Reincarnated as a red dragon, I wear a crown of flames

Page 10

Karel is such a funny dumb guy.

Similarly, Angela, who was flying beside her, cracked the dragon kiss slightly, and she was also smiling.

It would be nice to have an extra Karel in this boring desert.

Augustus and Angela deliberately slowed down, and Karel soon caught up, and the three young dragons flew side by side towards the front of the rift.

After flying for about half an hour, the dragon's body was measured and landed towards the ground.

The dragon's head looked towards the ground, and Augustus found a little disharmony.

Because when he left, he thought that he would definitely come back, so Augustus didn't take the mouse with him and left, but hung the mouse.

And now...

There was a line of blood running down the rock wall where the mouse hung.

At the bottom of the cliff, a four-meter-long monster with a scorpion body and a lion's head, covered with a thick black carapace, was crouching on the rock wall.

A pair of black turtles is trying to reach the mouse hanging on the cliff.

However, due to their size, the pair of claws were always about one meter away from the mouse hanging on the rock wall.

Lions and scorpions.

A kind of monster that lives in the desert. Its level is judged according to its age and size. A lion and scorpion at an extremely old stage can reach a high-level monster.

Lions and scorpions have high defense and low magic resistance. A pair of claws are powerful, with sharp and poisonous tail hooks. The lion head can spit out some green gas.

The True Dragon Inheritance automatically gave the information at the first sight of this monster.

Flew to the valley on the left side of the Great Rift Valley and landed.

Crouching down, he buried his head and looked at the lion and scorpion below.

Seeing that Augustus had fallen to the ground, Karel and Angela also landed on the left and right sides of Augustus in sequence.

"The one below is the lion and scorpion~" Angela said.

"It looks like it's only an intermediate level, why don't we eat it!" Karel stared at the lion and scorpion below with sparkling white vertical pupils.

The big tongue stretched out unconsciously and licked the Dragon Kiss.

Glancing at Karel, who was licking his tongue and looking like he wanted to cook, this guy is really a reincarnation of a hungry dragon, so he turned his eyes to Angela.

As soon as Augustus lifted the dragon's head, he found Angela staring at him.

There was a questioning intent in those blue vertical pupils, and the slightly pinkish blue dragon's head turned slightly to the left but didn't express anything.

The dragon's head was lowered, looking at the lion and scorpion below, just like what Karel said, it was probably about the middle level.

My own level is low level, and the same is true for Karel and Angela.

After the baby dragon breaks its shell and experiences the first deep sleep, it can stabilize at a low level.

Glanced at Karel.

Her dragon's kiss was slightly split, and the dragon's saliva was dripping down. This guy has rough skin and thick flesh. Let her go up and fight the lion and scorpion to attract attention later, and just find an opportunity to shoot cold arrows.

As for Angela, just let her and Karel hold back together.

After quickly dividing his mind, Augustus raised his dragon head and looked at the two guys in front of him.

"Let's hunt it!"

The dragon heads of Karel and Angela looked at Augustus at the same time.

Angela's eyes were calm, while Karel was full of excitement, because she could cook again.

"The magic resistance of the lion and scorpion is low"

"Go up and restrain the lion and scorpion, I will find a chance to use the flame arrow to attack"

"No problem! I'll go first!"

Carel, who couldn't wait for a long time, had just finished speaking, without even giving Augustus and Angela time to react, she spread her dragon wings and swooped directly along the cliff towards the lion and scorpion at the bottom of the Great Rift Valley.

Looking at the figure that swooped out.

Augustus: Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

Angela: ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Is this guy so brave?Augustus, who had finished complaining in his heart, spread out his dragon wings and swooped down the Great Rift Valley.

If you delay for a while, it would be bad if Karel just gave it for nothing.

Angela, who was used to it, fluttered and flew down.

The lion and scorpion on the ground seemed to have sensed a breath of monsters.

It stopped and retreated to the ground. When the lion raised its head, it saw a flying monster in the sky swooping towards it.

Being locked, the lion and scorpion instinctively felt a little uneasy, but immediately the uneasiness came and went quickly.

Because the lion and scorpion could clearly see the flying monster in the sky, it wasn't that big, it didn't even look half the size of itself.

Thinking that he was actually afraid of this little thing just now, a wave of anger rose in Shixie's heart.


A ferocious roar resounded through the Great Rift Valley.

The lion and scorpion raised its two big claws high, it wants to make this little thing that offends itself pay the price!

Chapter 12 The Reckless and Ferocious Karel

Hearing the roar, Karel's dive speed increased instead of decreasing!

This damned inferior species dares to roar at the real dragon!White mist appeared in the vertical white pupils.

When the dive approached, Karel opened the dragon's kiss, and the breath of white cold mist poured down on the lion and scorpion.

Facing the attacking lion and scorpion, he instinctively raised two pairs of big claws to protect the lion's head.

The cold mist poured down on the lion and scorpion in an instant, and a thick layer of hoarfrost condensed on the pair of big claws of the lion and scorpion at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The lion and scorpion also temporarily stopped moving, it looks like it is dead?

A look of satisfaction was revealed in the white vertical handle, this is the attitude that a mere inferior species should have when facing itself!

