Reincarnated as a Dragon – The path of the Dragon God

Chapter 061

“Vishara had left Ulrum,” relayed Nadea as Henry was spit-roasting a large dory fish Sarynn had caught in the morning for breakfast.

Henry did not stop turning the fish atop the fire despite receiving such heavy news. “She left Ulrum? Where did she go?”

“Unclear. She used a teleportation spell. She's still in this world but she's somewhere far away from Ulrum, outside my... cognition.”

“She said she wants revenge against all those who wronged her. Perhaps she went to the human territories. Are they even still alive, the ones who wronged her I mean?”

“As far as I know, her betrayers were all short-lived mortals. They’re all most likely dead. It’s likely she’s going after their descendants.”

“Should I be concerned about this?”

“Well, from the short period of my observation of her, she seems to be a sensible person. She won't overturn the balance of the world just so she could exact her revenge, hopefully.”

“But if you’re wrong, it would be up to me to clean up the mess.”

“Should that happen, let’s hope you’re way stronger than you are now.”

“Hopefully…” Henry grumbled.

“What?” Yula caught his murmur.

“Nothing,” Henry responded. “Nadea was talking to me.”

“Nadea?” Yula’s gaze turned dubious. “What does she have to say for her to be telling only you?”

Nadea chuckled.

Rayne, who was sitting further away from everyone, eyed Henry and Yula with a confounded expression. Though she had been living in Henry’s abode as the maidservant for nearly a week now, she still wasn’t told about Nadea. As Henry and the others didn’t seem to mind her eavesdropping on them, Rayne herself picked up on quite a few things but they only left her even more baffled.

In the end, Rayne surmised Henry had a companion who was far away and could converse with him and Yula through telepathy. What evoked her profound confusion was the mention of Vishara. A small sense of dread loomed over her when she heard that name as that individual was the main cause of her downfall. If she wasn’t so weakened by her supposed ancestor, she wouldn't be in her current state.

“Vishara had left Ulrum,” Henry said.

“Oh? That’s… good, right?”

“Depends on what she will be doing.”

“Hmm, Vishara…” Sarynn mused. “Is that the one who sucked this slave here dry?” She pointed at Rayne as she uttered the word “slave”.

Rayne could only grit her teeth and click her tongue in response. She had learned that outwardly showing her hostility or even consciously plotting something secretly would trigger the slave seal defence function, which was sending an agonizing jolt throughout her body. In her current state, she was only slightly tougher than the average Zera and a small painful jolt was enough to incapacitate her.

Henry nodded. “Yes, that Vishara.”

“Well, good riddance.”

“Good riddance? Did she wrong you somehow?”

“The crimes of this slave here have already upset nature’s balance enough. Vishara’s prolonged presence in Ulrum would have only inflamed the issue. Her departure would allow the balance to restore itself.”

“Hopefully,” Henry added.


“There goes your contingency plan,” Yula said, directing a smug gaze at Rayne.

“What are you looking at me for?” Rayne asked.

“You know why.”

“Then you are sorely mistaken. I’m not that stubborn of a person to not know when I’m beaten. The Kivus are peerless in their seals and spells. Never will I ever be able to rid this wretched slavery curse off of me.”

Yula narrowed her eyes. “Or so you say.”

“The slave is correct,” Sarynn said.

“I have a name,” Rayne retorted.

Sarynn snickered and ignored her retort. “The Kivus are very brilliant when it comes to Murux. They are able to procreate simply with the aid of the spells they concocted.”

“In what way? Do the women of Kivus have trouble giving birth or do the men have trouble with their seeds or with their... cocks?”

“There’s no male amongst the Kivus. They are an all-female race.”

Yula shot a widened glare at Henry.

“Did I not tell you that?” Henry asked.

“No, you didn’t. You have only told me they were Fox Demi-humans.”

“Okay… but does this change anything?”

“It changes everything.”

“Changes what?”

“They are a race of all females and you are a healthy, strong, and mighty male. Do the math.”

