Reincarnated as a Dragon – The path of the Dragon God

Chapter 141 (R18)

Rayne experienced the greatest pleasure she had ever known from losing her virginity. The pleasure was so great that she fell unconscious right afterwards,

She didn’t know how long she slept. She didn’t wake up naturally. She was jostled awake by Henry, who ploughed her relentlessly and ruthlessly even while she was unconscious. Even in her sleep, Rayne continued to cum. She didn’t know how many times she came but the soreness around her cunt was indicative of the amount being no small number.

“Oh, you’re awake,” Henry muttered in a way as if he was only stating a matter of fact. There was no shred of sympathy or concern in his voice. Her being awake changed nothing for Henry as he continued to hump her sumptuous rear and soaking cunt vigorously.

“S-stop!” Rayne cried, tears flowing down her cheeks. She couldn’t remember the last time she cried. It had been more than ten years at the very least and yet, her first cry in a long while was due to her first coitus experience.

“No,” Henry replied. His answer was brief. He pumped into her as strong and fast as ever as if to tell her that no matter how she begged or pleaded, he would use her as he intended.

An hour, or more, passed by in a flash, but not to Rayne. That single hour alone felt like an eternity.  She came multiple times in a span of an hour, to the point that she had lost track of the amount. She had passed out and was rudely woken up repeatedly.

In the span of an hour, Rayne had begged and pleaded for leniency more times than she ever had in her lifetime. In fact, it was her first time begging and pleading for something. It went beyond humiliation when she realised this fact but such a mortifying feeling was replaced by the overwhelming pleasure that surged through her body, mind, and spirit continuously.

Gradually, the endless bliss turned into agony, a pleasurable agony, but agony nonetheless. It hurt every time she came. She couldn’t help but let out a pathetic painful moan. Tears, saliva, and snot were all over her face at this point. She continued to beg and plead in such a fashion but her words fell on deaf ears.

Finally, Henry’s orgasm was close and this only spelt further trouble for Rayne. Henry increased his speed and strength in his thrusts. His original pace and power was already more than Rayne could handle. With the sudden increment, Rayne could only moan louder as the interval of her orgasms shortened.

“I’m cumming!” Henry shouted as quietly as he could, right in Rayne’s ears.

Shivers spread all over her nerves and bones when she heard those words. She wanted him to pull out but then— she realised something.

“Isn't this what I wanted?” Rayne asked herself. She had always vied for Henry’s seed and now she was getting it. Remembering this fact, her pleasure shot through the roof and she immediately regretted it. The pleasure was simply too intense for her to bear.

Before she could even try to pull herself off, Henry reached his limit. With one final thrust, he unleashed his seed, gushing out like a huge torrent right into her womb. Feeling his seed bursting into her womb, Rayne experienced another round of orgasm before the last one had even subsided. With these two orgasms overlapping, Rayne once again lost consciousness.


When Rayne regained her consciousness, the night had turned into day. She looked around and found herself lying by the fire instead of the tree.

Henry was nowhere to be seen but Alani was already up and about. She was sitting just across from her. She was stoking the flames while roasting some type of meat on spits.

Rayne tried to get up but her hips ached too much for her to even move her lower body. The memories of last night surfaced into her mind and her face turned as red as it could. She quickly lay back down on the ground and closed her eyes.

When she realised she was fully clothed, she let out a silent sigh of relief. She was thankful that Henry at least had the decency to dress her after tearing away her garments. Henry had kept plenty of spare clothes in his pocket dimension along with various other tools that might come in handy in their journey.

Never did she ever imagine that she would feel such humiliation, to the point that she wished she could just bury herself in a hole and never come out of it. It was worse than the time she was exiled from her tribe and demoted to a mere slave.

Only Alani was here at the moment but Rayne couldn’t look at her. After last night, Rayne simply couldn’t find the courage to look anyone in the eyes.

“Henry, you’re back!” Alani exclaimed in delight.

Rayne heard footsteps approaching from behind her. No doubt it was Henry.

“Rayne’s still asleep.”

“Let her sleep. She worked hard last night.”

If Rayne wasn’t so embarrassed, she would have baulked at Henry. “Just whose fault do you think it was?” she wanted to shout.

“I got some fruits,” Henry said as he sat down on a log beside Rayne.

“What kind of fruits are they?”

“I tried one. It tastes like blackcurrants. Look like them too.”

“The blackcurrants I know are no bigger than a thumb. These ones are as big as an apple.”

“It’s not poisonous.”

“Well, that’s all that matters. Give me one.”

Rayne heard the fruit being tossed and Alani catching it. She heard the fruit being bitten and chewed. She heard Alani moaning in delight over the fruit and that sound immediately brought to mind the moans she made last night.

“So, what of the boy and his party?” Alani asked.

“Alive and well. Still wary of me. They have long finished their breakfast but they have to set off on their journey.”

“Waiting for us?”

“The likeliest reason.”

“This is… difficult.”


“We will be facing, most likely, an army of vampires as we continue down this path. We can’t be constantly looking over our shoulders.”

