Reincarnated as a Dragon – The path of the Dragon God

Chapter 046

Big thanks and shoutout to my new patrons; Cidant | Teacher

There was a small patch of forest on the outskirts of the city. It was untouched for decades. It was there solely for the purpose of placating the hypocritical criticisms of the environmental activists. It had become a deserted spot over the years and various kinds of litter could be found in the forest. It was practically abandoned by the activists due to the public interest being shifted to other environmental aspects of the city.

“Is this good enough?” Yula asked. Unlike their first encounter, she was in clothes that were two sizes larger than her measurements. She wore a fitting blouse, coupled with a skirt that went beyond her knees. She was dressed modestly but her immodest breasts could not be concealed by her humble garments.

“It will do,” Henry answered once he gave a brief but thorough glance around. “As long as no one decides to stumble into this forest on sheer chance and whim,” he said and waved for Yula to step further back. Once he moved to the centre of the small clearing, he released himself from the flesh bindings that were his human form.

Yula gasped in awe and terror as she witnessed the phenomenon in front of her. She had already seen Henry’s transformation but that was only on his arms. Now, his body was undergoing a great physical change in all aspects. Her eyes widened more and more as Henry gradually lost his human appearance and took on what could only be described as the form of a Dragon.

Dark red skin of a scaly hide with reddish-golden veins tracing across the whole body, giving the surrounding a dim glow.

Henry’s Dragon form cast a large shadow. It threw pretty much the whole clearing under a shade. He exuded a pressure so heavy that the small animals couldn’t help but scampered away for their lives. Yula could be considered small in comparison to Henry but his immense presence did not frighten her even by a single bit. On the contrary, she broke into a huge smile.

“Beautiful…” Yula breathed in amazement. Her gleaming gaze was practically fixed onto Henry and nothing could pry her eyes away with Henry’s voice being the sole exception.

“Is it?” Henry questioned with his gaze directed at the voluptuous lady before him.

Yula was confused at first from hearing Henry’s voice despite his mouth being unmoving. However, she quickly accepted the oddity and nodded. “How are you not? I can cum just from looking at your amazing appearance…” she said with her thighs clamped together while biting her fingers. “Shit… You’re making me wet… I’m getting aroused.”

Henry raised an eyebrow. “Please don’t.”

“Say… is it possible to—”

“Stop right there, Yula. I know what you want to say. My answer is no. Even if I can, it’s too… queer for my liking.”

Yula sighed with a saddened smile. “Shame… I really want to know what it would feel like.”

“Nadea, is she truly my mate?” Henry asked with a cramped expression.

Nadea tittered. “Do you find her disgusting or unpleasant even after you hear her say that?”

“Strangely, no. In fact, I find it tempting and I hate that.”

“There you have it. She’s your mate, alright.”

Henry sighed. “Great… She’s a freak.” He stared at her, who was still looking at him with that amazed and lustful gaze of hers. And he grinned. “But she’s my lovely freak.”

“Hey hey, Henry!” she called out eagerly.


“Can you breathe fire?” she asked, her eyes shining brighter than ever and her face flushing deeper than before.

Henry nodded. “I can.”

“Show me!” Yula exclaimed.

“That will not be possible.”

“Heh…” Yula’s expression dimmed. “Why not?” She began to pout.

“We’re in a forest.”

“Just aim it at the sky?”

“That would just be inviting trouble and attention.”

“I suppose you’re right…” Yula muttered with her gaze cast down.

“But I do have other things I can show you.”

Yula immediately raised her head up and her expression brightened up once more.


Henry held himself back from breaking into a smile. Though he wasn’t showing it, he was a tad reserved in showing this form to the woman he considered his mate. What if she didn’t like it? What if she hated it? Those kinds of questions kept popping up in his head but most of his worries were quelled when he saw her reaction. But different kinds of worries surfaced after seeing her passionate gaze that seemed to be treading over some forbidden boundaries.

“Show me! Show me!” Yula jostled with excitement. She was practically hopping and her enormous bounced along with her.

Henry shook his shoulders and a pair of wings manifested behind him.

“Whoa… Is this magic?”

“It is indeed.”

“What other kinds of magic can you do?”

Henry stared at the ground and unleashed his Jetstream Breath, drawing a straight line across the dirt.

“Holy… was that wind magic?”

“To be precise, it’s high-pressure air.”

“Can it cut diamonds? I heard high-pressure water could.”

“I won’t know. I haven’t tried it.”

“So so, anything else?”

Henry hung his head sideways and thought about it for a moment. “There are many others but… I don’t think I can use them here without drawing attention. But I guess I do have one more that I can show you.”

Yula nodded fervently. “Show me. Show me. I want to know everything there is to know about you, Henry!”

Henry could only smile awkwardly in response. As much as he was in love with Yula, her heavy affection was well beyond the line of obsession. Anyone would be thrilled to have such a loyal significant other but that was only on paper. It was a completely different experience once they received such a heavy affection for real. It had been barely a day and Henry could already feel the noose around his neck. But the strangest thing of all, he didn’t find it unpleasant as if he didn't feel a noose around his neck at all.

Henry hastily cast those thoughts aside and focused on the presentation. In a blink of an eye, he melded into his surroundings upon activating his camouflage ability.

“You disappeared!” Yula exclaimed. “Where did you go!?” She glanced around with confusion and amazement burning in her gaze. Not a trace of doubt could be seen on her face. She didn’t have the slightest notion that Henry might have ditched her.

