Reincarnated as a Dragon – The path of the Dragon God

Chapter 084

Once Vishara had materialised her Blood Wings, she took to the skies and flew towards the Dragon of eastern depiction with green glinting scales.

“Wow…” Henry muttered dryly. “This bitch can fly all along…”

“Lord Henry! That’s very foul of your tongue!” Iluna reproached.

Henry rolled his gaze.

Meanwhile, the Green Dragon also charged at the fast-approaching Vishara. Blood Javelins began to form around her as the Green Dragon bared its mouth to unleash its own attack. The Blood Javelins shot towards the Green Dragon just as cluster beams of red energy were diffused from its mouth. The two waves of projectiles clashed and resulted in a burst of shockwaves.

Iluna was thrown off Henry’s back due to the shockwaves but Henry quickly shifted into his human form and caught Iluna with his arms. He didn’t transform his wings for obvious reasons.

“Holy shit… that was fierce,” Henry remarked.

“You have a filthy tongue, Lord Henry.”

“Iluna, now’s not the time for that.”

After that attack, Vishara lunged straight at the Green Dragon with her claws bared. The Green Dragon swerved away from Vishara but she gave chase. The Green Dragon spun its body and slammed its tail into the vampire. However, Vishara skillfully dodged its tail and retaliated with a red bolt fired from her splayed palm. The red bolt hit the Green Dragon’s head but it left a shallow scratch before bouncing off from its scaly hide.

“Fuck,” Vishara uttered.

The Green Dragon grunted and bolted towards Vishara in response. She reacted with a slash of her claws but the Green Dragon made an abrupt turn at the last second to avoid her claws. It then swiftly coiled itself around Vishara but before it could tighten up, Vishara flew out from the enclosure.

“Fine. Let us dance dirtily,” Vishara scoffed. She then splayed her hands at the Green Dragon but contrary to her expectations, the Green Dragon shook off whatever she was trying to do and streaked towards her without delay after untangling itself from the coiling.

“It’s not working?” Vishara gasped and was forced to roll out of the way to avoid the Green Dragon’s bite. “Impossible. Is it not of flesh and blood?”

The Green Dragon turned around and fired off a barrage of red energy bolts at Vishara from its mouth. She projected a red screen in front of her to deflect the red bolts that bombarded her. The barrier absorbed the entirety of the barrage before fading off. However, Vishara saw the Green Dragon was already inches away from her. She clicked her tongue and thrust her palm forward. The Green Dragon was momentarily dazed by Vishara’s palm thrust but it quickly recovered.

“Tenacious lizard!” Vishara snorted and brandished a sword made of blood. She swung at the Green Dragon but it moved too swiftly to be hit. It went around Vishara and attacked her from behind. Just then, a stream of high-pressure air struck the Green Dragon from the side and pushed it far away from Vishara.

“You’re welcome,” Henry said as he approached Vishara in his human form with Iluna in his arms.

“Why are you still here?!” Vishara screamed at him.

“Wow, is that what I get for rescuing you?”

“I was buying time for you to run away, idiot. You can’t fight when you have to carry her with you.”

“And here I thought you had no compassion.”

“You do not know me, Dragon.”

“I guess I don’t. Anyway, I did want to run but Iluna wanted me to help you.”

Iluna nodded, affirming Henry’s words. “We are all in this together, Vishara. I won’t have anyone left behind.”

“Besides, we need whatever is inside that damn Dragon.”

Before Vishara could say anything in response, Henry tutted and conjured up a translucent barrier around them as a barrage of red bolts assailed them. The barrier broke before the barrage was over, so Henry was forced to shield the two with his own body, covering them with his wings. Henry had braced himself for the world of pain but the bolts hitting him were only akin to pebbles being lightly thrown at him.

Oh, this is gonna turn out easier than I had dreaded.

Once the barrage was over, Henry entrusted Iluna to Vishara and charged at the Green Dragon as he shifted into his Dragon form. The Green Dragon met his charge halfway and they slammed into one another. Henry grabbed the Green Dragon’s neck with his forelimbs while it wrapped its lower body around Henry in return. Entangled together, they bit and clawed at one another with neither of them refusing to let the other go.

Their intense struggle and scuffle caused them to lose the sense of their altitude and gradually, they were heading towards the ground at high speed. Henry noticed their predicament and decided to let go but the Green Dragon bit onto his hindlimb and dragged him down along with it. They both hit the ground hard and caused a tremor spread across the land.

Henry got up first from the crash. He grabbed the Green Dragon by its tail, and swung it around, before tossing it across the forest and crashing through trees. Henry turned this brief moment of downtime into respite, healing all of the wounds and injuries he incurred in the fight.

The Green Dragon was back on its feet before Henry could completely heal his wounds. The Green Dragon slithered its way towards Henry like a bolt of lightning. Henry deterred it with his Fire Breath but the Green Dragon dove through the flames and bared its fangs at Henry. He caught the Green Dragon’s jaws before it could snap them shut on him. Henry pulled the Green Dragon’s neck to his mouth and sank his fangs into its flesh. The Green Dragon shrieked agonisingly and whipped Henry away with its tail.

Henry tumbled across the ground but using his tails and wings, he found his balance and regained his bearings, stopping his tumble.