Inferior species are inferior species, so what about the middle class, it is still just food, but it should be honored to be the food of our giant dragon.

Just when Karel was complacent.

The lion's scorpion's big turtle suddenly opened, and the big turtle attacked with incomparable speed.

Karel, who was still complacent, didn't realize it for a while, and was directly caught in the hind legs by Da'ao.

The pain came from the hind legs, and the bright white vertical pupils condensed into a vertical line, and the fierce color filled the entire vertical pupils.

The slender white dragon head turned around, the dragon kiss expanded to the limit, and the full and sharp dragon teeth shone coldly inside.

Without any pause, Karel went down and bit the lion's head directly.

The fishy and sweet smell poured in along the dragon kiss, which seemed to stimulate her fierceness.

The dragon's head swung wildly, and a large amount of blood splashed down.

Stimulated by the pain, the scorpion's lion's mouth opened, and a mouthful of green mist gushed out from it.

Seeing the green mist, Karel instinctively blocked her breathing, and held a mouthful of cold mist breath in her mouth to prevent the green mist from invading.

The cold Dragon Kiss tore off a piece of meat and swallowed it directly into his mouth. After tasting the meat, Karel's white vertical pupils lit up all of a sudden.

Meat!Want to eat more meat!

The cruelty gradually covered the pair of cute white vertical pupils, and the dragon's kiss opened and bit the wound on the lion's head.


The pain made the lion scorpion let out a dull roar. Realizing that the poisonous mist was useless, the lion scorpion's sharp tail thorns glowing black in the sun raised high and aimed at Karel quickly.

Karel, who was swinging the dragon's head and biting frantically, had a cold look in her white vertical pupils. Maybe the five-color dragon is not the most capable of fighting, but it is definitely the most vicious and evil dragon species.

Fighting is the innate instinct of every five-color dragon.

The Dragon Kiss let go, and the two strong front paws grabbed the stabbed tail spines, and the Dragon Kiss opened and bit towards the middle of the tail.

Dark green juice splashed, and the black tail thorn was directly bitten off from the end.


There is an extra unpleasant smell in the dragon kiss, not a good time~!

He spat out what splashed into his mouth, and the dark green juice mixed with dragon blood fell to the ground with a squeak.

The tingling sensation in the mouth stimulated Karel's nerves, and the cruelty in the vertical pupil became more intense.

The dragon's head turned around again without stopping and bit the lion's head, shaking from side to side and biting again.

The pain made the lion scorpion struggle violently, and its right claw opened and clamped towards Karel's slender neck.

The right wing opened and slapped the caught claw fiercely. The huge force caused the claw of the lion and scorpion to deviate from the predetermined position and hit the lion's head.

The right claw of the lion and scorpion hit its own lion's head and before it could retract it, it was held down by two dragon claws and could not retract it.

After holding down the lion, Karel continued to focus on biting the lion's head.


This time the roar was very low, the lion scorpion wanted to give in, it didn't want to fight with this guy on it anymore.

There was no response, and the guy on his body was still tearing his head frantically.

The lion's scorpion's dark golden vertical pupils suddenly had bloodshot eyes, and he realized what the guy on him meant, she wanted to hunt him!

Zuo Ao let go of the clamped legs, and turned to clamp the slender neck covered with white dragon scales.

Looking at the approaching giant claw, Karel could only jump to avoid the trapping giant claw.

Feeling light on its back, the lion scorpion turned and ran without the slightest hesitation, it didn't want to continue fighting with this crazy guy.

Looking at the running lion and scorpion.

Damn inferior species, is this afraid!The white scorpion full of ferocity stared at the lion scorpion.

The dragon wings spread out and flew up to the head of the lion and scorpion, and the dragon body directly pounced down.

Seeing the lion, scorpion and dragon cub wrestling together again, Augustus felt a bit of a headache.

You can't start playing like this.

A flaming arrow had already condensed in front of the mysterious orange ring in front of the dragon's head.

Looking at the two figures writhing and wrestling on the ground, aiming for a long time, the flaming arrow still stayed in front of the ring, Augustus couldn't be sure whether the arrow would hit Scorpion or Karel.

If an arrow hits Karel, there is no way to explain it. The fiery red pupils froze, and since they cannot be sure, they should stick to their faces.

A flash of fierceness flashed in the vertical pupil, the dragon's wings trembled, and his figure also swooped down towards the lion and scorpion.

A blue figure surpassed Augustus.

It's Angela.

Angela, who was one step ahead of Augustus, approached the lion and scorpion, her claws directly pressed the right claw of the lion and scorpion, and the dragon kiss opened and bit the joint.

Seeing the helper coming, Karel became even more excited, so now she fights more and less.

This damned inferior species must die here today.

Karel, who was vicious in her heart, tore the lion's head more fiercely while holding down one of the lion's scorpion claws.


The lion scorpion roared and struggled.

Scorpions are very powerful.

Karel and Angela bumped up as the lion scorpion struggled.

Once up and down, Karel soon felt a little dizzy.

Inadvertently, Karel saw Angela next to her.

She hugged the pair of big claws of the lion and scorpion with all four limbs, and the dragon kiss was biting her joints tightly. The most important thing was that her figure did not bump as the lion and scorpion struggled.

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