Reincarnated as a Fox to Bring Revolution

V2Ch-21-Demonic Technique Removal

(Raina POV)



Quan, still facing me, asked, "Why are you asking about this? We both know this is something normal for that family. Maybe not enslaving their own child, but we also know that this man is a special kind."


With a slight amount of anger slipping into my voice, I answer, "Because Vale found out what that seal did."


The man across from me sighed upon hearing this and said, "We have been over this multiple times. Just because a slave seal may do something that is borderline demonic, as long as it is not a demonic technique, then there is nothing we can do about it. It is just the way the world works."


My expression went dark as I felt a small bit of anger well up inside of me, but I forced it down as I said, "It does not stop me from marking them, though."


He sighed again before saying in a more calming tone, "Do you remember what caused your brother to send you to that village in the first place? Your brother even said that he would have made an excuse for you, but you did too much, and he had to send you there."


I was about to retort to that, but he spoke up before I could and said, "And this time, you aren't alone. You have Vale who is depending on you, even if she doesn't know it. What would happen to her if you were sent back?


You know that your brother has already learned of you coming out of 'seclusion.'"


His words caused my argument to die in my throat and forced me to think about what I was about to do.


Counter to that, I was also thinking about what Yuki's father did to her and felt like I needed to rip him apart even more. However, I also knew that if I were to leave, then Vale would be in a lot of danger.


I then spent another few seconds thinking about this before making a decision on what I was going to do.


Sighing, I got up and then asked Quan, "Gather as much information on the Selvaris family and this situation as possible and then send it along to me at Vale's peak."


He only smiled at my orders before saying right as I was about to leave the room, "That was a good decision."


That had reignited my anger as this was one of the few lessons I did not like being taught by my students.


Walking out of that mansion, I then set my sights on the main peak before making my way there as fast as possible. This trip only took a few seconds, but when I got there, I found the sky above the sect hall filled with the sect's elders.


A few of them did not recognize me and stepped forward to say something when the others pulled them back and bowed themselves.


Finally, the sect master stepped forward and asked, "Teacher, why are you here?"


Looking at him with the anger from earlier still in my system, I asked him, "Who is in charge of admitting new techniques to the library?"



(Vale POV)



As the day started to come to an end, I had a new sword in hand that was equipped with a slightly different cross guard. This guard was formed into a slight curve instead of a broken line like the last one.


With this one finished, I walked over to the stone-cutting table and opened the interface to the crafting menu.


Going over the list, I found an option for a whetstone and ordered one for the cost of a few stones. The time needed to craft the whetstone was only a few seconds.


Just as I was thinking about this the stone then finished crafting and appeared in the inventory.


Taking the stone and turning toward the door, I motioned to Yuki to follow me and walked out of the workshop toward the house.


Going through the garden, I was able to see all the changes made to it, which were almost finished. This place would be something amazing once it was finished, and I would not mind staying here for a long while at that time. I may have even forgiven Elinaria at that point, but we will see.


Stepping through the door to the courtyard I was greeted by Raina standing there with the elder from the library and the sect master.


They looked over at me the moment I entered and looked like they wanted something from me.


So before they could, I walked over to the training equipment and placed the sharpening stone there. It was then that I walked over to Raina and presented the second long sword that I had made to her, saying, "I finished the swords."


The sect master and the elder both looked at the sword with some interest while Raina simply reached out and picked up the sword, examining it. After a few seconds, she said, "The edge is not sharp, and the Qi structure in the blade is a mess, but besides that, it is a good blade."


I felt a smile spread across my face, and my tail started waving around a little faster as I responded, "I haven't had the opportunity to sharpen the blades yet, but I will be able to do so later."


She then looked at me for a few moments before Raina smiled, moved the sword onto her shoulder, and raised her free hand to pat my head like I was a child. This, in turn, caused my brain to short-circuit for a moment.


When I came back, I immediately stepped back and glared at her while covering my head with my hands.


The others were looking at this with sour expressions on their faces before the sect master stepped forward and said, "Teacher, what about the reason that we came here for?"


The smile on Raina's face froze stiff for a second at this.


She then cleared her throat almost immediately after and looked at me with a straight face before saying, "We spent the entire night and the morning looking over all the techniques in the library and the scripture hall to find any  techniques of demonic origin and have brought them here for you to verify."


When she said this, the elder in charge of the library stepped forward and presented a storage ring to me.


Taking the ring from his hand, I look at them and say, "I won't be able to get to these techniques immediately. So, in the meantime, you should probably take them off the shelves and recall all the copies that have been lent out."


The sect leader looked shocked at my answer and then quickly got angry before shouting, "Don't you understand what I just said! Those are potentially demonic techniques, and we need to find out if they need to be removed from the sect! That's an order!"


Both Raina's and my expressions fell at this, and I felt a small amount of rage build up inside me as I responded, "Do you know how much I have on my plate already?"


I watched as he was about to explode before I interrupted him and said, "I have to train and cultivate every day according to Raina's orders, research both formations and spells, build up the technology and industry of the sect, and do research on magitech. By the time I would have any time to go through all the techniques you are handing me would be a minimum of a month from now, and it would take me over a year, depending on how many techniques you are handing me, as I would need to do more research on other techniques of the same type.


So either way, you would need to pull the techniques off the shelves and give the people currently practicing them compensation."


The sect master's face then froze slightly, but he still responded, "While training is still important, can't you set the other things aside and focus on researching the demonic techniques? This would help the sect greatly after all."


Looking at the sect leader like he was an idiot, I spoke up before anyone else could, saying, "My other research would also help the sect massively as well. And don't think about trying to take this peak away from me. After all, who owns the land, the sect or its founder? Also, don't think about trying to convince me using contribution points as anything I could get with them I would either be able to make myself or the mining drills I have running would produce the same amount that I would be able to purchase with them."


He was about to retort something but stopped upon feeling Raina's glare before she asked, "Is there an easy way to tell what techniques are demonic techniques?"


Thinking about it for a moment, I nodded and said, "The easiest way to tell which techniques are demonic is to look for any instructions telling you to use inverse, reverse, or backward-flowing Qi."


They proceeded to look at me dumbfoundedly for a moment before the Library elder said, "I will get to work removing those techniques from circulation now."


The last surge before the editing is finished is here.

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