to help you attack a few worlds. Even if you take down all the stars, it’s worth it!”

Qin Feng pulled the corner of his mouth and laughed dryly: “No, no, a star field is so vast, we don’t have so much time!”

Ghost Ancestor turned his head and glanced at many other world powerhouses in the distance, and said, “Is it reliable to rely on them to fight?”

“It’s just to attack a few big worlds that are not at the peak of their strength. As long as those worlds are not as tyrannical as the Nightmare World, it is enough to rely on these strengths, and there will not be too many casualties, and they will not do anything to go back on it!”

“That’s good, it’s not too late, let’s go now!”

Ghost Ancestor shook the star map in his hand: “It’s just that our star map is mainly to mark the worlds opened up by those Chaos Demon Gods, so the records of other worlds are not detailed.

Let’s go to attack the nearest big world first, get a complete star map of this star field as soon as possible, it is better to complete it as soon as possible and return to the original star field! ”

“What Ghost Ancestor said is very true!”

Qin Feng nodded and discussed with those powerhouses who had just gotten out of trouble for a moment, then flew towards the distant starry sky under the leadership of more than ten masters of Biluo. The big world is attacked.

The main reason is that the major worlds heard the wind and knew that the nightmare was shattered. When I looked at the style of Qin Feng and other powerhouses, they immediately made all walks of life vigilant. Not only did several big worlds unite, but they also convened many high-level worlds and middle-level worlds. The strong come to help.

Otherwise, with their such powerful strength, with Qin Feng and Gui Zu, the two superpowers, and with Elder Kong Kong’s Rainbow Bridge, which world can fight against their attack!

Of course, UU reading The most time-wasting thing is not fighting, but scraping resources!

Qin Feng also worked hard to refine the demon pot. Every time he attacked a big world, he had to **** resources from all walks of life. In addition to the heart of the world containing the innate origin, all kinds of resources were also searched for countless.

He wants to try to see if he can raise the nine worlds in the demon pot to the level of the big world!

If he can do it, even if he can’t achieve Hunyuan, with the background and feedback of the nine great worlds, he can be pushed up to a point even stronger than the ancestor of Ming He!

By then, you have already touched the edge of Hunyuan, and you are afraid that you will not be able to prove the Dao in the future?

After all, he didn’t cultivate the way of killing, and he didn’t need to kill a Hunyuan like the ancestor of Ming He to perfect his way!

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