Reincarnated as a Divine Tree

Chapter 104: Listen to my excuse!

Facing the gazes of everyone, Lucas Chen scratched his head awkwardly, a somewhat vacant smile appearing on his face.

He remembered that Alexander usually acted like this and rarely got beaten.

He decided to give it a try.

“Smile? You violated the clan’s orders, sneaked into the mountains, and you still dare to smile!”

“Watch how I deal with you today!”

Elijah Chen’s breathing became a bit rapid, his eyes anxiously scanning the surroundings.

Soon, an arm-thick tree branch was snapped off by the furious Elijah, who then walked slowly towards Lucas.

Seeing Elijah’s actions and anger, Lucas’s smile froze.

No, why isn’t it working?

As Elijah got closer with the wooden stick, Lucas became anxious and hurriedly said:

“Dad, listen to my excuse!”

“No, I mean, listen to my explanation!”

Elijah ignored him, but the people of the clan nearby laughed and said:

“Elijah, just listen to his excuse.”

“Yeah, let’s hear what he has to say.”

The clan members’ persuasion made Elijah stop, then he squeezed the wooden stick in his hand and sneered:

“Alright, go ahead, let’s hear your reason.”

“Dad, Alexander and I are already at the mid-stage of the Body Tempering Realm, but we haven’t gone hunting in the mountains yet. If this continues, how can we strengthen the clan in the future? How can we shoulder the responsibilities of the clan and relieve its burdens?”

“Although this mission is dangerous, it’s also a great opportunity for us to train. With so many elders from the clan here, how could we be in danger?”

“We sneaked out this time for the future of the clan!”

Lucas’s face was full of righteousness, with a hint of determination in his expression.

The other clan members present also nodded slightly after hearing this.

“Well said!”

“Lucas has such thoughts, much better than my lazy son who only knows how to farm.”

“Indeed, the future of the clan depends on these young people; they need to be trained.”

Listening to the elders’ discussions and seeing his father deep in thought, Lucas felt relieved.

It seemed he wouldn’t get beaten this time.

But then Elijah snorted coldly:

“No matter how good it sounds, violating the clan’s orders still warrants a beating. But not now, we’ll do it when we get back.”

Lucas’s fleeting joy quickly disappeared.

However, no one noticed the corner of Elijah’s mouth twitching as he threw away the wooden stick.

“You’ll walk in the middle later and learn the hunting techniques properly.”

“Yes, Dad.”

Lucas felt a bit dejected; he actually wanted to take the lead, but it seemed he wouldn’t have the chance.

Still, it wasn’t too bad; at least they hadn’t been beaten yet.

Getting beaten when they got back? That would be a problem for the future!

By the time they returned, he wouldn’t be the same person he was now, so why worry about getting beaten?

“Wait, have you noticed that we’ve been walking for so long and haven’t encountered a single beast?”

After walking for a while, Elijah suddenly stopped and asked in confusion.

The other clan members quickly nodded in agreement.

Indeed, even if there were no Green Wolves, there should be other beasts. After all, they were in the center of the Disordered Burial Mountain; it didn’t make sense not to encounter a single beast.

“Oliver, do you sense anything?”

Mason Chen asked from the back of the group.

Oliver Chen shook his head:

“I haven’t sensed any beasts, but while we were traveling, I did feel some faint presences. However, as we moved forward, those presences disappeared.”

Hearing Oliver’s response, Mason and Elijah frowned slightly.

“It seems that Innate Realm Green Wolf has noticed us.”

After a moment, Mason voiced his speculation, and the other clan members were not surprised.

Wolf-type beasts are quite intelligent and excellent hunters. Where there is a wolf pack, there are usually no other beasts.

This matched their current situation; they had likely entered the Green Wolf’s territory.

Sensing the danger from the group, the leading Green Wolf had probably ordered the other wolves to scatter and avoid contact.

This rendered their decapitation plan ineffective.

“So what should we do now?”

A clan member asked.

Mason pondered for a moment before speaking:

“It’s getting late, and it’s inconvenient to move at night. I suggest we camp here and set out again tomorrow.”

“Elijah, what do you think?”


Without further hesitation, the group prepared to make camp and cook.

Their plan had always included spending the night in the Disordered Burial Mountain, and they had brought enough supplies for a few days. Additionally, there were some resources in the secret passage, so staying for two nights wouldn’t be a problem.

They were determined not to abandon this plan.

However, if the Green Wolf continued to avoid them, it would be troublesome. With their numbers, it would be difficult to track down an Innate Realm beast in the mountain.

But they couldn’t split up; otherwise, the wolf pack would pick them off one by one.

Such beasts should never be underestimated.

As night fell, the tall trees and vines blocked the starlight.

The dropping temperature in the Disordered Burial Mountain made everyone tighten their clothes.

Fortunately, they were all warriors, and the cold was nothing to them.

But the darkness and the sounds of insects in the grass made them feel uneasy.


A spark suddenly ignited in the darkness, lighting up the surroundings and driving away the cold. The flickering firelight illuminated the joyful faces of the clan members.

“Finally, it’s lit!”

Due to the recent melting of the snow, the wood was slightly damp.

Fortunately, the clan had prepared a substance called “pi oil,” extracted from a tree known as “tung oil tree,” which helped with ignition.

As one fire was lit, several more fires illuminated the area.

“If you want to spend the night in the Disordered Burial Mountain, you must be careful of various insects and ants. The place you choose shouldn’t be too low…”

“If you can’t find a suitable place and can’t light a fire, you can also stay in the trees…”

By the fire, several clan members were teaching Lucas and Alexander the basic skills of hunting and surviving in the wild.

These were experiences the clan had gathered over time.

However, these skills became less relevant at higher realms.

Blood Condensation Realm warriors, with their tempered muscles and bones and surging Qi and Blood, wouldn’t be in danger unless they encountered a beast. But these skills could still reduce many troubles.

For Body Tempering Realm warriors, whose Qi and Blood hadn’t yet condensed, and couldn’t unleash the power of Qi and Blood, these skills were essential.

For Innate Realm warriors, it was a different story altogether.

Lucas glanced at Oliver, who was sitting nearby. Despite not displaying his Qi and Blood power, Oliver’s aura was so complete that no insects dared approach him.

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