The Green Dragon wriggled on the ground as the venom from Henry’s bite seeped into its veins. However, in the next moments, the Green Dragon stopped its writhing and stood upright. Henry frowned at the strange occurrence. He squinted his eyes and saw green fluid leaking out of the wound he made with his fangs. He instantly recognised the green fluids as his venom.

Always a mountain higher… Fucking bullshit.

Henry cursed in his heart as the Green Dragon sneered at him, seemingly taunting him for his ineffective venom. The Green Dragon charged at him once more and Henry cast his Gravity Manipulation magic, but the Green Dragon slithered away from the spot that was affected by Henry’s Gravity Manipulation.

Before Henry could respond with a breath attack, the Green Dragon snarled at him and flew into the sky, rushing towards Vishara and Iluna. Henry immediately chased after it and this prompted the Green Dragon to turn around in its rush.

Henry and the Green Dragon clashed with one another once more with the Green Dragon getting the upper hand by biting Henry on the shoulder. He easily pried the Green Dragon off of him and unleashed his Fire Breath with the Green Dragon just inches away from him. The flames grew rampantly and engulfed the two of them.

The Green Dragon shrieked loudly and tried to escape their entanglement but Henry dragged it back by tugging and clawing at its lower half. Henry then unleashed a short-range Firebolt that resulted in an explosion and threw them away from each other. Henry came out unscathed but the Green Dragon’s scaly hide was charred. It shrugged its body and as a green sheen swept over its skin, the charred mark was gone.

A healing ability… Damn it.

The Green Dragon threw its mouth wide open and stared into the clouds above. Henry realised what it was about to do and tried stopping it with a Firebolt, but he was too late. The Green Dragon unleashed a roar that reverberated across the skies just as the Firebolt hit its head, stopping the invocation.

Soon, multiple flying creatures began to make themselves known from the various floating isles around them.

“Vishara, take Iluna away and run! Get to safety now!” Henry shouted.

“But where?”

“Anywhere but here!”

Hundreds of flying creatures crowded the sky, turning the vicinity dim due to their overwhelming numbers that clouded the sunlight.

Oh, my god. This is bad…

“You can take them, Henry.”

“Oh, nice of you to finally drop by, Nadea. So, any tips?” Henry asked as he watched the horde of creatures approaching him.

“They just have the numbers, not the strength. They won’t be a problem to you.”

“Somehow, I’m not assured or convinced at all.”

“It’s only natural that you are afraid. Just don’t despair, Henry. You are my champion. You got this.”

Henry stared at the looming creatures that were coming towards him like storm clouds. “Yea… I got this…”

“Don’t forget. Your way home is in the belly of that green serpent.”

“Is it not a Dragon?”

“It certainly has the blood of a Dragon but it’s not a true Dragon. However, it does have more Dragon blood in it than all the other false Dragons you have encountered so far. It’s going to be a formidable foe and it appears to be on top of the food chain around these parts. And a word of advice, the thing you’re looking for contains a small trace of divinity and it’s inside the serpent’s belly.”

“It has divine powers, is that what you’re saying?”

“It does but not as divine as you would imagine. It simply allows him to regenerate all of its non-lethal wounds and dispels any substance that doesn’t cause instant death, such as your venom.”

“So I will have to kill the serpent with a single blow.”



The horde was finally upon Henry while he was conversing with Nadea inside his head. The horde consisted of mostly raptor-like creatures. They were all merely a fifth of his size but with their numbers, their size mattered little. Henry kept them at bay with his Firebreath but only for a while. The creatures swarmed him from all sides but Henry clad himself in lightning, shocking any creatures that flew too close to him.

The creatures shrieked in fright and shirked away from Henry. Some of them tried to escape but a roar from the Green Dragon compelled them to stay and fight. The creatures tried their luck again but Henry increased the lightning’s strength and charred many of them to cinders. When the creatures stopped recklessly approaching him, Henry approached them instead. This caused the creatures to scatter but he chased them down, unleashing Firebolts and Fire Breaths whenever he could.

The creatures avoided Henry like the plague with the lightning engulfing his body. Tired of chasing the creatures around, Henry flew up high until he was near the clouds. Then, he looked down and unleashed an Inferno Breath onto all those below him after making sure Iluna and Vishara had made themselves scarce.

The creatures scattered in all directions, running for their lives. The Green Dragon roared for them to stay but their self-perseverance far outweighed their fear for the Green Dragon. In spite of their attempts to retreat, a great number of the creatures were still caught in the inferno. They burned creatures dropped to the ground like a hail of fire.

Henry watched in bliss at the destruction he caused. What was a supposedly bleak moment had been rapidly overturned into a situation in his favour. Quite a few of the flying creatures survived the blaze but none of them dared to attack Henry again. He then turned his attention to the Green Dragon that was watching all of this unfold from a safe distance.

Henry growled at the serpent, taunting him for his cowardice. The Green Dragon growled in response and unleashed a barrage of red bolts. Henry retaliated in kind and unleashed a barrage of Firebolts. In this clash, Henry was the obvious victor as his barrage overwhelmed the Green Dragon with barely any contest. The Green Dragon slithered away before he could be swallowed up by the barrage of Fire Bolts.

You’re not running away!

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