Reincarnated as a Dragon – The path of the Dragon God

Chapter 112

Once the literal firestorm had died out, there was nothing left of the Flesh Skeleton, save for its ashes.

Is it over— No, don’t say it, Henry. You will only jinx it.

Though Henry had eliminated the threat, he couldn’t be at ease. He was not out of the woods yet. Who knows when and where the next threat would emerge? Therefore, Henry kept his guard up and saved the celebration for later.

“Henry, are you alright?” asked Yula as she and Chloe ran over to him.

“I’m fine,” Henry replied. “We should keep moving. I doubt we have seen the last of these… things.”

“Far from it, I’m sure,” Chloe muttered. Then, her eyes widened as she stared in a certain direction. “Fuck me sideways…”

Hearing Chloe’s sudden swearing, they turned in the direction Chloe was staring. What they saw made their jaws drop and their eyes widened.

“Well, that’s unnerving.”

Yula chuckled nervously. “This is more than unnerving.”

An army of monsters with appearances as bizarre as the Flesh Skeleton were charging their way from the distance.

“Henry, just what the hell is this place?”

“Doesn’t matter. We need to get out of here fast,” Yula said.

“No. We need to get out of here now.” Henry then scooped them into his claws and took flight.

By now, the two had already gotten used to the abrupt sensation, so they didn’t have any complaints.

“Henry, are you sure you know where to go or where we’re going?”

“If you have a better idea, I’m all ears!” Henry shouted in response.

Suddenly, dozens or so tentacles of darkness burst out from the ground in front. Since Henry could only fly low, they were within the reach of the tentacles.

“Goddamn it!” Henry cursed and cut down the tentacles with his Jetstream Breath.

Immediate, another wave of tentacles emerged from beneath them. Henry quickly rolled to the side to evade the tentacles’ grasp. However, his left hind limb was caught by one of the many tentacles.

Spikes protruded from around his hind limb which was caught by the tentacles. The tentacle instantly shuddered and unwind itself from Henry’s limb.

Oh, right. I can do that. Henry sighed in relief. I seriously need some sort of visual aid to keep track of all my abilities.

“What the hell!?” Yula exclaimed.

His lover’s shout brought him out of his thoughts. He felt like shouting the same words when he saw what caused Yula to swear aloud.

There were more tentacles in front of them, though they were more like tendrils than tentacles since Henry couldn’t see any suckles on those things. Moreover, those things were not sprouting from underneath the ground. They were already on the ground and they didn’t seem to be appendages of a main body. They were the main body. They were a mass of tendrils.

The tendrils mass spread out suddenly. The individual tendrils sought out the various debris scattered around this dark and forsaken world. The tendrils then dragged the pieces of junk back to the main mass. The tendril mass grew larger and larger as it absorbed more and more various kinds of rubbish until it was thrice the size of Henry.

“What is wrong with this place?” Chloe scoffed in disbelief. “Just how many abominations will this place churn out?”

“Doesn’t matter,” Henry said and doused the tendril mass with his Fire Breath.

Fortunately, the abomination this time reacted more profoundly to Henry’s flames. Though the mass appeared to have no mouth or any vocal orifice, it shrieked in agony as the flames shrouded its entire body. It flailed wildly as if to rid itself of the flames and to stave off the agony, but all to no avail.

Perhaps it was desperate, the tendril mass charged at Henry as if it was tumbling towards him.

“Persistent son of a bitch!” Henry growled and tried to manoeuvre out of harm’s way.

However, the tendril mass was not only huge but also quite agile for something of its size and proportions. It morphed a part of him into a fist-like form and swung it at Henry.

But thanks to Henry’s quick thinking, he parried the tendril-fist with a Firebolt. The destructiveness was much lower than a Fire Breath but it could be used much faster and it packed enough force to drive the tendril-fist away.

As soon Henry fended off one, another tendril-fist was coming for him. He clicked his tongue and fended off the other one with a Firebolt too.

The tendril mass shrieked loudly once again, not in agony, but in frustration. It then proceeded to toss its entire body at Henry.

No other choice, Henry groaned inwardly and cast Gravity on the mass of tendrils.

At first, the abomination didn’t seem to be affected all that much but as seconds went by, it plunged right into the ground.

Henry seized this chance to make his escape, but there was another colossal abomination waiting for him in front.

“A Hydra?” Chloe gasped.

The abomination before them was a Hydra, or at least the closest resemblance it bore was a Hydra. As intimidating as they appeared to be, Henry made short work of them with a Jetstream Breath before the Hydra-like creature could even make its move.

As soon as the Hydra fell, another colossal abomination made its appearance, a humanoid with great disproportions. Its face melted on one side. Its right arm was three times bigger than its left arm. Its legs had fused into one but still had two separate feet. And these were just the few things that were disproportionate about the abomination.

Henry unleashed his Firebreath on the abomination but to his surprise, the fire was absorbed by the abomination.

Well, that’s not good. Aedan gulped.

A slit appeared vertically on the abomination’s torso before it turned into a gaping maw which spat back out the flames it absorbed.

“Fuck!” Henry uttered in a panic and took evasive action. However, another colossal abomination was waiting for him, in his blindside.

Henry apologised in his heart to the two ladies he was holding and dropped them from a height of around three storeys. He spun around mid-dodge and defended himself against the abomination that flanked him by holding back its elongated jaws.

