Reincarnated as a Dragon – The path of the Dragon God

Chapter 088

“Lady Iluna!” Iora exclaimed in joyous relief along with the other Lavans that had gathered in front of their village’s temple.

The Lavans were running scared, crying for their goddess and rushing for shelter, just a few moments ago. The reason for that was obviously due to Henry’s abrupt appearance. They had heard about him but that was the extent of their knowledge of him. So, when a creature nearing the size of a Titan showed up in the sky out of nowhere, it was only reasonable that the entire village would be terrified.

The soldiers had even been dispatched. They acted swiftly. They all hurried to their positions and formed the proper formation to combat the supposed threat from the sky. Fortunately, Iora was among the many who saw Henry’s abrupt appearance and quickly realised the panic was all for nought. She managed to calm the village down and Henry was able to land without further complications.

The moment the Lavans saw Iluna on top of Henry, they all cheered blissfully. When she climbed down from Henry’s back, the cheer erupted even louder. If it wasn’t for the soldiers that quickly formed a perimeter around Iluna, the crowd would have swarmed Iluna.

The cheer continued on as the soldiers escorted the weary-looking Iluna into the temple. Perhaps now that she was truly home, she was finally able to let herself be at ease.

The people started crying for their priestess. If Henry didn’t know any better, he would think someone well-liked and well-respected had passed away. Most of them fell to their knees and began praying to Luvier, their god. They muttered all sorts of prayers of gratitude. Funnily enough, none of the prayers was directed at Henry. They were all just praying to Luvier as the one that brought their priestess back to safety was Luvier herself.

Not that Henry minded the absence of gratitude he was supposed to receive. It barely registered in his mind. Right now, he just wanted to return to his home where Yula and Sarynn awaited him. As he was about to leave, someone stopped him. A woman with the same pale golden hair as Iluna strode in front of him. It was none other than Iora, Iluna’s sister and personal guard.

“Lord Henry, you have my utmost gratitude for bringing my sister home. And I begged your pardon that no one seemed to realise you were the one we all should be thankful for.”

By now, the crowd had lessened in density. The crowd had moved on. They followed after Iluna and they were now crowded directly outside of the temple. Had it not been for the soldiers, they would have no doubt rushed inside the temple without care.

“The people love Iluna a lot but I think it has become a tad excessive. It’s regrettable that Iluna’s well-being is the sole—”

“I don’t need their gratitude, Iora. I consider her a… friend. Friends help each other.”

“That it may be but it doesn’t change the fact that you saved her. It was only a few days that she was gone. She had been gone from the village for longer but to disappear without any notice and prior knowledge… it had brought a lot of unease to the village. But thanks to you, Iluna is safe and peace has been restored. For your great efforts, a reward must be—”

“I know,” Henry cut her off once more. “You can take your time and think about how you want to repay me. In fact, I don’t mind if there isn’t even a reward.”

“Preposterous, Lord Henry. Your valiant efforts must be requited.”

“Yes yes, if you wish. But as I said, take your time. I have a home to return to.”

“Ah, yes. Of course. You must be homesick too, Lord Henry. In that case, I won’t be stalling your departure any longer.” Iora backed away with her head bowed. “But truly, thank you so much, Lord Henry. Should you have time in the future, I wish for you to tell me about these so-called rifts, if that’s alright.”

“If I have the time, sure.”

“Thank you, Lord Henry. I know I have said a few times now but truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.”

“You’re most welcome, Iora,” Henry responded and bared his wings. The flutter of his wings knocked the senses right back into the Lavans. Only then did they remember the existence of Henry. Some had finally caught on to who was the one they should truly be thanking. They quickly rushed over to say their thanks but Henry had already departed from the village, leaving behind a gust that toppled many minor structures and blew away the small trinkets.


Unlike the Lavans, the reaction back home was tamer. The moment Henry appeared in the sky directly above his abode, there was no cheer or shout or any of the sort. All he received were gazes of relief. He even a faint “welcome home” from below.

I’m home.

Henry shifted into his human form and dropped straight down from the sky. There was still plenty of distance between him and the ground but he wasn’t worried. Just right before he hit the ground, tendrils of darkness snatched him out of the air and tossed him in front of Yula and Sarynn.

“I’m back,” Henry said with a faint smile.

“You’re late,” Yula retorted with a sombre expression.

“Did you miss me?”

“You’re all that I could think about the entire time.”

Without another word, Yula threw herself into Henry’s open arms. The moment she fell into his embrace, the floodgates were opened. She began sobbing and crying her heart out into his chest.

“I’m alright now, Yula,” Henry whispered while stroking her hair and caressing her back. “I’m here now.”

“I was so worried, Henry,” she cried. “I was so worried. I can’t stop thinking that you might have— Every night, I would— Nadea told me that you were fine but… but… I was still—”

“It’s alright now, Yula. It’s okay. I’m safe. I’m here. And I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you so much.”

“I was worried too, you know?” Sarynn chimed in from behind. “Where’s my hug and greeting?”

“Of course, Sarynn, I miss you too.”

She chuckled. “I miss you too, Henry. But I wasn’t too worried. I knew you would— Eeek!” She shrieked as Henry had suddenly pulled her into his embrace too. “W-w-what!?” she uttered in confusion.

“I did promise you I would reward you appropriately after I return, didn’t I?”

