Reincarnated as a Fox to Bring Revolution

V2Ch-49-The New Shrine

Stepping up to the outer edge of where I wanted the shrine to reach, I finalized all the thoughts in my head and put them together into one blueprint.


The square itself would not normally be big enough to hold a third-level shrine, so I was going to make it big enough by adding a few things, namely, verticality.


This verticality may or may not have been inspired by the few glimpses I remember from Stephanie's realm.


Raising my right hand, I will the system to begin the construction process.


The moment that order is given, multiple massive portals open around the square of the town as small floating islands slowly emerge from them.


Once those are fully out of the portals, many other things start to fly out of them as the stone bricks covering the ground in the center of the town square are ripped away.


Some of the things flying out of the portals are refined wood and metals that arrange themselves around the floating islands, creating borders made of the same gates like are used in the other shrines I made.


These borders were also placed around the part of the shrine that was on the ground, along with metal rebar covering the now open ground for the concrete that was going to be poured in.


Wire-like lines made of clear crystal were then placed, running from the center of the ground level to the edges and connecting to the gates at their base.


Concrete was then poured over this, leaving only the top level of crystal wires exposed before the liquid was rapidly cooled and solidified into its hardened and finished state.


The exposed concrete was then covered in a layer of white rubber paint that was easy to clean.


While this was happening, the two largest of the small floating islands were also getting a makeover.


The first one was getting covered in all sorts of vibrant flowers and trees while grass started to grow rapidly from the once barren soil, with only a small clearing being left in the center.


In the very center of that clearing was a small ring made of white lilies facing outward. The outside of that ring had its barren soil covered with a small gravel path.


On the second island, trees with red leaves were planted, and flowers of a naturally red color were also scattered about. A gravel path made of red rock was also created, going from the outside edge of the island to the center, where a large half-circle wall of stone was being placed.


In front of this wall was a circular area made of broken and scarred concrete with what looked to be shattered parts of vehicular armor sticking out of it.


Just like the other island, a ring in the center of this area was left free.


Finishing this island off was what looked like some sort of floating round metal sphere being placed at the edge of the center ring that was left clear facing the stone wall.


It was then that all the other islands got covered in what looked like circular metal towers that tapered toward the top, with trees and vegetation growing to cover them as long as the islands they were being placed on were large enough.


Most of these smaller islands were only big enough for one or two people to stand on comfortably. Some of them were not even that big.


As those towers were placed, another portal opened above the island covered with red vegetation, and weapons rained down from it onto the island.


It was then that three chunks of white stone that looked like marble appeared in front of me and started to carve themselves.


A few seconds later, three stone statues appeared in front of me that looked like the three goddesses that I knew of, Elinaria, Stephanie, and Haruka.


Elinaria's statue looked to be holding something in her hands, but nothing was there yet. I would soon be fixing that. Otherwise, it looked completely life-like.


Stephanie's statue was standing there upright with her arms open wide, and Haruka's was kneeling down with a spear planted in the ground that quickly turned into a German glave under my eyes.


I then got a message from the system with a window that looked to have a black background with red edges.


This message was actually a message from Haruka that said,


{I only use Glaves nowadays, dear. Please remember that.

   Signed your dear grandmother - Haruka}


With that cleared up and a note for later filed away, I then sent the statues to be placed in their respective areas.


Elinaria's was clearly placed on the ground in the center of the shrine where all the crystal wires converged. Stephanie's was placed on the island that was full of life in the center of the ring of lilies, and Haruka's was placed in the center of the island, covered in red vegetation, covering up the small metal sphere, leaving only a small window to the outside world.


I then placed the final touches.


First was the box of gears that was pulled out of my inventory and started floating, arranging itself into a representation of the galaxy made out of gears. These were also the gears that had small constellations carved all over them.


This galaxy was then placed above Elinaria's hands, making it look like she was holding the galaxy itself as it slowly rotated in place.


The second thing that I did was make a small floating ring of water hover around Stephanie's statue.


Finally, there was the small sphere beneath Haruka's statue, which activated, creating a hologram that covered the stone wall with multiple lists of names scrolling down it. At the top, above all of these lists was the words, 'Remember The Fallen'.


It was then that a pulse of light was sent out of Elinaria's statue that covered everything that was within the range of a third-level shrine, including the buildings and stores that were on the edge of the square, which now had floating islands above them.


When that pulse spread out, I heard a muffled dragon roar followed by the ghostly apparition of a dragon leaping out of the ground toward the sky.


It did not even have the chance to attack this time, though, as a bolt of rainbow-colored lighting struck the dragon, causing it to start shining with an orange light and fall to the ground in front of Elinaria's statue.


When the light dissipated, a small little, ghostly fox that was slightly bigger than last time was left behind and walked up to Elinaria's statue before curling up and going to sleep.


As the fox fell asleep and started dissipating, I got a series of notifications.


{[Quest: Mainline 3: First Exposure to the World] Complete}

[Quest: Mainline 3: First Exposure to the World]

[Task 1: Accept the offer]{Complete}

[Task 2: construct the shrine]{Complete}

[Task 3: Gain Ten Religion Points]{Complete}

[Bonus: Purge the Demonic Deity Presence]{Complete}

[Reward: Three Tech Points]{Claimed}

[Bonus Reward: Two Tech Points]{Claimed}

{New Shrine Constructed}

{That was far more resources than I was expecting, but it is definitely a beautiful shrine. Thank you, dear.

    Signed your grandmother - Stephanie}


That was a lot of messages and was definitely something I would look at later as I wanted to check and see if this shrine had any new effects with there being two other goddesses statues here.


[Lockheart Familly Shrine]

{Level: 3}

{Description: A shrine to the goddesses Elinaria, Stephanie, and Haruka made by Elinarias's first-ever Champion in a new world.}

{Ability: Serves as a link to the goddesses through which they become anchored to the world and can give their blessing while their influence is still weak. In a decent radius around the shrine, they are able to exert their authorities.}

{Modifier: Incredible shrine (Natural Qi gathering formation (Strengthened), Gives Aura of Enlightenment (Enhanced)), Merged Fox Vein (Qi gathering efficiency increased by 1000% (At the center of the shrine), Gives Aura of Refinement), Made by the first (Gives Aura of Tempering (Enhanced 2)), Aura of Tempering (Enhanced 2) (Removes the requirement of needing any tempering supplies for both the body tempering stage and early to middle body cultivation stages), Aura of Enlightenment (Enhanced) (Increases comprehension and learning speed by 10%, a minuscule chance of obtaining Enlightenment), Aura of Refinement (Purifies the Qi in a cultivators body by 2.5% (Doubled for those below the foundation establishment stage)(Only Activates Once)), Shrine of the fallen (Gives Aura of honor), Shrine of life (Give Aura of Recovery), Aura of Honor (True warriors will come to gather here), Aura of Recovery (All wounded within the shrines area of effect will heal at a increased speed and are less prone to infections)}

[Max Level: Build a Small Temple nearby to increase the Small Temple's level to three]


That was quite the wall of text. Maybe we should change that in the next version.


{Recomendation recorded and sent to administrator}


With this chapter, we are finally caught up with the most current chapter I have written, and we will be moving on to the planned schedule of two chapters a week. There may be more at times but that depends on how many I have in backlog at that time.


Regardless of that, I will keep my promise and upload the old version of these chapters under the original name of this story soon.


With all of that said, thanks to all of you who have stuck around this far, and let's see where this journey will take our dear little kitsune revolutionary.

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