
Chapter 95 Who is stronger and who is weaker?

In the evening, as a series of exciting videos were posted on the Internet one after another, Chu Ge held two grenade launchers and killed three immortal cultivators in one go. The "three kills" scene was also shortlisted for "the most exciting kill of the day" on the forum Among the top ten, the number of hits reached as many as 100,000, and there were 4,000 to 5,000 comments, which helped him harvest a wave of shocking energy, and made his "war results" on the first day reach more than 17,300 A little shock value.

Measured by the standard of "100,000 shock points in ten days", today can be described as a bumper harvest.

Chu Ge did not take it lightly, but found a cafeteria. While the wind was blowing away, steak and barbecued pork were suffocating with the genetic medicine, while strengthening the digestive system with golden light spots, instantly transforming nutrients into energy, nourishing the eight meridians, and making the limbs skeleton.

In the next few days, the task is still heavy.

He earned the most shocking energy on the first day, which is a matter of course, but then everyone has an impression of his several trumpets, and it is not easy to be shocking again and again.

He can only practice desperately, and rack his brains to come up with sharper attacks, cooler looks, more gorgeous appearances and celebrations, before the audience gets tired of looking at them, he can change the angle, change the style, and change the shocking method .

These days, with the flood of media and the explosion of information, many people have learned the tricks of sensationalizing and attracting attention. It is not easy to shock people.

Moreover, he was not the only one who had an adventure in the recovery of spiritual energy and shined in the "Battle of Tianjiao Hegemony".

Needless to say, there are 16 seeded players who have not yet appeared, and the fierce players other than the seeded players are also very interesting.

Take the other nine videos that also made it into the top ten of the "Most Exciting Kills of the Day" on the first day. A shuttle bullet can pry open the tortoise shell of a cultivator in the Qi refining period.

In another video, a speed-type quasi-awakened person equipped with a jet-type exoskeleton known as the "Blade Warrior" was able to soar with the speed of the immortal cultivator and played the "kite flying" tactic. The vertical floor was like walking on the ground, and Chu Ge was amazed to see it, not daring to underestimate the heroes of the world.

To be honest, seeing so many awakened people besieging the immortal cultivators with superpowers and heavy firepower, Chu Ge even felt that the immortal cultivators were a bit pitiful—if the game data was 100% realistic, it would be impossible for the immortal cultivators to dare to invade the earth. Get hanged!

On second thought, if I were an immortal cultivator, I wouldn't be foolish enough to take a flying sword and use my protective energy to attack the steel defenses of the Earth Army. Isn't that courting death?

The biggest feature of modern firearms and heavy firearms is that they are easy to use.

Adults with normal intelligence, or even half-aged children, only need to study ordinary individual equipment for three to five months, not to mention proficient, at least they can fire proficiently.

If the standard is lowered, as long as the bullets are shot out and the grenades are thrown out, I am afraid that three to five days of training will be enough.

Since immortal cultivators can learn such difficult exercises and all kinds of mysterious and complicated supernatural powers, isn't it the same as learning how to shoot a gun, throw a grenade, or operate a tank?

So, if you are an immortal cultivator, why do you have to hit your head on the frontal battlefield?

Why don't you think of a way to lurk down first, learn the language, writing and technology of the people on earth, learn how to manipulate modern weapons, rob an arsenal or something, arm yourself, and even return to the world of cultivating immortals to build your own military factory?

The most advanced missile and supersonic fighter technology are of course not so easy to imitate. The basic rifle and grenade production line should not be so difficult. You can even engrave some talismans unique to immortal cultivators on bullets and grenades. Refining it into a "magic weapon", this thing, the strength of the immortal cultivator will be greatly increased in an instant!

So, here comes the problem.

Earthlings who have mastered the supernatural powers,

Or the immortal cultivators who have mastered the earth's technology, which side is stronger?

It seems to be a muddled account, and you will only know it when you type it.

Anyway, if you are not in your position, you will not seek your own government, so let those big shots worry about it.

Chu Ge rolled his eyes and entered the exclusive section of "Lingshan Tianjiao List". He wanted to know the latest trends of Ning Chaixing.

This guy really didn't disappoint him. He learned about his refusal to be a "seed player" from somewhere, and made a fuss out of it.

