Reincarnated as a Dragon – The path of the Dragon God

Chapter 069

After the messy subjugation, Henry didn’t forget to harvest the Angler Fish’s Murux Heart. It was a messier and tougher job than when they were fighting it. The stench of the Angler Fish’s innards was nigh unbearable. Henry had to hold his breath in order to not just throw up on the spot. But for the sake of increasing his strength and abilities, he persisted and finally harvested the abomination’s Murux Heart.

The Murux Heart was only a size smaller than his Dragon palm. To Yula, it was as large as her head, or maybe even larger. Yula didn’t dare get close to the smelly clump of crystal, so the comparison was left vague.

Henry tossed the Murux Heart into his mouth without an ounce of reservation but his distorted face spelt his reluctance and disgust quite clearly but for the sake of his betterment, he preserved. His revulsion was replaced by contentment and joy when the Murux Heart took effect.

Henry had a slight apprehension as to what kind of ability he would acquire due to him having witnessed the things the Angler Fish was capable of. He certainly did not wish for that kind of ability but thankfully, he did not gain a few dozen extra flowery tongues as he had dreaded. Instead, he gained a pufferfish-like ability that allowed him to extend the spikes all over his hide in addition to his already rapid healing.

After that ordeal was done and dusted with, Henry and Yula decided to take an impromptu bath at the same lake where the angler fish had emerged from. Henry had taken a dive into the water first to survey the depths. It was then he learned that his mobility in the water had greatly decreased due to his corporeal wings but it wasn’t a huge problem.

He simply circumvented the issue by using Partial Transformation to stow away his wings and shrunk his body by a few sizes. His combat power was reduced in this state but not severely. His sturdy scaly hide was not affected by his Partial Transformation. Even if he assumed the form of a human, the toughness of his hide stayed the same.

Surprisingly, the water wasn’t as muddy as he feared since the abominable angler fish had taken root here for a while. Contrary to its murky appearance, the angler fish did not dirty the water. The fishes gradually make their return now that the angler fish was dead, cementing Henry’s suspicions that the angler fish was not from around here. He made a mental note to ask Sarynn about this later.

As he was surveying the depths and looking out for any imminent threats, he discovered another ability he gained from consuming the Angler Fish’s Murux Heart. He had acquired echolocation, a bio-sonar of sorts. He never knew angler fish had echolocation but then again, this was Ulrum, not Earth. Though his senses were already top-notch and sensitive enough, he didn’t mind the addition. It was no demerit, so he had no reason to not welcome it.

Once Henry was sure that there was no other threat in the vicinity, he gestured for Yula to come to join him in the water, only for him to find out a tad embarrassing side of her.

“I don’t know how to swim…” Yula said in a small voice and with a faint blush.

Henry’s eyes fell on her bountiful bosom and wondered if those two succulent and supple mountains were at fault.

Yula noticed where his gaze landed and scowled. She crossed her arms around her chest and recoiled away. “Perv,” she hissed. “They are not the reason if that’s what you’re wondering.”

“Oh, please. Now you’re embarrassed about it? What about all the other times you bathe by the river?”

“That was a different occasion, different circumstances.”

“You showed those babies to me pretty much every night.”

“Yes, but it was dark then.”

“Not for me. You do know I can see in the dark as well as I can see in the light, don’t you?”

“Yes, but the dark had a different impression. It had the illusion of… moderation.”

Henry sniggered. “Really?”

“And we’re in unfamiliar territory. What if someone’s peeping on me? I don’t want anyone but you to see me like this, Henry.”

Henry smiled warmly. “You can rest assured, Yula. There is no one else here but us. I would know if there’s someone watching. If you can’t swim, you can just hang around in the shallow parts.”

Yula narrowed her gaze. “You are being very insistent, Henry.”

“Well, I am dying to see you nude,” Henry gave an honest response.

Yula sighed. “How are you always so horny?”

“I can’t help it. This is simply the libido of a Dragon.”

“Are you sure it’s not a you-problem?”

“Could be, but I won’t know. I was a virgin, remember?”

“To your knowledge. For all we know, you could be experienced but simply forgotten.”

“Maybe but… why are we having this conversation again?”

“Your bottomless libido.”

“Ah… well, my bad, but you can’t possibly go home in that state. You’ll need to take a bath anyway, so just take one here. I’ll stand guard.”

Yula shot Henry a look. “By standing guard, you mean you’ll just keep staring at me while I bathe like always?”

“Like always?”

“Don’t play dumb now. I know you can never peel your eyes off of me whenever I’m naked.”

“...Busted, yikes.” Henry chuckled wryly. “Are you angry?”

“A little.”

“A little?”

“I’m your spouse, Henry. You don’t need to sneak a peek or glance at me. Look at me brazenly. Don’t be furtive.”

“Well, don’t mind if I do then,” Henry said and stared straight at Yula as he waited for her to undress.

Yula sighed again. “You are so tiresome.” But she did not rebuff his hardened gaze. As she was wearing a dress moulded of her shadows, a single snap of her fingers was all it took to disrobe herself down to her bare skin. She shivered to the cool gentle breeze that brushed past her skin and instinctively wrapped herself in her arms.

