Reincarnated as a Fox to Bring Revolution

Ch-6-Racial Issues (non-political)

I came too in the morning with a splitting headache, and the treatment method for such was at the forefront of my mind.


The treatments offered just made me groan as they were either water in various forms or different types of tea. The latter contained some good blends as they were specifically meant for the relaxation of the mind, even if they did not actually do much.


But something was better than nothing. The difficult part, however, was where am I going to get the ingredients?


Since I had no way to deal with this, I waited for the headache bordering on a migraine to subside to a manageable degree.


When it did, I noticed the abnormality in my way of thinking and opened the system to check the logs and see what happened last night to cause this.


Upon opening the system, notifications from my little nightly adventure appeared in front of me, nearly covering my vision, and started from the oldest notification with the newest ones on the bottom of the stack.


[Congratulations on your correct deductions of the purpose for medical prescriptions. You have received 1 level in medicine.] X10


Reading the first message and seeing multiple others of the same behind it, I close them down in an attempt to clear my vision.


After counting and closing all the level-up windows, I realized that I had ten additional levels, which has brought my medicine skill up to level 25. However, if that was the case, then how come I didn't receive the flood of knowledge from leveling the skill and instead when I placed my skill point?


Looking back at the system, thinking that one of the notifications might hold the key, I start going through them again.


[Congratulations on starting your medical journey and connecting the two sets of medical knowledge on your own. You have been rewarded with a 25% boost too your next skill point in medicine.]


While this message was not what I was looking for, it reminded me that I set up a skill point-boosting mechanic and that the amount of skill progress given doubles with each point put in.


It also reminded me that something was off with my head until just recently, as I should have remembered that because it was very important and only happened two days ago. However, I am still choosing to ignore that for the time being, as I do not want to deal with its implications.


Moving on to the next set of notifications, I was able to see the main culprit behind my blackout last night and headache this morning.


[Congratulations, your medicine has reached level 50.]

[You have reached the professional level in your first skill. You have been rewarded 1 tech point.]

[Congratulations, you have completed the hidden quest [Professional Speedrun] for obtaining the professional level in any skill in under seven days. You have been rewarded with +1 (INT). (As you already have maxed out Intellect to the world limit, you will instead be rewarded +1 stat point of your choice.)]


That was the last message I had received from the system it had also solved the issue of where the flood of knowledge came from.


When giving the details for the system, I specified that skills like medicine, swordsmanship, and science would account for all the skills and professions pertaining to those topics in my old world.


I did not factor in how many medical professions and skills there were on earth, thus causing the amount of information contained in that one transfer to be enough to cause an average person's mind to either shatter or melt down.


Why that did not happen to me was a mix between my wish trait allowing me to learn anything in the world and my (INT) being at the world limit.


I went to file that bit of information away in the back of my mind to report later for when I had a chance to talk to Elinaria again. It was at this point that a notification popped up, catching my attention.


[Error recorded: sent to administrator]


Somehow, I had also forgotten that this was a function of the system, even though I helped develop it. This was starting to get concerning, but I still chose to ignore this.


Now, with all of this finished and my question still unanswered for the moment, I got up from the spot where I fell unconscious to start filling out my plans for the day.


Or at least I would have if my stomach had not chosen this moment to remind me that I did not eat anything last night.


With that, I went to pull out some rations from my inventory when I smelled the strong scent of iron mixed with a few other things in the air.


Something in my brain was telling me to eat whatever that was, so I followed the scent.


Walking out of the door and over to the spot where I killed the cougar the other day.


In front of me was the now skinless corpse of the cougar. Looking at the corpse, I guessed that the reason why I lost its hide was that it was needed for the bedroll.


Opening the crafting section of my system to check my guess, I see that the bedroll I made did indeed require both hide and cloth in its crafting materials.


Since that was the case and the raw meat opened to the air, I put the corpse into my inventory so it would not continue to decay. After that, I was about to go back into the house when a screen popped up in front of my face.


[Do you wish to have all food items that are placed in the inventory cleansed of impurities? (Y/N)]


This notification caught me by surprise as I thought I had set the system to cleanse impurities from food already, as it was something that was supposed to be automatically from the beginning.


The only way it would ask me this question is if I had not picked up a food item before or my system hardware was of too low a grade to do so. However, since neither of those things were the case, then the only other way it would ask me is if rations are not marked as a food item.


[Error detected: Rations are not marked as a food item: Error sent to administrator]


With another error found and my day off to a wonderful start, I went back into the house to make breakfast for the day.


Since my mind was already on the topic of food, I was able to quickly spot the rations I had left on the ground from earlier.