Henry dispelled his camouflage and reappeared in front of her. “I’m still here.”

“Whoa! Was that invisibility magic?”

“It’s camouflage actually but the gist is the same.”

“Amazing… And you still have more tricks under your sleeves?”

“A whole lot more.”

“What kind? Tell me! If you can’t show me, you can at least tell me, right?”

“I suppose I can,” Henry said with a shrug. He reassumed his human form and sat underneath a tree.

Yula trotted over to his side and took a seat beside him. She huddled close to him with her arms wrapped around his own. Her massive mounds deformed against his shoulder.

Henry knew it was intentional as Yula began to stroke her chest up and down on his arm. He smiled and stroked her head with his free hand in return. He proceeded to tell Yula what sort of abilities and skills he had. With every word that came out of his lips, Yula was only getting more enamoured and her hold over his arm tightened further and further.

“You’re truly amazing, Henry.”

“Yes, I know. You have said it for… more than a dozen times now.”

“And I will keep saying it because you are just amazing. It sounds like you’re living in a world completely different from mine.”

Henry’s gaze turned forlorn and solemn then. He swallowed his hesitation and parted his lips. “That’s because I am,” he said.

Yula furrowed her brows and stared at Henry’s melancholic expression. “I-in what sense?”

“In the truest sense. I live in a world that’s not on Earth. Well, this Earth at least.”

“You’re an alien?”

“In a sense, yes. I’m not from Earth. Well, I was from Earth but not anymore.”

“You came to his planet, this world… What for?”

“Demons. Wretched monstrous beings from a foul dimension that people would call it Hell.”

“Like the bible?”

“I don’t think so.”

“And these Demons… You came to this world to protect it from the Demons?”


“How heroic.” Yula giggled. “You’re just like the heroes from the stories and comics.”

“I’m just doing this because I owe someone and I did it for personal reasons. I’m no hero.”

“Maybe not but you’re certainly my hero, Henry,” she said and climbed onto his lap, straddling him with her breasts dominating his field of view. “Not just my hero. My soulmate too. How fortunate I am to be the woman of such an amazing person.”

“Just how hard and deep have you fallen for me?” Henry asked. It was a question that was directed at himself.

“Enough to kill someone for you,” she answered without batting an eyelid. “I know that sounds terrifying but it’s the truth. I can’t help it. That’s just how much I love you.”

“How about fucking someone else? Would you do that?”

Yula’s gaze warped. She clamped his face between her palms and brought their faces close to each other. “Never,” she said. “I will never let any other men touch my body ever. So please… never ask me to do something like that…”

Henry pulled her into an embrace, patting the back of her head. “Alright, Yula. I will never ask you to fuck another man. However, what about women? Would you?”

“...I don’t know. I am already prepared that I’ll be sharing you with other women but sleeping with them too? …I’m not sure. But I certainly don’t loathe it as I do with men.”

Henry chuckled. “Why do you already assume that you will be sharing me with other women?”

“You fucked me so hard and good until I passed out. Yet, you were fine when I woke up as if you were not exhausted at all. Furthermore, I can see that you still want to do it more but in fear of breaking me, you hold yourself back.”

Henry flinched from Yula’s observation. He thought she was just someone blindly and foolishly in love. That was not the case. She certainly wasn’t blind and sure as hell, not a fool.

“I don’t think even two or three will be enough for you. Are all Dragons so lustful like you?”

Henry shrugged. “I don’t know. I have not met any other Dragons.”


“In the world that I’m from, I’m the only Dragon.”

Yula tittered. “Not only are you amazing, but you’re also special too. Can a girl get any luckier than this?”

“What exactly is it that you like or love about me, Yula?” Henry asked with a solemn gaze locked with her own.

“Everything,” she answered. “But that’s not what you wanted to hear, is it?”

“It’s not about what I want. It’s about what I need. I need to know why before I can be certain.”

“Let me see then…” Yula hung her head sideways in contemplation. “Our bodies are compatible, for one.”

Henry rolled his eyes.

“Hey, that's important. A lot of couples had fallen out of love because they couldn’t satisfy one another.”

“I suppose so. Any other reasons?”

Yula simpered. “You came to my rescue like a knight in shining armour even when I didn’t call for you.”


“But most important of all, I know you will never lie to me.”

Henry widened his eyes.

“I don’t know why but it just feels like you will tell me everything if I just ask. Even if you don’t want to, you will not cover it up with a lie.”

“Okay… This is getting trippy. Nadea?”

“This is just how it is, Henry. This is the bond between a Dragon and their mates. Which is why I tell you to forget your preconceived notions of a human's way of love.”

“This is heavy…”

“The first time is always the hardest. Don’t worry, Henry. You’ll get used to it. I’m sure you will.”

“How reassuring.”

“Henry?” Yula called out.


“Will you be leaving someday? I mean… will you be going back to your world some time in the future?”

“Actually, I’m returning to my world in two days’ time.”

It was Yula’s turn to widen her eyes in surprise. “So soon? And you didn’t bother to tell me?” She gripped the collar of his shirt. “Are you planning on leaving me?”

“Just the contrary, actually. I plan on asking you to come with me when I return to my world.” But I was afraid that it would be too absurd considering—”

“What are you talking about, you idiot!?” Yula shouted. She pinched his cheeks. “Of course, I will come with you. I’m yours, damn it! Even if I refuse, you can just sweep me off my feet and forcefully take me with you.”

“...Good to know.”

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