Henry’s eyes bulged at the sight of the naked Yula. He could never get enough of her. He felt like a boy being tempted with candies whenever he saw Yula in her birthday suit. Since he was not in his human form, his control over his lust was greater. Otherwise, he would have pounced on her and fucked her right then and there without a care for her pleas.

“Huh?” Yula muttered as she took a small step into the shallow parts of the lake. “It was warmer than I expected.” After confirming the temperature of the water, she was not hesitant in submerging her body into the water right until her neck. She gasped in delight once she was completely in the lake.

“Nice, right?”

“As long as I don’t slip into the deeper areas.”

“Hmm… can’t you make a flotus or something with your shadows?” Henry suggested as he waded towards Yula.

“I’ll try.”

Yula moulded a raft out of her shadows and then placed it on the water's surface. To the dismay of the two, the shadow-moulded raft sank into the water immediately after its placement. Yula dispelled the raft’s shape and retracted the shadows back to her.

“Well, that didn’t work,” Henry muttered. “Is it because the shadows are too dense?” he wondered.

Yula tried again, making another raft out of her shadows but this time, she reduced the density of her shadows. The raft was floating with a gentle flick from Henry’s claws, the whole raft came apart.

“If it’s not dense, it will be too frail. Now that’s a dilemma.”

“This means creating complicated objects is out of my depth,” Yula concluded.

“In that case, we should just enjoy our time in the water and let that worry be carried off by the waves.” Henry began twirling and spinning in the water.

Yula frowned. “What are you doing?” she asked.

“Stretching my body. It’s hard to roll around with the body of a Dragon. Only in deep waters am I able to do this.”

Yula tittered. “You look very silly doing that.”

“There’s no one else but you and I here. I can be silly as much as I want.”

And so, they spent their morning away playing around in the water until it was almost noon. There were many instances where Henry nearly lose to his passion but he held back. He was not in his territory. There was no telling what kind of danger awaited around the corner. He could not afford to be lax.

As Yula was drying herself by wiping the wetness away with her shadows, Henry suddenly picked up a faint hint of a presence. His body tensed up and he quickly exited the water.

“What’s wrong?” Yula asked.

“We got company.”

“Peeping tom?”

“No. They just got here.”

Yula heaved a breath of relief when she heard that. As the mate of a Dragon, she became very averse to other men seeing her bare body, even more so than before. She felt that she would not hesitate to turn someone permanently blind if it meant saving herself from such a dastardly fate in her perspective. Henry was not the only one becoming extreme with his love.

“They’re hiding from us right now?”

“They are.”

“Friend or foe?”

“To be determined.”

“How many?”



“Don’t know.”

Yula wrapped herself in her shadows. As the darkness settled on her body, it turned into a well-fitting address that perfectly accentuated her curves and ample bosom. “Someone we know?”

“Definitely not.”

“Which tribe?”

“Not sure. They don’t smell like any of the tribes that I’m acquainted with.”

“...The Lavans then?”

“We’re in the east, Yula. No way a Lavan would be here. If anyone, it should be a Kivu but… I know what a Kivu smells like and this ain’t a Kivu.”

“What do they smell like?”

“Sweet and fragrant, like mint and peaches melded together, with a tinge of the smell of wood.”

“It’s a beast then?”

Henry resumed his true form and stared in the direction where he sensed the presence. “That’s just it, it doesn’t feel like a mindless and irrational beast. I can smell the intelligence of our stalker. It’s watching and appraising us.”

“You did say Ulrum is vast. It could be something you haven’t encountered before.”

“Could be but one fact remains. The uncertainty of our stalker’s status is a threat to us. It hid its scent and the noises it made from moving well. I would have never known it was there, hiding amidst the scent of the forest if it wasn’t for my Bio Sonar.”

“Wait, what? Bio Sonar? When did you get that ability?”

“Just now. The Angler Fish had this, apparently.”

“Alright.” Yula took a deep breath. “What’s the plan here? We confront it?”

“Carefully,” Henry said and unleashed his Jetstream Breath towards the presence he felt.

He could hear the sound of his stalker moving about, trying to dodge his breath. From the sound of it, his stalker was very adept at dodging. Its agility allowed it to safely avoid the high-pressure air that threatened to cut its head. However, with its attention on Henry’s breath attack, the stalker failed to take notice of the shadows creeping up on it. When it did, it was too late for it.

Yula’s shadows were swift and skulking. They were sneakier than the stalker. It brandished its queer-shaped claws and slashed at the shadows. Though the shadows were frail in the face of the stalker’s claws, the shadows were not outdone in quantity. The stalker fought desperately against the onslaught of the shadows.

In the midst of the losing battle, the shadows dispersed and Henry leapt at the stalker from its blindside, trapping it under its claws that were nearly half a size larger than the stalker.

“Gotcha,” Henry uttered triumphantly but he frowned in confusion the next moment. “What the hell are you?”

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