Reincarnated as a Dragon – The path of the Dragon God

Chapter 139 (R18)

Henry’s fist shot towards Rayne without a word of warning.

“You—!” Rayne managed to only utter a single word before the fist reached her face. She dodged the punch and readied a counterstrike on her next breath.

Henry received Rayne’s retaliation but he was barely fazed.

Rayne tutted. “How is this fair?”

“Life’s not fair,” Henry said and launched another blow. “You should know that the best.”

Rayne let out a frustrated groan as she ducked under the punch that held the force to explode her head.

“You’re born with the blood of your most powerful and strongest ancestor. And you have the audacity to whine about fairness?” Henry scoffed. “I suppose you are but a mere brat who has only ever known strength. Now that you have been deprived of your power, you think the world is unfair and against you. Grow up.”

“You don’t know me,” Rayne growled. “Do you think that I do not know about hardship?”

“I don’t doubt your acquaintance with hardships but I don’t believe you are familiar with weakness. Even now, you still refuse to accept reality. You’re still living in the fantasy that if you endure this trail quietly and long enough, you will eventually regain the strength you lost.”

Rayne tutted once more but this time, it was loud enough to cause an echo. “You know me so well, is that what you think?”

“I have made quite a lot of assumptions about you but you have denied none of it. Have you noticed that?”

Rayne was silent. She simply glared at Henry.

“You know, I think I have put up with your arrogance long enough.”

Rayne raised an eyebrow.

“Your refusal to give a sincere apology only means that your defiance is not completely quelled. Considering how you are slowly regaining your strength, it’s only a matter of time before you become a threat to my women, and to Ulrum yet again.”

Rayne narrowed her gaze. “Is this what this is? You’re trying to put me in my place, aren’t you?”

“As I said, this is a wake-up call. Time for you to wake up from your fantasy. You are no longer the treasured princess of your tribe, just as I am no longer a human!

Rayne clenched her fists tightly as she took in every single word that came out of Henry’s mouth. “Words come easy, Master. But the same couldn’t be said for actions. If you think words can affect me, then you are just unbearably naive.”

“Don’t you worry, Rayne. I have no intention of letting you go with just words.” And Henry disappeared from Rayne’s sight as soon as those words left his lips.

“What!?” Rayne blurted out.

Henry just disappeared right in front of her but she knew better. He didn’t disappear. He was simply moving faster than her eyes could follow. She crossed her arms in front of her head just as a fist came crashing into her. Had not she braced herself, she reckoned would have been sent tumbling across the ground or even sent flying away.

Still, she staggered a few feet away from Henry from that single punch.

“Kneel,” Henry said.


“You heard me. Kneel.”

“Then use the Slave Spell.”

“I won’t.”

“Ah, I see.” Rayne chuckled. “You want me to submit to you willingly. That’s not going to happen.”

Henry sighed. “Well, I tried,” he said and disappeared from her view again.

Rayne ducked low. A hook swung over her. She then spun to the side without getting up. She felt a kick indirectly grazing her cheek by the shockwave. She flipped backwards as stomps destroyed the grounds she once stood.

“You’re twice as fast as the time you were… debilitated by Vishara.”

“A compliment that doesn’t feel like one.”

“That’s because it’s not a compliment.”

“I guess not.” Rayne snickered, although her situation was nothing to be laughing about. Henry had gotten considerably stronger than before. As much as she hated to admit it, she doubted she could defeat the current him even if she was in her prime.

A part of her felt unjust and frustrated at the ever-expanding gap between their power level. On the other hand, there was a part of her that felt strangely reassured and also a tad… captivated. She couldn’t deny it. Having Henry as a mate was certainly ideal. He was strong and would only get stronger in the future.

“It’s not like you to be in a daze!”

Rayne snapped out of her wonder just as a punch flew into her face. Instead of dodging or blocking, she received the punch by wrapping her own arm around the out-thrust arm. She then hopped and twirled her body in the air, using her own weight to toss Henry to the ground.

Before she could follow up with another move, her leg was grabbed and she was tossed aside with ease. She had yet to even catch her breath before she was being tossed again. This time, she was thrown high up into the air, above the trees.

“Fucking hell!” she cursed loudly as gravity reclaimed her.

But of course, she wasn’t allowed to die. Henry wouldn’t let her. But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t be scared shitless. Her head was inches away from hitting the ground when Henry swooped in and kicked her away.

Rayne tumbled and rolled but her experience allowed her to find her balance and flipped herself back on her feet.

“You didn’t piss yourself,” Henry said with a titter.

“I would never allow fear to take hold of my pride,” Rayne retorted with a snort. Her legs were shivering but her expression remained steadfast. “You will have to try harder, Master, if you wish to make me submit on my own accord.”

“Alright then, I shall go for another method. And I’ll be honest, I look forward to this one.”

“You talk tough, Master, but you can subdue a single—” Rayne couldn’t finish her words as gravity suddenly strengthened and she fell to her knees. Had she been slower in her reaction, she would have fallen to the ground face flat. “Using spells now? How pathetic!” Rayne scoffed.

Henry grinned. “Oh, it’s going to get worse from here on.”