Putting it into my inventory to purify it, I also remember I had a few rations stored in my backpack, so I placed those in my inventory while wondering why I thought that it was already confirmed when I should have tested to see if it was working.


Again, I ignored this as I did not want to deal with the implications it brought.


With all of that over, I walk to the stove to grill up some of the meat I just grabbed. To do this I needed to get some firewood and light a fire in the stove to let it heat up.


After I did that and the fire was burning, I waited for the temperature to get up to the level needed for cooking as all the worries about my muddled head from recently came back. This was only made worse by what happened only a few minutes ago and why I thought I had already set my food to be purified.


I must have thought that I had already tested that earlier when I was looting the ship or something, as the system felt like it came from a game, and I did some setup beforehand.


I never did that, but it was the best excuse I could come up with, and use to ignore this problem at the moment.


When I reached this conclusion, the fire reached the temperature I was happy with, so I closed the stove and placed a piece of iron kitchenware I looted from the ship on top, namely a pan.


Waiting for the pan to reach a good temperature, I began to peruse my status for a better excuse- I mean a solution I could use to ignore this problem further.


Out of all the options that I had to choose from, the first thing that I decided to check on which would have the greatest potential effect on me was my new race.


Using the inspection function of my system on my race in the status window, a new window appears overlaid on top of the first.


[One Tailed Kitsune (unaspected)]

[The Kitsune is one of the more prevalent yet rare races in all of reality, with the greatest potential out of all known realities but a fairly weak starting point. Their position, aspects, and traits differ depending on the world they originate from.]

[The Kitsunes of Astérion have the greatest potential of all kitsunes but also the hardest time reaching that peak.

They maintain three major benefits from their lineage.

The first is that each of their tails can be aspected to a different law.

The second is that they are also considered the children of the elements for their deep connection with all of them, even when they do not have the spiritual roots for such.

The last and generally overlooked benefit they get from their lineage is the naturally heightened senses and hunting instinct, granting them the greatest chance for survival when on their own.]

[The Kitsune race also has some minor weaknesses.

The first and most important is that when a major threat to their lives appears, they will enter a survival mode where they will either attempt to eliminate the threat or create a safe space to stay in while waiting for the threat to leave.

They can train themselves to ignore this, and those with a strong enough willpower who are aware of this can ignore it without any training. However, it is still a major part of their early lives.

The second is their love for all types of fish and game meats.

They do not entirely have to pay attention to this one as most are either too strong or have methods to resist any attempts at poisoning their food. However, doing so tends to cause them to attempt to kill the person who did so, regardless of the situation.

This usually gets them into a lot of trouble as smart people will use this to get others killed, but young masters falling for their beauty and the usually false rumors will also get themselves killed by doing this as well.]


This explained why I remained in that state of mind until I finished my little hut in the middle of the meadow that I now call home.


The entire time I was distracted by reading this explanation of my new race, I was cooking a cougar meat steak on top of the stove. Both sides were already browned, and all that was left was to pull a knife out and check the inside of the meat.


Pulling out my survival knife, I cut into the steak, exposing the center to find it was a nice pink color. I then plated it and started to eat with the floor as my table.


Picking up and biting into a piece of steak that I cut off, I tasted the flavor that melted in my mouth and temporarily caused my mind to go blank.


While my mind had gone blank, I put my free stat point into (SEN), and immediately, the flavor became even stronger, as I was able to taste even more things about the meat.


I should definitely cook it for 30 seconds longer next time.


Quickly emerging from my daze, I began to realize how much my race affected my mental state, especially the dangers of fresh game meat.


It was at this point that I felt my tail fall down on my bedroll. For some reason, I have not been able to feel my tail or the twitching of my ears until recently.


It was after that thought that a new message appeared in my vision.


[Additional and alternative limb to brain interface/integration complete]

[Limb blocker removed]


That message was both needed and contained information I did not know.


Instead of waiting for the system to send it, I asked it to send an error report stating that I was not informed that there was a limb integration process or limb blocker in place.


[Error reported: limb blocker and integration message was sent and cleared while the user was unconscious, and the system was not installed: Error sent to administrator]


Now that the error was dealt with and the limb blocker was removed, I could feel all the knots in my tail and ears.


Pulling a comb out of my inventory, I set it down as I remembered that I was in the middle of eating.


Finishing my cougar steak, I felt more content as my tail was swishing behind me happily.


Once I recovered from my meal, I pulled my tail in front of me and picked up the comb.


Brushing the comb through my tail and releasing the knots, I felt a purr rumble up from my chest as the feeling it gave was even stronger than I remembered from the character creator. From this, I reaffirmed the thought that I had at that time.


"Yeah, I am not letting anyone touch my tail. Ever!"

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