Reincarnated as a Dragon – The path of the Dragon God

Chapter 040

Not even a day had gone by and Henry already found himself in the room of a different girl and it was a girl that he had just met a few hours ago. The girl was none other than Yula. Long story short, after getting her foot seen and treated at the nearest clinic, Henry brought her to a nearby steakhouse for lunch. Yula was the only one eating and Henry was just drinking plain water. The pseudo lunch date went by in an awkward silence. Neither of the two struck up a conversation. Yula looked like she had something to say but couldn’t find the guts to, whereas Henry simply had nothing to say.

They went back to her apartment after that, which is a small studio flat residing on the outskirts of the fancy districts. As her residence wasn’t near, they had to take a cab.

With her injured foot as an excuse, Yula had Henry assist her up to her room even though she could walk by herself just fine. The doctor had said it would take her at least two weeks to heal but she wouldn’t have any trouble moving around as long as she took small and slow steps.

“Wait here,” Yula said before limping into the bathroom, leaving Henry to his own thoughts as he sat on the edge of her bed.

Henry looked around the room. It was small but enough to accommodate a single person. Blandness was the only thing that stood out in the room. One would not be able to tell the gender of the room’s owner unless one looked into the wardrobe. There was barely any furniture aside from the essentials. There were no items of any sort in the room that was for the sake of indulgence. Regardless, this was still the room of a girl.

I’m in the abode of a girl again… How the fuck did this happen again?

Henry mused to himself as he heard water getting turned on in the bathroom. Somehow, he had gotten himself into a small plight of his own making and he could not predict how the situation would evolve. He was still thinking about his mission but half of his mind’s room was occupied by the thoughts of Yula.

Damn it… I keep thinking about her.

Yula had a pretty face but she was the least prettiest one out of all the women and girls he had encountered. Yet, she was the one that left a deep impression in his mind. She was the one who was tugging at his heartstrings. He had a good look at her figure at the doctor’s after she took off her baggy hoodie. The t-shirt she wore underneath her hoodie couldn’t hope to conceal her ample figure. She was on the slim side of plump, giving her a very curvy figure. Her bosom was the biggest he had seen and he couldn’t not look at them even if he tried not to.

Henry’s thoughts slowly drifted to the bathroom, where Yula was washing herself up. He began to imagine her nude boy under the barrage of the shower. He wondered how those massive mounds of hers would feel in his hands. He longed to touch and feel the softness of her skin. He wanted to taste those lustrous lips of hers. He found himself wanting to stand up and rush to the bathroom and have his way with her but he restrained himself by clenching his fists.

“What’s happening to me?”

“You are seeing her as your mate and every fibre of your body is responding to her. It’s your bestial instinct as a Dragon. Animals don’t exactly have control over their lust. They mate when the time comes and when the situation calls for it, regardless of the place.”

“Fuck that! I’m going to end up raping her at this point.”

Nadea giggled. “You won’t, Henry. I doubt you have such a weak will. You did survive in Ulrum after all.”

“Thanks to my diamond of a skin.”

“Not just that, you have a strong mind too. I have seen your journey, Henry. You wouldn’t have made it this far without a strong mind. I know you won’t do anything that you will regret for the rest of your life.”

“Easy for you to say. You’re not the one trying to suppress a boner.”

“Ah, I see. Well, I have nothing to say about that other than you are a healthy male.”

“Very helpful.”

Henry’s thoughts and his conversation with Nadea were interrupted by the sound of Yula’s phone vibrating on the bedside table. In actuality, her phone had been going off ever since the trip to the doctor’s but she merely put it on silent and ignored the calls.

He glimpsed at the caller-id and saw a name, Greggy. He raised an eyebrow at that particular name and assumed it was probably just a nickname for Greg. The call stopped after some time, but it vibrated again only after a few seconds. It was the same caller.

“Just pick it up and answer it,” Nadea said. “This vibrating sound is driving me nuts.”

“First off, that’s rude. Second, I don’t want to involve myself in her affairs any more than I already have.”

“Well, too late. She’s already part of your heart and mind. Like it or not, you are part of her affairs now.”

“The hell I am. What kind of inconvenient bullshit is this? Wouldn’t this compromise the mission?”

“Very likely but it’s up to you to make sure that it doesn’t. Consider this part of the learning experience? You will be travelling to more different worlds in the future. You’ll need to know how to face this kind of trouble.”

“Why do I feel like I have signed myself into a black company?”

“Oh, now you’re just being dramatic, Henry.”