For some reason, Rayne felt a chill when she heard those words and saw that grin of his.

Instead of raining down punches or kicks like Rayne expected, Henry merely walked over to her calmly, grinning all the while.

The nearer Henry came towards her, the colder the chill she felt was. When he was upon her, the shiver going down her spine was akin to an absolute zero blizzard. Another kind of fear took root in her heart. The kind that she was not familiar with.

Henry knelt beside Rayne. His arm stretched towards her behind. It was not a punch but she wished it was. Instead of striking her posterior, his hand laid on her full rear mounds gently and started stroking her.

“Eek!” she yelped.

“What a cute sound.”

“Shush!” Rayne snarled. “How dare you resort to such lowly—”

Henry smacked her rear again.

And she let out another yelp.

“Lowly? Yes.” He hit her again, eliciting another moan. “Lower than what you had done to me? Far from it.” And he hit her once more, drawing out a louder moan.

“Fucking lizard! If I have my—”

Henry cut her off by striking her again.

This time, she managed to restrain her moan by biting on her lips. She glared daggers at Henry as blood began dripping from her lips.

“Come on. Don’t hold back. Let out your true feelings. It will feel much better then.”

“Fuck you! That’s my true feelings!”

“Hmm? Really? Then, fuck you, I shall.”

“Wh— Wait, no! That’s not what I meant!”

Rayne was wearing a crop top and tight-fitting long pants, woven from animal leather. It was revealing, bold even, but Rayne didn’t share this sentiment, until now. She shuddered when she felt Henry’s finger hooking on the waistband of her pants. The shudder intensified when she felt her pants slowly sliding down her legs.

“Damn you! Cease this, at once!” she shouted.

“If only I knew a spell that can keep you quiet,” Henry sighed. He looked over to Alani, who was still fast asleep despite all the ruckus.

“Let go of me!” Rayne continued to scream. Her pants were halfway down her legs. “This depraved act will not make me yield.”

Henry merely chuckled in response before taking off her pants completely. Since the Zevas were not privy to the concept of undergarments, Rayne’s bottom half was now exposed to the elements in bare.

Instead of spitting curses, Rayne fell silent and a blush crept up to her face.

Henry narrowed his gaze. His brows furrowed. The confusion eventually led to a smile being formed. “Well well well. What do we have here?”

“Don’t misunderstand…” Rayne growled but her voice was quiet as if she was afraid to raise her voice.

“What am I misunderstanding?” Henry laughed. He traced his finger over the throbbing slit that was glistening with thick wetness.

“Eeek!” Rayne shrieked. Her hips trembled along.

Henry chuckled. “For someone who enjoys laying waste on others, you sure have a very contrasting… preference.”

“Your very existence is a contrast to waste!” she hissed.

“Do you not realise uttering such abuse will only make me want to tease you more?”

“You call this teasing? This is rape!”

“You are my property, Rayne. Just as I would have been yours if I wasn’t… strong enough to break free from your hold.”

Rayne shouted and yelled incoherently as she tried her damndest to break free of Henry’s hold but there was no escaping gravity. No matter how hard she struggled, it was all to no avail.

“Truth be told, Rayne, your figure is the most suited to my taste. You’re quite slender but full in the places that mattered.”

The blush deepened. “What the fuck are spouting now…?” Even the spite in her tone was diminished by the mortification she was feeling.

“Your bosom is bigger than Alani’s and so are your hips. Everything about your body is simply… perfect. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for your personality.”

“Go kill yourself.”

Henry snorted and returned the gravity back to normal.

Without wasting a breath, Rayne sprang towards Henry— but her fast action amounted to nothing as she was easily subdued due to the huge disparity between their strength. And also the fact that she was in heat.

“Just stay down. You’ll save yourself from a lot of shame that way.”

Rayne bellowed in anger and launched herself at Henry, only for the same result to repeat itself. She didn’t give up and came at Henry again, but she tripped on her own steps this time. She nearly fell face-first to the ground but her quick action resulted in only her slumping to the ground on all fours with her rear raised high.

“Oh, is this an invitation?”

Rayne seethed with her eyes turning bloodshot… but the rage was quelled when Henry smacked her rear once again, eliciting another moan.

Before she could recover her composure, Henry smacked her again and again until a loud cry came out of her mouth and a flood gushed out from between her thighs.

“I’ll be damned,” Henry scoffed in disbelief. “You came from me slapping your arse? You are one hell of a masochist, I must say.”

Rayne herself was at a loss. She never knew her preferences. She always had a fondness of subduing those who didn’t conform to her will with her brute strength. She took pride and joy in those acts. It made her feel strong and untouchable. It made her feel special.

However…now... her eyes were opened to a whole new world today, a completely new page about herself. Instead of disgust or hatred, she found herself wanting more, though her pride wouldn’t allow her to show it. But in the end, her denial was all for naught when she experienced an orgasm from simply having her posterior struck.

After the blissful sensation subsided, she slumped completely onto the ground. Her hips felt numb from the orgasm that just ripped through her. A shadow loomed over her and she glanced up. It was Henry, looking down at and on her, with a huge grin.

She reached her hand out, meekly.

“M-more…” she pleaded.

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