Reincarnated as a Dragon – The path of the Dragon God

Chapter 155

The feast carried with it an air of unease and awkwardness. Though it was called a feast, there were no more than a handful of individuals around the large rectangular table that could accommodate dozens of diners.

The only individuals present was Henry, Rayne, Alani, and Vishara, the hostess of this very lavish feast. The food was piping hot and the aroma drifted with the steam that was oozing off of the dishes. Yet, none showed any hint of touching their food.

Henry’s reluctance to touch his food stemmed from his caution. As for Alani and Rayne, their reluctance stemmed from their embarrassment over what transpired in the bath. Rayne displayed a calm and composed demeanour in spite of her inner turmoil of shame. Alani had no such ability. Her face was red like a tomato on the verge of exploding from being overripe.

“You may start eating at your leisure, Henry,” Vishara said as she began to take her first bite.

Henry glanced around the table and the room. “It’s just us?”

“It’s just us,” Vishara affirmed, taking a swig of her wine.

“What about your… advisors? Councillors?”

Vishara tittered. “Do you want them to join us? You have seen how they act in my presence. You are aware that they revered me not as a mere sovereign but as their god. It would become a ruthless debate if they were invited.”

“Is a ruthless debate not your intent?”

“I do wish to debate with you, Henry, but I would spare myself the ruthless part. Neither of us wish to fight and I have already agreed with your strategy. There is no more need for debate. What we need now is an itinerary list that leads up to the grand scheme of things. Since this is your proposal, please let me know the beginning. I trust that you already have one?”

“I do,” Henry answered. “We just need to make contact with the princess first and foremost. Ideally, we are to talk with her alone.”

Smiling, Vishara continued to inquire. “And how do you propose we do that?”

Henry shrugged. “This will be your part, Vishara. Given your abilities and… thralls, I’m sure you have someone well-suited for such a task. The message had already been sent. As for where to look for the princess, I’m also sure that it won't be a problem for you, no?”

“None at all, Henry. However, what about you? What will you be doing in the meantime?”

Henry finally returned the smile and began to dine on the feast. “I will be enjoying the calm before the storm.”

Vishara’s expression turned stiff for a moment before reverting to her all-smiling expression. “That’s very bold and shameless of you, Henry. You would have me do all the work while you bask in the glow of others’ hard work? Do you take me for a fool?” She snorted. “I’m disappointed in you, Henry.”

There were servants present in the dining hall. They had been quiet and passive all this while but the moment Vishara bared her anger towards Henry, they did the same. The servants bared their claws and fangs, directing their hateful glare at Henry.

Alani assumed her stance in response to the servants’ actions. Rayne had a more equable reaction. She glanced at the servants and scoffed at them, loud enough to be heard by everyone in the dining hall.

“If this is an attempt of intimidation, then I am utterly unimpressed. If Henry so wished, he could burn this whole palace down.”

“...I am aware,” Vishara said, reluctance was clear in her voice. She gestured for her servants to stand down and they did so after some hesitation.

“I meant no disrespect or disregard,” said Henry. “But unfortunately and admittedly, my reach isn’t as far as yours. Until the princess is made privy to our intentions, I’m afraid that I can only loiter in your abode.”

“By loitering, I hope you don’t mean copulating.”

Alani had just finally gotten the courage to take a sip of the wine offered, but she spat it out when she heard Vishara’s words. Her face turned red once again and this time, she cast her gaze down.

Rayne’s face was also red but she was doing a better job of concealing her mortification. In retort, she clicked her tongue in disdain.

“I consider this place my home, a very consecrated ground but you tarnished it with your unscrupulous acts. What would you have me do?”

“You were the one who told me to make myself at home,” Henry retorted. “You even insisted.”

“It was not meant to be taken literally.”

“Well, I’ll be sure to clarify with you next time.”

The mood simmered as the two principles of the feast fell silent, staring at one another. Hunger overtook Rayne and Alani. They gave in to their desire and began feasting without reservations. With only the munching sound of two hungry women in the background, Henry and Vishara continued to exchange meaningful yet silent gazes with one another. 

The strange mood was eventually shattered when a knock on the luxurious doors leading into the hallway.

“Do your servants even need to knock before they enter a room?” Henry asked, knowing the vampires were all somehow telepathically connected to a certain degree.

“It’s not meant for me but the guests,” Vishara answered.

The doors swung open gently but the person that came through was quick in her steps. This person was none other than Samira. She strode up to Vishara, kneeling before her sovereign, and presented Vishara with a rolled-up parchment. There was a seal on the parchment and Vishara’s eyes widened at it.

“The princess responded?”

Samira nodded. “This message came to us just a minute ago.”

“That was quick. Pray tell, what method did she use?”

“...The same method as you, Your Majesty,” Samira answered after a short silence.

“Impossible,” the disbelief slipped out of Vishara’s lips.

“I was taken aback too, Your Majesty, but there’s no doubt about it. Whoever the messenger was, they employed the very same spell that you used, Your Majesty.”

“This simply cannot be.”

“Is that spell some kind of ability that is only limited to vampires?” Henry asked, chiming in.

“It is not limited to only vampires. Everyone can learn it but it takes a great deal of effort and time to perfect it. The fact that we got the response within half a day speaks volumes of the caster’s mastery over Murux.”

