Reincarnated as a Divine Tree

Chapter 39: Five times deduction!

Double deduction? What is this?

Can emotional deduction be doubled as an investment?

Moreover, the notes also informed Noah Ji that the higher the deduction multiplier, the stronger the abilities seemed to be.

Double deduction even allowed him to carry one of his own abilities into the deduction and unlock rare maps?

Looking at the green plus sign, Noah Ji clicked twice more.

[This deduction requires 40 Qi and Blood, 20 Spiritual Power, and 20 Deduction Points. Continue?]

[Yes? No?]

(Note: This is a quadruple deduction. During the deduction, you will randomly carry three of your abilities into the deduction.)

(Note: The higher the deduction multiplier, the easier it is to unlock rare maps.)

Seeing the revised notes, Noah Ji understood.

For each additional multiplier in the deduction, he could carry one more ability into the deduction.

It was an ability, not a supernatural power.

Even so, it could still significantly increase his chances of survival.

Noah Ji carefully recalled the abilities he had gained in previous deductions.

They were Root Strengthening, High-Temperature Resistance, and Tenacity.

Except for High-Temperature Resistance, which required a specific environment to be useful, the other two abilities were quite beneficial for his growth.

For instance, during the last deduction, if he had Root Strengthening, the cliff wouldn’t have collapsed.

As for the rare maps, Noah Ji was puzzled. What exactly were rare maps?

Quickly, Noah Ji stopped dwelling on it. Instead of thinking, it was better to try it himself to understand the differences.

Looking at his current points, Noah Ji steeled himself and clicked on the green arrow again.

[This deduction requires 50 Qi and Blood, 25 Spiritual Power, and 25 Deduction Points. Continue?]

[Yes? No?]

(Note: This is a quintuple deduction. During the deduction, you will randomly carry four of your abilities into the deduction.)

(Note: The higher the deduction multiplier, the easier it is to unlock rare maps.)

This time, he directly chose quintuple deduction. If he was going to play, he might as well play big.

Anyway, resources were still abundant, and the Chen Clan no longer faced external threats, so he could afford to experiment.

Even if it failed, he would understand the differences.

After meeting the conditions for quintuple deduction, Noah Ji noticed that the green symbol turned gray. He tried, but couldn’t adjust it further, indicating it was based on his current points.

The next moment, Noah Ji didn’t hesitate and clicked “Yes.”

As soon as he clicked, the ancestral hall around him quickly vanished.

However, this time was different from previous deductions. After confirming the deduction, he didn’t immediately enter a strange world.

Instead, various scenes appeared before Noah Ji’s eyes, cycling like a revolving lantern.

Grasslands, snowfields, deserts, forests, lava…

With just a quick glance, Noah Ji saw countless environments, including those he had grown in during previous deductions.

As the scenes continued to play, Noah Ji saw special environments different from before.

There were immortal realms shrouded in mist and filled with flowers and plants.

There were bustling places with carved beams and painted buildings.

There were also dead lands covered in white bones, devoid of life.

The scenes before his eyes cycled faster and faster, making it hard for Noah Ji to see the details. But he quickly thought of the rare maps mentioned during the deduction.

Clearly, if he grew in these rare maps, he might gain better rewards?

Before Noah Ji could think further, the revolving lantern-like maps gradually slowed down. After skipping deserts and valleys, a shadowy scene appeared before him and slowly stopped.

Before Noah Ji could see the details, the scene seemed to come alive and instantly swallowed his consciousness.

When Noah Ji opened his eyes again, he found himself in an unfamiliar place.

It was a shadowy space with no sun or moon overhead. The sky was like a black curtain, making one feel tense.

Even the soil below was black, with no signs of life, not even a single plant.

This harsh environment made Noah Ji’s heart sink. Before he could continue observing, familiar subtitles appeared before him.

[You are born in the Shadowy Realm! To become a Tower to the Sky, you begin to grow diligently!]

Shadowy Realm?

The name shocked Noah Ji.

It seemed he had indeed entered a rare map, and it sounded extraordinary.

However, after scanning the surroundings again, Noah Ji felt that this rare map might not be a good thing for him, as the growth conditions were harsher than deserts and other places.

After the subtitles disappeared, Noah Ji realized something was different.

Usually, he entered the deduction as a sapling, but this time, he entered with the size of the tree trunk in the ancestral hall.

Before starting to grow, he already had two clusters of leaves, and his roots extended several meters underground.

Noah Ji could sense the strength of one of his underground roots.

If nothing went wrong, that should be the root he had strengthened.

This time, he chose quintuple deduction, which should carry four abilities into the deduction world. But he only had three abilities, so it seemed all of them were brought in.

The slightly robust body gave Noah Ji a sense of security.

But as time passed and the sky remained as gloomy as ever, that sense of security vanished.

The Shadowy Realm had no day or night, and the environment remained unchanged.

As a tree, how could he survive without sunlight?

As time passed, Noah Ji felt himself weakening. Even with accelerated time, he couldn’t continue growing.

If not for the Tenacity ability, Noah Ji felt he might already be dead.

But if this continued, he wouldn’t last much longer.

Was this deduction going to end in failure?

Noah Ji sighed inwardly. This deduction had cost him all his current assets.

Just as Noah Ji was feeling dejected, new subtitles appeared before him.

[The Shadowy Realm’s environment is harsh and difficult to survive in. To adapt and continue growing, you decide to:]

[Absorb Yin Qi] [Absorb Earth Qi] [Absorb Soul Qi]

Seeing the new choices, Noah Ji’s heart stirred. Whether he could continue to survive depended on this choice.

However, what troubled Noah Ji was that there was now an extra option.

With two options before, he had a fifty percent chance. Now, with three options, he only had a thirty percent chance.

Of course, it wasn’t necessarily true that only one option was correct. Perhaps all three were viable.

Naturally, Noah Ji still wanted to choose the most suitable one.

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