"As the saying goes, 'True gold is not afraid of fire', we originally expected Chu Ge to shine in the Tianjiao Contest as a 'seed player', but we didn't expect him to shrink back. It seems that his previous stage of cultivation The effect is indeed not very good, and this also proves that for a quasi-awakened person with mediocre aptitude, even if he forcibly injects more genetic medicine, it is impossible to produce a real master."

A commenter with the screen name "Starchaser" said, "Of course, the finals and the awakening test have not yet been carried out, and all miracles are possible. Maybe we have to wait until the finals and the awakening test nine days later to appreciate Chu Ge's real " strength'."

This guy is really a tortoise, he won't let go of his bite.

Chu Ge sneered, and read a few more professional smear posts posted by so-called "ordinary netizens" but actually "Internet trolls".

These unscrupulous things are even more unscrupulous, such words as "shrinking the head", "wine bag and rice bag", and "you are a little self-aware, just go home and eat milk, don't come out to embarrass yourself" are all sprayed out. Help the trolls.

Knowing that this was all a trick played by Ning Chaixing, Chu Ge found it even more ridiculous.

In particular, the video of his triple kill was still hanging high on the top post of the main forum, which caused the shock of countless netizens. Watching these clown tricks, it really feels like an absurd drama.

"This Ning chasing stars is too easy to be fooled. He is as brainless as his younger brother. He is also a graduate of Tianhai Communication University. It is really embarrassing for cultural people."

Chu Ge pouted, and stuffed three more steaks into his mouth.

Suddenly, he found that the surroundings were eerily silent. When he looked up, the waiters, customers, and a middle-aged man who looked like a boss were all staring at him dumbfounded.

Chu Ge raised his eyebrows.

Isn't it like eating twenty steaks, three pizzas, one pot of roast chicken, two char siu and three bowls of noodles in one sitting? It's shocking?

With a thought in his heart, he suddenly thought of something, and hooked his fingers at the middle-aged man who looked like a boss.

"Boss, I am a quasi-awakened person. My super power is that I can eat. How about it? Our restaurant has no shortage of image spokespersons. I can come to the restaurant every day to conduct live video broadcasts of the big stomach king, so as to ensure that your business is booming and customers are abundant. Oh!" Chu Ge said with a smile.


In the next few days, no matter how cynicism and even swearing by Ning Chaixing Star and the Internet trolls, Chu Ge remained unmoved. According to his own rhythm, he practiced the trumpet, scored points, and accumulated shocking energy. By the way, he explored how to integrate the "Ten Items of Hell" into in battle.

He specifically asked for leave from Lei Sanpao, the person in charge of the Red Helmets Training Base, saying that he would not go to training for the next few days, but he still hoped that he would be given a chance during the "Ten Items of Hell" test—he did not require a formal promotion qualification , as long as I take the time out of the venue to test to what extent I can achieve when I am fully fired.

Lei Sanpao thought that he, an auditor, finally couldn't bear the high-intensity torture of the ten items of hell, and retreated.

But it's not good to stimulate him too much, just comfort him with good words and agree with him.

And when Chu Ge continued to hone himself in virtual battles, and practiced one trumpet after another, the concepts of "Tianjiao Hegemony" and "Awakening Test" also followed a series of promotional advertisements for the sixteen seeded contestants. , spread throughout the city.

The finals will be held in the newly built sports center in Lingshan City.

With a stadium capable of accommodating 80,000 spectators, together with the attached sub-venues and a grand hotel, it is expected that more than 150,000 spectators will participate in this grand event, turning the Battle of Tianjiao into a city with a population of two to three million. Big festival.

The people of Lingshan, who have been suffocated for too long in the rainstorm, earthquake and fire, really need such a grand gathering of heroes and geniuses to cheer up their courage.

And as Chu Ge's fighting skills became more and more proficient, more and more shocking energy was harvested, and his style became more and more gorgeous, his "anonymous accounts" also attracted more and more people's attention.

Among them are the sixteen seeded players who have dealt with before.


The countdown to the shelves, the last two days!

When it hits the shelves, Lao Niu's speed will definitely increase. Book friends who have read "Forty Thousand Years of Cultivation" should know that Lao Niu will not let everyone down.

The most important thing is that the new book is on the shelves. I still hope that everyone can support it. Lao Niu relies on everyone's help to support his family. Thank you, brothers and sisters!

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