Reincarnated as a Dragon – The path of the Dragon God

Chapter 067

The feast came to an end without a hitch, something that surprised Henry. He could feel multiple hostile gazes trained on him during the feast and the hostility of these gazes was especially intense whenever Lilim or Eria approached him. In fact, he received someone’s unfounded wrath whenever a woman or girl approached him.

Did they think I was going to cuck them?

Henry grumbled in his head whenever he felt such gazes. He was tempted to actually do it just to spite these silent rabbles. If Yula wasn’t by his side, he was certain he would have done so. Nevertheless, he would rather spend the time cucking those fools on loving Yula.

The Augru tribe chieftain offered his thanks and immense gratitude once more before Henry and Yula left. The chieftain was even willing to offer Henry some of the cattle and livestock but Henry graciously declined. Though the chieftain called it goodwill, Henry knew it was just a ploy to get him on board with his political scheme.

Henry’s speculation was proven true when the chieftain asked him whether he could help in investigating the cause of the Great Ravager leaving the Scorching Sands. Henry declined firmly and gave the chieftain no more opportunity to tempt him as he took the skies straight away after declining the chieftain’s offer.

If the cause had something to do with Demons, Henry was planning to help but since Nadea assured him that it wasn’t, he didn’t. Speaking of Nadea, she had not spoken a word for the entire yesterday due to a rising issue in another world. But when Henry inquired, she merely waved him off with an ominous line of ‘it’s not your concern yet“.

In other words, it was something Henry would need to worry about in the future but at present, he was not at liberty to know. His mood turned sullen from all the suppositions bubbling in his mind but all of them were shoved into a corner when he heard Yula mewing on his back.

“That was great…” Yula sighed in delight as she rolled around on the back of Henry with a smile of contentment. She was not afraid of falling off as her shadows were practically latching her onto Henry like a magnet. “I’m surprised that I could eat that much. I ate thrice the amount that I usually ate. That’s insane.”

“Probably because of the usage of your powers. Maybe the more you use it, the more you need to eat as compensation.”

“Is that how it is?”

“I would assume so. The other possibility is that you’re simply becoming a glutton.”

Yula huffed angrily and knocked Henry in the head with a shadow-moulded hammer.

“Ow,” Henry winced with a titter. “That really hurts.”

“Like hell that would hurt you, especially not after you devour that giant scorpion’s magic heart.”

“Murux Core,” Henry corrected.

“You know what I mean,” Yula bleated with feigned displeasure. “Say… Henry?”

“Yes, my dear Yula?”

“What are you going to do about Rayne?”

“Hmm… I would love to just cripple her completely and then dump her in the middle of a territory of the nastiest carnivores”


“But I don’t have the heart to go through with that. I hate her, that’s for sure but I don’t think I could sleep well after that. I have thought of many ways to deal with her but none of those ideas would not leave a bitter aftertaste in my mouth. I just don’t have the stomach for the cruelty my mind is capable of. What about you, Yula? What do you think of her?”

“I don’t trust her but… she has her uses. She’s quite handy to have around. She does the chores and the dishes. She cleans. When she’s not doing any of those, she’s training. She’s dedicated, I’ll give her that. She’s not disheartened or discouraged by her circumstances. I have seen the way she looked at you. She doesn’t hate you. She blamed herself for being weak and I think she’s even starting to admire you.”

“I would not call it admiration, at least not towards me but my strength and power. She wants it, which is why she enthralled me.”

Yula giggled, stroking the top of Henry’s head. “She certainly still wants to enthral you but I think she wants to enthral you in a different way now.”

“That’s not funny.”

“I’m not joking, Henry. Surely you have smelled it too, haven’t you?”


“Even if I can’t smell it, I can see how flushed she always was in the morning. I think she masturbated to the sound of us fucking during the night.”

“I refuse to believe she sees me in that way.”

“A woman’s feelings can change, especially in the presence of a wonderful and ever-changing man.”

“I’m a male but I’m certainly no man and I don’t think she’s into Dragons. And what do you mean by ever-changing?”

“For example, you used to find Sarynn annoying and unpleasant to be around but recently, you started smiling in her presence and at her. You changed, Henry, and you would keep changing. You’re not stubborn to a fault nor are you inflexible. This is good. You’ll have an easier time getting more women into your harem.”

“Only you would say things like these. I wonder if there are other women out there who would be willing to share their lover with others and I don’t mean a cuckolding fetish.”

“Then you still have a lot to learn about women, Henry.”

“I’m content with just learning about you and I don’t think I have even finished learning about you.”

“You are content, you say?”

“You doubt me.”

Yula chuckled. “Your actions and body at night would disagree with you and I don’t think I can last. You’re just too… robust. And now that you have grown stronger with the consumption of the giant scorpion’s Murux thing, the nights would be even more exciting.”

Henry rolled his eyes and ended their conversation right here but Yula didn’t. She kept teasing and pestering him with the notion that he might one day bring Sarynn and Rayne to bed. She also kept entertaining the possibility of Henry taking all three of them at once.

Yula’s japes were cut short when the familiar view of a clearing came into sight. They have reached their home. Henry was relieved over the fact he was not seeing any commotion or changes. It was currently an hour before noon and he could see Sarynn, in her human form, preparing fish for lunch while Rayne was helping on the side.

