Reincarnated as a Vampire Princess

Chapter 17: Introductions

The following day, I found myself in the Royal Library. We were the only ones there, and I was amazed at how many books decorated the shelves. The rows kept rising and rising—so high that several rolling ladders leaned against them. The vast place was open, and four of us sat at one of the many tables in the middle hole—void of shelves. 

Mother—the only one standing—was the first to speak. "Now, I believe we got onto the wrong foot yesterday, Father?" she asked, casting a glare at the poor man, who slumped over in his chair, groaning. 

I could see his face more clearly now that he wore regular, non-bandit clothes. He was handsome and shared my mother's features except for his eyes, which were royal blue instead of crimson. 

The girl next to him was an oddity on her own. She had black scales running up the sides of her neck. Her eyes were dark slits, but she narrowed them in disbelief towards my slumped-over grandfather. 

Tapping the table, Mother finally broke the building silence in the library. "We require introductions. Father, it would be best to straighten up if you want a good impression." 

"Oh! I will start, Your Majesty," Yumi said, standing up from the table. She looked pointedly at the draconic member of our little meeting. "I am Yumi, the chosen maid of this, Little Princess."

"I am Enala!" I said, looking at my grandfather and the scaled girl. 

I noticed a dark bracelet on her wrist as she stood up. "I am Ilisef, The Queen of the Plague," She said. I had to hold back a giggle from her introduction. She didn't seem like she could hurt a fly—let alone summon a plague, but I believed her. I had already seen what Mother did to another proud dragon. Ilisef noticed my stare and huffed, turning away towards my grandfather. 

"I am End," Grandfather said, smiling at me. "I was so excited to meet you finally. I didn't mean to scare you. Please forgive me, dearest granddaughter," he said, making his way over to me. This time, I avoided looking directly into his eyes when he touched my head. 

"I forgive you, Grandfather." I hugged him as he ruffled my hair. 

Mother's voice echoed in the library when she cut off our reunion. "Luckily for us, Father has come just in time. We had a long discussion yesterday. After certain events… I have decided to let him tutor you before academia," she said. She was smiling, but I could tell her eyes weren't. As she continued, I made a mental note never to anger the queen. "The last thing is that The Dragon, Ilisef, will be your fellow student, so please get along." She looked pointedly at the huffing Ilisef. 

"Mother, I don't understand. What about sword and magic training?" I asked. 

"Those are important, but you must also undergo History, dear. It is the one subject matter in which you are behind. Father End will have to get you more up to speed in the ways of this world before we send you off to the academy." 

"Send me off? But I want to stay!" I said, running up to her and wrapping my arms around one of hers. 

"I understand, and this is hard for me too, but Father made me realize it is unhealthy to hold you in the castle forever—as much as I want to." Mother bent down and wrapped her arms around my tiny body. "Don't you want to meet new people and explore?"

I sincerely considered it as she pulled away, her eyes meeting mine. I nodded slowly. She was right, no matter how much I wanted to deny it. 

"Fufufu, that's my pretty girl." She stroked my hair, kissing my forehead at the same time. "Besides, it's not like you will leave for the academy soon. That's still almost three years from now when you turn eight. However, that being said, it's been decided that we will take you out of the castle and into the city more—maybe let you meet all of the people down there. You said you'd like to return to the pizzaman again, right dear?"



"I am sorry to break up this family reunion, but why must I go along?" Ilisef asked, huffing even more as visible smoke bellowed out of her nose. 

I felt a pressure build in the room, taking my breath out. I froze, unable to move, feeling a premonition of death before it abruptly ended. 

"Father, if you do that in my daughter's presence again, I will destroy you." 

I noticed I wasn't the only one affected. Ilisef sweated bullets, and Yumi's ears rested flat against her head. I looked at the source of the commotion, my grandfather, and he shrunk from Mother's harsh gaze. I could tell that End was strong, but at that moment, I realized how terrifying Mother would be if she went on a rampage. Somehow, that brought me comfort. If my mother could put a dragon and an ancient vampire in their place, then maybe I'd not have to worry about my safety. 

"Please don't, dearest daughter," Grandfather said. 

"Well, you better start working on that tick of yours." 

"Bu-but do you understand who this dragon—"

"There will be no buts. Need I remind you my husband also footed the brunt of door repairs? Of course, we have already received your entire report. However, that's no reason to act in such a manner in front of my daughter," she paused, looking over at Ilisef. "Besides, she already has the bracelet on. She won't be able to cause a fuss in this castle. I will speak to you alone this evening," she said to the poor dragon, shrinking in fear.

"Y-yes, ma'am," Ilisef said, lowering her head.

Mom scary.

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