Reincarnated as a Fox to Bring Revolution

Ch-3-The System

After finishing my lackluster meal, I opened up the system for the first time by bringing up the startup process using voice commands.


"Install and run the survival system."



[Initial boot process started]

[System Hardware Found: Grade: Origin Level]

[Installing System Software: Version 0.1.0]

{Analyzing World: Installation Progress 03%}

{Analyzing Unknown Energy Signatures: Installation Progress 12%}

{Analyzing Hosts Current Circumstances: Installation Progress 25%}

{Analyzing Hosts Body: Installation Progress 40%}

{Uploading Data: Installation Progress 60%}

{Generating Logs: Installation Progress 95%}

{Streamlining Data and Information Processes: Installation Progress 99%}

[Installation Complete]

[Starting Sub-Systems]

[Booting Skill System]

{Creating System to Brain Connection: Skill System Boot 45%}

{Loading Origin World Skill Information: Skill System Boot 85%}

{Loading New World Skill Information: Skill System Boot 99%}

[Skill System Boot Complete]

[Booting Tech System]

{Analyzing Origin World Technology: Tech System Boot 10%}

{Enhancing Origin World Technology: Tech System Boot 30%}

{Analyzing Origin World Sci-fi/Fantasy Technology: Tech System Boot 50%}

{Analyzing New World Technology: Tech System Boot 60%}

{Enhancing New World Technology: Tech System Boot 70%}

{Building New Tech: Tech System Boot 99%}

[Tech System Boot Complete]

[Booting Crafting System]

{Converting Old Technology into Blueprints: Crafting System Boot 45%}

{Loading Modern Technology Blueprints: Crafting System Boot 50%}

{Creating New Technology into Blueprints: Crafting System Boot 99%}

[Crafting System Boot Complete]

[Booting Identification and Knowledge Transfer System]

{Loading World Knowledge: Identification and Knowledge Transfer System Boot 40%}

{Creating Recorded to Personal Knowledge Translation and Transfer Link: Identification and Knowledge Transfer System 90%}

{Integrating Existing Sub-Systems: Identification and Knowledge Transfer System 99%}

[Identification and Knowledge Transfer System Boot Complete]

[Booting Personal Status Monitor and Display System]

{Soul Monitor Checks Complete: Personal Status Monitor and Display System Boot 90%}

[Personal Status Monitor and Display System Boot Complete]

[Miscellaneous Sub-System Boot Complete]

[All Sub-Systems Booted: Starting Main System Complete Protocols]


[Welcome to the Survival System]


The Installation progressed rapidly up to the last 99%, where it stopped for up to four minutes before finishing. Then I opened the system, only to see the log flash far too brightly for me to see anything else. Thus, I opened the log to reduce the brightness and return my sight when I was instantly flooded with messages.


{Character creation complete: deploying host into world}

{00:13:20: Deployment override: Entity Elinaria has descended and forced deployed host near the southwestern coast of the Redcape sea}

{00:13:59: Deployment Interrupt: Host has crashed into a sea-going vessel: no damage sustained due to divine energy shield}

{00:14:32: Extreme Danger Warning: Storm caused by the Descent of the entity Elinaria is filled with highly destructive energy: no damage sustained due to divine energy shield}

{00:47:20: Danger Warning: Vessel has crashed due to the storm: no damage sustained due to divine energy shield}

{04:32:56: Information: Host has washed ashore}

{05:53:46: Information: Storm has ended, lingering destructive energy has infused into the bodies of all beings that have survived the storm: Negated do to [???].}

{06:34:42: Extreme Danger Warning: Cultivator over two major realms above you has targeted you with a highly destructive curse/attack spell : [???] has activated and called for heavenly judgment on the hostile cultivator: world heavenly will has interrupted the judgment: worlds heavenly will has been superseded: heavenly judgment has destroyed the cultivator}

{06:34:43: Information: Due to unforeseen circumstances, you have been given temporary access to the loot subsystem and a special inventory space for all things pertaining to the crashed ship.}

{22:13:14: System Installation Initiated.}


Taking a moment to become familiar with the Log interface, I read all the logs and closed the screen. The log mostly contained all the information about what happened before I woke up, as well as what happened to the captain and his crew.


This left me with a lot of questions; however, the only one that I would be able to answer anytime soon, and thus the one that occupied my mind the most right now, was what the loot that I can claim is.


After that, the question I would seek answers to the most would be why Elinaria's descent had caused a storm. I would then like to know what the dangerous energy was as well as what the unknown thing in brackets is.


For some reason, the System can not figure out or is specifically blocking from me.


With that finished, I moved on to the other parts of the System I was more interested in.


Commanding the system to come up, the first thing that appears is the stat screen, along with a few messages about some changes that have been made since the last time I saw it.


{ Due to you having chosen some traits that overlap and enhance each other, they have been combined into one new trait [Body Blessed by Virgo].}

{ Due to a few specifics of your race enhanced by your constitution, spiritual root, and other choices during character creation, they will now be displayed as traits.}


Name: Not Yet Chosen

Race: One-Tailed Kitsune (unaspected)

Height: 1.8288 Meters (6' Ft)

Physique: Primordial Empress Body

Spiritual Root: Heavenly Ten Element Revolving Spiritual Root

Realm: Mortal


  STR: 5

  END: 7

  AGI: 8

  INT: 10 (Limit)

  SEN: 9

  ENE: 10 (Limit)


[Genius Mind: With an intellect nearing the limits of the mortal world, you can learn any information with relative ease. Increases (INT) to a minimum of 9.]