The phone was still vibrating. After it had stopped, there were message notifications. It started vibrating again after a few of those message alerts.

…Ah, fuck it.

Henry scooped the phone into his hand and hit the green button as he put it to his face.

“What the fuck, Yula!? Why are you not picking up? What the hell’s wrong with you?”

“I’m not Yula. She’s in the bathroom right now. I can leave a message for her if you want.”

“Who the fuck— Who is this? What do you mean by she’s in the bathroom? Who are you?”

“No one. Just an acquaintance,” Henry answered. “Do you have a message, kind sir?”

“Are you her brother? No… she’s an only child… Ah, I see. So she has been seeing someone else.” The voice on the other side of the call scoffed and chuckled at his own mumblings. “Of course, she will be seeing someone else behind my back. She’s no different after all.”

“Um… excuse me?”

“Pure and innocent, my foot. Just another cheating bitch like the rest. I should have known. Preachy loud bitches tend to be the biggest hypocrites.”

Henry furrowed his brows. “I’m afraid I do not understand what you’re talking about.”

“Listen here, whatever your name is, this is her boyfriend speaking.”


“You don’t believe me, huh? I guess you fell for her pure virgin image like everyone else had. I know you won’t believe me but it’s the truth. I am her boyfriend, well, was her boyfriend. Here's some advice, fuck that bitch good and then just dump her cheating—

Henry ended the call right then and there. He placed her phone right back on the bedside table. He came so close to crushing the phone when he heard how the self-proclaimed boyfriend was slandering her.

“Congratulations, Henry. You just ended a relationship but on the bright side, she’s single now.”

“This isn’t funny, Nadea. And I doubt I ended the relationship. Judging by her attitude so far, I say she caught her boyfriend cheating on her.”

“That’s human romance for you. So unfaithful and fickle and so… restrictive. What’s wrong with having more than one partner?”

“Don’t know, don’t care. I certainly don’t miss this aspect of human society. Can I go back to Ulrum? Just for a few hours. Can’t I just come back later or something?”

“That is not possible for you, not unless you want your health to deteriorate quickly. There will be a lot of complications to your health if you travel between worlds without any interval in between. Your body will not be able to handle it. You may feel fine now but if you travel between worlds willy-nilly, you will destroy yourself.”

“Well, that’s just dandy,” Henry sighed.

The sounds of water came to a stop and the door to the bathroom creaked open seconds after. Yula walked out in a fresh t-shirt that was too big for her, hiding whatever she was wearing below her waist. However, it could not conceal her overly-abundant bosom. They jiggled subtly as she strutted towards Henry. She didn’t have her spectacles on, giving her a very meek look. Pair with her damp and sheening hair, her current appearance looked absolutely delectable to Henry.

Yula smirked and sneered at his firm gaze.

Henry snapped himself back to reality and turned his gaze away. “Your boyfriend called,” he said with a hopeful smile.

Her eyes rolled up immediately and her smirk was replaced with a faint grimace. “Ex-boyfriend. And I’m aware that he’s trying to call me.”

“I picked up the call.”

“You did?” Yula questioned with her brows raised. Her smirk returned. “What did he say?”

“He calls you a hypocritical cheating bitch. He thinks you’re cheating on him with me. He told me to fuck you good and then dump you.”

Yula sat down right beside Henry and chortled. “Good riddance. Me, a hypocrite? Fucking ironic.”

“He cheated on you too?”

“More like he cheated with me on someone else. And he had the galls to call me a hypocrite and a cheater.”

“Truly good riddance then but I do have to apologise for answering your phone without your permission.”

Yula cast a warm gaze at Henry. “Don’t fret about that. Thanks to you, I don’t need to go out of my way to break things off with him. I’m grateful that you answered the call.”

“Happy to have help.” Henry returned the smile. “Anyway, I should be going now.” Henry was about to stand up.

“You’re leaving already?” Yula asked, grabbing his hand.

“I have some matters to attend to.”

“Truly?” She pressed her enormous mounds against Henry’s shoulder.

The heavenly feeling of her ample bosom pushed out every ounce of restraint he had preached just a minute ago. “I suppose I can spare some time for a lovely lady like you.”

She chuckled softly and weakly. “After all the things I have said to you, I’m still a lovely lady in your eyes?”

Henry shrugged. “Pretty much.”

“You really want to get into my pants this much?”

“I would be lying if I said I don’t.”

“Then, let’s get this over with quickly, shall we?” she said and took off her shirt in one swift motion, baring her massive jugs to Henry’s eyes. “Like what you see?”

