Reincarnated as a Fox to Bring Revolution

Ch-40-Fixing the Glitch

(Raina POV)


When I heard what Lou XIa had said, I got up and started running toward the room where I was staying with Vale.


It had been such a long time since my previous life that I was starting to forget some information that I deemed not important such as that stuff about the systems in those web novels. However, thanks to what Lou Xia had said, I started to remember a few things, the most important thing being the emotion blocker that always shows up at the start of all of those system novels.


On top of this, Vale's system is still a prototype that could have some dangerous side effects or errors in it.


At this point, I made it to the room and burst through the door, causing a lot of noise as the door flew open and nearly flew off their hinges as they crashed against the wall.


Vale was still lying there on the bed without having moved a millimeter. The only indicator that she was alive was her was the movement of her body as she breathed.


Using an ability that I had not used in a while, I push Qi into my eyes in a complex pattern, and soon, my view of the world changes as small motes of light drift about in my vision.


Looking at Vale, I see a large mote of light sitting in her chest with what looked to be a complex computer-like machine surrounding it. The light in the center of the machine was what I was looking for, though, and what I saw made my heart skip a few beats.


That light I was looking for had the shape of Vale except for a small difference that being a large crack running down from her shoulder to her pelvis, almost completely removing one of her arms and legs. The only reason that had not happened yet was a small string that was not severed yet at the bottom of the crack.


What this light that I was looking at represented was Vale's soul.


The machine-like structure that surrounded it was probably the system she had. The System itself seemed to be linked to her soul in some manner I could not tell only using this observation technique. What I was able to make out, though, was that her system seemed to be trying to repair the damage while at the same time causing more.


This needed to be stopped immediately, and I knew just who to talk to.


Remembering the report I was given about Vale setting up a shrine in the back yard I unconsciously use my movement technique and make my way to the doors leading to the back yard.


Choosing not to waste time and also using more of my brain than I had earlier, I just continued walking and activated a technique that lets me phase through objects I come in contact with.


This way, the doors no longer pose a problem for me, and I keep moving on my way to the shrine location, which was fairly obvious as Vale had apparently decided to decorate it in such a way that it would completely stand out in the middle of the garden.


Entering the shrine area, I can feel the presence that weighs down all around me, as well as the natural Qi formation that seems to encompass the statue.


I knew exactly what this pressure meant, as I had interacted with a goddess more than once.


Elinaria was here sitting at her shrine and was trying to prevent me or others from getting near. Due to my cultivation level, I can ignore this small amount of pressure, and I continue on my march forward to the base of the statue. 


Unlike what most people would think, I knelt down and began to pray, but I do not pray to the goddess represented in front of me but instead to the one I personally follow, Stephanie.


Almost immediately, I get a response, "It hasn't been that long since we last talked, Raina. Why are you calling? And Wait, Why are you calling from Elinaria's shrine?!"


"Sorry, Stephanie, but I need your help with something, and it involves Elinaria's champion," I said this, knowing that she would not accept this excuse and that what I was doing would get me severely punished.


"Hold right there; I need to get Elinaria's input on this first." That was the only response I got until she went quiet for a few moments. Soon, a goddess spoke to me again, but it was not Stephanie, "I am here now. What is it that you need? Sorry if I was not available for a moment, as Miss Jade had me locked into one of her baking classes.


"Oh, and as a small side note, never fall for the tricks of a goddess calling herself Jade Entropy when she promises baking classes. Seriously, I only wanted to learn how to make some cookies for Vale, and now I have classes with her once a week for the next five centuries.


"And don't even get me started on her blocking the system messages. Speaking of which, I got one during class, but because of the contract, I was not able to look at it."


I then heard Stephanie sigh as she said, "I thought I told her to stop doing that after the last incident. Anyways, this little rascal decided to use your blessed shrine to contact me and even said that she needed my help with your champion." 


The voice Stephanie responded to belonged to the goddess Elinaria, whom I could vaguely recall from a few weeks ago.


"Oh... Well, let me check the system message real qui-." Elinaria started to respond but soon stopped before shouting in panic, "Stephanie! I need your help right now!"


This resulted in silence for a few seconds before Stephanie sighed and asked, as if she had done so countless times, "What did you break now?" in a tone that I was all too familiar with from my early days in this world.


Elinaria seemed to anticipate this question as she answered while talking really fast and without skipping a beat, "Well, when setting up the system, Vale did briefly mention an emotion blocker that would be temporarily active to help stabilize the recipient for a small period of time to help them get out of any dangerous situation. This was supposed to de-activate after she reached a place where she would be safe and allow her to process all of her emotions after reincarnating. I thought that this would be fine as this is also what we do to help those people that we reincarnate to help them keep a cool head and make proper decisions."


Stephanie then interrupted her, asking, "You do understand that the reason we remove the blockers when they leave our realm is because it can cause serious damage to a person's soul if they are given proper stimuli?"


Elinaria paused for a couple of seconds, clearly caught off guard by Stephanie's question, before resuming her explanation: "I do understand that, and this is why it was supposed to deactivate when she had reached a safe space where she could process these emotions in peace. But the problem I am having right now is that there was an error in the system and the blockers did not deactivate. The system self-activated the emergency measures built into it to repair her soul, but I don't know how to fix the problem of the blockers not deactivating."


A few more seconds went by before Stephanie sighed again and asked, "Before I do anything, Raina, why did you come here exactly?"


When asked directly, I did not hesitate and responded immediately: "I came to ask for your help with healing Vale's soul as it is constantly being damaged, and the system only seems to be barely maintaining her current condition, a hair's breadth away from breaking entirely."


"Alright then. If I remember correctly, Raina, you have a technique capable of healing the soul, and the system shouldn't interfere with your attempt to fix the damage Vale sustained. Elinaria, I am going to need you to show me the system core so I can help you fix this mess that you made." Stephanie started to give out commands and take control of the situation after everything had been explained.


Doing what I was told, I got up and made my way back to the room Vale and I were staying in.


On my way out of the garden, I saw that a few of the maids were looking between me and the shrine before noticing that I was walking toward the house and might see them, so they rushed to go back to doing their jobs as if nothing had happened.


It did not take me long to reach the room as I was using my movement technique consciously this time, and I phased through the door with ease.


Walking up to the bed, I sat down by its side and started to use my Soul repair spell that I learned a while ago on Vale, who was still resting there as if nothing had happened. The name of the technique was not so simple but I did not care right now, so I focused on helping her and ignored the outside world, even the connection I had to the goddess Stephanie, which she had left open.


I did not even come out of it when Vale's soul started to properly heal and kept my focus on using the spell to the best of my ability. Going so far as to use some of the Immortal essence that makes up the immortal stages, and that takes me about a year just to make a drop of.


I only came out of my focused state when Vale started to move.

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