“What’s so special about this spell?” Henry continued to inquire.

“It’s a spell that allows the caster to create life, albeit for only a certain short amount of time. Still, it is a very complicated spell, not meant for the hands of novices or even masters.”

“That is to say that the humans have a very powerful mage on their side, is that it?”

“A dark mage,” Vishara said and unrolled the parchment after getting rid of the seal. The contents within were short, detailing only the place to meet and the time. “Now this is suspicious.”

“It would be worrying if it’s not. But to think that the princess had such an impressive individual by her side—”

“Or it could be the king’s. Our message, in a small likelihood, could have been intercepted by people from the king’s faction.”

“Wouldn’t that just spell catastrophe for you?”

“It would be but as I said, it’s a small likelihood. I have fate in my abilities. The message being intercepted by anyone else other than the intended recipient is very unlikely.”

“Unlikely, but not impossible.”

Vishara smiled wryly and threw the parchment away. The paper crumbled into dust as soon as it left Vishara’s hand. “Leave us, Samira. The food’s getting cold. We will resume speaking about this matter after the feast.”

Samira nodded and quickly took her leave without causing any fuss.

Henry was mildly surprised that Samira kept her frustration in control and left without flashing him a glare at the very least.

Vishara snickered, seeing Henry’s gaze trailing after her advisor. “Enamoured already?”

The comment made Alani and Rayne shoot up and glared at Vishara.

“Quite the opposite, actually.” Henry smirked. “I was just wondering how much longer can I tolerate the fanaticism amidst your subjects. I can’t even tolerate the fanaticism directed at me, let alone others.”

“They can be extreme but they are still my subjects and people, Henry. You shall not harm any of them without a probable cause.”

“That is only a matter of course.”

The feast continued on in silence until all the dishes were wiped clean. Once Henry started eating, he devoured the entire selection of dishes in minutes. Alani and Rayne only had a few plates but that was more than enough for them.

After supper, Vishara led them to the courtyard, where she shed her formal garments, revealing her scanty garb underneath.

Alani and Rayne eyed Vishara suspiciously but Henry only sighed and smiled wryly.


“It’s a habit of mine,” said Vishara. “I like to move my body around after a good feast.”

“Shouldn’t we be discussing the princess’ supposed response?”

“That can wait.” A sword appeared in Vishara’s hand, moulded of her own blood. “There is a more pressing matter.”

Henry stepped forward, motioning for his two women to stay behind. “Which is?”



“The power scale. Are you stronger and am I stronger?”

Henry sighed once more. “Please tell me you’re joking.”

“Why do you presume my words to be a joke?”

“I’m just not fond of stroking other people’s ego unless they’re my woman.”

“Do you think you’ll lose?”

“Depends on the limitations that you will be setting.”

Vishara tittered. “No spells, no tricks. Just our bodies.” Her tone was laced with suggestive intent. The licking of her lips only intensified that suggestive notion.

“Is she taunting us?” Alani muttered.

“Tasteless,” Rayne scoffed.

Without casting his gaze around, Henry could already tell he was surrounded. “Is this an ambush?”

“It is not. My subjects are merely here as an audience. Don’t worry, they will not attack unless I command them to.”

“Oh, really?” Henry said and lunged at Vishara all of a sudden.

The vampire sovereign only smiled and sidestepped Henry’s sudden assault. “Predictable,” she taunted.

Henry shrugged. “It was worth a try. I would be disappointed if that actually struck you.”

“You won’t be disappointed, Henry. On the contrary, I would be the one to be disappointed,” Vishara said and launched her offence. 

Henry could barely see it coming despite knowing full well she was about to strike. Her fist came at him like a high-calibre bullet. It grazed his cheek but he dodged the punch. There was no time to rest or breathe, the next strike came. Henry dodged low, feeling the wind rustling atop his head.

“You lack experience.”

“I lack a lot of things.”

Vishara laughed and greeted Henry with a knee to the face.

Henry crossed his arms to defend himself. His face was spared a painful ordeal but he was still sent skidding across the ground. “Ouch,” he winced with an impassive face, but the pain was quite the opposite of his calm composure. 

“Your movements are far too simple.”

Henry clicked his tongue and charged at Vishara with his shoulder. To his shock, Vishara easily diverted his momentum and threw him to the ground using his own weight. He quickly got up and swung his arm blindly at the vampire but each attempt was easily brushed off. He roared and threw himself at Vishara but the latter employed the same technique and tossed him aside.

Laughter emitted from the surroundings.

“Disappointing, truly so,” Vishara muttered.

Henry grimaced and lunged at Vishara once again.

She laughed and caught him easily but before she could toss him away like previous times, she found her hand being grasped and pulled. Henry’s head met her face and the collision sent her stumbling backwards. 

The laughter easily died down but giggles resounded. It went without saying, the silent laughter came from Rayne and Alani.

Vishara’s ears rang and her world rippled. She kept her balance but it took a few seconds for everything to return to normal.

“My movements may be simple but so are yours,” Henry taunted.

Vishara snorted, wiping her lips. “I concur. Looks like I can’t be too frivolous with you.”

“Do your worst,” Henry challenged.

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