Reincarnated as a Dragon – The path of the Dragon God

Chapter 104

Though there was no way for Henry to truly perceive the tension he had caused, he could feel it in the air as he went out hunting the next day. He was in his human form since it allowed him more movement in this form. The terrain was far too restricting for his true form. He was also using this opportunity to cull the numbers of any rising threats within his territory in anticipation of the feast.

An envoy of the Lavans had arrived just yesterday, the day after the envoy of the Kivus came. Henry had let the former know of his intentions, to have the feast held in tandem with the Kivus. The Lavans had the same reaction as the Kivus upon learning this; like the Kivus, they were willing to compromise for the sake of Henry.

As Henry had already known and figured it out, there was some history between the clans and tribes. Rather than eager or thrilled, they were apprehensive and restless when the two factions found out they would be participating in a function that involved one another. Henry wasn’t a nosy individual but considering they were his neighbours now, it was only right for him to know their history.

The more Henry thought about it, the more he was questioning his decision. Is this gonna be fine? Should I not have pushed for it? He couldn’t help but doubt himself constantly after feeling the tension.

Aside from the ominous feeling that was brewing in Henry’s heart, today was a day like any other, or so it would have been if it wasn’t for the strange tracks he found in the middle of his patrol cum culling. Tracks that didn’t belong to any of the local wildlife weren’t something new but the tracks he found didn’t belong to an animal but a person.

Yes, Henry found the footprints of a person. Or rather, people. There was more than one set and the tracks were relatively fresh, no older than half a day. His first assumption veered to the humans. Perhaps a new batch of monster hunters was inadvertently transported to Ulrum via the rift portals. However, if there was a rift, he would know.

Which boiled down to one very likely conjecture. The footprints belonged to either the Lavans or the Kivus. They were about to have a feast with one another. It was only logical that they would send someone to get a feel of the atmosphere and the read of the terrain. Be that as it may, it still didn’t sit right with Henry that they would go behind his back and do something like this.

Iora and Vira would not do something like this. Henry was certain. If they had any doubts, they would say it to his face and not go behind his back. If this was the work of either clan, there was a high chance that Iora or Vira might not know anything about it.

Still, there was always the third possibility. The tracks belonged to a nosy party uninvolved in the upcoming feast. Now that his mind was calmer and clearer, he could see the tracks backtrack to the north before disappearing.

“Those are certainly the tracks of the Zevas,” Rayne said as she knelt down and inspected the footprints. To finish the patrol and culling faster, Henry had taken Rayne along with him.

Henry flinched a little when Rayne spoke. He stared sternly at her.

“What?” Rayne asked upon noticing Henry’s strange gaze.

“For a moment there, I forgot I brought you with me and I didn’t even feel your existence.”

Rayne chuckled faintly. “Why, thank you, master.”

“It’s not a compliment.”

“But I’ll take it as one anyway.” Her grin widened. “Are you perhaps afraid of my abilities, dear master?”

“I have always been afraid of your abilities, Rayne. I would not have let you live if you weren’t enslaved. But even so, I still don’t doubt that you would eventually find some way to break free of these chains.”

“Then is there a reason why I’m still alive if you doubt me that much?”

“Perhaps I have grown fond of you? Only a tad. Perhaps I was hoping you would change. Will you?”

“People don’t change that easily.”

“They don’t but that’s not an impossibility.”

Rayne shrugged. “Maybe. Regardless, what are your orders, master? Do we keep investigating the tracks or return to our routine.”

“Let us say we keep investigating the tracks. Do you think it would lead us anywhere?”

“My people are hunters. They are rarely the hunted. Some of them never even experience being the prey. They’re good at tracking but they’re not good at hiding their own tracks. They are… complacent. If we keep investigating, I’m sure we will be able to find out the culprits.”

“Well, don’t you just look excited?”

“I will admit that I’m curious as to their reaction to my current state. Will they shed a tear? Will they laugh? Or will they simply act like I have never existed?”

“If you want to see your people, you can just say so. I’m not a tyrant.”

“The gesture is appreciated, master, but I’m not that curious. We should be worrying about why they came to spy on us.”

“They’re your people. Couldn’t you think of any reason at all?”

“I can think of a few. Maybe they heard about the feast and they’re curious about the outcome. Should the Lavans and the Kivus become firm friends, that would undermine the authority of the other tribes. Especially when the two aforementioned tribes are situated on opposite ends.”

“And what exactly will come out of it if the Lavans and the Kivus become friends?”

“The Zevas’ territory is already small enough as it is. The mountains in the north are huge but… the Zevas laid claim to only a small portion of it. Not because they were lazy or unwilling but because the other parts were simply too treacherous to be of any use. Food and resources are not scarce but it can easily become so should some disaster happen.”

“And the other reason?”

“The unlikely one. They are worried about me and they came to see how I’m faring.”

“Why do you think it’s unlikely?”

“Because my people despise me?”

“Surely there are some who looked up to you, no?”

“There are but I don’t believe they have the guts to show it. I’m the strongest in my tribe but I’m treated like a runt. Isn’t that just the cruellest joke?”

“...You said the Zevas are complacent.”

“I did.”

“But if that’s true, then won’t your first conjecture be unlikely?”

