Reincarnated as a Dragon – The path of the Dragon God

Chapter 102

If anyone's wondering about the late release, it's because I scheduled the time to PM instead of the usual AM.

It was decided. Alayne had chosen to stay. She didn’t like being given pity but more than anything, she never liked owing anyone a debt. Henry had saved her and she considered herself to be in his debt. And so, she decided to stay with Henry and become one of his women.

But of course, that was just the pretence. In truth, the reason for Alayne’s decision to stay was something far simpler. The experience she could acquire and amass in Ulrum was tremendous and diverse. If she was able to learn how to fight and slay the monsters in Ulrum, the monsters lurking in the other corners of the world would be a breeze for her.

In exchange for that gain, Alayne was to be Henry’s consort and she had no qualms with that. She would be fornicating with a monster, she was aware of that, but there was a silver lining. Henry had a human form. It would have been a different story if she was to mate with him in his raw beastial form.

Alayne came to know of Henry’s unmatched lust and bottomless vigour firsthand during the first night. She had slept outside, right beside Rayne, when the mating between Henry and his two women began. It lasted deep into the night and Alayne was awake throughout the entire duration.

“You’ll get used to it,” Rayne had said plainly before going to sleep.

Needless to say, Alayne barely got a wink of sleep but due to her profession as a monster hunter, a sleepless night wasn’t uncommon. Therefore, she was faring better than Rayne during the first few nights.

The other break in the clouds was that Henry was considerate. He did not force Alayne to participate in their nightly activities immediately. Henry had given her a few days' time to prepare her heart. She was no virgin, she had told Henry when he asked. Though at the same time, she would be considered a virgin by many.

“How so?” Henry had asked.

Alayne revealed that her sole experience was with a woman, another hunter much like her. Their relationship was brief and it was mostly physical. But that wasn’t the unexpected part of the revelation for Henry. What baffled him was Alayne’s darkening expression when she revealed her only sexual partner had been a woman.

Henry figured the Argon Kingdom was a place where the majority was intolerant towards the queer ones.

Although homosexuality wasn’t illegal, it was looked down upon. One would be treated like an outcast should they come out of the closet. As monster hunters were already shunned by the public due to their misconceived reputation as mindless brutes who were no different than murderers, Alayne didn’t go out of her way to conceal her queer affair.

Still, this didn’t mean she had no interest in the opposite sex. But most of the men she came across were not to her liking and the ones that she took a liking to, they were turned off by her toned physique.

“Don’t listen to those men,” Yula said as she stared delightedly at Alayne’s abs, who was currently dressed in a black crop top that flaunted her amazing midriff. “Those men either have no taste or they are too intimidated by you. Whichever it is, you don’t need men like them.”

After Yula had seen Alayne’s perfectly slim and toned body, she had begun cooking some ideas of garments that would suit Alayne’s physique. The crop top was Yula’s latest idea.

“I will say, you have quite the talent for making clothes, Yula,” Sarynn praised as she also stared at Alayne in amazement.

Yula chuckled with her nose held high and her arms crossed under her bust. “Of course. I need to do this much if I wish to avoid becoming a burden to Henry.”

“You jest, Yula,” Sarynn rebuked playfully. “If anyone’s a burden here, it would be Henry. He sure is a heavy one when night comes.”

Yula tittered. “That he definitely is.”

“I’m right here, you know?” Henry said from the other side of the folding partition that was made out of wood.

Alayne was trying out the various different clothes Yula had made with her shadows. The garments varied in size and shape but the colours were all the same, black. But given Alayne's role in combat, black was very fitting for her.

Alayne herself was the unwilling participant. She had not given her consent but she was swept away by Yula's enthusiasm. That and she was intimidated by the shadows whirling around her as if they had a mind of their own.

“Is something on your mind?” Yula asked when she noticed Alayne’s downcast gaze.

“I appreciate what you’re doing for me, Lady Yula, but—”

“Yula. Just call me Yula. No need for titles. We are all Henry’s mates here. No need to be so formal with me, Alayne.”

“A-as I was saying, Yula, I’m grateful for the clothes but you don’t need to make—”

“Stop right there, Alayne. Don’t misunderstand. I’m not doing this as an obligation. I’m doing this because I want to. You have no idea how long I have waited for a person of your… physique. You have the right amount of fat and muscles. As you can see for yourself, I am too… abundant here.” Alayne squeezed her enormous bosom to emphasise her point.

Alayne’s eyes were glued to those huge jugs. “Yes… truly abundant.” She then looked at her own. She never considered herself to be small but in Yula’s presence, she did feel paltry.

“No need to compare yourself,” Sarynn said while proudly puffing out her barely protruding bosom.

“I-I wasn’t comparing!” Alayne was quick to deny it.

“The most important thing when it comes to copulation is down here.” Sarynn tapped on her crotch. “It doesn’t matter how soft or huge your bosom is, it will not be enjoyable if the compatibility down here is terrible.”

“W-what are you s-saying, S-Sarynn!?”

Sarynn simpered. “But you don’t have to worry about that. Even if it's not compatible, Henry will surely make it compatible.”

Alayne frowned.

“Your womb and cunt will eventually take his shape and size and you will never be satisfied by anyone other than him.”

“Sarynn, could you stop?” Henry pleaded from the other side, sighing and rubbing his temples.

