Reincarnated as a Fox to Bring Revolution

Ch-58-The Demon

(Lou Xia POV)



This morning, my mother informed me that she was going to take Vale and me on a shopping trip. The reason for this was that Vale did not seem to have many clothes or much else besides her three sets and a few notebooks.


While I knew that she had a few more things, I had no reason to tell my mother about this. I was actually starting to look forward to this and was looking forward to spending more time with her, as I was only able to hang out with her during her research.


The few times that I was able to get her to stop and talk about some things she learned or experienced from her past life were both enlightening and intriguing. In fact, the more that she explained, the more interested I got in her. It was to the point that I wanted to spend more time with her every day.


I even started to get jealous of my brother when he was taking lessons with her, and when that changed to the staff, my jealousy shifted over to them.


It took me some time to realize that this was starting to get out of hand and that I needed to get it under control. What did not help was the realization that she did not even seem to realize that I was trying to learn more about her during her research, but when I thought about it, she had this issue of not noticing her effect on the people around her previously.


This only made me want to stay around her more so I could help her see the effect she was having. The job that Raina gave me was also a perfect excuse for this.


At this point, I realized the direction of my thoughts and pulled them back. I was a normal orthodox cultivator and was not starting to have romantic feelings for another girl.


I was definitely not thinking about a certain few techniques that I found in the Sect's golden core Scripture hall. I was also not thinking about how, amongst immortal cultivators, this sort of relationship does not matter much.


There were even stories about how in female-only Sects, this was a very common thing.


When my thoughts did not get back on track, I sat down in my room and meditated for a bit until my mother walked into my room and asked if I was alright. I had apparently spent too long trying to stop thinking about that thing that my mother got concerned about me.


Telling her I was fine, I followed her out of the room and headed to the dining room for breakfast.


Walking into the dining room, I saw Vale sitting at the opposite end of the table, drawing on some massive sheets of paper with the maids surrounding her. She then put down her pencil and got up, changing her seat to her normal one.


Now, we were just waiting for Raina to show up, but I did not mind, as I was now given some more time to watch Vale. Sadly, this only lasted for a few minutes as Raina had come to the dining room.


Thankfully, the chef had taken my recommendation and learned how to make some traditional Kitsune dishes, and I got to see her face light up as she started eating it. What happened next was slightly outside of my expectations and made me wish I was the one who made the meal.


It was only when she went to sit back down at the other end of the table and seemed to be staying away from Raina that I stopped focusing on that.


Then, a maid said something about her making a mistake.


I all of a sudden wanted to rip that girl apart. It was only made worse when Vale did not scold and ignore her but asked her to explain with the same interest she had in her research.


I then heard her ask the maid her name, and my heart stopped.


From here, I did not even hear or register anything that happened after this and stopped looking at Vale.


When my mother left the room, I followed her out and went back to my room.


As I was walking, I felt like the world was growing dark until I was no longer able to see the world.



(Xuan Yaling POV)



After the morning meal, I informed Vale that we would be going on a shopping trip before she left, and I was now creating a schedule for tomorrow.


The reason why it was for tomorrow was because I knew that she would be ready to leave by that time.


I also noticed that something was wrong with my daughter, and from what I can tell, it pertains to Vale.


After the planning is done, I go back to my usual job of taking care of the house and some of the family's businesses in the town.


Strangely, unlike normal, nothing interrupted me today, and I started to become quite concerned about this. I was still glad that Vale was genuinely happy about the food the chef gave her, and I made a mental note to increase the man's pay.


If Raina had not already adopted the girl, I would have done so regardless of whether my husband agreed or not. Her tail was just too expressive.


The end of the day soon approached, and I went to the dining room to have the evening meal.


Vale was still sitting at the opposite end of the table, working on her drawings, and Raina came in with my husband.


There was another set of kitsune dishes for our guests, or should I say temporary residents, to try today.


When the meal was over, and I left the room, and Lou Xia followed me.


During dinner I noticed that whatever was wrong with her had gotten worse, and I was starting to get worried.


Slowing down, I pulled her into a side room and started to ask her what was wrong. It was when she did not respond to me and looked forward with glassy eyes that I started to understand what was happening.


Somehow, my daughter had started to fall to a heart demon, and this was causing my heart to freeze over.


Placing my hand over her chest, I drive my Qi into her, trying to drive it out, only to get some black smoke flowing out of her meridians and nothing else happening. The only hope that I was given was that her eyes were now starting to look around the room slowly.


Seeing this small ray of hope, I had her sit down on the couch as I started praying.


I have seen this happen multiple times, and the only thing that healers tell you is to pray. Never once has a single healing technique ever worked to purge a heart demon, as they are born from your own heart and emotions.


So I prayed. I prayed to the only deity I knew existed and who had a shrine in the garden. I prayed to the goddess, who I did not know the authority of, Elinaria.


I sat there praying for an indeterminate amount of time until I saw a soft white glow of light surrounding her.


It was then that a flash of fire burst out of her as a phoenix cry rang out through the room.


With the fire, a strange shadow in the shape of a heart with various spiked tendrils coming out of it emerged from her chest as well.


Confused at what I was seeing I then heard a quiet and gentle voice in the back of my head say, "A heart demon that can only invade your dimension when those with power have a crisis of love."


This voice surprised me, but I was able to guess who it belonged to.


When she told me what this thing was, I did not hesitate for a moment and lashed out with a thunder-infused palm strike. The shadows that this thing was made of were already starting to dissipate, and under the thunder from my palm strike, it was completely blasted apart.


The moment this thing died, I heard the voice at the back of my mind say, "This was for the friend of my daughter, but if your daughter wishes to advance this relationship. She has to prove herself first."


When those words were said, I felt a strange power leave my body. Thanking her for her help and for the warning, I then look at my daughter, seeing her collapsed on the couch, unconscious.


Picking her up, I moved her to her bedroom and placed her on the bed, asking Cynthea to take care of her. I then make my way to my husband's office to inform him of what just happened.


I was not like those other stuck-up and spoiled little heiresses of rich or noble families, and I did not want to fight my husband for power. I was also concerned about my children, and from what I could tell from history, a set of parents who work and get along with each other is always better for their growth.


This means that when it comes to anything involving the children, I inform my husband immediately.


That also means I will inform him about Lou Xia's intention to pursue what I now know as the daughter of a goddess.

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