Reincarnated as a Dragon – The path of the Dragon God

Chapter 129

The sun was shining as brightly as it could, dousing the plains with its warm grace. Underneath the sun’s generous radiant smile, sat Henry, Alayne, and Rayne. As this world was forged from the powers of a divine and Henry’s will, they had no need to worry about the sun being too strong, the inconsistent weather, or the off-chance of hostiles attacking.

“Alani, that’s my real name. Well, it was the name my mother gave me,” Alayne began to recount her story.

“What happened?” Henry asked. He was sitting just beside Alayne with an arm thrown around her shoulders for comfort for the both of them.

Rayne was sitting across from them, witnessing the two’s subtle flirting with a sickened and envious look.

“...There was an incident. Well, incidents, I should say. It’s not a long story. It’s a simple one. I made too many blunders and mistakes during my green years as a monster hunter.”

“And the man, Roarke?”

“We were a party. Me, him, his lover, and another man. Things started off well but as we got to know more and more about one another, we started getting uncomfortable with each other. We just weren’t very… attuned to one another as a team.”

“He said you stole his lover,” Rayne pointed out.

“I stole his lover or so many would see it that way. The truth is that his lover came on to me on her own accord, thanks in a huge part to his… terrible habits. Whoring, gambling, drinking, those usual kinds of bad habits.”

“But how did his lover end up in your arms and embrace?” Rayne continued with her question with a sceptical look.

Alayne snuck a fearful glance at Henry with trepidation filling her heart. She expected a grim and dark look but what she saw instead, was a smile with all the warmth in the world. The trepidation was cast out of her heart and reassurance took its place.

After taking a deep breath, Alayne continued with her story.

“Well… she found out about his… habits and she… exploded with anger. As it turns out, he never told her about any of his nightly activities. Not only that, he had been lying to her about where their money went. Suffice to say, she was distraught.”

“Somehow, someway, she found comfort in your arms?”

Alayne chuckled wryly. “Yes… that’s one way to put it. We spent a night together. It was only one night but… that single act alone caused the disbanding of our party. We didn’t part on good terms. Everyone was blaming each other when we were disbanding. We were quarrelling in a bar. Naturally, a lot of people caught wind of it and the rumours went… feral.”

“You changed your name to avoid the stigma.”

Alayne nodded. “Yes.”

“Don’t you think that’s too trifling of a reason to take on another name?”

“Half of the time, hunters work in groups. Would you want a hunter who was known to have a feud with her last party in your companionship?”

Rayne had no words to say in response. She simply cast her gaze down in hopes of hiding her blush.

“And there you have it, my story. Well, a small part of it, to be precise.”

“It’s certainly a short story,” Rayne grumbled. “So, what now? Do we call you Alayne or Alani?”

“I don’t mind either, to be honest. I’m amongst friends and… families now.”

“We have not known each other for a week and you already consider us your friends and family?”

“With Henry… we’re certainly more than friends and… I don’t think family is too far-fetched. Won’t you agree, Henry?”

Henry responded by holding Alayne closer to his embrace.

Rayne groaned with her eyes rolled back.

“Alani,” Henry said. “I like that name. It suits you.”

“I’m glad, Henry,” Alani purred and squirmed deeper into Henry’s embrace.

“Alright, enough of your affection displays, you two. We are not here for some matrimony affairs, remember? What is the plan here? You said something about using me as a medium to pursue Vishara. How?”

Henry parted from the embrace with Alani and moved towards Rayne without getting up to his feet. “Your hand, please,” he asked.

Rayne looked at him funny but she surrendered her hand without hesitation.

Henry took her hand and clasped it between his own two.

“Are you proposing? If you are, I will punch you.”

Henry chuckled. “You're getting snarkier day by day, Rayne.”

“It’s only snark if you can’t match my wit.”

Henry brushed away her snark with another chuckle and began sharpening his concentration. With his mind, he reached out and touched the Murux flowing throughout the world. He fiddled around the billion Murux strands, searching for the one that connected Rayne and Vishara.

To others, even those accustomed to sensing Murux, it was an impossible task. But not Henry. He was reborn with an impeccable sense for Murux, a gracious gift by Nadea. Picking out a single strand out of a billion was not an easy task but it was neither an impossible task.

It took some effort but ultimately, he managed to grasp it. He clutched the link tightly and absorbed all the knowledge contained within.

“M–master?” Rayne called out worriedly. “Is everything alright?”

“Everything’s just fine,” Henry answered with a smile.

“Did you… succeed?” Alani asked.

Henry nodded. He waved his hand and a trail of shimmering blue wind became visible to the eyes of the two girls.

“Whoa!” Alani exclaimed. “What is that?”

“Murux flow?” Rayne mused.

“Indeed, it is Murux but I won’t call it a flow. It’s more of a strand, a strand that links you and your dear ancestor together, Rayne.”

“By following this strand, we will be able to find Vishara.”


“Well then, let us get moving, shall we?”



“It’s noon.”


“We have a whole day ahead of us. Let us spend it wisely by making the apt preparations. By preparations, I mean discussing our plan of action and contingencies.”

“We’re wasting time here.”

“Henry gave a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Vishara is now many times stronger than when she was just resurrected. I don’t doubt our defeat if we just blindly walk right up to her and try to subdue her.”

“But the longer we wait, the stronger she’ll become.”