“Look, as much as I want to do this, I don’t—”

“Oh, shut up.” She silenced Henry with a sloppy kiss that ended much too quickly.

“Wait, Yula. I—”

“I said shut up.” She glared and threw herself down on the bed. She wiggled her shorts off of her. She spread her legs apart and beckoned for Henry with an aloof expression. “Here. My legs are open. There’s lube in the drawer beside the bed. I don’t have a condom, so just finish it outside. And be quiet when you do it.”

Henry was unmoving. His mind could not keep up with the rapid development. “What are you—”

“Are you seriously hesitating right now?” Yula asked with a face of disbelief. “Gosh, can you drop the farce already? I can see the lust in your eyes. You had wanted to fuck me ever since we bumped into each other, no? Now that I’m opening my legs and presenting myself to you, you’re having second thoughts? What? Are you too shy to get it up or something? Or are you impotent? Which is it?”


“Huh, you’re not shy or impotent at least. That’s quite a package you have there.”

Henry glanced down at her words, following her gaze, and saw the huge bulge on his pants. It was an incredible lump. He had seen his own cock during the shower last night at Chloe’s place. It wasn’t anything exaggerating but now that he was pitching a tent, it was a completely different story.

Henry had thought he lost his sexual urges considering he didn’t even entertain the thought of sex after encountering so many beautiful girls and women. He was aroused but only in his mind. His body showed no reaction to the arousal. He figured his arousal was due to the remnant of his human self.

But everything became clear after Nadea’s explanation. He was just picky and it certainly had nothing to do with him being a former human. He had no doubts that he would get a hard-on too if he was in his Dragon form and he was thankful that he was currently in his human form.

Yula didn’t have a lithe but ample figure like all the women Henry had encountered so far but it did not stop Henry from getting more and more aroused from the sight of her plump yet slim figure with mounds that were nearly as large as her head.

Yula sighed at Henry’s lack of reaction. “This is absurd. I’m not going to spread my legs all night long here. You had your chance.” She was just about to close her legs when Henry stopped her.

Henry was out of his pants but his shirt was staying on due to his haste. His cock was standing at full mast, completely erect.

Yula widened her eyes at his breeding rod. “S-so big…” she muttered. Suddenly, she began to shiver, not in fear but in excitement. An anticipating grin crept to her lips. Her pussy was secreting lubricants by itself just from her staring at his towering cock.

Henry leaned forward and aligned his cock to Yula’s entrance. His tip was touching the folds but it wasn’t entering.

“Put it in already,” Yula breathed and begged feverishly. She was panting just as hard as Henry was.

“I-I… I don’t know how…” Henry said with reddened cheeks.

“What?” Yula raised her upper body up. “What do you mean you don’t know how?”

“I have never done this before…” Henry admitted. “Have I?” he asked Nadea.

“How would I know? I don’t monitor you twenty-four seven.”

While Henry wasn’t absolutely sure about this, he couldn’t remember anything about him having sex at all. Even if he had done it in his past life, he remembered nothing about it. He might as well have come out as a virgin if he couldn’t remember anything. He realised this issue all too late now that he was just inches away from penetration.

Yula burst out snickering. “Oh, my… How embarrassing…” She tittered behind her hand. “So all that composure and confidence you have is just an act?”

“They weren’t. I just—”

She silenced him with a finger on his lips. “And here I was, thinking I would be just a conquest to an obnoxiously haughty playboy. As it turns out, I’m going to be a virgin’s first.” She rubbed his lips with her thumb all the while giggling gleefully.

“Well, sorry for being a virgin.”

Yula shook her head. “Don’t be. Knowing that you are a virgin makes me feel at ease.”

“At least you’re at ease.”

She gave him the same warm smile as before. “You can be at ease too, Henry, because I’m also a virgin.”

“You are?” Henry asked with an eyebrow raised.

“You doubt me?”

“Didn’t you have a boyfriend?”

Yula scoffed. “Don’t talk about him please.”

“Right, sorry.”

Yula leaned forward and wrapped her hands behind Henry’s head. “So come on, now. Let us lose our virginity to each other.”

“Shouldn’t we be doing some foreplay?”

“I’m wet enough as it is. In fact, I’m soaking, drenched beyond your imagination. So… fuck me, already, Henry.”

Henry chuckled. “As you wish, my lady.” And he plunged his throbbing hard cock right into the virgin pussy of a girl he met just this noon.

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