Reincarnated as a Divine Tree

Chapter 21: The third deduction

Sacrifices must be made, but the question of how much to sacrifice has become a problem.

Should most of the fierce beasts be sacrificed to the Sacred Tree? Or should the majority be kept as food?

If it were before, he would have chosen the former without hesitation.

But the presence of beasts from the Innate Realm forced him to consider the great risks of hunting outside.

Beside him, Mason Chen and another were deep in thought. They understood the dilemma but were unsure of what decision to make.

After all, both options were crucial to the clan.

Soon, Ethan Chen stopped hesitating, a decision clear in his eyes, and he turned to Mason Chen and said:

“Let’s sacrifice these two beasts from the Blood Condensation Realm!”


Since the Sacred Tree had shown its brilliance, he decided to go all the way, sacrificing the two beasts from the Blood Condensation Realm to the Sacred Tree. The remaining two from the Body Tempering Realm would probably only suffice for the clan’s daily needs.

After all, most in the clan were warriors with a higher demand for food, unless they broke through to the Innate Realm, which would reduce their need for food rich in Qi and Blood.

But now, he had no better solution and could only hope for more divine power from the Sacred Tree.

As he said yesterday, maintaining the status quo would only delay the inevitable for a few more days. It was better to ensure the daily needs of the clan while placing hope in the Sacred Tree.

Above, seeing Ethan Chen’s decision, Noah Ji felt an immense pressure.

His current prosperity seemed promising, and the Chen Clan was slowly improving, but if the Li Clan issue wasn’t resolved, he might end up as mere kindling.

The sacrifice began swiftly, without any complicated procedures.

As the blood of the two fierce beasts seeped into the roots below, Noah Ji began to absorb it again.

The blood of the two beasts from the Blood Condensation Realm rapidly increased Noah Ji’s Qi and Blood.

When the sacrifice ended, Noah Ji opened his panel:

【Qi and Blood: 23 (convertible to vitality)】

【Spiritual Power: 6】

【Deduction Points: 20】


The mid-stage Iron Thorn Tiger from the Blood Condensation Realm contributed 15 points of Qi and Blood yesterday.

And today’s two beasts only amounted to 23 points of Qi and Blood, probably because one was an early-stage beast from the Blood Condensation Realm.

As for Spiritual Power, it was just enough for one deduction.

But as Noah Ji looked at the ‘Deductible’ button, he hesitated.

Should he gamble on an uncertain deduction? Or methodically convert all Qi and Blood into vitality to strengthen himself?

The former was too uncertain; it could improve the Chen Clan’s situation or leave Noah Ji with nothing.

The latter offered a more stable improvement, significantly enhancing his vitality and ensuring the clan’s people need not worry about injuries.

All things considered, the latter seemed more advantageous.

After a brief contemplation, Noah Ji quickly made his decision.

Where are the children who cry every day, where are the gamblers who always lose!

Watch him gamble for a bright future!

【This deduction will consume 10 Qi and Blood, 5 Spiritual Power, and 5 Deduction Points. Continue?】

【Yes? No?】

Noah Ji steeled his heart, closed his eyes, and without a second thought, clicked yes.

When Noah Ji opened his eyes again, he felt a howling wind all around him.

After taking in his surroundings, his heart sank.

Oh no, a catastrophic start!

He was still a delicate Sapling, now growing on the edge of a cliff, swaying in the roaring wind, at risk of being swept away if not careful.

In such an environment, he figured survival to adulthood would be difficult.

Based on his previous deductions, the longer he grew and the more plot he experienced, the better the rewards.

With no other options, Noah Ji could only hope for tough luck!

Soon, a line of text appeared before Noah Ji’s eyes.

【You were born on the edge of a cliff! To become a Tower to the Sky as soon as possible, you start to grow vigorously!】

As the text vanished, time accelerated once more.

And Noah Ji truly integrated into his current environment.

Being on a cliff with no other trees nearby, he could only grow slowly in the wind.

Now Noah Ji understood the saying: The tree wants to stay still, but the wind keeps blowing.

Fortunately, despite the wind, he remained sturdy and did not perish prematurely.

Though on a cliff, there was enough water and sunlight.

With time sped up, Noah Ji quickly grew to the thickness of an arm, standing on the side of the cliff.

Then, a new line of text slowly appeared.

【The wind speed below the cliff increases. To withstand the gale, you choose?】

【Grow with the wind】【Grow against the wind】

When Noah Ji saw the choices before him, he smiled knowingly.

This was too easy; as a tree wanting to survive, of course, he would choose to grow with the wind.

Just as he was about to select the first option, his brain began to whirl.


Isn’t this a bit too simple?

Is this a normal world? Clearly not!

Recalling the previous deduction process, after a brief thought, Noah Ji resolutely chose to grow against the wind.

He wouldn’t fall for such an obvious trap!

Although confident in his choice, as the text slowly disappeared, Noah Ji couldn’t help feeling a bit anxious.

What if he chose wrong? The Qi and Blood and Spiritual Power spent on this deduction would be wasted.

And right now, he couldn’t afford to lose.

After the text disappeared, time resumed flowing.

Now, Noah Ji felt the wind from below the cliff growing stronger, making growing against it extremely difficult, with the constant threat of being snapped by the gale.

Feeling his condition worsening, Noah Ji sighed inwardly.

Great, another mistake!

Just as Noah Ji was resigned to his fate, he saw the nearby cliff suddenly collapse, and the terrain around him changed drastically with the fall of the cliff. The previous headwind had now turned into a tailwind.

Could it be like this?

Noah Ji was stunned, then overjoyed.

Good, the right choice this time!

Having made the correct choice, Noah Ji continued to grow steadily as time sped up again.

Soon, he had grown to the thickness of a bowl, standing tall at the top of the cliff with a rather impressive presence.

A new line of text emerged.

【You discover two new saplings nearby. You choose?】

【Compete for water】【Leave them be】

Looking at the new choices, Noah Ji pondered for a moment, then muttered to himself:


This place was already on a cliff, with water hard to retain, just enough for Noah Ji’s own growth. How could he allow other saplings to grow?

For his own survival, he could only tearfully choose to compete for water.

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