Reincarnated as a Vampire Princess

Chapter 14: Before the Gates of Oblivion

I awoke again with a renewed excitement to learn magic. I followed the warning from Mother to not practice alone. I didn’t want a repeat of that one incident. 

The morning went as usual. I got bathed, Yumi did my hair and dressed me, and afterward, I had breakfast with Mother and Father. It was, of course, delicious. 

I was led back to the territory of the Demon King Adelisa. It was the so-called torture under the guise of training. “Are you ready for your morning training, princess?”

“I told you to call me En, remember? What He-...I mean, what devilish training is for the course today?” I asked. 

“First, let’s do our stretches!” She smiled, ignoring the devilish comment. Or she had super selective hearing with those canine ears. “A warrior must stretch her body properly before a workout!” 


I got into the groove of her antics. Without realizing it, this course was becoming routine: Stretch forwards, bend over, touch the toes, wiggle the arms and legs, and finish with a few squats as a warm-up.

Then, it was the run around the courtyard with Adelisa and Yumi next to me. All the while, Mother watched from a bench, cheering on my suffering. 

As the run concluded, Yumi offered me a glass of water, which I happily accepted. Blood was at intervals, I noticed. Usually, the max given was one or two glasses a day. But that sweet nectar always healed me, even if it was strange. 

“Good job, Little Princess! You were much faster this time!” Yumi said as I gulped down the water. 

I didn’t feel like I had gotten much faster, but it must have been true if Yumi said it. It was time for the part I dreaded as Yumi summoned the wooden sword. “Do I have to?”

Yumi and Adelisa nodded, and I looked at my mother for defense. She covered her hand, giggling. 

“How about this?” Mother asked, and like my ray of hope descended, I smiled. “You have gotten decent enough at simply swinging the sword. Adelisa, I think you should try sparring with her,” she said, much to my dread.


“Are you sure, your majesty?” Adelisa asked. 

Meanwhile, I was panicking. Sparring with Adelisa seemed like the quickest way to a premature grave. I shook my head. “That is okay! I will swing the sword!” 

“Ara ara, don’t be like that, En. This is important for your safety,” Mom said.

I wanted to scream that this was the opposite of safe. From how Adelisa usually trained me, I doubted I would survive an actual spar with her. 

“Well, if you insist, your majesty.”

How did it end up like this? 

I was facing Ademonlisa in a small arena as a few knights stood around to watch. Was this normal for princesses in this world? 

I shook my head, clearing the thoughts away. My mother must have had a reason. Yes, that is what I shall tell myself. She gave me this life.

I took my stance across from Adelisa, my wooden sword shaking. 

“Are you ready?” My mother said, acting as referee, to which we both nodded. “Good, you may begin.” 

I was frozen in place, unsure of how even to proceed. 

“Remember your training, Little Princess!” I heard Yumi cheer me on from the side. 

Training? How long do they think I have been training? I looked back at the Demon across from me. Her ears were perked, her eyes slanted, and they had that gleam in them. I felt like I was standing before a mountain. She was too imposing that I felt I might break from the pressure. I may have been standing before the gates of Oblivion.

My heart beat loudly in my chest. My stomach turned, sweat building on my forehead. My fight-or-flight instincts kicked in. I leaped backward out of the painted circle that was the arena. 

“Ring out!” My mother called from the side.

Adelisa maintained her position in the center of the arena as my mother approached me. 

I felt everyone looking at me. It was just like the time at my first birthday party. I felt everyone’s stares baring into me, their faces morphing into twisted grins.

“What’s wrong, dear?” Mother asked, but her face was grinning too. She was laughing at me. They were all laughing at me. 

I turned away from her. I turned away from Elise. 

I ran away from the courtyard. I sprinted through the castle halls, my stomach turning. 

As I cornered the hallway towards my room, I ran headfirst into a wall. When I looked up at the person I had run into, it was the head butler. “Roland?” 

“The very same, and why does the princess make such an expression?” He asked. 

I heard footsteps from behind, shivering as my mother called my name. 

“Enala!” I turned around, expecting the same grin, but her face only held worry. 

Yumi and Adelisa were behind the same looks on their faces. 

I cried. I sobbed uncontrollably, falling to my knees. My mother tightly embraced me in her arms.

“There, there. There, there. It is okay. I am here. I won’t hurt you.” I cried into her arms until the tears stopped flowing. She wiped the tears from my eyes before kissing my forehead. “You are safe right here. Your mother’s got you.”

I nodded my head as she stroked my hair. 

“I am sorry for my actions, Princess. Please forgive me!” Adelisa bowed her head. 

No, this isn’t right. It’s not your fault. Why was she apologizing? I felt incredibly guilty as I shook my head. “No, Adelisa… It is my fault…”

Everyone returned a look of confusion. I couldn’t understand why this was happening. All I wanted was to be happy with this new family, but my past wouldn’t go away no matter how much I willed it to. It was all too much to bear. Even surrounded by all these people who love me, I still felt alone. I was making myself suffer alone. Then I remembered my mother’s words. She promised to be with me. I didn’t have to feel like an alien.

I nodded my head as I clenched my fist. You made a promise to yourself before you died, didn’t you? “There is something I must tell all of you.”

I can foresee possible droppers here but won't allow despair to wallow for long. If you want to come to a discord to yell at me, you can come here:

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