Reincarnated as a Fox to Bring Revolution


Mo was an okay student. He asked a few questions here or there and wrote down some notes, but he had a hard time answering the questions I gave him. Most of those questions required him to infer the answer based on previously given information.


I knew this would be something hard for him as he was not even past the age where he would be considered a young adult. Still, I wanted to at least try and improve his critical thinking skills.


Time flew by as I was teaching him, and before I knew it, some of the maids were walking into the room and cleaning a few things to prepare for the next lesson. I could see the relief on the boy's face when he saw the maids, but I did not stop the lesson.


The look he gave me at this clearly asked for pity, but sadly, he was looking in the wrong place.


When the maids finished cleaning, they did not leave and instead stood at the sides of the room, waiting for the others to arrive. I even saw a couple of them pulling out notebooks and jotting down a few more notes.


Soon, the others started arriving and I ended the lesson I was giving the boy. I did not let him leave however, as I turned to one of the maids who was not doing anything and asked, "Since the others are busy, could you please go get some water for Mo?"


When I pointed out that some of the maids were busy, they stopped taking notes and tried to put their notebooks away, so I said, "You don't need to stop taking notes. If you found something helpful in what I said then please note it down. I just hope that you do not write down the wrong thing or interpret it in the wrong way."


The more experienced maids seemed to be adamant about putting the notebooks away, but the newer ones went back to taking a few notes quickly.


It was then one of the maids came forward to ask a question.


From her demeanor and the way she was looking around, I was guessing that she was a new hire. The question that she asked me was about a clarification on some of the topics from the past few days.


After she asked, she seemed to realize what she had done and started to shrink back.


Not pointing out what she was doing I answered the question and even clarified a little more. The way her eyes lit up was very cute.


She then started to write down what I said in her notebook very quickly.


When she finished her notes and stepped back, the rest of the people arrived, and I went to the front of the room to start the lesson. The boy wanted to run, but he was stopped by his mother and sister and placed back in his chair.


Since this lesson did not necessarily need you to understand what the previous lessons taught, I told the boy to go a couple of pages ahead in his notebook for the notes today. With that said, I started teaching everyone about the most common mistakes and how to either avoid, fix, or counter them when making or reviewing a technique.


This went on until an hour before they would normally end.


It was here that I chose to end the lesson today, giving everyone an hour to ask questions.


Raina had come back just after the lesson started and seemed to know enough about the lesson to help answer questions. She even made a few points that I did not even consider, as most of my abilities to discover faults in techniques came from a trait I had and not from experience.


When all was said and done, we left the library for the dining room as it was slightly past dinner time.


Unlike normal, the dinner this time was fairly spicy, and I would normally not have eaten it, but since I did not know when taking a bite, I unintentionally discovered that my tolerance for spicy food had increased tremendously. I did not even figure out that the food was overly spicy until I saw everyone else start sweating and realized that they were already on their third glass of water.


Mrs. Xia then asked the chef who was standing there what he had done with the meal. He said that he only added a few wild peppers he found in the market, which were rich in Qi and would be useful to the young Miss's cultivation. The young miss he was referring to must have been Lou Xia, as I saw her face darken at this.


However, I was curious about this, so I asked if he had any of these peppers left that he could show us.


After getting a nod from Mr. Xia, he left the room and only came back about a minute later. I was almost certain that if he had taken a full minute, he would have lost more than his job.


When he did return and I got a glimpse of what he was holding I could not stop myself from laughing. The pepper in his hands was something that I recognized from Earth.


Everyone else was looking at me, confused, so I said, "Does anyone recognize this pepper?"


They all shook their heads in the negative, so I explained, "This is a pretty famous pepper on earth called the ghost pepper. It was the eighth hottest pepper in that world when I left. For someone who is completely ordinary and has not gone through any body tempering or other cultivation, it can cause them to have third-degree burns in their mouth and throat. But that is only if they are not prepared correctly."


Mrs. Xia looked at me for a second before saying, "So if what you are insinuating is true, then there are other transmigrators or, as you called them, reincarnators in the world?"


I thought for a moment before responding, "There is a small difference between the two. That being a transmigrator will take over the body of someone who is recently deceased, and most of the time, that is with the permission of the person whose body it was previously. While in contrast, a reincarnator is given a new life, either from the beginning or in the form of a new body in a different world. But yes, that is what I am saying.


There is even evidence that there has been someone before me. Otherwise, there would not be a mansion like this or maids like the French-inspired maids in anime. That's not even including how some of the buildings in the Sect function."


Everyone at the table looked shocked for a moment before Mrs. Xia calmed down and said, "So how can we confirm whether or not this pepper comes from someone like you?"


"That's quite simple." I responded while turning to look at the chef and asking, "Did you manage to get any other peppers from them?"


The chef nodded and flipped his other hand, showing another pepper that was quite famous on Earth. I was unable to hold myself back from laughing again as I explained, "That's quite the jump from eighth. What you are holding is a Carolina reaper, which the last I checked, was the hottest pepper on Earth."


The chef's face went white after my explanation, so I said, "You just have to remember to use it in moderation because not only is their spice strong, but so is their flavor. Though I am guessing you didn't do that with the ghost peppers."


The chef nodded at my words, and Mrs. Xia agreed before asking, "You didn't seem to be bothered by the peppers. Is there a trick to eating them from your old world that we don't know?"


This question made me sit there and think for a moment, as I had never been able to handle more than one ripe jalapeno, and now I was eating ghost peppers like they were nothing. The only major reason I could think of was my fire type Evolution, so I told her as much.


They looked even more confused, so I explained that the reason why I ran through the house like that this morning was because yesterday, after completing the body tempering stage, I became able to evolve. I also explained that this evolution was me simply going from an unaspected Kitsune to having my first tail become attuned to the fire law. This also came with a few physical changes as well.


I then explained, with some embarrassment, the warning from the system this morning and how I thought the best place to evolve was the shrine. Raina and Mrs. Xia's only response was to tell me not to make this mistake again.


Nodding and trying to hide my embarrassment, I went back to finishing my meal, which did not help as I was the only person eating now.

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