Reincarnated as a Divine Tree

Chapter 66: Clan Combat Skill

“Noah Ji, it seems I might have overdone it.”

Noah Ji looked at Michael Chen, who had suddenly sprung back to life, and thought to himself.

Just now, he was worried that Michael might die on the spot, so he used two points of Vitality.

It seemed that reviving a Blood Condensation Realm warrior didn’t require that much. Next time, he would need to be more cautious. After all, this Vitality was hard-earned.

As the people of the clan left, the Ancestral Hall returned to silence.

Only the murmurs of two living souls could be heard under the shade of the Sacred Tree.

The two had just been examining Michael Chen, almost wanting to strip him to see if his injuries had completely healed and if there were any aftereffects.

But they found nothing wrong, which left them in awe.

Benjamin Chen sighed.

If the Sacred Tree had such divine power back then, the clan wouldn’t have fallen to its current state.

But upon reflection, perhaps it wasn’t a bad thing.

Even the strongest clans would decline over time.

The clan’s downfall back then was also due to internal conflicts. Now that he had a second chance at life, he would never allow the clan to follow the same old path.

Looking at the new branches that had just sprouted on the Sacred Tree, Benjamin Chen felt deeply moved.

Sometimes, only by shedding the old can new growth emerge, just like the current state of the clan.

Noah Ji looked at the pensive Benjamin Chen, puzzled.

What was this old man mumbling about?

Meanwhile, Oliver Chen quickly returned to the clan with William Chen, who had been left behind.

They also brought back the corpse of a Sky Blue Bull.

The Sky Blue Bull wasn’t large, with blue fur and a single horn. It was adept at hiding and ambushing, and this particular beast was the culprit behind the clan members’ injuries.

But with Oliver Chen’s intervention, the Sky Blue Bull was quickly slain.

William Chen only suffered minor injuries.

Upon learning the details, Ethan Chen decided to reduce the previous three teams to two.

One team would be led by Oliver Chen, and the other by Elijah Chen, with William Chen and another Blood Condensation Realm warrior included.

The beasts on the outskirts of Disordered Burial Mountain had been mostly hunted by the clan warriors over the past half month, leaving only ordinary wild animals.

To hunt fierce beasts, they would need to venture deeper.

This meant encountering stronger beasts, so strengthening the hunting teams was crucial.

Ethan Chen never considered stopping the hunts.

Although the clan wasn’t short on food and each hunt yielded good results, enough to get through the winter, the new Blood Rice hadn’t matured yet. The warriors still needed beast meat for Body Tempering, and they had to offer sacrifices to the Sacred Tree every week.

To ensure the Sacred Tree’s divine power continued, they had to sacrifice a Blood Condensation Realm beast weekly.

These expenditures were necessary; otherwise, the clan’s progress would slow significantly.

By next spring, the situation wouldn’t be as tense, and the clan might even see rapid development.

For now, Ethan Chen only hoped the clan could get through this winter smoothly.

That day, as Ethan Chen stepped out of his room, he heard the clan members calling:

“Clan Chief, the Sacred Tree has changed again.”


Hearing the news, Ethan Chen quickly headed to the Ancestral Hall.

It had been ten days since the Sacred Tree last displayed its divine power.

In those ten days, everything in the clan had been stable. The Blood Rice grew normally, and the new hunting teams hadn’t encountered significant risks.

Just yesterday, Elijah Chen had even comprehended the Grand Ancestor Long Fist during a hunt, becoming the second person in the clan to master a Combat Skill.

And now, the Sacred Tree had changed again, bringing more good news.

Ethan Chen looked up at the Sacred Tree, his face beaming with joy.

The tree, originally only two meters tall and as thick as a fist, had grown to three meters, with a slightly thicker trunk.

At the top, a cluster of new leaves had sprouted, lush and vibrant.

The changes in the Sacred Tree lifted Ethan Chen’s spirits, as it showed that the weekly sacrifices were effective and the Sacred Tree’s divine power was growing.

A few days ago, his father had communicated through a dream, passing down two Normal-Grade Combat Skills.

One was Shadow Step, a movement skill that, though of lower grade, could increase a warrior’s speed and give them an advantage in battle. Mastery of this skill could create illusions to confuse opponents.

The other was Heart-Piercing Palm, a mid-grade attack skill that could unleash a warrior’s Qi and Blood from within, causing significant internal damage without external injuries. This skill had a long history in the clan, despite its lower grade.

Benjamin Chen had already told him about these skills in dreams, but they were complex and detailed, with no room for error. The short time in dreams made progress slow.

Fortunately, in the past month, he had almost memorized them.

In a few days, he could fully remember them and pass them on to the clan.

With these two skills, the clan’s strength would undoubtedly increase.

This experience made him appreciate the value of the Sacred Tree’s technique transmission.

The Sacred Tree could directly impart techniques into his mind, saving him the effort of memorizing them.

Initially, Ethan Chen had concerns about using these skills, fearing they might attract old enemies who had defeated the clan years ago.

But Benjamin Chen reassured him.

According to his father, the enemy clan had also suffered after defeating them, facing attacks from other clans and nearly being wiped out.

Moreover, decades had passed, and it was uncertain if the enemy clan still existed.

Besides, these skills had spread, and many warriors had learned them.

With this reassurance, Ethan Chen had no more worries.

After paying respects to the Sacred Tree, Ethan Chen left the Ancestral Hall.

As he left, he glanced at the Spiritual Positions of the clan elders, feeling a bit lost.

Given the current state of the clan, should he continue to honor these Spiritual Positions?

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