Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Guihuai Block The Way


Qin Feng was a little surprised, he didn’t expect to be able to churn out such a thing.

Could it be what kind of artifact?

He was a little excited.

As a newbie who has just stepped into practice, he is very curious about everything in the practice world.

Just now his father gave him a low-level storage bag, which made him happy. If he could get another magical item, it would definitely surprise him.

Of course, if this copper pot is a spiritual tool, it will make a lot of money.

After all, the entire Qin family didn’t have a few artifacts.

Although there are several foundation-building cultivators in the family, the Qin family is a vassal of the Royal Beast Sect. From the old Patriarch to his father, they use spirit beasts as the strongest means. For spirit tools, it is good, if not, Will not force it.

Because they put most of their energy on cultivating spirit beasts, of course there is no extra resources to exchange for spirit weapons.

After thousands of years of accumulation, the entire Qin family has only inherited three or five spiritual artifacts.

With excitement, Qin Feng stretched out his hand and picked up the quaint-shaped copper kettle. After looking carefully, he was a little disappointed.

Although this copper kettle has a peculiar shape with many strange monsters on it, the whole body of the kettle has no aura and is even a little broken.

Because there are a few small cracks on the body of the pot, looking at it, even if it was originally a spiritual weapon, I am afraid it cannot be used anymore.

It’s just that he still has a trace of luck in his heart after all, so he is tentatively trying to inject spiritual energy into the copper pot. Maybe this copper pot still has some power?

As a result, his spiritual power was input, like a mud cow entering the sea, without arousing any reaction at all.

Qin Feng was a little unwilling to poke his divine sense into the pot again, but he only felt a piece of black hole and couldn’t see anything at all.

However, he also noticed that this copper kettle was a bit unusual. If it was an ordinary thing, it would certainly not give him such a feeling, but now his own divine consciousness penetrates into it, but it seems to enter a dark and dead space, unable to touch the edge.

Forget it, put it away first, and talk about it later.

Qin Feng turned over his hands and put the copper kettle in his storage bag, and then happily began to search among the chaotic altar ruins. He also found a dozen pieces of various spiritual materials that contained evil spirits.

This makes him very happy, after all, these are good things that can be replaced with spirit stones.

At this time, there was no fighting sound in the distance.

Qin Feng and Qin Yang were a little nervous.

Although Li Tianchou had the upper hand, he was chasing down the black robe evil cultivator forcefully, but the fighting law was the most dangerous thing, and a slight mistake would lead to a reversal.

Maybe that Xie Xiu had any means to save his life, if he killed Li Tianchou, they would be in danger.

Fortunately, Qin Long quickly said: “Don’t worry, it was Li Tianqiu who won.”

After all, he is a foundation-building monk, and he is not the only spirit beast with the blue-eyed spirit snake, but the other spirit beasts are not in the foundation-building period, so they have not been released to participate in the battle.

Previously, Li Tianchou and the two fought farther and farther. Qin Long was worried that he would not be able to escape in time in an accident, so he released another spirit beast Skylark and asked Skylark to replace him to monitor the battle between the two.

Although this skylark only has the strength of the early stage of Qi refining, it has extremely fast flight speed and is suitable for detecting battle conditions.

Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

As expected, but in a moment, Li Tianqiu’s figure flew from a distance.

It’s just that he wasn’t intact, his face was as pale as snow, and there were still two wounds on his body. Obviously, the evil cultivator’s dying counterattack was not easy to deal with.

However, there is no worry in his eyes, but a bit of joy.

Because after killing that evil repair, he not only got the treasure from the opponent, but also saved Zhao Jinglei and others. After returning to the county city, he will definitely get other benefits.

“Congratulations, Master Li, for beheading that harmful evil repair.”

Qin Long bowed his hand to Li Tianchou: “Qin thanked Master Li for the woman who was killed by the evil repair in Kuncheng.”

“Brother Qin, you are welcome.”

Li Tianchou coughed lightly twice, obviously his internal meridians were not lightly injured, otherwise it would not be like this.

“The evil spirit is outside, everyone gets it and punishes it, besides, it was my mission to come to Kuncheng to kill this dog.”

As he said, he walked closer, squatted down and inspected Zhao Jinglei, frowned and looked at Qin Long.

Qin Long shook his head and said, “If I am injured by a monster, I can still heal, but I am not proficient in such ghosts.”

Li Tianqiu was helpless.

He is Jian Xiu. It is no problem to let him kill people, but if he can save people, it is a little beyond his ability.

Although the evil ghosts in Zhao Jinglei and others’ bodies were temporarily suppressed by Qin Long with spells, this was not a long-term solution.

