Reincarnated as a Vampire Princess

Chapter 29: Shulkians

I wrote most of this while not at home, so I am sorry in advance if you don't like it. Remember to comment your disdain if you have qualms. I will address many of the things on story conclusion.

The journey to Shulk neared its conclusion after a few more days of travel. I could tell by the giant sign that we’d crossed over the border, and eventually, we reached the capital. 

Morion was much smaller than Arris kingdom’s capital. The banners hanging from the walls were different, too. They had orange banners with a black square in the center. 

Our carriage rolled up to the gate, and the guards saluted, giving us a pass without any ado. The ethnic diversity was different on entry to the city. Most of the citizens appeared to be wolfkins like Adelisa and a few foxes like Yumi. There were some humans like m—like my old self, but humans seemed to be a minority. 

Mother stroked my hair. “Remember, today you must be on your best behavior. Make sure and stick to Yumi and Adelisa if I am not with you.”

“You worry too much,” I said, looking up at her. 

She kissed my forehead. “I worry as much as a mother should, especially with a child as curious as you.”

Given my history with my mana core, I couldn’t argue with her, but it didn’t stop me from pouting and looking at the bigger troublemaker—Janie. I giggled and watched her struggling to jump out of Yumi’s arms, but the foxkin had a herculean grip. 

“Let me go! I wanna play!” 

“What happened last time I let you go?” Yumi asked.

“I found some spirits!” Janie cheered.

“You also ran off by yourself! What would happen if your mother was made aware of your behavior?”

Janie’s face went pale. “Please don’t tell mommy!”

Yumi smirked and put a finger to her chin. “I dunno…”

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’ll be a good girl! Just don’t tell her, pleeeeaaase!?” Janie started tearing up. 

“Fufufu, don’t tease her too much, Yumi,” Mother said. 

Yumi nodded and patted Janie’s head. “You are a good girl.”

Janie smiled and hugged Yumi. 

The carriage finally stopped before the palace. Our royal entourage climbed out first and secured the perimeter. The orange-armored Shulkian guards formed two lines across from each other, their spears tilted inward. Small flags hung off the ends, depicting the same orange banner as before. A trumpet blared, and someone started speaking. 

Mother cast a quick spell to silence the surroundings. 

“Remember what I said?” She asked. “You have to show the proper etiquette here.”

“What about Janie?” I asked. 

“She doesn’t know any better, and she won’t be joining us. She’ll go with Adelisa to a different room.”

“But we haven't even taken a bath since the last town,” I complained.

Mother sighed. “I know. If it were up to me there wouldn’t be these formalities, but the people are insistent.”

“Don’t say that, your majesty,” Yumi said, “if it weren’t for you and his majesty, we’d not enjoy our freedom. The people want to show you your due respect.”

“They owe me nothing. We only set the course right. It should have never come to that, and my husband knows that as much as I do.”

Mother cast another quick spell which cleaned off any dirt residue from my white dress. She canceled the sound spell at the perfect time. The crowd’s chanting bore down on our carriage. They were excited to see their queen. 

I had no idea about the logistics of vassals. Did they have a king or queen, too? If Grandfather had told me, I’d already forgotten. The only thing I knew was a pit began forming in my stomach. Visiting the crowd of your home city was different. At least, at home I had gotten used to it, but here, if I made a mistake it would be the worst first impression. Did people really care about the first impressions of a six-year-old princess? 

My time to think about it came to a halt. The announcer in the royal plaza began rattling off the titles of Elise von Arris. 

Mother stood up and the door opened. She allowed Roland to help her climb down. She reached her hand back to me as my introduction began.

“...The daughter of Her Majesty and Princess of the Kingdom of Arris, Her Royal Highness, Enala von Arris!”

I grabbed my mother’s extended hand and climbed down. Flower petals rained from the skies—from the crenulations and watch-towers flanking the palace entryway. The massive crowd cheered, and I felt like I’d vomit. Luckily, I didn’t empty the contents of my stomach on my pretty princess dress.

Instead, I focused on Mother and took her hand. It felt like a grueling trudge towards the castle entrance. I walked straight and idly followed the walking etiquette. 

The entire time I only had one thought. Don’t trip over my feet. Don’t trip over my feet. Don’t trip over my feet. It became my chanted mantra, and as we reached the stairs to the massive doorway, the mantra only increased in intensity and speed. 

I breathed a sigh of relief when the doors opened, and I didn’t fall over. 

A wolfman in an elegant dress greeted us with a salute. 

“At ease, Duke Belmonte.”

Duke Belmonte bowed. “I happily welcome Your Majesty.” He looked at me before continuing. “And Her Highness to our humble Dukedom.”

I shyly nodded. I was also confused. I had never thought that Shulk was a Dukedom. I could have sworn everyone referred to it as a Kingdom. My thoughts were cut off by the wolfkin gesturing to a hallway beside the throne room. 

“Please, let me show you to your room.” He led us down a hall—slightly less extravagant than the halls of my home. The orange banners hung down at intervals. 

None of this made sense to me, but I accepted it. Why would a vassal have differing banners if it was a Dukedom? I almost spoke my thoughts out loud, but Mother shook her head when I looked at her. 

Finally, we were led to a room towards the end of the hallway. Two butlers opened up the double doors, and our grand suite presented itself.

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