“They are complacent. But maybe after hearing about the feast that would be taking place in less than a week’s time, they realised they could no longer be complacent. They would truly lose the opportunity if they keep being complacent. The Zevas are already such a pale shadow of their former glory. I don’t believe they would want to be even less than a shadow.”

“Do you think they will disrupt this feast?”

“Not directly at the very least. My father submitted me to you in exchange for placating your wrath. They fear you, master. They would not make it obvious should they wish to disrupt this feast.”

“Then we should nip this problem in the bud.”

“Terrible idea, master. You have no solid proof. Your immediate actions would only lead to the tribes thinking less of you. I suggest you warn the two tribes about the possibility of a third party interfering.”

“I’ll do just that.” Henry turned to Rayne and bowed.

It was Rayne’s turn to stare with stupefaction.

“I thank you for your advice, Rayne.”

Rayne turned her face away before Henry could see the red creeping up on her cheeks. “I don’t need your gratitude.”

“No, but I’m giving it to you anyway.”

“Let’s just continue with our work here. Your wives are waiting eagerly for your return.”

Henry chuckled. “Alrighty, then.”

Rayne’s face curled with annoyance. As tough as she tried so desperately to present herself to be, she was still an untouched maiden with only secondhand experience in the world of romance. She had never been interested in any men because they were all weaker than her, be it in wits or strength. They shrivelled just from her gaze alone. Once in a while, she would receive proposals from fools who were in way over their heads and she had put them all in their places.

And then there was Henry. He had also been weaker than her and his wits were nothing to write home about. However, his unprecedented rate of growth was what struck her fancy. She had been quite thrilled when she discovered Henry was able to take the form of a person and thereby, allowing the possibility of cross-breeding with another species.

As a Zeva, Rayne wanted her legacy to be the strongest of the strongest and Henry was the most suitable candidate to fulfil that dream of hers. She didn’t care if there was any love in their union but recently, she was starting to doubt herself.

Rayne had braced her heart and mind for the abuse she would be given but there was no such grievance. She could feel Henry’s distrust and anger but he did not mindlessly take out his insecurity and unease on her. He didn’t treat her like a slave if she had to be honest. She was like a maidservant at worst. Even if she made a blunder, there was no punishment. He and his wives would just give her a look of exasperation and contempt and move on.

Such a treatment just didn’t sit right with Rayne considering her position. Under normal circumstances, one would be glad for such a treatment but not Rayne. She was a warrior. She wanted to be treated as such. Instead, she was stuck doing menial chores as some lowly maid. She had endured the humiliation for god knows how long but everyone had a breaking point.

To make it even worse, her inexperience in love affairs had begun to show. Night after night, she had to bear with the noises from Henry’s lovemaking with his consorts. Anyone would go insane from that. In addition, those noises lasted throughout the night.

Her pride shattered from the lack of abuse. Her mental vigour drained from listening in on Henry’s nightly activities. Her inexperience over love burgeoned. All these factors combined led to a development that Rayne herself had dreaded the most. In a certain world, it was known as Stockholm Syndrome.

Though Rayne had turned her face away from Henry, she could not hide her accelerating heartbeat and rising body temperature. Being a Dragon, there was no way Henry wouldn’t notice those two things. The combination of these factors was something he had known far too well. The sign of love and it was originating from Rayne.

Henry sighed inwardly. I supposed it was inevitable considering how things were going. It would have been different if he had constantly abused her and treated her like shit. He didn’t exactly treat her with kindness either but considering her position, it was more than she deserved.

Although Henry sensed Rayne’s blooming affection, he still wasn’t fully trusting of her yet. Amateurs at love were known to merely be in love with the idea of being in love. They could be simply trying to satiate their curiosity. Moreover, he didn’t feel any connection with Rayne like he did with Yula and Sarynn or even a tiny bit like Alayne.

In the midst of his rumination, he was dragged out of his daze by a feeling more ominous than everything he felt today. His shoulders jumped and he looked towards the direction where he sensed the ominous feeling emanating from.

Rayne was already looking in the same direction. “What in god’s name is that?” she asked while pointing at a gaping hole in the space between trees.

Henry immediately shifted into his humanoid form. “A rift.”

Rayne never saw one with her own eyes but she did hear plenty about it from Henry. “Why now of all times?”

“It’s random, or at least I think it’s random.”

“It’s strong… whatever is on the other side.”

“Hmm… this feeling. It’s familiar.” A shiver ran down Henry’s spine. “...No. It can’t be. This is bullshit.”

Before Henry could answer, something flew out of the rift. It flew towards Rayne. She battered it away without much difficulty. When the projectile hit the ground, they realised it was the carcass of a humanoid creature. It resembled a Goblin but it was red instead of green and it didn’t have long pointy ears.

“An Imp?” Rayne muttered.

“Rayne, if you want to run now, feel free to. Before you lose that chance.”

“Don’t be absurd. I won’t run from a—”

Rayne’s words were cut short by the thing that strode through the rift. It bore the appearance of a knight's armour but one could easily tell there was nothing but cogwheels, gears, and other complicated machinery stuff within. It was a walking suit of armour.

“Oh,” Henry gasped in a hollow tone. “Fuck off...”

“What in the blizzard hell is that?”

“A goddamn Slayer.”

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