Yula tittered. “Congratulations, Sarynn. Henry has accepted you.”

“You have?”

Henry nodded and kissed Sarynn softly on her cheek. “Your scent has become very… alluring. My instincts have recognised you as my mate.”

“Dear me, Henry. I expected a reward b-but this? I am not prepared for this. You’re too quick, Henry. I would need—”

“Too late, Sarynn,” Henry said with a smug. “You wanted my love and you have received it. From this second onwards, you shall be mine until death do us apart.”

“This is so sudden, Henry.”

“Is it? I think it’s long overdue. I have been remiss, unfair, and impassive to your love. I shall kindle the flames of your love to my utmost from now on.”

“Gosh, Henry…” Sarynn turned away, her face turning beet red. “Your feelings are even heavier than mine.”

“What? Do you regret striving for my affection now?”

“No, never,” Sarynn answered resolutely with her gaze met with Henry’s. “I regret nothing. I only blame myself for underestimating your affection.”

“That’s my woman.” Henry caressed her cheeks. “Speaking of which, I see that you lot have done some… decorating. What’s with the spikes and the skulls on top of each?”

“Oh, those are to deter the monsters,” Yula said.

Henry’s gaze narrowed. “They still dare to attack this place?”

“Unfortunately, some had gotten daring and bold when they realised you had been gone for a while. Of course, Sarynn and I proved their notions wrong but they don’t seem as intimidated by us as they do by you.”

“So, whose idea was it to erect these… warning totems?”


“Oh? Well, figures. Speaking of her, where is she?”

“I’m right here,” Rayne answered.

Henry turned in the direction of the voice and found Rayne tottering into the clearing while carrying a large log on her shoulder. It was evident she had coincidentally just returned from collecting wood when Henry had asked about her.

“Welcome back,” the Zeva said dryly. “You have grown.”

“Indeed, I have.”

“Your growth rate is astounding. Truly a pity that I wasn’t strong enough to make you mine.”

“You still haven’t let go of that?”

“You underestimated my conviction… master,” Rayne said and dropped the log to the ground.

“Master?” Henry turned towards Yula and Sarynn with a frown. “What did you two do to her while I was gone?”

“Nothing.” Yula shrugged. “We didn’t do anything.”

“I have merely come to terms with my circumstances, master,” Rayne explained.

Henry cast a sidelong glance. “Really? That’s surprising considering the words that came out of your mouth just now.”

“I have accepted my reality but that doesn’t mean I can’t dream of what can be, as long as I don’t pour any actual intent into those thoughts.”

“Yes… Very reassuring.”

With a small huff, Rayne turned her back to Henry and dragged the log into the cave.

“Did she… try anything funny in my absence?” Henry asked in a low voice.

“She didn’t,” Sarynn answered. “She’s very… well-behaved, I must say. Either she has excellent self-restraint or she has truly accepted that she’s your servant for eternity or until you say otherwise.”

“She has been quite helpful,” Yula said. “She helped me with the chores without being asked and she didn’t complain when we asked for something from her. If it wasn’t for her ambitions, I would say she’s a good girl. I think she’s just misguided.”

“Whatever she is, I don’t plan on having her around forever.”

“Let's not talk about those things anymore, Henry. You must be tired or hungry or both.”

Henry smiled wryly. “I do feel a little hungry.”

“Splendid then,” Yula said gleefully and rushed over to the bonfire she had set up. She came back with a spit in hand. There were roasted fruits on the spit. “Here, try these.”

Henry took the spit from Yula’s hand. “Are these… Java Apples?”

“River Apples, they are called,” Sarynn said. “They grew near lakes and rivers. It is the preferred food and delicacy of many water creatures. Ironically, they taste the best when roasted. I had the fortune of discovering this peculiarity during a thunderstorm that struck down a River Apple Tree. The fire that resulted from the lightning strike roasted the River Apples on the tree.”

“What a wondrous discovery,” Henry praised and took a bite of the roasted River Apple. He instantly let out a delighted gasp. “Oh, god. Truly a wondrous discovery. They taste heavenly. They smell great too. I can’t get enough of this.”

“Speaking of smell…” Sarynn's nose twitched as she sniffed Henry. “I smell the scent of women on you.”

Henry froze just as he swallowed a bite of the River apple.

“Henry?” There was no rage in her tone. There was only a firm inquisitive resolve.

“Yes, dear?”


“I’m innocent?”

Yula gave a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “I know you’re innocent, honey. I ask you to explain.”

“Didn’t Nadea say anything about who I was with?”

“Quit stalling. Just tell me.”

“Are you angry?”

“Should I be?”


Yula sighed. “Should I be expecting a new partner in bed sometime in the future?”

“Not too soon, I guess.”

“You have already marked one of them as your mate.”

“Actually, she’s the first one I have marked.”

“Earlier than me?”

Henry nodded. “But I didn’t know better back then. Now I know why she smelled so good.”

“But who was the other one?” Sarynn asked. “There’s a very powerful scent on you. Her scent is… immense.”

“That would be Vishara.”

Yula’s eyes widened. “Vishara? You crossed paths with her? But how? What happened?”

“It’s a long story and also an interesting one.”

“Well, it’s lunchtime. I’m sure an interesting story would make our meals more appetising.”

Henry chuckled wryly. “Not this one, I’m afraid.”

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