Reincarnated as a Fox to Bring Revolution

V2Ch-18-New Seal

The first modification that I wanted to make was the modification of the cultivation theft portion.


This one was not as simple as the specific modification that I wanted to make, which would require a modification to the constitution and bloodline portions of the seal.


To do this, I needed to erase the part of the line that connected to the slave's cultivation and instead create a new path for connections.


On the other hand, I need to make large modifications to the constitution and bloodline portions as they were not used previously.


Raina speculated that this was most likely because the seal was made to be modular, and like most slave seals, it also most likely originated from beast-taming seals. This was also the reason why there were two lines for constitution and bloodline.


Part of the modifications I made to the constitution line was a connection to the line for the slave's cultivation as well as a connection to their bloodline. Speaking of which, I also started making modifications to that line as well.


The first modification I made to that line was to expand and develop it more while making connections to the line for the contractor's bloodline.


Most of the points that tried to connect to through this method all gave me the feeling of extreme danger except for the one point I ended up making the connection to.


With both of those modifications made to the bloodline and constitution lines, I then created the connection to the old line that was for cultivation theft.


After that, I connect this line to the contractor's cultivation as well. This was so that the seal would be powered by the residual cultivation of the contractor that they would never be able to use themselves.


This allowed me to do more intensive things that the seal would normally not be able to hold without being a detriment to the seal's recipient.


With that change, I was able to add a line to one of the two spare connection points on the seal's core.


This line was made to allow the contractor to know the location of the seal's recipient within a one-hundred-mile radius while being able to know their general direction outside of that range.


I did not make this to keep eyes on Yuki, but it was instead created for the off chance that she would get into a life-threatening situation and needed help. Thus, for the last open connection, I made a line that would notify the contractor when the seal's recipient was injured.


When I drew all of these, they were fairly crude and needed a lot of refinement.


Realistically, the only way this seal worked at the current moment was through the intent of its creator and a large amount of Qi.


Thankfully, my trait was still able to work on this and showed me the vast amount of errors that I had made.


With the errors clearly seen, I got to work redrawing the seal.


After redrawing the seal once, I managed to clean up over 80% of the errors, however, dozens of more errors appeared.


This led to me redrawing the seal another twenty or so times to reduce the errors down to only a handful.


Redrawing the seal two more times did not cause the errors to be resolved but merely shifted to different places.


Raina, who was sitting beside me watching everything I was doing after we both finished our research, noticed what I was doing and asked, while pointing at the three final diagrams, "Is this the finished seal?"


I tilted my head from side to side a few times before answering, "They are not finished, but these three are as close as I can get to the complete variant at the moment."


She nodded at my words before asking, "What parts are incorrect?"


When she asked, I took out a red pen from my inventory and circled the parts that were incorrect.


After I finished marking the errors on the three last diagrams, Raina looked over them and said quietly, "At least they are all on different parts."


When she finished looking them over, she called Yuki, who was standing by the door, and had her sit in one of the chairs before walking behind her.


Raina then placed her hand on the back of Yuki's neck and directly over her spine.


It was here that I noticed a small glow start to spread from the small gaps between Raina's hand and Yuki's neck.


Over time, this light continued to get brighter as I watched Yuki's face start to twist in pain.


This continued for a few minutes as the light continued to get brighter before it flashed and left me temporarily blinded for a second.


When I finished blinking the spots out of my eyes, I was then able to see Yuki, who now had the image of a multi-tailed fox circling her neck and not the roaring dragon from before.


With that, I was a little too excited and immediately checked her information again.


{Scanning Target}


{Compiling Information}


{Status Updated}

[Name: Yuki Lochheart]

Race: Human (Unkown Bloodline)

Height: 1.8034 Meters (5' Ft 11" In)

Physique: (Forming)

Spiritual Root: Mutated Ink Spiritual Root

Realm: Body-tempering: stage 1/5 (Bone-Tempering)

Qi pool: 100%/100%


 STR: 12 (10)

 END: 11 (9) >12 (10)

 AGI: 13 (11)

 INT: 13 (Limit)

 SEN: 13 (10)

 ENE: 13 (11)

Abnormal statuses:

[Playfull Fox Slave Seal] (Perfected)

{This slave seal ensures absolute loyalty and obedience to whoever holds their blood contract. This seal also helps to temper the body of the one under the slave seal by using the residual and unused cultivation of the contract holder while ensuring that they will not be able to harm the seal bearer easily.}

{This seal also leaves behind a little gift for the seal bearer.}

{Perfected bonus: The seal will automatically draw Qi in from the surroundings to both fuel the seal and boost the seal bearer's cultivation due to the low maintenance cost of the seal. This also leaves the bonus cultivation from the contract holder to be used more efficiently.} 

{Open SubWindow to show the current seal?} <YES/NO>


As I was reading the window, I watched as one of her stats went up and confirmed that the new version of the seal was working.


The description of the seal also hinted at something that I did with the seal that I am not even sure if Raina knows about.


That was mainly because I pulled the idea from one of the demonic techniques I read and incorporated it in a way that would not be considered demonic.


It would especially not be considered demonic compared to what the previous seal did.


When I saw this, I stood up from my chair and shouted, "Yes! Now we need some cake to celebrate!"


Raina chuckled at my antics while Yuki lowered her head and said in what she must have thought was a voice that none of us could hear, "Is it really that great to simply ensure your slave won't run away?"


Her words stung a little more than I would have liked, so I retorted before the words could cross my mind, "Hey! If it wasn't for Raina saying it was necessary to keep the seal, I would have instead found a way to erase it. And besides, would you have wanted whoever enslaved you to one day just randomly decide that he would burn all of your cultivation to fuel his?"


Yuki looked up at this, both shock and hurt clear on her face as she said, "But he would never do that! He even made a vow to the heavens that as long as I took the seal and increased my cultivation enough, he would help me reclaim my family's land."


Raina shook her head after hearing this and asked, "How is he supposed to find you when you reach a high cultivation level?"


Yuki was about to answer her when I quickly interjected, "And what about after he helps you? Then what? From what you said, he mentioned nothing about removing the seal or leaving you alone afterward."


Whatever retort she had for Raina instantly got stuck in her throat upon hearing my words. It looked like I had thrown a bucket of water on a fire, and all that was left was the heat wave from it and a column of smoke.


That thought was going across my mind while I watched Yuki's face go from bright red to looking like a drowned puppy as the implications of my words set in.


To prevent her from going too far down a rabbit hole in her mind like I did last night, I quickly said, "That doesn't matter as much as long as you survive. Also, what caused your family to lose their home and land?"


While my words did not seem to give her any hope, they did cause her to stop thinking about not being able to reclaim her land and instead get angry at what happened to her family.


She then said, "It was those bas***ds that stole it from us."


While I knew this was something I shouldn't be happy about either, I could not help but think, 'This is going to be a long story.'

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