Reincarnated as a Fox to Bring Revolution

Ch-11-New issue

After dinner was finished, I cleaned up and went upstairs to go to bed, but not before taking a comb and brushing my tail out while sitting in the middle of my bed.


This bed was equipped with a mattress courtesy of part of the ship's cargo I scavenged. I had originally mistaken this particular part of the cargo for supplies as it was bundled with a bunch of them on the top deck. However, it instead contained many cotton-like plants, which the system helped purify by separating all the seeds from the harvested material.


This was a massive upgrade compared to the bed roll I was using previously. It even came with the bonus of a couple of packets of seeds I could use to plant this particular fabric-bearing plant again.


Anyways, the bed was made of a cotton-like mattress with cloth covers included. The only thing missing was a pillow, so I opened my inventory to see what I could use.


For some reason, when I used the cotton in my inventory, the crate in which it was initially stored disappeared, and the remainder was placed into cloth bags that came from nowhere.


Taking one of the cloth bags out, I also pulled out a sewing kit that one of the sailors kept to presumably sew up any torn clothes. It was not that unusual, as things like this would usually be kept on those old-style ships.


Using the sewing kit, I sealed the open end of the bag to create a makeshift pillow. This resulted in a screen appearing in my vision.


[Congratulations, you have managed to use the system in such a way that it was not intended. You have been rewarded +1 (INT); as you already have maxed out (INT), you will instead be given one free stat point.]


This prompt made me feel like the quest system was being rigged, but it also reminded me that I did not feel anything from when I should have gotten my last endurance stat point.


Checking the system showed that the quest reward that was given was still unclaimed.


Since that was the case, I decided to wait until morning and went to bed.


In what felt like no time at all, I found myself fighting to open my eyes as the light was shining through my window directly on me.


I finally got up after a few minutes, still a little groggy, and chose this as the moment to claim the endurance point. That was when a new window appeared in front of me, waking me up.


{Due to no longer having any other open stats from now on, all free stats will be automatically distributed to (STR)}


I was not even able to see the message, as when the endurance point was claimed, I felt a well of energy and stamina open up, which seemingly stretched to the horizon and beyond.


It felt better than coffee, energy drinks, or anything else that contains caffeine for a morning wakeup.


That did not last, however, as the strength enhancement then hit me like a truck.


It felt like all the muscles in my body tensed up to the point of breaking before aching and feeling as if they had been torn open just to have salt placed in them.


It was so painful that I did not want to move, but there was nothing I could do except wait for the pain to die down. I eventually went downstairs and had a breakfast of roast rabbits again when the pain had slightly decreased.


After breakfast was finished and the day wasting away, I decided to ignore the current feeling the muscles across my entire body were giving me and went outside to skin and butcher the bear I killed two days before.


However, before that, I decided to invest a skill point in butchering so that I could hopefully butcher the bear much faster and better than if I did so without it.


After placing the skill point and receiving the knowledge, it only took half a day to butcher the bear completely, though that was also because I did not care for the pelt that much. For the second half of the day, I walked over to the stone furnace and lit the fire before opening its menu and attempting to pull three iron bars worth of metal out as one.


Then, much to my shock and excitement, it worked.


Now that I had the metal bar in hand, I physically placed the iron bar into the furnace to heat up, like I did when making the axe head. After it reached the desired temperature, I transferred it to the anvil to start the next part of the process.


Grabbing the hammer, I used last time. I began to strike the iron before setting it back into the furnace to heat up again. Doing this over the latter half of the day, I slowly started hammering out a double-edged straight blade.


By the time the sun set, I still had not finished the blade as I wanted it, so I chose to work into the night to make it.


Finishing an hour after dark, I quenched the blade in the barrel of water before entering the house and eating rations for dinner, as I was too tired to make food.


Going to bed, I planned out what I would do the next day. 


I woke up at the crack of dawn in the morning and returned to the furnace and anvil to make a cross guard and pommel.


This work took me a few hours, during which I ate rations for breakfast as I was too focused on what I was forging to make breakfast for myself. When both pieces were finished, I assembled them with the blade and wrapped the handle in a small bit of cloth that I had on hand.


Once I finished doing that, a window appeared in my vision.


[Congratulations, you have made an iron longsword all on your own. You have unlocked metal melee weapons tech.]


With the appearance of that window, the knowledge from the tech being acquired flowed into my head as I used a spare belt that was too large for me to strap the sword to my waist.