“Haste will not make our chances any better.”

“We’re not being hasty. We’re taking the first steps. The battle has already begun, master. The early bird gets the worm. The one who took the first step will have the advantage. We must move now before she finds out that we are going after her.”

“About that… we are already too late.”

“Too late? What are you saying?”

“I’m saying, she already knows.”

“What!?” Rayne rose to her feet. “How!?”

“You know when Alani was being confronted by Roarke? I noticed someone was sneaking glances at us. I smelled his bloodlust. He’s a vampire, no doubt. I’m willing to wager he must be a spy for Vishara. As we speak, she may already know that we are looking for her.”

“If we already lost the initiative, then all the more reason to not stall.”

“Tell me, Rayne, is this your second time being in the lands of the humans?”

“What are you talking about now?”

“Answer me, Rayne. Is it?”

“No, of course not. Why would you even presume so?”

“Vishara has most likely spent more than a week’s time learning about the humans’ behaviour and their territories’ landscape. She possesses all the advantages against us. If she had one spy, no doubt she would have many more. Do you still think it’s wise to just charge straight at her without any planning whatsoever?”

“Yes,” Rayne answered firmly. “We are just hoisting ourselves up as good marks if we stay here. What’s stopping Vishara from coming for us while we sleep?”

“She knows we are looking for her but that’s all. We did not part on terrible terms. She has no good reason to assume that I have any ill intent. She’ll come looking for us but she won’t take the first strike.”

“I would, as long as the other party isn’t a friend, I will consider them a foe until proven otherwise. I am her blood. She would strike first if given the opportunity.”

“I think Rayne has a point, Henry,” Alani said. “From what you have told me about Vishara, I don’t believe she would sit idly by if she knows someone’s looking for her.”

“What do you suggest we do if we come face to face with her?” Henry asked.

“Overwhelm her with your might and strength, Master!” Rayne answered as if it was a matter of fact.

“But that’s only possible if the disparity between our prowess is huge. I was barely her match the last we fought and I was only alive because of my nigh-impenetrable skin. If she had a means to penetrate my skin, then the outcome is already decided.”

“There’s no way she would have that sort of means.”

“Would she?” Alani asked.

“We have no way of knowing. Which is why I propose that we let her come to us instead of—” Henry fell silent mid-sentence.

Although Alani had many questions, she knew enough from the look of Henry’s face. It was a look that hunters are familiar with. The look of caution towards imminent danger or threat.

“She’s here, isn’t she?” said Rayne.

“Not her, but her agent. A vampire, most likely.”

“You can sense it even though we’re in a different… world?”

“We’re not in a different world. We’re just in a different… plane of existence, a pocket dimension.”

“I-I… don’t understand the difference.”

Henry sighed. “I suppose you wouldn’t… Well, just think of it as the same building but different rooms. There.”

“If you say so, Henry…”

Rayne cracked her knuckles as a vicious grin appeared on her lips. “I’m ready.”

Henry frowned. “We are not going to fight if it doesn’t come to that.”

“Whatever she’s offering, we need to be cautious.”

“Just stay your fist until I give you the green light.”

“Until you give me the green light?”

“It means don’t start punching until I do,” Henry said and opened up a portal that led them straight back into the shabby room.

Henry went through the portal first, followed by Alani, and Rayne was last. After the portal closed up behind them, a knock resounded on the door as if right on cue. Henry for the two to be ready and he clutched the door’s handle tightly.

After taking a deep breath, he opened the door gently, revealing a well-dressed bald old man with a thick white beard behind it. His eyes were red and his fangs could be sticking out of his impassive smile.

“Afternoon, Lord Henry,” greeted the old man.

Henry narrowed his gaze. “Who are you?”

“My name’s Arthur. May I come in?”

Henry did not say “yes” or nod. He simply distanced himself from the door and the old man took that as a “yes”.

The door closed behind Arthur after he had entered the room. Henry didn’t miss the slight wave the old man did with his hand.

“You must be Rayne,” said the old man as his gaze swept the room and landed on the Zeva.

Rayne sneered in response.

Arthur chuckled. “The Mistress is very grateful to you, Rayne. Had it not been for your impulsive nature, the Mistress would still be—”

“Cease the pleasantries,” Henry stepped in between Rayne and Arthur. “Speak what you’re for and leave.”

“What a coincidence.” Arthur’s smile widened. “The Mistress said the same thing.”

“If that’s a question, then she already has her answer.”

Arthur sighed. “The Mistress expected had indeed anticipated your answer but nevertheless, she’s willing to give you another chance for the sake of the brief acquaintance you two have shared.”

Henry took a step forward, treading close to the old man. Their height disparity became evident with Henry standing a whole head taller. “I do not care for… exploits and ventures. However, it’s a different story when her acts cause difficulties for me and Ulrum.”

“Should you be blaming the Mistress for that? They wronged her. It’s only right that she imposes retribution on those who deserve it.”

“Her thirst for power would stop after she got her revenge. If that’s the narrative you’re spinning, then you’ll be disappointed to know that I’m not that naive.”

Arthur’s smile disappeared.

“She’s a power-hungry sovereign. After she’s done with her revenge, she’ll extend her claws to Ulrum. The way I see it, she and the human would make great bedfellows if they weren’t the subject of her vengeance.”

The old man’s hands turned into claws and his fangs grew at Henry’s words.

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