Reincarnated as a Dragon – The path of the Dragon God

Chapter 122

“I hope the incident last night did not mar your enjoyment of the feast, Lord Henry,” Iluna said with a look that was as regrettable as her tone.

“Rest assured, Lady Iluna. It did not,” Henry answered with a smile, a genuine one. While the minor conflict last night did incur his displeasure, it was placated but the consummation of his relationship with Alayne.

At present, it was morning and all of his girls were fast asleep back at the cave. Rayne was still the only one awake, going about her routine and chores.

The two respective leaders of the Lavans and the Kivu Tribe were also awake. They were currently having breakfast in a tent with Henry just along the borders of Henry’s territory.

Though they were truly having breakfast, it was only a pretence. The true purpose of this meeting in the early morning was to discuss a recent, dire occurrence on the human side.

Henry had known the invitation was a pretence but he didn’t expect the true purpose to be something dire.

The breakfast started off well and was delightful. Henry was served eggs, minced meat, and strips of bacon. He had a mug of dark beer to wash all that down with. He couldn’t be more grateful and joyous. The serene tenor continued with the three talking about various trivial matters.

Matters of further cooperation between tribes were brought up but Henry politely declined to be involved in such affairs.

After they had finished their food, they got down to business. The servants that had been serving them all left the tent, leaving the three alone.

“There has been great unrest amongst the humans,” Iluna said.

“Since when there has not been any unrest amongst humans?” Tiana jibed as she sipped on her red tea.

Henry’s nose couldn’t help but twitch in response to the incredibly fragrant aroma emanating from the red tea.

“The concurrent unrest is not a result of human conflict. Apparently, a monster, in the form of a human, of ancient origins, is wreaking havoc on numerous towns and cities in the Argon Kingdom. They said this monster resembled that of a Zeva.”

“Vishara…” Henry muttered.

“So it would seem. The description matches her appearance.”

“Vishara? The ancestor of the Zevas that the accursed Zeva unleashed?” Tiana asked.

“Yes, it is her, unfortunately.”

“What of the Slayers? Are they not able to stop Vishara?” Henry inquired.

“I have asked the same question but they were very… evasive. I can see the shame in their eyes. Most likely, the Slayers had failed them.”

“Vishara is getting stronger…” Henry mused.

“Would I be correct to assume that the humans are putting the blame on us?” Tiana guessed.

Iluna nodded.

Hearing that, Henry buried his face in his palm and sighed deeply.

“Typical,” Tiana scoffed. “They will just turn everything into an opportunity to lay their hands on Ulrum.”

“What are their demands?” Henry asked.

“They requested a conference. They wish to speak with the Zevas.”

“That’s all?”

Iluna smiled wryly. “They intend to hold the conference… in the mountains where the Zevas live. As a gesture of good faith, they say.”

Henry snorted with a chuckle. “Do they take us for fools or naive children?”

“If we reject them, they will use it as an excuse to force their way into Ulrum, probably with the false accusation of us hiding the evidence from them.”

“Hmm… they won’t be entirely wrong if they made that accusation. Rayne was responsible for Vishara’s… advent.”

“Should we just hand the Zeva over to the humans?” Tiana proposed.

“No,” Henry immediately shot her down. “You forget, your majesty. What they want is Ulrum, not someone to take the blame. Vishara is nothing more than a convenient excuse and justification.”

“I am aware, Lord Henry. But she is the one who’s the cause of Vishara’s… rampage. She needs to take responsibility.”

“She is my slave now. I am her master. Her sins are now mine to bear.”

Iluna gasped lightly. “Lord Henry… you can’t possibly be suggesting—”

“I’m not handing myself over to them, Lady Iluna. That’s never going to happen.”

Tiana narrowed her gaze. “Then what is your intention, Lord Henry? Know that even if you are willing to surrender yourself to humans, we will not allow that. You are too important to Ulrum and my daughter will be devastated if she learns of this.”

“As I said, I’m not surrendering myself over to the humans, but I will offer my aid. I will help them in subjugating Vishara.”

“Ah… I see.”

“They will surely reject your offer, Lord Henry,” Iluna said. “Like you said, what they want is Ulrum.”

“If they refuse my offer, I can use their rejection against them. I will show them that Ulrum does not welcome them.”

Tiana raised her brows. “You intend to reveal yourself to the humans, my lord?”

“Ulrum is my home. It’s time I do my due diligence in protecting it. I cannot stay in the shadows forever. My existence can serve as a deterrent for many opportunists.”

“Or it will only entice more opportunists.”

“Then it will be their death.”

Tiana and Iluna shuddered at those words.

“I have been patient long enough but no more. I have much to lose now. If they dare to bare their fangs of greed at us more than they already had, I will show no leniency.”

“Of course, Lord Henry.” Tiana bowed her head. “The Kivus are at your beck and call, my lord. We have already acknowledged you as our overlord. Your wish is our command.”

“I appreciate your oath and commitment, Your Majesty, but I would prefer that you treat me as a guide and a guardian, not an overlord. I don’t rule over Ulrum.”

Tiana and Iluna exchanged a brief glance with each other. Confusion was written all over their faces.

“But you do, my lord,” Tiana said.

Henry raised an eyebrow and frowned. “What do you mean?”

“You do rule over Ulrum, my lord. Even if you deny your title, Ulrum has already deemed you its sovereign.”