Hmm? What the hell?

Henry squinted his eyes and peered closer at Rayne.

“Wow, what the hell?” Henry muttered out loud.

“Something happened?” Yula asked.

“You’ll see,” Henry said and began their descent.

After so many failures, Henry was finally grasping the essence of a smooth landing. The trick was to keep the wings spread and still. Unlike how it was portrayed in the media, he didn’t need to flap his wings slowly as he landed. He only needed to glide down and let the wind do most of the work. This was the gentlest way he knew how to land without turning his surroundings into a semblance of a hurricane’s aftermath.

“Welcome home, Henry,” Sarynn greeted with a wide smile as she impaled a spit through a fish from the tail through the mouth. “Welcome home too, Yu— Oh, dear, me.”

“What’s wrong with me?” Yula asked as she hopped off of Henry with the assistance of her shadows.

“Nothing. It’s just…”

“You’re two shades darker now, mistress,” said Rayne who did not bother with the greetings nor a simple gesture of good faith. Though she was Henry’s slave in soul and body, her heart wasn’t and as long as she didn’t plot something nefarious against him or his lovers and acquaintances, she would suffer no repercussions from the binding spell even if she outright swore at them.

“Am I?” Yula cast her gaze down and looked at her arms. Now that the sun was as blazing and striking as it was in the south, she could tell she had indeed become tanned. “Oh, this is neat. I got a tan and I’m not suffering any sunburns. How wonderful.”

“You’re not displeased, Yula?” Sarynn asked with an odd gaze.

“Should I be?”

“I heard humans hated getting their skin as they believe the shade of their skin denotes their status in life. If one has dark skin, it means they are poor and need to constantly work under the sun to put food on the table.”

Yula tittered. “Not where I’m from. Hey, Henry, do I look good?”

“Ravishing as always.”

“Oh, come one, Henry. No other kinds of compliments?”

“I meant what I said, Yula. No matter how much you changed, I will still fuck you senseless regardless. If that’s your subtle way of asking if I wanted to pounce on you right now and ravage you until your face turned silly, then my answer is always yes.”

Yula recoiled from Henry’s brazen response. She lowered her head as red spread to her ears. “T-that would s-suffice…” she stammered while rubbing her thighs together.

Rayne snorted audibly for all to hear but none gave her a response.

“So, I assume the trip has been fruitful, dear? asked Sarynn who was sporting a grin as she eyed Henry up and down.

“Oh? What gave it away?”

“Your aura for one and also your Murux. It’s stronger than before and also larger in quantity.” Sarynn hoisted the fish on the spit as she continued with her assessment. “With this kind of growth, I can only assume that you devoured a Titan’s Murux Core?”

“I have.”

Rayne tutted.

Henry chuckled inwardly at the Zeva’s frustration. “And I even got an amazing ability out of it.”

“Hoh? Show me!” Sarynn exclaimed excitedly.

Henry targeted a branch of a tree and then Gravity Manipulation on it. The branch snapped off the trunk and slammed into the ground harshly.

“Gravity magic? That is magnificent, as expected of my husband.”

Henry sighed. “You’re not giving up, are you?”

“If you wanted me to give up, then you shouldn’t have saved me from that wretched human’s mind clutch. But it is what it is. I can’t help it, Henry. Now, dear, would you mind?”

Henry smiled wryly and set the grill on fire with a simple spit of flame.

“Oh, god!” Yula cried all of a sudden. “What happened to your face?”

“It’s nothing,” Rayne responded dryly and continued in laying out the plates and cutleries. The blue-black spots on her face were apparent to any manner of glances.

Sarynn was chuckling. “Well, without the two of you here, things were… dull and boring. So she proposed to spar with me which I gave my consent. Her skills and instincts are some of the best I have ever encountered but… she’s as weak as the average adolescent Zeva, maybe even weaker. Needless to say, she became nothing more than a straw dummy to me. I shudder to imagine how good she must have been in her prime.”

“I haven’t even reached my prime before I was… stripped of my dignity and strength,” Rayne grumbled.

“Dignity? I didn’t know a person like you would have dignity,” Henry retorted.

“Is that chagrin I’m hearing? You wouldn’t know considering I took your dignity and trampled it.”

“Who was the one who failed to keep me in her control and ended up unleashing a monster on her village instead?”

Rayne scoffed wordlessly and returned to her duties.

“You two are getting along well,” Sarynn remarked with a playful sneer.

Rayne glared at Sarynn but said nothing in response.

Henry sighed. “Are we, really?”

“Oh, what’s this? Finally softening up to your brief and former slaver?”

“I don’t know about her but I’m tired of keeping all of this anger pent up. I just want a resolution.”

“How about we let her go then?” Yula proposed.

“That would amount to killing her,” Sarynn said. “With her level of strength and ability, she will not last long in the wild. She has no weapons or armour. It will take a lot of luck to last for even half a day in her state.”

“Now that doesn’t sound so bad,” Henry mused.

“That way, Rayne’s father can’t even blame us then.”

“Oh, that’s good,” Yula cheered.

“Now you’re just making your intention obvious, Sarynn.”

“I know, Henry,” she snickered. “I know.”

Meanwhile, Rayne was trying her best to not show her dread, keeping her shoulders from shaking.

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