Reincarnated as a Fox to Bring Revolution

Ch-49-Elinaria’s My What?

By the time everyone was able to calm down, I was able to roughly understand that most people take at least half a year, if not more, to complete the first realm. Whereas I just did it in seven days or less.


This was a massive achievement that only belonged to me and now, by extension, the Sect.


They were also having a hard time believing that it was all due to the technique I was using but instead thought that it was mostly talent. While that is partially true, most of what was going on was a mix of talent and a proper technique that was made solely for me.


For this reason, when I finally started the lesson, I focused on completing what I started teaching yesterday, giving everyone a good grasp of the principles behind the techniques. With that, I paused the lesson for questions.


When everyone put their hands up, I realized that I may have gone too far over my head.


Selecting one at random, I was asked, "Why are you going over all of these principles again? Everyone who enters this sect, regardless of who they are, is taught this."


Taking a brief glance at everyone else in the room, I can see that most people seem to be in agreement, so I answer, "That is because all of these principles are important to the creation of any technique."


The same person who asked the question did not sound pleased with my answer as they countered and asked me, "We know that, but only a few of them can be used in a technique at the same time. So which one of these is more important?"


With this question asked, I began to see what the problem was, so I responded, "No principle is more valuable than the other. Thankfully, you don't need to compromise and can use all of the principles at the same time. The only difficult part is trying to get all the principles to line up on paper."


This explanation shocked most of the people in the room.


The only ones who remained calm were the ones who had looked at my notes before, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Xia. Soon, there was a round of questions circling the room, showing that they were not paying attention to what I was teaching at all.


"Seeing how most of you were not paying attention, I will explain this again quickly. The primary principles of body tempering techniques are there to explain how to control Qi without being able to see or feel it.


The secondary principles center around how to purify your body of impurities, but can also talk about how to enhance your body as well.


Finally, there are the tertiary principles that center around the use of specific elements or concepts.


Each one is important for a technique, and they can even be combined to create a compounding effect. This can be seen from my technique, which combines everything that I have learned to allow someone to not only completely purify their body, but also to enhance Qi gather speed and law comprehension." I said to the room, which was now completely silent, with shocked faces all staring at me.


After the silence dragged on for almost a minute, Raina spoke up and asked, "Vale. You do understand what you just said, right?"


Apparently, Raina did not have enough confidence in me after my rant from earlier, so I explained once more, "I am well aware of what I had said, and the only reason I said it is because it requires a certain level of knowledge about the human body. Or, in this case, the humanoid body."


I had to correct myself after I realized a small mistake in what I was saying.


This explanation also serves to assuage everyone here, letting them relax for what I was about to say next. "That does not mean you can't create a technique that would enhance your understanding of more specific laws and Qi. I did teach you all the principles that you need to know to do that after all."


The calm atmosphere that had only just returned was shattered once again, only for me to call everyone back so they could hear what I said next. "This does not mean you should do so right away, as while I taught you the principles, I did not teach you about the common errors that get made and how to avoid them."


With my words, everyone calmed down again, if only barely, and returned to their seats, where I started explaining the next half of the lessons and what they would go over.


By the time that I finished it was already time for dinner and everyone left to go finish up what they needed to do for the day.


During dinner I did not see the boy around anywhere.


I was not feeling too inclined to ask about his location so I just let it be and answered questions about the lesson that Mr. and Mrs. Xia asked me.


After dinner I did my usual routine of taking a bath, brushing my tail, and curling up under the bed while hugging my tail.


I was about to fall asleep when I remembered that I had the option of evolving, as well as a system gift to allocate. Opening the system, I first decided to use the era tech unlock on the steam age as I already have everything below that purchased.


When the tech was unlocked, I felt a flood of knowledge enter my brain all at once of a level I had never felt before. Thankfully, my stats have increased to over a few times of what a standard human has so it was not that much of an issue.


The feeling of knowledge being forced into my head began to subside a little while later as I the allocated my mastery point into engineering.


When the point was placed the flood of knowledge resumed and lasted for longer this time.


Engineering was another profession that I did not understand to the full extent of what it covered. Just like when I did medicine I almost passed out from having the knowledge of every engineering profession cramed into my head up to the mastery level.


When the flood finally ended, I was so tired that I could not keep myself awake anymore, and I fell asleep.


During my dreams that night, the small amount of paranoia I had mixed with my memories and created some of the worst nightmares I have ever had.


I managed to wake up from the hell my mind was putting me through, only to find that I was unable to move a muscle. In fact I could not even feel my body at all.


Before I could panic anymore, however, a voice from behind me that I recognized said, "Sorry for being late. I didn't know how to fix what happened with the memory blocker and needed some help to fix it. It also drained a significant portion of my energy and I needed to recover some before I talked to you again."


The voice that was talking was Elinaria, the goddess that reincarnated me here.


She then continued, "I won't be able to talk to you for much longer until you get stronger, but I still wanted to inform you about the blessing I gave. It marks you as my champion, and that typically comes with a bet of how strong you will get.


The higher the bet, the more it means for us deities, as we need to spend our divine energy to give blessings, and when the bet succeeds, we get even more back.


For someone like me, who is a new goddess without an authority, making a bet is the same as playing with my life as I do not have enough energy to survive if the bet fails. Though from the impression you gave me, I hope that you will join me in the divine realm my daughter."


With that, feeling and control over my body returned at the same time as I felt the strange, comforting energy leave.


This was not the main focus of my mind however, as I was now sitting there stunned by what Elinaria had said.


Someone might think that the fact I am her champion or that she made the life-or-death bet that I would make it to the divine realm would be what I was stunned at, but no. I was stunned because she said that I was her daughter, and if what Raina said about Kitsune's being able to have two bonds was right, that meant my first bond was to Elinaria.


I was originally confused over what Raina said about me not needing to worry about accidentally bonding again but if this were the case, it would make sense. The only problem was that somehow Raina knew about this while I did not.


This stunned state did not last long though, as a notification popped up in my vision that took first priority.


[Warning: Almost one day has passed since evolution has become available. Evolve before the one-day mark to receive the best possible evolution choices]

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