Reincarnated as a Divine Tree

Chapter 55: Soul Condensation

This time, three fierce beasts were sacrificed, two at the early Blood Condensation Realm and one at the mid Blood Condensation Realm.

If Jay Li knew in the afterlife that his thyme not only failed to damage the Chen Clan but instead allowed them to gain a few fierce beasts for free, he might not rest in peace.

The three Blood Condensation Realm beasts increased Noah Ji's Qi and Blood to 33 points, but his Spiritual Power only increased by four points.

Although his Qi and Blood and Spiritual Power were sufficient, without enough Deduction Points, Noah couldn't start a new deduction.

Having tasted the benefits last time, Noah was no longer satisfied with single deductions. He needed to increase the multiplier to improve his chances of acquiring supernatural powers and combat skills.

As everyone left, the Ancestral Hall returned to its quiet state. To prevent a recurrence of such events, two more warriors were added to the night patrol, including one Blood Condensation Realm warrior.

After the last Sacred Tree Grand Ceremony, the clan gained two more Blood Condensation Realm warriors. Including Clan Chief Ethan Chen, there were now six Blood Condensation Realm warriors in the clan.

This barely restored their strength to the level before their conflict with the Li Family.

On the seventh day of the white fruit's growth, the fruits on the tree had shed their previous white color and turned gray. The features on the fruits became more lifelike, as if the ancestors were alive.

To strangers, however, this scene would appear incredibly eerie.

Due to Ethan Chen's orders from two days ago, not many clan members came to disturb the Sacred Tree. Only Elijah Chen and a few other Blood Condensation Realm warriors visited the Ancestral Hall twice at night to pay respects to their ancestors.

After all, the gray fruits on the tree contained not only Oliver Chen's father but also their own elders.

On the seventh night, the gray fruits on the tree showed little change.

At this moment, Noah Ji was fully focused on these Soul Condensed gray fruits, eager to see what they would look like when fully mature.

However, Noah was puzzled. He could sense that these gray fruits were nearing maturity, yet their faces remained with closed eyes.

Half an hour passed under Noah's watchful gaze.

Finally, as the moon hung high and Noah began to absorb the moonlight and Yin Qi, the gray fruits started to change.

Under the moonlight, the gray fruits hanging from the branches began to sway slowly. As they swayed, their eyes gradually opened.

Noah watched intently, observing the changes in these gray fruits.

Such a miraculous scene was a first for him.

After a brief sway, a gray fruit at the top of the branch suddenly fell to the ground.

Just as the gray fruit was about to hit the ground, a strong burst of Yin Qi erupted from it.

With the disappearance of the gray fruit, a gray figure of an old man suddenly appeared in the Ancestral Hall, his face identical to the one on the gray fruit.

"Is this… a living soul?"

Above, Noah watched the mature gray fruits, his eyes filled with confusion.

If they were still living souls, what was the point of Soul Condensation?

However, upon closer inspection, Noah noticed something different about this living soul.

First, unconverted living souls were tattered and gray-white in color. The current living soul's body was solid and entirely gray.

Second, he sensed something different in this fallen living soul, but he couldn't pinpoint it immediately.

As Noah pondered, other gray fruits on the branches couldn't hold back any longer and fell to the ground like raindrops.

Each gray fruit transformed into a new figure before hitting the ground, appearing in the Ancestral Hall.

In just a few moments, the hall was filled with countless gray figures, though these figures couldn't be seen by others.

Noah, who had been observing these living souls, suddenly had a revelation. He knew what was different!


These living souls were not as dull as other living souls. They appeared more lively, and Noah even saw signs of thought in their eyes.

Could it be?

After a brief pause upon landing, the first old living soul to fall suddenly held his head, a look of contemplation on his face, and uttered the three great philosophical questions of life:

"Who am I?"

"Where am I?"

"What am I supposed to do?"

Other living souls also frowned in deep thought, searching through their long-forgotten memories.

After a brief contemplation, a bright light suddenly flashed in the old living soul's eyes.

He remembered.

He was Benjamin Chen, the eleventh Clan Chief of the Chen Clan!

But looking at the unfamiliar surroundings, Benjamin Chen's mind was filled with confusion. If he remembered correctly, he had died in a battle with enemies during the last family migration.

Why was he alive again?

Soon, Benjamin Chen noticed his current state and the unfamiliar figures around him.

Other living souls also voiced their confusion:

"Ah, who am I again?"

"I remember dying in a battle with fierce beasts."

"I think I died too, during the family's migration."

"Why can't I touch anything? What's happening to me? What happened?"

Voices of confusion echoed through the Ancestral Hall, but the clan members outside were unaware. Only Noah Ji above could hear their questions.

At this moment, Noah understood the purpose of his Soul Condensation. This supernatural power seemed to solidify the souls of the deceased and restore their memories from when they were alive.

Unfortunately, it was bound to the clan, so only the people of the Chen Clan could benefit from it.

Even after solidification, they still couldn't touch anything or be seen.

What could these living souls be used for?

Noah ignored the many living souls below and pondered the potential uses of these restored souls.

"Harold, is that you?"

Benjamin Chen's expression suddenly became excited as he recognized a familiar soul not far away. He couldn't help but approach that soul.

As he approached, Benjamin Chen noticed a few more familiar souls.

"You are my son, Jeremy!"


Hearing Benjamin Chen's calls, the memories of the other three souls gradually became clearer.

When the three saw Benjamin Chen, they too became excited and called out:


As the three approached and recognized each other, their excitement grew:

"Eldest Brother!"

"Second Brother!"

"Third Brother!"

"Eldest Brother!"

"Cousin? Is that you?"

"Father, it's so good to see you!"

"Third Uncle, have you also died?"

"Nephew, you're here too!"

The many restored Chen Clan members, upon seeing the familiar faces around them, began to exchange excited conversations.

They spoke of their memories, their unspoken words from when they were alive, and the joy of reuniting after a long time.

For a moment, the entire Ancestral Hall was in chaos.

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