Reincarnated as a red dragon, I wear a crown of flames

Page 21

There was only one answer, and it was Angela.

After waiting for a while, there was still no word from Karel.

Augustus raised his dragon head from the ground and looked at Karel.

Lying in big characters, her dragon kiss was slightly opened, and her big blood red tongue hung down.

A stream of crystal-clear dragon saliva flowed down.

Very well, slept soundly.

this fool.

Forget it, leave her alone.

It doesn't matter if the guy listens or not.

Augustus spoke after laying the dragon head back on the ground again.

"Angela will go back this time and I will advance."

It takes at least half a year for the natural advancement of the young dragon.

Angela thought of the blue bead that Augustus took out from his head just now.

Is it the magic core of a high-level monster?

"Well, I see, I will guard the cave well"

Augustus' dragon kiss split slightly, this was the answer he wanted to hear.

"What about the leftover meat? Do you want to move it back?" Angela asked aloud.

"Let's move back together later~"

"Okay, listen to you"


After rest enough, the stomach is also digested.

Standing up, he crawled in front of Karel, raised his paw and hit down with a large pen pocket.


With a groan, Karel immediately jumped up from the ground.

Seeing Augustus standing in front of him with vicious eyes, he gradually turned into a milk fierce.

Longya clenched his teeth and said nothing.

Although she really wanted to bite August in front of her, Karel knew that she really couldn't beat this guy.

After being impulsive, you might be beaten to death, that's not worth it.

Augustus was very satisfied with Karel's gnashing of teeth.

Very good, this time I learned not to speak harshly.

There is progress.

Look to the side.

Angela has already stood up.

It seems that there is no need for your own wake-up service.

"Don't sleep~"

"Wake up and go back~"


The answer to Augustus was a haughty and cold snort.

Still humming, still cute.

It's a pity that I don't like being arrogant.

Climbing up to the half-remaining Rahma, he raised his sharp dragon claws.

Augustus started cutting up.

Cutting went smoothly.

Even if it cut to the bone, August's claws would only pause for a moment at most.

Soon the half Rahma was cut into three evenly sized pieces.

Augustus looked at Karel and Angela beside him and said.

"There are three yuan in total, and we will transport one piece together"

"Move the meat back, no problem"

"I'm fine" Angela

"Humph~╭(╯^╰)╮" Karel.

OK, unanimous vote.

Augustus stretched out his claws to grab the meat in the middle, spread out his dragon wings and flew directly into the sky.

Looking at the flying away figure, Angela looked back and grabbed a piece of meat.

Now that guy Augustus is gone, I always feel that this place has become less safe.

"Hurry up, Karel."

"We're not the only predators in this place"

After a reminder, it doesn't matter if this guy listens or not, the words have been said anyway.

Angela spread her dragon wings and flew up.

"Hmph~ what are you afraid of! We are giant dragons"

"It's just some low-blooded beasts, what are you afraid of!"

The white dragon head glanced around.

Indeed, it seemed that there was a sense of uneasiness welling up.

Fei pounced forward and grabbed the meat on the ground with one paw.

He spread out his dragon wings and fanned them vigorously, and chased after Angela's back.

"Angela~ wait for me"

Hearing the voice from behind, Angela slowed down a little.

What a fool.


Chapter 22

Land on the platform of the cave.

Loosen the flesh in the claws.

The piece of meat that lost its support fell to the ground.

The meat is reserved for Karel and Angela, so it's fine here.

He stepped forward and crawled deep into the cave.

After entering the end of the cave, Augustus stopped, and the dragon body lay down directly.

After laying down, Long Kiss began to chew hard.


The sound of broken stones rang out from the dragon's kiss.

A cool feeling spreads in the mouth.

The smell reminded Augustus of a plant.


After chewing for a few more times, he felt that the magic core in his mouth had been chewed almost, so he tilted his head and swallowed it directly.

All right, finished eating.

Now it's time to sleep.

The slender neck is bent, and the tail is also bent, forming a ring around the body together.

The thick eyelids slowly closed.

This time it should be a long sleep.

I hope Angela can keep his word.

As he thought about it, his consciousness gradually blurred.

The lying red dragonling's breathing became steady.

It fell asleep.


Land on the platform.

I saw the meat thrown randomly at the mouth of the platform.

Angela raised the dragon's head and looked into the cave.

Is that guy already asleep?


Following the sound, Karel also landed on the platform, throwing away the meat in her paws.

"Aww~sleep, sleep~"

After groaning happily, Karel rushed into the cave.

This guy...

He looked at Karel who was about to rush into the cave.

Angela opened the Dragon Kiss and bit the cheerfully wagging white tail.

She can sleep, but only after finishing a little work.

The pulling force from the tail made Karel's body tense, and the dragon's head turned around to see Angela biting her own tail.


Confusion appeared in the white vertical pupils.

Let go of the tail that was biting in the mouth.

"Do something for me before going to bed"

"No, no, I'm going to sleep now"

Karel: o(>﹏<)o

If Augustus said this, Karel would obediently follow suit, but it was Angela who said this.

I don't want to do anything, and now Long just wants to sleep well.

Such information was leaking from those white vertical pupils.

Angela saw it.

"The meat will go bad if you put it here, you don't want to wake up and eat rotten meat, do you?"

Those white vertical pupils became moved.

"Rotten meat smells like dirt, smelly and fishy"


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