Sarynn chuckled after hearing that.

“That’s quite a vivid imagination, Yula, but I doubt something like what you’re thinking would happen.”

“That’s what all the protagonists in those stories said before they proceed to amass a harem.”

Sarynn stopped chuckling and frowned in confusion along with Rayne. The two weren’t able to keep up with the conversation between Henry and Yula.

“I thought you don’t mind me having other women?”

“I don’t but there have to be limits and conditions. I’m sure not even you can handle a hundred women at once.”

“Huh… that’s a tad exaggerating but point taken. Anyway, Yula, relax. I’m a Dragon. I don’t think I can procreate with other species.”

Yula raised her brows in shock. “Y-you can’t…?” she stammered.

“Why do you make it sound like it’s an issue?”

“Because I can never have your child, that’s why!”

“Ah, I see…” Henry felt a sharp tinge of guilt as he had only ever seen sex as a recreational activity. Having an offspring didn't even cross his mind as he had yet to reach that age as a Dragon. 

Sarynn smirked. “As a Wyrm, a quasi Dragon species, I think it’s possible for Henry to breed a child with me.”

Yula cast a furrowed glance at the Azure Serpent.

“Umm, Nadea, can I breed with humans?” Henry asked.

Nadea was laughing when Henry called out to her. It took her a short while to stop her laughter. “No. Not conventionally and not yey, at least.”

“So there’s a way? How?”

“With magic, of course. Murux is a nigh-omnipotent essence force. With the right knowledge, there will be no more barriers when it comes to interspecies breeding.”

“...The last few words sound really unnecessary.”

Nadea responded with a chortle.

Henry sighed. “Well, Yula, having my child is possible, or so Nadea said.”

Yula beamed. “Really? How?”


“Where can I learn that magic?”

“Slow down, Yula. I don’t plan to have a child any time soon.”

“I know….” Yula’s voice turned soft. “But I can learn it now and save it for later.”

“That would be difficult,” Sarynn said. “In Ulrum, only the Kivus know of such spells and they don’t just teach them to outsiders even if they’re friends with the tribe. Unless…”

“Unless what?” Yula urged. She was hooked on whatever Sarynn would be suggesting.

“Henry marries into the tribe.”

A loud snort came from Rayne. Yula frowned.

“That’s a terrible idea, Sarynn,” Henry said as he took cooked dory fish off the firepit and laid it on a large stone plate prepared beforehand.

“The Kivu Princess is quite fond of you and I don’t think they would reject an offer that would bind a powerful entity such as you to their cause and name.”

“And here’s the problem. The marriage will have me shackled, so that option’s out of the window.”

“Out of the window?”

“It means no longer doable,” Henry explained and proceeded to chop the fish into slices with him having half of the fish. "I don't intend to be shackled." The fish was half his size, so there was no problem in sharing. Besides, he already had fruits for breakfast. The fish was merely meant to be morning tea. Henry also served Rayne a plate too but she rejected it with a grimace. Henry just plopped her supposed portion into his mouth immediately after her rejection, eliciting a glance of disbelief from her.

After the meal, Henry and the rest went back to their routine, or they would have if Henry didn’t pick up a rapidly approaching presence.

“Guests?” Yula asked upon noticing Henry’s frown.

“Intruders?” Sarynn chimed in.

Henry sniffed at the air. “It’s just one person and I don’t smell any hostility off of him. But I can smell the urgency on him. I think he’s an Augru. I could be wrong.”

“Considering the Augru’s haste, I say he’s a messenger carrying an important and urgent message for you, Henry.”

Rayne cast an assuming gaze at Henry. “What do you want me to do?” she asked with a sluggish look. She was in the middle of cleaning the mess from the roasting and gathering the dishes. This had been her daily routine. She had expected Henry to use her as a sex slave but he didn’t and she was tremendously relieved. However, having to endure the sounds of his coition with Yula every night was driving her mad and more often than not, she would wake up groggy in the morning.

