Reincarnated as a Vampire Princess

Chapter 31: Feast and Prosperity

I walked down the hall towards the dining room. True to what Janie said, the scents reached my nose before I arrived. A whole table was lined with dishes and steel lids topping them. There was a magic glow to them, like they were under some enchantment.

Several servants lined the walls, but I quickly made my way to Mother at one end of the long table.

She smiled and hugged me. “Did you have a good time?”

“I painted, but I am still nervous.”

She nodded before we were allowed to take seats next to each other. Duke Belmonte sat on the opposite end. Before long, the hushed whispers were silenced by a spoon against a piece of glass. Belmonte got the attention of everyone.

“This is a historic occasion. Before I get on with the proceedings, we must formally welcome Her Majesty and Her Highness to our kingdom.”

Mother stood up first. “My name is Elise von Arris, the Queen of Arris Kingdom and friend of Shulk. Today, I am here to seal a deal and make several promises that I plan to uphold. The Shulk Kingdom has stood as our ally and vassal state for a long time. Ever since the people joined me in the effort to overthrow corruption by the previous rule, we’ve made great strides to reach a point of peace and prosperity. Now, brothers and sisters of all are united, but a new need arose.

“Unforeseen problems arrived. Every day this kingdom faces threats from neighboring countries. Mounting pressures forced us to make a new change. Starting from today, by my decree, and by decree of Duke Belmonte, we will become united in the truest sense. The Shulk Kingdom will no longer be a kingdom of its own. Instead, Duke Belmonte will enter the ranks of my trusted advisors.

Several gasps followed, but Mother’s continuation silenced them.

“I am sure everyone who didn’t already know is worried about the state of this territory. However, that’s why I am here to make promises. Firstly, the roads leading towards the capital will be rebuilt in full, making it easier to send supplies. Duke Belmonte, if you will.”

The wolfkin nodded. “Her Majesty has already started on her first promise. The ordering of materials for the roads was issued, and the golems are already hard at work producing. More communication channels have opened, and the roads will mean a quicker response to any threats our kingdom will face.”

Mother continued. “This also means medical supplies. Merchants and farmers will have an easier time with protection. That’s part of the second promise. We’ll increase the amount of adventurer’s guild branches in this territory, so merchants will have less of a worry when traveling.”

“And the final promise is the most important. By my name, Elise von Arris, the people here will never have to deal with slavery again. As you can see, the promise is already fulfilled, but I will continue to do my due diligence. Illegal slavers aren’t welcome in Arris Kingdom. Neither are the ruffians interrupting the sanctity and peace of our people.”

Several people around the table clapped. Many faces I hadn’t recognized, but I finally understood why they called it a dukedom. Politics was always something I knew very little about, but that’s why Mother was here. I looked at Janie sitting next to me—surprised to see she hadn’t caused an outburst.

A new worry unrelated to the eyes watching me entered the forefront of my mind. Would I be able to make decisions as a queen? Would I even need to be a queen if my mother was there? There were so many ramifications to making any decision as a country leader. I’d have to keep people happy, while making sure I was fair.

“...Finally, I’d like to introduce my daughter, Enala von Arris.”

I stood up quickly and awkwardly. A subtle glance from Mom, and I knew what I needed to do.

“I-I am Enala von Arris! Please, treat me well!”

My only saving grace was that I hadn’t bitten my tongue, but several of the servants giggled. My face heated up with all of those prying eyes.

Belmonte provided another saving grace by tapping his glass once more, turning the attention back to him. “Now that all formalities are out of the way, let us celebrate this occasion.”

The servants got to work quickly, lifting the lids from the trays. The intensity of the smell became overpowering, and I realized how hungry I was. My stomach grumbled in protest of waiting.

Janie didn’t have any reservations with the food. As soon as the servants passed her portion, she started to devour it like she was a starved carnivore. She completely ignored the vegetables, shoveling a dubious bird leg into her mouth one after the other.

A familiar butler, Roland, stood next to me. “Please do not worry, Your Highness. This feast was prepared with only the best ingredients. It will make the other servants happy to see you smile.”

“It will?” I asked.

“Yep, they all adore you. I know Yumi in particular will be happy.”

I nodded and began with my practiced table manners. Unlike Janie, I ate more carefully. I cut into a piece of ham and used my fork how Mother taught me. It wasn’t as graceful as her, but I was able to manage. The meat and vegetables together ended up tasting superb. Even the blood provided in my glass was different.

It energized my entire body. Even without prompting, I’d have smiled. True to Roland’s words, the servants watched with adoring smiles on their faces. I wondered if it was only because I was still a kid, but such thoughts vanquished every time I took another bite. I ate until my little body was full.

After the feast was a meet and greet. It was like I was a celebrity. Servants and merchants introduced themselves to me one after the other. And it kept going until the last merchant asked something of me.

“Do you have any interest in the sale of your paintings?” She asked.

“My paintings?”

“Yes, I believe your paintings will be popular with children. There aren’t many picture books on the market.”

“Princess will make picture books!?” Janie asked. “I want to be the first one with a book! Please!”

And just like that, Janie had roped me into another endeavor.

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