With the blade secured, I headed off into the forest to find some medicinal herbs and then returned to the boulder field to select more stones.


Overall, the trip was uneventful, but I did gather more herbs and stones than I knew what to do with.


By the time my little excursion ended and I returned home, the day had already ended.


When I entered the house, I made a bear steak for dinner and then went to bed, too tired to comb out my tail again today.


This next morning, however, was different from normal. My body felt unusually hot, and I had the urge to do things I would never want to speak of willingly to any other person. The bigger problem with all of this was that it only worsened as time passed. 


Not understanding what was wrong, I checked my status to see if there was anything wrong. It gave me my answer very quickly, and I knew it would lead to major problems in the future if left untreated.


Name: Not Yet Chosen

Race: One-Tailed Kitsune (unaspected)

Height: 1.8288 Meters (6' Ft)

Physique: Primordial Empress Body

Spiritual Root: Heavenly Ten Element Revolving Spiritual Root

Realm: Mortal

Survival Level: 6


 STR: 9

 END: 10 (Limit)

 AGI: 10 (Limit)

 INT: 10 (Limit)

 SEN: 10 (Limit)

 ENE: 10 (Limit)


[Genius Mind: With an intellect nearing the limits of the mortal world, you can learn any information with relative ease. Increases (INT) to a minimum of 9.]

[Martial and Qi Origin: You can create new techniques, martial arts, and even completely new cultivation methods with relative ease. Increases (ENE) to a minimum of 9.]

[Evolving Bloodline: You are the start of your own bloodline, which will evolve with you and grow more powerful while you gain new traits as you grow stronger. There is no current bonus.]

[Body Blessed by Virgo: Your body naturally seeks to be in its cleanest state. This might, however, cause you to have a slight amount of obsessive-compulsive disorder when it comes to keeping things clean, on top of a slight perfectionist mindset.]

[Retractable Claws: The natural physical weapon of many beast or beast-adjacent species.]

[Enhanced Lowlight Vision: You can naturally see in places with minimal light as if it were as bright as under noonday sun.]

[Enhanced Elemental Compatibility: Since your race is already one of the beloved children of the elements and you have even greater compatibility than your kin, the elements may randomly decide to help you out in whatever way they decide.]

[Natural Hunter: The hunt is engrained into your blood. You will always be quieter and more careful with your movements, even when you are not trying to. You are always moving in a form of stealth.]



Abnormal statuses:

[Strong Heat: As you are part fox, you will enter a heat cycle before your period every time. You are currently affected by a natural aphrodisiac produced by your own body.]


Since this was a natural part of my body, I could only suppress it. However, since it was technically an aphrodisiac, I could use some of my new-found medical knowledge to make an antidote or suppressant that should stop this. Thus, I exited my house in a rush and ran over to the mortar and pestle, setting it to grind down some of the medical herbs I gathered yesterday.


Moving on from there to the stone chemical workstation, I scanned through its menu before finding the medicine I needed and setting it to work as fast as I could.


Stepping back and waiting was all I could do now, as the rest took time.


The seconds felt like hours as the heat built and started to become slightly painful before the mortar and pestle stopped working.


Rushing to it, I pulled out the ground herbs and took them toward the furnace with a bowl of water. Mixing this together and creating Eastern-style medicine as the chemical station finished and produced the Western-style medicine, I took both together, hoping that the prescription I gave myself would work against my body's natural processes.


[Congratulations, you have successfully started to mix the two styles of medicine. Your next skill point in medicine will receive a 25% boost.]

[Strong Heat has been treated successfully. Removing in one hour.]

[This will have unintended side effects.]


With the messages, I knew I was successful, but I did not read the last one, which would come back to bite me.


After waiting an hour, I felt the heat subside gradually while ignoring the shifting in my stomach, which I thought was caused by the heat cycle.


When the hour was up, a sharp pain, like something scraping my insides with a knife on top of a massive cramping sensation, hit me like a truck to the gut.


[By forcefully ending your heat cycle, you have advanced your menstrual cycle forward ahead of time and have been affected by [Menstrual Pain Increase X5]]


Now I finally know why my mother and sister have complained about this to each other all the time. At least this time, I also have the things for painkillers, which would hopefully negate this side effect if I could move to get there.


Who would have thought that new and never before felt types of pain would hurt so much, especially on someone who has all of their senses heightened to near superhuman levels, including touch?

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