Reincarnated as a Dragon – The path of the Dragon God

Chapter 059

“My goodness, Henry,” Yula gasped in a mix of adoration and reverence as Henry emerged from the portal in all of his splendour. “Are those real wings?” She fixed her glittering gaze on Henry’s back.

Henry chuckled smugly with his head held high. “They are.” He unfolded his wings for Yula to see, causing a small gust around him.

“That was quick, Henry. I can see your excursion was more than fruitful,” Sarynn remarked. She was still in her true form, munching on the fish she caught in the morning. “Your growth is unparalleled. You surpassed me in no time at all, Henry. I’m sure of it.”

“Haven’t I already?” Henry shrugged.

“Far from it, Henry, my dear. I may not look like much but believe me when I say I can kill you before you can even retaliate.”

Yula cast a stone-cold glare at Sarynn.

“Just a jest of an example, Yula. Be at ease.”

Yula huffed in response and softened her glare but her eyes stayed on Sarynn.

The Azure Serpent tittered. “I will never harm him. Worry not. I will never forgive myself if I ever harm him, even if it’s unintentional.”

“That’s a little extreme.”

“That’s just how much I love you, Henry. You may be unfamiliar with the expression of my love but rest assured, my feelings for you are true and sincere.”

“Time will tell, I suppose,” Henry muttered indifferently and sauntered towards the barrels of liquor. “Regardless, I believe this calls for a celebration.” He drew in a deep whiff of the liquor. A smile spread across his lips. He made a hole atop one of the barrels and tipped the barrel against his gaping mouth. The fragrant translucent liquid gushed right down his throat.

Yula recoiled as the smell of the alcohol hit her. “That’s some strong liquor, Henry. Will you be fine?”

“Dragons have very high alcohol tolerance,” Sarynn said, slithering way towards the barrels after finishing the fish and burying the bones. “It’s more precise to say Dragons and False Dragons are very resistant to poison. Alcohol is poison. Therefore, we are easily affected by it. However, you will be a different story, Yula. I believe this liquor could put you to sleep with just a swig.”

Yula pouted and crossed her arms. “So what?” she said. “I don’t even like drinking anyways.”

“Really?” Henry cocked his head Yula’s way. “You don’t want to give it a try?”

“You heard what she said, Henry.”

“It’s very good, Yula.”

Yula stared. “Are you drunk, Henry?” she asked.

“Drunk on happiness,” he answered with a giggle. “I never knew how much I missed drinking until I tasted my first sip in a long while.”

“I can’t say I’m fond of humans but I will admit, they do know how to make alcohol. May I have some, Henry?” Sarynn asked.

“Only if you keep bringing me fish every morning,” Henry responded with a grin.

“It will be my pleasure. Catching fish is but an effortless task to me,” she said and scooped up a barrel with her mouth and fangs. Her fangs pierced into the barrel and the liquor seeped in small streams into her mouth. She gasped in delight once she emptied the barrel. “That was amazing! It was well-aged. What a fine rum. A couple of fried fishes would go well with this.”

“You fried your fishes?” Henry questioned with a confounded gaze.

“Don’t people do that?”

“They do but beasts do too?”

“Of course. Though many prefer having their meat raw, I would rather have mine cooked but it’s a shame I’m unable to create any fire.”

“But I can,” Henry said, chuckling.

Sarynn beamed. “Oh, this is splendid.”

“What the hell is going on…?” Yula muttered silently as she watched the pair’s exchange in uncertainty.


After that short trip to another world, the days went by uneventfully but utterly fulfilling. Henry had received more offerings from then on. The offerings were the same as usual but with the addition of pieces of jewellery, which he had no need of and neither did Yula. And so, the jewellery pieces were all shoved into the far end of the cave.

Yula continued to make improvements to the cave and the land in front of it, gradually turning it into something more akin to a lair of a Dragon with sophisticated taste than a simple cave and clearing. Henry continued with his usual routine, going around his territory and hunting down creatures for food or merely for sports. Recently, more and more foreign monsters poured into his domain and it gave Henry plenty of opportunity to hunt without worrying about tipping the balance.

Though Henry had a pair of real wings now, he didn’t get to use them much as there were too many trees in the way and it was more efficient to hunt on land. However, his wings were versatile. They were as tough as his hide and half as sensitive. That was to say, he felt less pain if he blocked an attack with his wings.

He came across an armadillo-like monster with rock for scales one day. The armadillo could spit out stone-like projectiles too. These stone projectiles were nothing against his defence but they still hurt plentifully. But guarding using his wings lessened the pain. In the end, the armadillo was easily charred to cinders like any other monster.

Henry had also gotten closer to Sarynn, having bonded over the subject of food. Sarynn had a penchant for cooked meals. She loved the taste and smell. As she was a creature of the water, cooking was unironically something nigh impossible for her as she kept making the tools wet due to her inexperience and occasional blunder. But with the help of Henry, she was finally able to enjoy cooked meals on a frequent basis.

The days drifted by in such leisurely fashion until the day after the trial. Henry, of course, did not attend the trial. Aside from the fear of being unable to control his emotions, the journey to the Kivu’s territory was a tad long and he wanted to have faith in the Kivus’ competency. If they couldn’t even handle Rayne, then they would be fucked if a Demon spawned right in their territory.

It was noon when the results of Rayne’s trial were brought to Henry personally by Vira and Roven. He was having fish fillets for lunch with Yula and Sarynn when they came and as he was eating, he didn’t greet them and instead waited for them to come to him. Henry was a bit surprised when he caught Rayne’s scent among the approaching group. He stopped eating and went to receive them after telling Sarynn and Yula to continue eating and that he would handle the imminent matter himself.