“I want you to continue what you're doing, Rayne. Clean this place spotless.”

Rayne tutted and went back to cleaning. Though cleaning was easier than fighting, she would much rather fight than clean as it felt less degrading.

The Augru messenger emerged from the trees eventually and haggard was an understatement for his current state. He was on the brink of complete exhaustion and he looked absolutely pale despite his dark skin. Henry could see a scroll neatly tied to his waist.

The Augru was surprised by Henry’s waiting presence and he was even more surprised by the presence of the girls. He wasn’t expecting to see anyone else here but Henry as the report had told him Henry was very solitary. He banished those useless thoughts and presented the scroll with both of his hands as he knelt in front of Henry.

“O’ Great Dragon. I beseech your aid in—”

“Speak properly, damn it. Speak like you would to a friend or else I won’t be able to understand a single word from your lips.”

“V-very well… Great Dragon. My people are in dire need of your help. There’s a colossal monster that lurks in the Scorching Sands. It’s an aggressive and territorial monster. It never left its territory until a week ago.”

“The Scorching Sands? Where and what’s that?” Henry inquired.

The Augru looked surprised over the fact that Henry didn’t know about the Scorching Sands. “The south is mostly sand and drylands,” he explained. “The Scorching Sands is the name of a certain place in the south where the heat is unbearable for any creatures to bear except for those which are born there. A colossal monster rules the Scorching Sands. A Titan, one could say.”

“How big is this titan of a monster?”

“Very large,” the Augru answered with his gaze lowered. “I’m afraid it’s at least five times larger than you, Great Dragon.”

“I see… Continue.”

“We don’t know the cause of the drastic behavioural change of the Titan. It has been terrorising the unfortunate villages residing on the borders since. We tried to fend the Titan off but all we did is fanned the flames that is the Titan’s unexplained wrath. Please, Great Dragon. The Augrus need you.”

“Am I the only one the Augrus can request aid from?”

“We have already asked for aid from the other clans and tribes. Only the Lavans have responded but they spared only a few warriors, they won’t be enough. Please, Great Dragon. Your presence will change the tide of the losing battle against the Titan.”

Henry hung his head sideways in contemplation and looked to Yula and Sarynn for their input.

“I’m not going there," Sarynn said, shaking her head. "It’s too dry for my liking. I would die from the heat and I won’t be of much help since it’s too hot and dry there.”

“And what about you, Yula?”

“What?” Yula asked.

“What do you think? Should I help them?”

Yula smiled. “I’ll follow your decision, Henry, but… I would like to help them.”

Henry returned her smile and shifted his gaze back to the Augru. “Well, there you have it. I’ll help but I expect to be rewarded for my help.”

“Of course, Great Dragon. You will definitely be showered with rewards. Shall we depart immediately? The sooner we leave, the earlier we will be able to reach the Red Pass.”

“The Red Pass?”

“It is the main village of the Augrus. It’s built in a pass, hence the name. If we leave now, we can reach the Red Pass in three days’ time if we make haste.”

“Actually, we will be reaching there faster,” Henry said and spread his wings. “Surely you don’t intend to just run back now, do you?”

“I-I guess not, G-Great Dragon.”

Yula excitedly hopped onto Henry’s back with the assistance of her shadows.

The Augru widened his eyes at Yula’s powers. “W-who is she?” he asked.

“My bride,” Henry answered with a firm voice.

“I-I see, Great Dragon… C-congratulations.”

“Why, thank you. Now, are you going to climb on?”

“I-I will,” he stuttered and swiftly climbed onto Henry’s back with some help from Yula as he was too exhausted to climb on his own.

“Wait, Henry,” Sarynn called out.


“Before you go, what about the slave?”

Rayne threw Sarynn a blatant and deep scowl.

“Watch her for me, will you?”

“Certainly, Henry.” Sarynn grinned. “But I’ll be expecting a reward.”

“You will get one, Sarynn, and you will love it.”

“Looking forward to it, Henry.”

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