Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 35: Violence Can Solve Everything

Amid the sounds of fine drizzling, two jackals with sizes similar to Lil Four stood with their hackles raised, their hind legs pressed to the ground and heads held high.

They bared their big mouths with sharp fangs and glared at the lynx with low growls.

However, the lynx was not to be outdone. With a slightly bigger size, now like a small tiger, it exuded an awe-inspiring presence and its cry was even more terrifying!

Before this, the two jackals were both at Unranked Grade-2 while the lynx was Unranked Grade-3. Over such a long time, after continuously absorbing spiritual fluid, as well as going out hunting and absorbing the essence of sun and moon, they were much stronger than before.

The two jackals had reached Grade-4 while the lynx had reached Grade-5.

Lin Ming did not step in to stop them from fighting.

As subordinates under him, Lin Ming also wanted to find out the level of strength these mutated animals had reached.

In such a long time, Lin Ming really had not seen how these subordinates actually fought with other mutated animals.

His spiritual aura detection ability was still not able to perceive the exact scene of the battle from a long distance.

This timing was just right.

The low growls of confrontation between the two jackals and the lynx quickly awakened other sleeping animals.

Adorable Little Snake raised its head with considerable interest.

The three little monkeys hopped around and chattered while hiding in the distance.

Seven little wolf pups yawned and showed little interest.

Two egrets and two red-crowned cranes watched for a while before half-closing their eyes and flew to Lin Ming's bamboo branch to rest.

The little bear cub, looking soft and extremely cute, ran to an extremely close distance to watch the good show.

Rawr, rawr!

The two jackals finally got tired of confronting the lynx. Instead, they circled the lynx with one at the front and the other taking the rear.

At one glance, Lin Ming knew that the two jackals wanted to flank an attack from front and back. Then, they would use their best technique, the Steel Gouge, to completely finish the lynx.

Lin Ming had watched a lot of Animal Planet back then. The jackal was an animal with sharp claws and teeth, great courage, extremely vicious, brutal, and greedy.

They would usually surround the prey first, flank an attack from front and rear, scratch to blind the opponent, bite off the ears, nose, and lips, tear the skin open, and then divide the internal organs and meat, or directly attack the prey's *nus, scratching and biting to gouge the intestines.

Moreover, the intelligence of this animal was quite developed, accustomed to attacking the enemy with its companions. With a keen sense of smell and excellent endurance, the basic way of hunting was very similar to that of wolves. Basically, they would adopt a relay-style method of perseverance, collective siege, and winning with numbers.

It was also because of the many advantages of jackals that Lin Ming captured them at that time, instead of driving them away or killing them off.

Now that they had reached Unranked Grade-4, the sizes were larger than before, the speed was much faster, and the fangs and claws were sharper than they used to be.

The two jackals had now grown to be no less powerful than the Septenary Wolves in terms of combative strength!

However, with a relatively scrawny body, a little reckless in the attack approach, the brain was less agile, irritable, and easy to anger, such factors still left them with some shortcomings and weaknesses.

As for the lynx, Lin Ming was not worried in the least that it would immediately suffer a defeat under the attack of the two jackals.

After all, it had already reached Unranked Grade-5. Even if it was only one grade higher, it was still like a huge rift.

After all, the lynx also focused on high attack power and high speed. In terms of ferocity and brutality, it was not inferior to the jackal, even surpassing it in certain situations.

Lin Ming was also prepared. If the fight ran out of control, he would use a bamboo branch to stop them at the critical juncture.

It was not a good thing for wild animals to lack wild savagery. Although they were his subordinates, Lin Ming still wanted these mutated animals to display their original wild attributes.

After all, if they were too well-behaved or meek like domesticated animals, they would not survive long in the era of spiritual aura reawakening.

For example, if he had any illusion about those humans, thinking that he could live in peace with humans, he would definitely end up suffering a devastating price.

Lin Ming felt that in this era of spiritual aura reawakening, the human faction not only possessed powerful technology and military capabilities, but also transcendent beings who had awakened special abilities during this period.

As for the strength of these transcendent beings at present, Captain Zheng's strength was not inferior. In addition to their normal 'supernatural' ability, they also possessed the power to control the fire element.

However, Captain Zheng's current strength was still far beneath his subordinates.

The others were also too weak to even mention.

Lin Ming guessed that these people were not from a military background or similar, otherwise, they would not be killed by the wolves or the snake so easily.

The level of performance they showed was simply not worthy of their strength.

Instead of saying that they were transcendent beings with extraordinary powers, they were actually more like ordinary people who had just gained some abilities.

Otherwise, if those humans were superbly disciplined and well-organized, using their ability to defend immediately when they encountered the enemy, and only making full use of their ability to attack after their safety was assured, then the subordinates he sent out may not be able to obtain such great results. Perhaps even killing them would be absolutely impossible.

Thinking about it now, he also had some contempt for those humans, so he ended up paying the price for it—Lil Six and Lil Seven, the two wolf pups were seriously injured.

It was also his fault when the snake and the panda went out without his notice.

Fortunately, the opponents were a bunch of slack transcendent beings so they succeeded in their surprise attack, otherwise, it would be too late for regrets.

Lin Ming also knew very well that as the concentration of spiritual aura continued to increase, the transcendent beings on the human side would most likely become stronger with it. If he was negligent in enhancing his own strength and the strength of his subordinates, he would definitely suffer a very painful price at that time.

With many thoughts running through his mind, Lin Ming turned his attention to the battle below that had not yet started.

The speed of the two jackals was already much faster than before.

They had been circling the lynx, seeming to be looking for an opening in the lynx's movement or a moment of distraction.

The lynx, on the other hand, was as steady as a mountain and seemed much calmer than the two jackals.

It did not make any extra moves. Those dexterous ears flipped back and forth as the jackals moved around while their short dagger-like tails swayed constantly.

The lynx's front paws gripped the ground firmly and seemed ready to pounce at any time.

Rawr, rawr!


With three deafening bursts of roars, three black shadows got into a scuffle!

However, at this moment!

A shrill howl suddenly sounded, and a figure like a giant wall, with absolute domination, enveloped the three beasts that were stunned by the howl!

With a swish, a black streak of light cut through the air in an instant.

Boom, bang!

As the earth shook, the two jackals were slammed heavily into the ground in a flash!

Another long howl from the black wall and the lynx was forcefully kicked this time, emitting a painful scream. It was actually slapped in mid-air before falling heavily to the ground!


Both the jackals and the lynx were trembling and afraid to get up again, having lost all the pompadour from before.

In front of them, the panda stood like a human, fierce growls emitting from its mouth, not looking adorable in the least.

"Oh, quite violent." Lin Ming admired this guy very much.

Before, this guy was always with Adorable Little Snake, acting more like a mascot every day.

Now, it could also kill jackals and lynx with one blow!

At nearly three meters tall, its huge body was as powerful as a giant armored truck!

Lin Ming discovered that this one had also reached Unranked Grade-7 now, growing extremely rapidly.

"Could it be that the battle with humans has accelerated its progress of leveling up?"

Lin Ming looked at the three wind elemental wolves, and the other four that were stuck at Unranked Grade-9, and he suddenly had a guess.

Could it be that one had to fight and kill a human to level up faster?

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