The opportunistic abomination was a deformed canine with the head of an alligator. Though it had the body of a canine, its forelimbs were much longer than its hind limbs, giving it a decrepit look. Be that as it may, its actions were the opposite of what can be considered old and infirm.

The abomination took a swipe at Henry, forcing him to let go of its jaws. It then snapped its jaws at Henry again at once. Henry lurched away and drove a fist into its jaws. A crude yelp of pain escaped from the abomination’s gaping jaw, which was now dislocated from that single punch.

Henry channelled lightning into the canine abomination and threw it at the abomination with a gaping maw on its torso. The lightning spread to the humanoid abomination and the two shrieked in agony.

While the two abominations were immobilised by the lightning cracking over their bodies, Henry unleashed an Inferno Breath on them. The humanoid abomination tried to absorb the flames but there was too much to be absorbed and it had a limit on how much it could absorb.

Burn in hell! Henry snarled.

Their pained cries and death throes echoed out into the vast empty space of this forsaken world that seemed to span endlessly.

Before Henry could catch his breath, he slanted his head to the side, avoiding a sharpened tendril that streaked past him. He turned to his back and found the tendril mass crawling its way slowly to him. It was charred to crisp and cinder but it was still alive, moving.

Why don’t you just die already? Henry sneered at the near-dead abomination.

In a last ditch of effort, the tendril mass sprang towards Henry but a vortex of flames enveloped it and completely turned it into cinders.

While Henry was battling three abominations consecutively, Yula and Chloe were not idle. They had their threats to face. Smaller abominations climbed out of the cracks and crevices on the grounds.

“What the fuck is it now!?” Chloe grumbled.

“Zombies?” Yula mused.

The abominations howled at the two girls with hoarse and hollow cries.

“Ghouls,” Chloe said. “But I suppose zombies aren’t that different. It’s whatever. Let’s just hope they die just as easily as zombies do.”

Yula nodded in agreement and sent a wave of barbed shadows at the emerging ghouls. Though her powers were weakened significantly, it was still enough to slice and dice up the ghouls.

Chloe donned her armour suit, covering herself from the head to the toes, and charged at the ghouls that the shadows failed to kill. Using the wrist-blade she conjured from her armour suit, she cut through the ghouls as if she was a pile driver grinding through walls of rocks.

“Oh…” Chloe’s fervent assault on the ghouls came to a standstill when a different variant of ghouls emerged from the crevices. Two of them, to be exact.

They were twice the size of the other ghouls but half the amount of eyes. They had one big eye in the middle of their faces. Instead of lumbering towards them, the larger ghouls lunged at them.

Yula sent a torrent of shadows at the lunging ghoul, easily turning into shreds.

As for Chloe, she dodged low and let the ghoul dive over her, which she then retaliated with an uppercut of her wrist-blades, tearing the ghoul’s torso apart.

“Watch out!” Yula yelled.

Chloe turned around, just in time to see another greater ghoul lunging at her. It was too late for her to dodge, so she could only block. She received the ghoul’s assault with her arms crossed in front of her.

“Get away from her!” Yula battered the ghoul off of Chloe with her shadows but in the process, she left herself vulnerable. The lesser ghouls had crept up to her.

The ghouls pounced on Yula but she quickly raised a thin wall of shadows, which the ghouls quickly broke through.

Fortunately, Chloe came to her rescue, driving the ghouls away with a jump kick. “You’re alright?” she asked.

Yula nodded and picked herself up from the ground. “You?”

“I’m fine too, thanks to you.”

“I’m glad.” Yula smiled, inadvertently showing a hint of exhaustion.

Chloe returned the smile but it immediately became a frown when she heard groanings and howlings from her side.

More and more ghouls were climbing out of the cracks and crevices.

“You still have some juice in you?” Chloe asked, unable to contain the hint of her exhaustion in her voice.

“I’ll manage. We can let Henry do all the work.”

“Never plan to,” Chloe said and straightened her back and sharpened her gaze.

Yula gathered her breaths and also straightened her posture. “That’s a lot of them…” she muttered.

“Nothing we can handle, I hope.”

“Of course.”

As the two were about to make their stand against the amassing horde, a torrent of flames swept through the ghouls, instantly reducing them to ashes.

The two turned their gaze to the one who took away their kills.

“Sorry,” Henry apologised. “You two were taking too long.”

“It’s alright, Henry.” Yula tittered. “Thanks for the help.”

Chloe tutted. “I could have handled them, no problem.”

“I have no doubts about that but… we are in a hurry,” Henry said and pointed behind them, where the army of abominations was getting closer than before.

Chloe swallowed a lump in her throat. “Yeah… let’s— Hmm? Who the hell is that?”

Yula and Henry snapped their gazes to where Chloe was staring blankly at.

There was a haggard-looking boy standing there, dressed in plain clothes that seemed to have not been washed in forever.

“You keep chasing after me…” the boy said with a strange accent and a voice that sounded masculine and feminine at the same time. “You and your god… persistent… Chased me until here… Well, here I am.”

Henry recognised the boy’s voice as the one he and the two heard in their heads. He subtly moved in front of Yula and Chloe without turning his gaze away from the boy.

At fucking last…!

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