Reincarnated as a Fox to Bring Revolution

V2Ch-23-Vale’s Change

Waking up in the morning, I found myself lying on Mom's lap with her brushing my hair again. 


Unlike last time, I was able to think a little more clearly, even if I still just wanted to lay here for a while longer. For some reason that I could not figure out, it was incredibly calming, so much so that I had even entered a state of meditation unconsciously.


Taking advantage of the situation, I started running my cultivation technique and relaxed while feeling both the influx of energy and Mom's careful brushing.


I was also able to feel a small amount of strange energy circulating throughout my blood, but it was slowly decreasing as I continued cultivating.


This did not last long, though, as Mom had stopped brushing my hair, and I took that as the cue to stop cultivating.


Opening my eyes and looking up, I saw that she had a smile on her face. However, it looked a little weird, but I could not tell why. 


She then gently pushed me off her lap and told me to get up before walking out of the room. 


Stretching out on the bed and procrastinating for a bit, I finally get up a few minutes later and walk out into the dinning room only to find the food on the table and both Mom and Yuki waiting for me.


Looking away and scratching my cheek in embarrassment, I quickly walk over to the side of the table and take a seat.


The breakfast today was pancakes again but without the bacon. Mom was also sitting at the head of the table so we had to wait for her to take the first bite of the food like last night.


I also realized that I was too focused on the food last night and that Yuki had done the right thing by holding back the silverware.


I was also realizing that I needed to get my instincts, which were acting up even now, under control. No matter how good the food is, it is not worth losing your mind over.


Soon, the meal was over, and Yuki cleaned up the table, returning to the kitchen. Raina then asked me to follow her, and we both walked out into the courtyard.


There, she pulled out her usual training sword and took a stance in the center of the yard.


Knowing that I could not run away, I pulled out my new sword and took up a fighting stance across from her.


With my stance set, Raina lunged forward, attempting to strike me, but I quickly blocked it with the edge of my blade.


The way that I blocked allowed Raina to run her sword down mine in an attempt to strike at my hand, which was holding the blade like she had done a few times before. However, this time, I had a full cross guard on my sword, which prevented her from doing so and allowed me a moment's worth of time where I counter-striked her arm. 


The small look of surprise on Raina's face felt amazing, but that feeling was soon wiped away after we continued sparing.


This small change in which sword I was using allowed her to fully display both her mastery of the sword and her ability to adapt to unknown changes. She was even able to give suggestions that I normally would not have thought about until much later in my practice of the sword.


Hours went by like this, with me both improving quickly now that I felt like I was using the proper sword but also feeling like I was getting nowhere with how badly I was getting beaten. At least I could see that I managed to last slightly longer but was still beaten in the end.


When Raina finally told me to put down the sword, I was about to shout out in joy, but I still held myself back and instead put the sword on the weapons rack and ran over to the workshop so I could continue working on the different machines that I needed.


This included getting all the fabrication equipment ready using the crafting interfaces as well as checking over the benches themselves through their information windows.


From what I was able to see, all the workbenches would be upgraded using iron, but the total amount needed left me almost crying in a corner.


This was because the total amount of iron needed equaled the total production from the mines for three days, and I had already used all of the iron ore for today to make steel for the new machines. I was also thinking that if this was the amount of iron needed, how much steel would I need for the next upgrade.


I then got up and proceeded to try and forget about the material concerns for my workshop and walked through the gardens.


Here, I was able to see the gardeners finishing up the last few planters and getting ready to leave.


This was amazing as it meant that the compound was almost finished, and I would be able to work on the upgrade blueprints for bringing it into the modern age as a research compound.


Walking away from the edge of the garden, I walk over to the shrine and then stand there for a few minutes, considering whether to walk into it and pray again.


I eventually decided to do so, but I made sure to remind Elinaria multiple times that I still remembered what she had done and had not fully forgiven her yet.


With that said, I walked out of the shrine and over to the courtyard so I could enter the library and do some more research on spells.


From what I could tell, with only a cursory glance over the introductory book, they are mainly created and cast through a specific pattern of Qi flow through the meridians. That is not the only ingredient, though, as intent is also a main component in the casting process.


If you have the intent to do one thing, but the pattern of Qi flow is for something else, then at the very least, the spell would not be cast. At worst, the body of the caster could explode.


The book, however, was filled with so many different errors that I was unable to tell what was right or wrong. I even had the feeling that the entire thing was one massive error according to my trait.


Sadly, it was the only book on spells that I had, so I would need to go to the scripture hall soon.


Regardless, I still finished reading through the book and taking down notes at the same time.


When I finished, it was still a few hours from the end of the day, so I decided to go and ask Raina if she could take me to the scripture hall using her flying ability.


Walking out of the library and into the house, I only saw Yuki in there working, and Raina was nowhere to be seen.


Slightly disappointed that I would not be able to have a quick journey to the scripture hall today, I felt my ears and tail drop.


It was then that I felt someone start petting me between my ears again, and from the feeling that it gave me, I instantly knew who it was. Turning around with my ears perked up again and my tail swaying around rapidly, I asked, "Hey, Mom, could you take me to the scripture hall so I could get some books on spells and formations?"


The moment I asked my question, I could hear Yuki's movements stop abruptly and watched as moms face showed a look of surprise as she froze in place.


I was standing there excited to hear her reply, but when it did not come after thirty or so seconds, I tilted my head in confusion, with my ears resuming their usual perpendicular positions and my tail forming into a question mark.


This seemed to jolt her back to reality as she looked at me with a strange expression for a moment before replying, "We can do that. When do you want to go?"


Not giving her a moment to take back her words, I quickly said, "Right now!"


The surprise reappeared on her face for a moment before she sighed and then motioned for me to follow her out of the house.


Outside, I got an idea and pulled out my parachute and quickly put it on after a slight modification with my crafting system.


Raina watched me as I did this with a look that was a mix of confusion and helplessness.


Scratching the side of my head in embarrassment again, I explain by asking her, "When we get there, could you let us go into free fall above the library?"


This question caused the confusion to disappear, but the helplessness remained and even seemed a bit deeper now. However, that last part could just be my imagination.

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