Henry met the envoy group some ways before his now so-called lair. The group consisted of Kivus and Zeras with Roven and an unfamiliar Kivu at the front. The unfamiliar Kivu carried with her an air of elegance and regality. Her hair was a striking purple and she had six tails fluttering in all their splendour behind her.

Every one of them bowed as Henry made his appearance, including Rayne who was reluctant and looking terribly ill. Her skin was pale and there were dark circles under her eyes. Suddenly, all of the rage Henry had for Rayne dissipated at such a pitiful sight of her. It was like she was devoid of any will to live.

Henry caught the faint whispers tossing around in the group. They were all surprised by his size and his wings as it was different from what they were told. Vira was among the group but she did not participate in the gossip. Her gaze met briefly with Henry’s and they exchanged a brief nod and smile.

“Lord Henry, our acquaintance is long overdue,” said the purple-haired Kivu with her head bowed. “My name is Tiana, the Queen of the Kivus. My daughter sings praises of you every day.”

So she’s the mother of that annoying princess, huh.

“Lord Henry…” Roven, the head of the Zera clan, greeted solemnly. “It’s a pleasure to—”

Henry waved his claws. “Skip the pleasantries. Why have you brought the offender before me?”

“It is what the leaders of both tribes had agreed upon,” Tiana began to explain. “As she tried to enthral you and do her bidding, her punishment will be of the same effect.”

Henry narrowed his already sceptical gaze. “She will become my slave?”

“Correct, Lord Henry. Given her crimes, death was to be her sentence but…” Tiana looked over to Roven who had a grudging expression. “No parents would wish that on their children.”

“I see… So this is a compromise?”

“Depends on who you ask, Lord Henry," Tiana said. "Roven is relieved that Rayne had avoided the death sentence but I’m sure Rayne would prefer it because I would if I was in her shoes.”

Roven’s face stirred with demurral.

Henry was unconvinced, not that he doubted their intention but rather he doubted their understanding of the threat Rayne posed. “I understand that but what use do I have for a slave? What guarantees do I have that she won’t plot something against me?”

Tiana smiled and brought Rayne forward. “As you can see, she is unchained but these markings around her neck can't be erased unless her master says so. These markings compel her to obey and adhere to her master’s whims and wishes. Naturally, she is unable to harm her master or even entertain such thoughts.” She then presented a blank parchment to Henry.

“What is this?” Henry asked, glancing dubiously at the ragged paper.

“Pour your Murux into this parchment, just a drop, and you will become Rayne’s master.”

“Your Majesty, the last time I did something like this, I was enthralled. You expect me to repeat history?”

“Your fear is understandable but I swear on the name of my ancestors and the pride of my people, no such harm shall befall on you.”

Rayne snickered weakly, perhaps remembering the blunder Henry made that allowed her to savour the fleeting feeling of superiority.

“What if I refuse?” Henry asked.

“Then, she will be executed.”

“Please, Lord Henry!” Roven entreated, lowering his head until it was touching the ground.

Yo, what the fuck?

“I know I don’t have any right to ask this of you considering what she has done to you but please… have mercy on her. I’m asking you not as the head of a clan but as a father. Please spare my daughter by taking her in as your slave.”

Rayne clicked her tongue loudly.

“Your daughter disagrees.”

“Ignore her whims, for now, milord! She’s still young. She has too much pride in herself. Death, to her, is a way of escaping the responsibilities and consequences of her actions. I’m sure her servitude will bring more benefits to you than her death would. Please, Lord Henry, take her in as your slave…”

“If I take her in as my slave, she will not lead a life better than death.”

“As she should be, Lord Henry. She has committed a grave sin. She didn’t just enthral you. She also unleashed an ancient evil from the times of our ancestors.”

Henry had told Vira everything about Vishara as he saw no point in hiding it. Vira had definitely relayed this story to the queen, who in turn must have told Roven. Still, Roven chose to hide what was already known as if trying to salvage whatever dignity was left of his ancestors.

“Regarding this ancient evil, Lord Henry, we—”

“Stop right there,” Henry cut him off. “I cared not about this so-called ancient evil as long as it’s of no threat to me or Ulrum. I cared not for your petty feud that stems from your ancestors’ time. As we speak, she is no enemy to me nor is she scheming to bring harm to Ulrum. I’ll say this once, leave her alone. Do not provoke her. Understand?”

Roven nodded reluctantly and raised his head.

Henry touched the parchment and poured some of his Murux into it. Though he still had some doubts, he was certain that whatever trap it turned out to be, he would be able to resist it unlike before.

The parchment was soaked in a dazzling glow and once the glow subsided, the parchment had disappeared and Henry felt a strange form of link between him and Rayne, as if he could get a read on Rayne’s emotions.

“The contract between the slave and the master is a success,” Tiana said.

Henry could hear the sighs of relief from the guards. They knew it would be hell if something went wrong and none of them was confident in containing the wrath of a Dragon that was more imposing than they were told.

“Come,” Henry said.

Rayne rose to her feet and wandered over to Henry like a puppet dangling on strings. Roven watched over her with a face filled with dread.

Henry scoffed silently at her. He could feel her indignation and despair. He knew how much she wanted to kill herself but he could also tell she wasn’t those who gave up easily. Even now, she was probably thinking of ways to get out of her bind. He could feel her thoughts veering into the realm of retaliation but she was assailed but a sharp ache to her head whenever she did so.

“Rayne, from this day forward, you shall not bring any sort of harm to me or the ones I love unless some strange and absurd situation demands it. You shall serve me well until the day you die.”

Rayne merely tutted in response.

“Please be merciful…” Henry heard Roven mutter under his breath but he said nothing of it.

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