Reincarnated as a Divine Tree

Chapter 8: Lunar Eclipse

Dusk approached, and unbeknownst to all, a pale moon had already taken its place in the sky.

Beneath the moonlight, Noah Ji began to circulate the Technique he had deduced during the day, Lunar Eclipse.

As the Technique was activated, the moonlight in the sky seemed to be drawn towards him.

With every "breath" Noah took, the branches and leaves on the trunk shimmered with an additional hint of pearly white light.

The two glows complemented each other, and under the moon's illumination, the whole tree soon became a radiant white, standing out in the night like a dreamy vision!

Fortunately, the walls of the Ancestral Hall shielded this scene from the eyes of others.

Under the operation of the Technique, Noah's consciousness spread out, reviewing his own status.

[Name: Noah Ji]

[Species: A weak Sophora Tree]

[Vitality: 3.1]

[Supernatural Powers: Eye of Insight, Reversal Pill]

[Technique: Lunar Eclipse]

[Combat Skill: None]

[Qi and Blood: 4 (convertible to Vitality)]

[Spiritual Power: 1]

[Deduction Points: 23]

[Unable to Deduct!]

[Status: Absorbing moon essence…]

Seeing that his Vitality had increased by 0.1, Noah's face lit up with joy. By his calculations, it would take about half an hour to increase 0.1 Vitality, meaning that operating the Technique throughout the night could potentially increase his Vitality by about 1 point.

Though the growth was slow, it was steady.

Moreover, with this Technique, he was no longer entirely dependent on the clan's offerings for survival, which greatly increased his chances of living, much to Noah's delight.

He then immersed himself wholeheartedly in the joy of absorbing the moon's essence!

Meanwhile, Ethan Chen, having dealt with clan affairs, slowly made his way to the Ancestral Hall. The clan's situation was deteriorating, and Ethan's visits to the Ancestral Hall had become more frequent.

However, today, as Ethan pushed open the grand doors of the Ancestral Hall, he stood frozen in place.

The Chen Clan's Sacred Tree, which had appeared unremarkable during the day, was now bathed in moonlight, its entire body gleaming with a bright white aura.

The glowing leaves were somewhat dazzling, but the joy in Ethan's heart was beyond words.

The Sacred Tree had revealed its spirit!

This was the true appearance of the Chen Clan's Sacred Tree!

After many years, he finally witnessed the Sacred Tree's radiance once more!

Ethan closed the doors of the Ancestral Hall, hurried to the base of Noah Ji, and bowed deeply, muttering some incomprehensible words.

Noah was aware of Ethan's arrival, but he did not show much reaction.

Although he possessed consciousness, he could not speak, and thus could not communicate with Ethan.

As for the unusual aspects of his Technique being observed, it was of no concern. After all, as the clan's Sacred Tree, wasn't it expected to show some miracles? How else would the Chen Clan worship and offer sacrifices to him?

Having bound himself to the Chen Clan, he was now in the same boat as them. The Technique could indeed enhance his Vitality, but to survive in this world, he still needed the Chen Clan's support.

Moreover, the conditions for Deduction were quite difficult. Without the Chen Clan's offerings, his growth would be slow.

Ethan, after a period of mumbling, lifted his head slightly and began to pray softly:

"Great Sacred Tree, I know you can hear the words of this old man. I, Ethan Chen, the current Clan Chief of the Chen Clan, implore you to guide our clan through this crisis and ensure our survival. I offer my thanks here and now. Should the clan overcome this crisis, we will hold a grand three-day offering in your honor!"

Listening to Ethan's words below, Noah understood clearly.

During the day, he had clearly observed the reactions of those present.

Aside from the Clan Chief, who still cared for the Sacred Tree, few others believed in it; otherwise, there wouldn't have been an incident of two youngsters sneaking into the Ancestral Hall to chop down the tree at night.

And the hope seen in the others was solely because Ethan was still the Clan Chief.

Once Ethan was gone, it was highly likely that Noah would end up as firewood.

Therefore, for the sake of protecting the Chen Clan and himself, Noah had to make a gesture.

If it had been the old Noah, he could only watch helplessly, having no means other than his greenery.

But times had changed, and now Noah had a Supernatural Power at his disposal.

In the next moment, Noah activated his Supernatural Power: Reversal Pill!

With the use of the Supernatural Power, faint green specks of light emerged from Noah's leaves.

As the green specks appeared, Noah's recently achieved Vitality of 3.2 decreased by 0.1.

Without a doubt, these green specks were another form of his own Vitality.

Noah could feel the presence of these green specks and had the ability to control them.

Under Noah's manipulation, the green specks quickly surged towards Ethan's body below.

Ethan, who was bowing in worship, also noticed an unusual sensation within his body.

Looking up, he saw countless green specks swirling around him, each one entering his body and making him feel increasingly better.

Even the fatigue of many days vanished in that moment!

Faced with this spectacle, Ethan knew without a doubt that the Sacred Tree was manifesting its spirit!

He immediately bowed deeply in gratitude: "Thank you, Great Sacred Tree! Thank you! The Chen Clan is saved!"

Ethan, overwhelmed with joy, absorbed the green specks and wept.

It took a long while for him to recover from his excitement and begin to experience the effects of the green specks.

These green specks not only eliminated fatigue but also revitalized the Qi and Blood within his body!

Ethan was overjoyed to realize this.

For a Warrior, the early stages relied on the strength of Qi and Blood. When Qi and Blood reached a certain level, one could break through to a higher realm and transform their potential!

Every high-level Warrior had incredibly powerful Qi and Blood.

Ethan, now in his sixties, was merely a Warrior of the Blood Condensation Realm. This realm was not considered high; it was decent enough for a small place like Disordered Burial Mountain, but far from a true powerhouse.

At his age, advancing further was extremely difficult, as Qi and Blood would gradually decline with age, along with a lack of energy and other issues.

But these green specks revitalized his Qi and Blood, which meant that as long as he absorbed enough, perhaps he could advance to another realm?

If he benefited this much from the absorption, what about the younger members of the clan?

Thinking of this, Ethan clenched his fists, his excitement indescribable.

With such divine power from the Sacred Tree, why would the Chen Clan not prosper?

Furthermore, after absorbing enough green specks, Ethan felt that the old injuries from his martial arts training had also disappeared.

As Ethan's condition improved, the green specks beneath the Sacred Tree vanished.

But by then, Ethan was already immensely satisfied!

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

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