Those yin and evil qi will not get rid of them, the ghosts are entrenched in their bodies, and they are always absorbing the yang qi from them, eroding their vitality, if you don’t expel them quickly, the time will grow and hurt the vitality.

But the question now is, how should he take away the Zhao family?

frowned and thought for a moment, before Li Tianqiu turned his head hesitantly and said to Qin Long: “Please also ask Brother Qin for help. Use your spirit beast to send these young people back to the county with me.”

“it is good.”

Qin Long nodded, and directly agreed without rejecting.

There is nothing to refuse, and this is not a bad thing. Although it took him some time to go to the county town, they rescued Zhao Jinglei and the others, and the Zhao family had to express it.

Otherwise, if the Zhao family is killed in the future, who will care?

Actually, if Li Tianqiu hadn’t had a large-scale flying weapon, how would he be willing to let Qin Long follow him to Zhao’s family to share a share.

It’s just that although his Royal Sword flies very fast, he can only take one person with him at most. He can’t leave the rest of the Zhao family here alone. In desperation, he had to ask Qin Long to go with him.

The evil spirits and ghosts in the living body can cause great damage to people, and Zhao Jinglei’s body is actually a ghost in the early days of foundation construction, and he can’t delay time. This is why Li Tianqiu has no other way. The reason to go back slowly.

Qin Long did not delay, and directly released the blue-eyed spirit snake, placed Zhao Jinglei and others on the back of the spirit snake, and fixed it with mana to prevent them from falling in the middle.

After doing this, Qin Long turned to Qin Feng and Qin Yang and said: “You quickly call back everyone and leave here.

It was in the middle of the night, and the movement was so loud just now, if other monsters attacked me, you might not be able to resist it. ”

Qin Yang quickly agreed: “Uncle Qi, don’t worry, I will call everyone back to the city.”

Even without Qin Long’s order, he would not dare to stay here.

After all, he only has the strength of the sixth level of Qi refining. Among all the soldiers in the inspection department, only three teams are congenital warriors. The others are acquired warriors. Some powerful monsters are coming, they are easy to damage.

Seeing that they were obedient, Qin Long nodded and didn’t say much, so he flew into the air and landed on the back of the blue-eyed spirit snake, driving the spirit snake and Li Tianqiu towards the county city.

Watching their distant back disappear and disappear in the night sky, Qin Yang didn’t look much, and directly took out a bamboo whistle from his arms, and put it in his mouth to make a sharp noise.

He is summoning all soldiers from the Inspection Department to gather here.

With the blessing of his spiritual power, the whistle sound travels far.

Soon, there was a rush of footsteps in the distance, and the scattered teams gathered one after another.

Qin Yang counted and found that everyone was there, and he was relieved.

“Brother Yang, what happened to Huzi?”

A close team was suddenly surprised when they saw Chen Hu and others on the ground.

This is his brother, so he is most worried about the safety of a few people.

“It’s okay, it’s just a little bit of Yin Sha in the body, lost my mind.”

Qin Yang said: “Come and help with a few brothers, carry them back, and I will help them get rid of the evil spirits after UU read www.uukā and wait.”

Hearing what Qin Yang said, everyone felt relieved.

As long as people are fine.

At the moment, several people swung their knives and chopped a few branches, simply made a few stretchers, and lifted Chen Hu and the others.

“By the way, where did Master Qin go? Earlier I seemed to see Master Qin’s spirit snake flying through the sky.”

asked another strong middle-aged man.

He is Zhao Meng, and he is also the strongest among the three innate warriors of the Inspection Department.

“Uncle Qi and Master Li are going to the county town.”

Qin Yang briefly talked about the situation, and said: “That Xie Xiu has been beheaded by Master Li, and Kuncheng will soon stabilize. This mountain forest is not stable. You still don’t want to stay for a long time. It’s better to leave quickly. ”

“Right, right, go quickly.”

Zhao Meng and others also woke up, this place is not safe, the spiritual power fluctuations of the previous fighting techniques spread so far, if any monsters are attracted, they may have to fight hard.

A group of people hurriedly walked towards the path.

After waiting out of the woods and coming to the mass grave, it was a lot easier.

After all, there is no serious way for people who are deep and shallow in the mountains and forests, and there are many poisonous insects, snakes and ants lurking in the dark. Maybe they will come out and take a bite when they are really poisoned.

Everyone walked forward along the path of the mass grave. As long as they left the mass grave, the road would be smooth.

At this moment, the soldiers walking in front suddenly let out a shocked cry: “Why did the big locust tree guarding the mass graves fall?”

Qin Feng raised his head and looked forward when he heard the sound, and saw that the hollow ghost tree that could only be hugged by a few people fell on the road, blocking the direction of everyone leaving.

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