[Martial and Qi Origin: You can create new techniques, martial arts, and even completely new cultivation methods with relative ease. Increases (ENE) to a minimum of 9.]

[Evolving Bloodline: You are the start of your own bloodline, which will evolve with you and grow more powerful while you gain new traits as you grow stronger. There is no current bonus.]

[Body Blessed by Virgo: Your body naturally seeks to be in its cleanest state. This might, however, cause you to have a slight amount of obsessive-compulsive disorder when it comes to keeping things clean, on top of a slight perfectionist mindset.]

[Retractable Claws: The natural physical weapon of many beast or beast-adjacent species.]

[Enhanced Lowlight Vision: You can naturally see in places with minimal light as if it were as bright as under noonday sun.]

[Enhanced Elemental Compatibility: Since your race is already one of the beloved children of the elements and you have even greater compatibility than your kin, the elements may randomly decide to help you out in whatever way they decide.]

[Natural Hunter: The hunt is engrained into your blood. You will always be quieter and more careful with your movements, even when you are not trying to. You are always moving in a form of stealth.]




The First thing that caught my eye was the combined trait [Body Blessed by Virgo], which was made from a few cheap traits that I grabbed to make personal hygiene easier and my body's natural processes more efficient.


While focusing on the trait, some information appeared in my mind as if it was always there.


This information included a more detailed explanation of what the trait did, including the fact that all the combined traits had increased in power. The reason that the stat window did not include the part about enhancing the body's natural processes is that the enhancement was not significant enough to mention.


This made me aware that my traits might have more effects than I initially understood, kind of like hidden effects in video games.


Next, I focused on each of my traits to give me the information that was not displayed. Afterward, I understood that even the traits from my second wish also had hidden information.


This included the fact that while the max stats for each person might be ten, the difference is that this is the max of the person, not the max for a mortal according to the worlds limit. This max is labeled by the word limit as it is the absolute limit that a person can possibly have.


On the other hand, the evolving bloodline trait helps to nearly remove the bloodline bottlenecks of a cultivator. The only reason why this effect was not mentioned was that, for some reason, I did not have very many bloodline bottlenecks anyway.


The last thing that I checked was the other strange thing that caught my eye: my blessing. When focusing on the question marks, I did not get any information at all.


With nothing else to check on the main part of the status screen, I started to check the edges for anything else that might appear.


It was at the side of the screen that I noticed tabs with names written on them.


Only three of these tabs were lit up and ready to be used.


The first tab is the one I am currently on, and it is called personal status, while the second tab is called skills, and the third is tech.


Curious about how these are laid out compared to the rough idea I gave the goddess Elinaria, I mentally give the command to check the skill tab. It is then that I am presented with two lists of skills.


One list is called survival and includes skills such as foraging, tracking, and butchering, while the other is called general and contains all the other skills that I have knowledge of.


Not seeing much of a use staying on this tab for the moment I move on to the last currently available tab.


Opening the last tab, named Tech, I am presented with a tech tree that is almost completely grayed out and unreadable, except for a single one at the start.


This blueprint was the picture of a campfire and a fire starter like you would find in some sort of survival guide.


Looking at the top right of the tab, there was a count of blueprint points, which was sitting at three currently available.


Using one of them, I unlocked the campfire, and almost instantly, multiple methods of making a campfire and fire starter were transmitted to my head. At the same time, a new tab called Crafting lit up.


Taking a few moments to collect my thoughts about what just happened. I finally came to the conclusion that this was the method Elinaria decided to take. Looking back at the tech screen, I saw that three new blueprints had become available for purchase.


The first was called primitive tools, the second one was called primitive melee weapons, and the third was called primitive ranged weapons.


Thinking for a moment about the choices now presented to me, I decided to save my experimenting for another day and spend my remaining blueprint points on the tech I might need.


The two techs that I ended up purchasing in the end were primitive tools and primitive ranged weapons for roughly the same reasons.


At any point in the near future I might need some tool that I don't have or need to kill something from far away, so having a way to make the solution was the most important thing. It also might have had something to do with primitive tools being a gateway tech needed to unlock further progression.


With those thoughts going through my head and wanting to find an excuse to ignore them, I changed the screen over to the new crafting tab.


It was here that I found a fire starter, which required a couple of pieces of scrap wood, and the other thing I had just recently unlocked.


Ignoring this, I remembered what it was like to start the fire tonight, so I gave the system the command to build the fire starter, as I did not want to continue relying on my luck in the future. The moment that command was given, a few of my remaining pieces of wood disappeared, and a progress bar appeared beneath the picture for the starter.


After ten seconds, the crafting finished, and a small sound played to signal its completion.


Once the sound stopped, the starter then appeared in front of me, ready to use and looking just like the picture.


This one item took most of the rest of the supplies that I was willing to spend at the moment, so I set it down to the side near my backpack in case I needed it to start the fire again in the middle of the night.


With that done, I laid down in the hammock, ready to sleep.


Tomorrow, I will go out to get more supplies and see what the loot subsystem and temporary inventory are like.

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