“By Ulrum, do you perhaps mean the consensus of all four of the tribes?”

“By Ulrum, I’m referring to Ulrum itself. This land, this forest, it has recognised you as their king, as their sovereign.”

Henry looked towards Iluna.

“It’s true, Lord Henry. Even Her Ladyship has given her blessing to your reign.”

“When did this happen?”

“Just before the feast,” Iluna answered. “W-we… we thought you know, Lord Henry.”

“But I didn’t.”

“Forgive us, Lord Henry. Since you were never one for ostentation, we presumed you simply didn’t want to make a gaudy show out of your newfound authority and honour.”

“Honour? You mean hassle and responsibilities,” Henry grumbled.

Tiana tittered. “If it was anyone else receiving this honour, they would be over the clouds, jumping in joy. But not you, my lord.”

“To be the one above all that resides in your domain is a prestige and merit that is only surpassed by divine ascension, Lord Henry.”

“I do not mind protecting my home but I don’t wish to be involved in any quarrel or dissension between the natives. I have enough burden as it is. I don’t need more.”

“I suppose we can never presume my lord’s thoughts. Forgive our ignorance.”

Henry refrained from rolling his eyes. “Do we have the specifics on the kind of damage Vishara has caused?”

“I have inquired but the humans refused to divulge any specifics. And I may add, they don’t seem… upset or worried when they speak of the damages Vishara had caused. In fact, I can hear the delight from their tone.”

“The human emissaries, did they wear any armour?”

“Only the guards did. The emissaries themselves were unarmoured and unarmed.”

“Did they use any profanity or degrading words when they spoke to you?”

Iluna’s face darkened and she lowered her gaze. She clasped her hands together and started fiddling her thumbs. She then nodded.

“Did they put forth any depraved suggestion that involves you?”

Iluna once again nodded.

“By the Spirits…” Tiana gasped. “What venomous tongues they have.”

Henry suddenly let out a chuckle. “Looks like the humans are really testing our patience, my patience, even if it's inadvertently.”

“Lord Henry, you don’t—”

“When’s the next meeting with the human emissaries?”

“...T-three days, or so they say. They always come a day earlier than what they proposed.”

“Hmm, the humans are more brazen than I expected. I don’t remember them being this barefaced. Has the king of Argon finally lost all of his virtues?”

“The current king of Argon is not the king you knew, Queen Tiana. The former king had passed away. His first son is now the king of Argon.”

“Why was I not informed about this?”

“Because the humans did not inform the Lavans either. I only knew of this through my spies in Argon.”

“I get the picture now,” Henry muttered. “The younger the generation, the greedier they are, and less patient too.”

“Lady Iluna, forgive me if I may be overstepping or being inconsiderate, but I highly suggest you stop your cooperation with the humans.”

“It’s too late. I can’t stop it, not without giving them a good excuse to assault Ulrum.”

“Then the sooner I intervene, the sooner we can solve this conundrum.”


“That is a volatile idea, my dear husband,” Sarynn said with a sigh. “Humans are a terrible bunch. Who knows what kind of ideas they might have when they realise there’s still a dragon in this world?”

Henry had returned to his abode and all of the guests had returned home. To Henry’s mild surprise, everything looked as it did before as if the feast had been nothing but his imagination. Henry gave silent praise to the Lavans and the Kivus for their competency.

Afterwards, he sat down and began to tell his women about his plans, though Alayne was still fast asleep. Sarynn was the first to give her opinion.

Chloe followed. “I can already imagine them coming up with ways to accuse you of their plight. Well, that’s how it goes in movies and TV.”

Sarynn and Rayne gave Chloe stares of confusion as the two weren’t from Earth.

“The humans do not need to know there’s a dragon protecting Ulrum,” Henry said. “They merely need to know there’s someone powerful guarding Ulrum.”

“Will that be any different?” Yula asked. “If they see your strength, wouldn’t they want to solicit you regardless?”

“A living well-known legend may stir their greed, but an unknown person with immense strength and power will strike fear into their hearts.”

“Ah, I see. The fear of the unknown.”

Henry nodded. “People fear what they cannot understand and my sudden appearance falls into that narrative.”

“But what if it only inflames their greed? What then?” Sarynn asked.

“There will be war,” Yula said with a nonchalant smile.

Henry stared at her with a frown.


“Kidding or not, I would rather that it does not come to that but if it’s inevitable, war it is.”

“What if they truly accost you, master?” Rayne asked. “What will you do then?”

Henry looked at the Zeva beside him. “Offer you as a token of peace?”

“Splendid suggestion, dear,” Sarynn cheered. “As I recall, this girl here is the one responsible for Vishara’s resurrection.”

Rayne narrowed her gaze. “I would rather die.”

“What do you intend to do, Henry? I don’t imagine they would just withdraw their greed just because they became aware of the existence of a powerful individual.”


Chloe laughed.

“Was it funny?”

Chloe stopped laughing. “You’re serious?”

Henry nodded.

“No offence, buddy, but you’re not exactly the most excellent negotiator and you certainly lack delicacy.”

“Diplomacy only on paper and in name. I reckon it would just be two sides staring down at one another until one side decides to give in. Words will not get through to them. Only might will.”

“What if they brought those… Slayers?” Rayne asked.

Henry chuckled. “Then they better bring plenty of them. My powers have more than doubled since the last time I fought a Slayer.”

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