“What? I’m just telling our new sister here of an eventual fact.”

Henry had no retort, rubbing his temples harder. Sarynn was always quick to retreat when it came to a subject that she was not knowledgeable about but if it was a subject she was well-versed in, she would speak of it unabashedly regardless of the contents, such as now.

“...Will I be alright?” Alayne asked Yula in a low voice.

In response, Yula merely returned a gentle smile while assessing the new garment on Alayne. “Henry will never hurt you. I’ll make sure he’ll be gentle on your first time, as much as he can.”

“Is he… not gentle?”

Yula tittered and shrugged. “Sometimes”

Alayne swallowed a lump in her throat. She had heard enough stories from other women regarding their first experiences with a man. The general consensus was that the first time tends to be unpleasant and in some cases, painful, even more so if one’s partner was also inexperienced. The first time would leave a huge impression on one’s outlook on sex. Alayne had always thought she had prepared herself for the eventual moment she lay with a man. But now, she had the inkling that she would never be truly prepared no matter how much time she had.

Alayne didn’t know how big Henry actually was but she knew enough about his stamina. Even if he wasn’t too big, there was still his considerable vigour to take into account. The more she thought about it, the more she dreaded the first night with Henry.

“You will be fine,” Yula assured. “It’s not as if you’re going into a big battle or something. I can assure you that it will not be unpleasant.”

Alayne was convinced, especially since her partner was a monster, which led her thoughts to a question she had been meaning to ask. “Say… what exactly is Henry?”

“Hmm? What do you mean?”

“I mean… just what is he? I don’t mean to be rude but I have never met a… creature quite like him. He looks like a Drake but Drakes don’t have wings and their necks aren’t that long.”

Yula chuckled. “He can tell you that himself.”

“You want me to ask him myself? I don’t think—”

“I’m a Dragon,” Henry answered from the other side of the partition.

Alayne jumped in surprise. “You h-heard me?”

“I have a very keen sense of hearing.”

“T-then you heard everything that I—”

“Yes, I did.”

Alayne scoffed in disbelief. “Y-you can’t do that! That’s rude!”

Henry also scoffed in return. “Anywho, you have your answer. I’m a Dragon.”

“A Dragon? So you are one… but aren’t Dragons supposed to be—”

“Extinct? I’m here, aren’t I? Endangered, maybe, but definitely not extinct.”

“You’re a Dragon…”

“Yes, I am. Are you finding it hard to believe?”

“No, that’s not it. It’s just… Do you even know what this means? Are you not afraid that I would expose your existence if you let me go?”

“Will you?”

“I…” Alayne stammered.

“You won’t,” Yula said.

“You sound certain.”

“Of course. After all, Henry sees you as a mate. You don’t understand. Henry doesn’t court just any woman. He only courts those that he deems worthy of his love. He took a liking to you, which means he sees you as worthy. As someone who’s worthy of his love, I don’t think you expose him for no good reason.”

“How can you be so sure…” Alayne retorted with a trailing voice.

“Call it a sixth sense as you humans do,” Sarynn said. “Monsters like Henry and I… we can sense the foulness or the good in people. I trust you. I don’t smell the same stench that I smelled from your two former companions.”

“Also, you’re doubting yourself, which is good. Terrible people don't doubt themselves. They just do what they think is right and give it no further thought or they will just keep coming up with reasons to justify their decisions.”

“I-I see…”

“So, with that out of the way, what sort of clothes do you like to wear, Alayne?”

“Clothes? I-I don’t know. A tunic and long pants, I guess?”

“That’s boring. You don’t want a dress or anything like that?”

“I don’t mind, as long as it doesn’t hinder my movements. I wield the bow and my position in my former party is that of a scout.”

“Hmm… In that case, how about a cloak?”

“Why would I need a cloak?” Alayne blinked. “The hood will only hinder my vision and the extra fabric could easily get tangled on barks, twigs, branches, and many others.”

Yula tapped her chin. “Ah… you have a point there.”

“A simple tight-fitting short coat will do.”

“But you won’t be able to flaunt your body if you wear a coat.”

“Why would I be flaunting my body in combat?”

“Romance, that’s why.”

“...I do not understand your perspective of romance, Yula.”

“Huh… I suppose you won’t.” Yula sighed. “Reality is truly disappointing…”

Henry chuckled. “I beg to differ,” he mused to himself. Reality had its own flaws but it wasn’t at all disappointing. His life might have changed a great deal but in this change, he had the chance to meet Yula and Sarynn, two women he now considered as the most important people in his life. Therefore, the reality was not disappointing to him.

Just as the mood was turning pink and the merry was blooming, Henry sensed movements heading towards the clearing that was his abode.

“We have guests,” Sarynn said. She also sensed the approaching presence, albeit a tad slower than Henry did.

“Who?” Yula asked calmly as she didn’t perceive any hint of peril in either of Sarynn and Henry’s expressions.

Henry grinned. “The Kivus.”

“The Kivus?” Alayne exclaimed.

“Okay… they came shortly after the two Lavans. What business could they have?”

“A feast,” Henry answered. It was only now he remembered the promise he had made with the Queen of the Kivus, Tiana.

Just then, Rayne came running into the cave in a jog. “The princess of the Kivus has arrived, master.”

“T-the princess!?” Alayne shouted in astonishment.

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