Reincarnated as a Divine Tree

Chapter 62: Sneak a peek

Maintaining this pace, in another half month, the clan should be able to safely get through this harsh winter.

However, hunting fierce beasts at the Body Tempering Realm and Blood Condensation Realm still requires some effort.

Considering the Green Wolf at the Innate Realm deep within the Disordered Burial Mountain, we can't venture too far in.

In the long run, this is highly detrimental to the clan's development.

But the Innate Realm is simply too distant a goal.

Even the strongest in the clan, Oliver Chen, has only recently reached the late-stage Blood Condensation Realm.

And the gap between the late-stage Blood Condensation Realm and the Innate Realm is just too vast.

After some thought, Ethan Chen decided not to dwell on it. Perhaps he was being too impatient.

The development of the clan is not something that can be achieved overnight.

Currently, the clan's situation is improving, with no internal strife or external threats. Becoming stronger is just a matter of time.

In the Liu Family, a gaunt middle-aged man stood at the front of the courtyard.

In the center of the courtyard grew several green bamboos.

However, at this moment, these bamboos had turned grayish-yellow, and even the leaves had long fallen off.

The middle-aged man stood quietly, deep in thought.

Soon, a figure slowly stepped into the courtyard, then bowed and reported:

"Clan Chief, the Chen Clan has been making some moves recently. Not only are they recruiting house servants, but they are also hunting extensively in the Disordered Burial Mountain. Should we…?"

After speaking, the clansman looked up at the Clan Chief, seeking some information.

After a moment, the middle-aged man came back to his senses, turned, and snorted coldly:

"It seems you've been in the Disordered Burial Mountain for too long. Have you forgotten the true purpose of our family's presence here?"

"The Chen Clan is nothing. We can destroy them with a flick of a finger. As long as they don't interfere with us, there's no need to bother."

"However, it's interesting that the Chen Clan managed to survive and become the ultimate winner in the last great battle."

The reporting clansman felt a chill in his heart and quickly nodded:

"I understand."

After he left, the courtyard was left with only the middle-aged man.

Feeling the cold air around him, the middle-aged man looked pensive.

Another winter has come, and the time left for the family is running out. This time, they must find that thing!

After a while, the sound of rice grains scattering echoed through the courtyard.

"Paul Cai, where are you going?"

"The clan has rules. As a house servant, you can't wander around at night."

"I'm just going to relieve myself. I'll be right back."

The young man called Paul Cai smiled and replied, then turned and walked out of the room.

After becoming a house servant of the Chen Clan two days ago, the Chen Clan had specially built accommodations, two people per room, and allowed them to go home once a month. Coupled with the promised monthly salary, the treatment was quite good.

After staying in the Chen Clan for a few days, his initial nervousness gradually eased.

Their daily tasks were not difficult, and he managed them with ease.

Having drunk too much water during the day, he now needed to take care of a personal matter.

Soon, Paul Cai came out of the latrine, ready to go back to sleep.

But when he saw the faint glow in the sky not far from the clan, his curiosity was completely piqued.

If he remembered correctly, that was the Chen Clan's Ancestral Hall.

On the first day, a Chen clansman had taken them around the various places of the clan to familiarize themselves with the surroundings. But the Chen Clan's Ancestral Hall was listed as a forbidden area, not allowed to be entered or viewed.

This naturally aroused the curiosity of many, including what exactly was inside the Ancestral Hall.

He had almost forgotten about it over the past few days, but now that faint glow made him itch with curiosity.

He would just take a look, just one look.

The reason he dared to sneak a peek was that he noticed the Chen clansmen seemed to go to bed very early. As soon as it got dark, many had already gone to rest.

At night, the entire Chen Clan was particularly quiet. He hadn't even seen any patrols in the past few days.

This was the main reason he dared to go.

If there were patrols, he wouldn't dare go even if he had more courage.

Paul Cai carefully looked around, confirming that no one noticed him, then slowly walked towards the Chen Clan's Ancestral Hall.

But not long after, he felt a chill around his body.

This puzzled him greatly. He was wearing quite a lot, so why did he feel so cold?

Paul Cai ignored it and continued forward.

Soon, he reached the outside of the Ancestral Hall. Looking at the tightly closed door and the not-so-high outer wall, an idea struck him.

In no time, half a head peeked over the wall.

Climbing over the wall, Paul Cai used the faint moonlight to observe the inside of the Ancestral Hall.

But after a round of observation, he felt utterly bored.

Inside the Ancestral Hall, there was only a tree and a room with spiritual positions, nothing else.

It seemed the glow he saw earlier didn't exist.

Paul Cai didn't look any further, climbed down the wall, and turned to leave.

But at this moment, he felt even colder.

On his way back, he passed by the rooms of other Chen clansmen, and from inside came murmurs of dream talk.

Hearing the sounds, Paul Cai couldn't help but press his ear against the wall, listening carefully to the voices inside.

"…cut it down?"

"Oh, I get it. This way…the blood won't…flow out."

"Tomorrow I'll find…to try…"

The words he heard made Paul Cai's face change slightly. Although he didn't hear everything, the meaning of the words sent chills down his spine. Coupled with the surrounding cold, it made him break out in a cold sweat.

It felt as if countless invisible eyes were watching him from the shadows.

Paul Cai didn't hesitate any longer and quickened his pace back to his room.

In his dream, two Chen clansmen were conversing.

"Handling the beast's corpse is an art. Don't underestimate it. Back then, our father relied on this skill in the clan…"

"Father, I understand. I'll try it tomorrow."

In the room, the sleeping clansman smiled faintly in his dream.

After Paul Cai re-entered his room, several living souls that had been following him started to communicate.

"This person is too curious, not suitable to be a house servant."

"Indeed, there are also two others with arrogant attitudes and too many thoughts, also not suitable."

After some discussion, the living souls left and returned to the Ancestral Hall.

The previously vanished glow reappeared on the inconspicuous Sophora tree's branches and leaves in the Ancestral Hall.

Under the Sophora tree, countless invisible living souls sat cross-legged. The dense Yin Qi from these souls lowered the temperature of the entire Ancestral Hall by several degrees.

Occasionally, some living souls would float out to patrol the surroundings of the clan.

It was because of these living souls that the Chen clansmen didn't have to worry about night attacks. Due to the nature of the living souls, they were far more convenient than the clan's patrol teams.

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