“I have a few ideas about what we should do.”

“Do any of your ideas not involve crippling them?”

Henry chuckled. “Not a single one.”

“Then we are not going with any of your ideas. People know them. They talk about them. If they get crippled or severely hurt, people will surely want to know who, what, when, where, and how.”

“Tell that to the boy. He is hellbent on confronting me. Words don’t seem to get through his thick head. We will clash eventually.”

“Then we best take our leave as soon as we finish our business here. A clash with the Braveheart party is inevitable but at least we should— hmph?”

Henry lurched forward suddenly and covered Alani’s mouth. Keeping silent, he pointed up.

Alani glanced upwards and a shadow streaked through the sky above the clouds. It was too far away for Alani to make out the owner of the shadow but there was only a handful of existences which could fly at such a height and speed.

The two waited until the shadow was gone before letting their voices loose.

“Was that a Wyvern?” Alani asked.

“It looks more like a bird than some sub-dragon creature. It’s faint but I caught her scent.”



“You can smell it from here?”

“Her scent is very distinctive and heavy.”

“So that was her Familiar… What do you think it’s doing?”

“Scouting, I suppose. Looking for us.”

“But how? Did she somehow pick up on our tracks again?”

“Considering the noises I made with Rayne last night, we might have even let the whole world know.”

Alani lowered her head as she blushed. “L-last night…?”

Henry tittered. “Don’t feign ignorance now, Alani. I know you were awake. Who wouldn’t be considering the amount of noises we were making.”

“I-I didn’t mean to eavesdrop on you and Rayne…”

“I know, Alani. I don’t mind you eavesdropping. I have nothing to hide. Soon, I will be having you all in a single course.”

“Oh, Henry…” Alani pouted with a deep blush. “It’s only the morning and yet, you’re already making me look forward to the night.”

“What can I say? I have two such fine women by my side. It would be a shame to not—”

“To not?”


“Oh, that’s very straightforward… even for you, Henry.”

“No, that’s not what I mean. We need to get out of here now!” Henry said and scooped Rayne onto his shoulder as he manifested his wings while grabbing Alani with his other arm.

“What the fuck are you—” Rayne shrieked from the sudden manhandling.

Without an explanation, Henry took off into the sky just something huge dove towards them from the sky at the speed of an arrow. The thing struck the ground where they had made their camp, causing an explosion from the sheer force of impact.

“What the hell was that!?” Alani exclaimed.

“That thing we saw just a few seconds ago.”

“I know but what is it?”

“We’re about to find out.”

The dust clouds raised from the explosion parted instantly when the unknown creature soared into the sky, revealing its darkly appearance.

“A giant vulture?” Alani blurted out her observation.

“A giant vulture with the head of a reptile and steel feathers,” Rayne added.

In addition to its reptilian head and its steel feathers, the Vulture was dyed black with red veins crawling all over its body. Henry could tell this creature was forcibly mutated and changed by Vishara, using methods that only the sovereign herself would know.

“Henry, I thought we should be avoiding the sky.”

“Too late for that consideration. I panicked. This was the fastest way I could think of to get you two out of danger at that moment.”

“We are deadweight,” Rayne said.

“That you are,” Henry admitted bitterly. “So, forgive me for what I’m about to do.”

Without waiting for a response, Henry threw the two into his pocket dimension after making sure he wouldn’t be dropping them from the sky.

The Giant Vulture darted towards Henry once it had gained enough altitude.

Instead of retaliating, Henry dodged the Vulture’s attack instead.

“What can I do?” Henry pondered. This was not Ulrum. He couldn’t just use his abilities willy-nilly. It would surely attract attention if he employed his usual means and not to mention, the collateral would be severe.

The Giant Vulture let out a screech as it swerved around and came in for another strike after missing its attack twice.

“Wait. Will I be attracting attention though?” Henry stumbled upon a realisation. “I have a scapegoat and her name is Vishara. People will think it’s just another display of terror from her.”

The Giant Vulture folded its wings when it got near Henry and started spinning like a drill. However, its fancy theatrics was pointless in the end as Henry bisected it in half with his Jetstream Breath. The Vulture was not the only victim. The huge patch of forest ground behind it was also grazed by Henry’s breath, forming a large fissure that stretched on for half a mile at least.

“Ah… oops,” Henry muttered. Such a scene was not foreign to him but this was not Ulrum. There could easily be settlements or people nearby if he wasn’t careful. Thankfully, he didn’t hurt anyone this time.

As for the Giant Vulture, its metallic feathers didn’t help in the slightest. The high-pressure air beam cut it apart like a hot knife through butter. However, that was not the end of its threat.

“Yikes.” Henry saw his blunder.

He quickly swooped down and caught the two halves of the vulture’s carcass before they hit the ground. If the carcass hit the ground from such a height, no doubt the metallic feathers would be scattered like a shrapnel grenade going off. Henry didn’t even want to imagine the kind of collateral damage he might cause.

“Damn it. Worrying about collateral is gonna be my bane.”

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